12 the examiner Saturday Dec 1979 SOUTH PORTLAND Me AP Kendall Morse cant read note of music and says hes still earning how to play guitar after 30 years of prac tice And his voice somewhere between tenor and baritone hasa limited range crying for bread when was kid during the Depression the 43yearold Morse says in his characteristically slow deadpan way Yet that strong simple voice as plain as the face of the man who owns it has earned the native of Maine solid rep utation among folk music afi cionados in the northeastern United States That and his ex traordinary collection of songs and stories After 16 years as con servation officer first for the state and then for the US inte rior department Morse retired on small pension in 1974 be cause of bad back He now makes his home in South Port land where he repairs cars oc casionally on popular de Star Trek The Motion Picture arrives Actor William Shatner right captain of the starship USS Enterprise observes changes in actress Persis Khambatta the exotic woman from the planet Delta during filming of the film Star Trek The Motion Picture The movie will premiere Dec in 900 theatres in the US and Canada and reportedly set an alltime pro duction cost record of $42 million AP Photo littles Hill Players present Follow the Star Central Auditorium Dec 131415 Entertaining young brings singer success 730 PM Matinee Saturday Dec IS at PM told someone developed it TORONTO YIi Raffi is Canadian recording artist who has successfully bucked the conventional wisdom of the recording industry and directed his work at an audience thats supposed to be financial waste of time children He began his career like many folk singers on the T0 ronto coffee house circuit and from there began to divide his time between performing for children in the afternoon and adults in the evening lt was that move which left him with crucial career deci Sion To perform for adults or for children Playing for both had become too much of strain This year decided to Ul ceiitraic on childrens con certs he said in recent in terriew havent regretted my decision lroriitolli now get to do TON Betty people are being accepting what TrCTC companies call Jill People are being suckered she said in telephone inter view from her New York City home Theyre not listening to Jan and they re accepting what the record companies want to call Jazz Ms arter considered one of the three top female jazz singers in the world along with Sarah Vaughn and Ella Fit zgerald will perform in Ed monton later this month pure bebop jazz singer she is convinced bebop will fade NOW PLAYING of Crispy Fries MATINEES SAT SUN 30 ll Salt Fish and ships Because you sure know your fish EVERY SUN MON TUES IN DECEMBER BETWEEN PM BUDGET STRETCHER our DINNERS on FREE Each dinner consists of Fillet of our famous Fish heap STORE HOURS SUNDAY PM TO PM MON TUES WED Il AM T0 PM TNURS II AM TO PM FRI AM TO PM SAT II AM TO PM Phone 7372878 my adult songs at eailycduca tion conferences where he is sometimes invited to attend as guest speaker His transition from folk singer to childrens entertainer has brought Raffi some notable successes Three years ago he released Singable Songs For The Very Young directed at three to sevenyearolds and since then it has sold 100000 copies which vaulted it into the status of platinum record rare achievement in the Canadian recording industry That was followed 18 months ago by More Singable Songs For The Very Young which has sold 65000 copies In April he released The Corner Grocery Store which has sold 36000 copies In the highlyCompetitive recording industry the con ventional wisdom is that if you All that iazz out when the current genera tion of jaw musicians such as Dexter Gordon Vaughn and Eddie Jefferson the its music which demands too much sacrifice and is too time consuming The music business doesnt allow singer to develop she said As soon as girl can pro ducc record into the sttidio she goes As soon as she says she might want to be jam singer the producer looks at her and says Are you kid ding Ms tiartcr said electronic music has turned artistry into matter of computers and but tons ORilliA TIIEATRES ENEVA loWEST ST 326633 EVENINGS AT 920 THE MOTION PICTJR6 want record to be success you have to ensure that it is recorded for the largest pos sible consumer market such as rock music fans who have money to buy records TheRockandRolfgoisco All tickets $2 Info 436 453 ADULT gt tlltliAllltNl is MavieottheYear COLUMBIA PICTURES and RASTAR Piesenl SCOTT BAIO SKAIETONN WILIJAM LEVEY Fitm DAVE MASON RON PALILLO RUTH BUZZl PATRICK SWAYZE and introducno GREG BRADFORD and KELLV LANG Speaat Guesv so FUP WILSON as Harvey Ross mam PETER STRAUSS Screenplay NICK CASTIE Stay by WILLIAM LEVEYa LORIN DREYFUSS mo NICKCASTLE ProdiicedbyWILUAM ALEVEYondLOQIN DREYFUSS Directed lelUAM ALEVEY What 800an mm on XXUMBM RECORDS and TAPES mommies mm mm NC unco MIA mtmsuoustlts uu IN THE ICY STARE OF MOONLIGHT OUR GHOSTLY TALE BEGINS It was dark and stormy night when the kids arrivedat the lake recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SOWEAMS OEAWEWWGWF Houg do yoii think those stories get started i970 UlMFuSILN It lldi oweusm eucrunes RELEASE mand and ventures out to per form when the mood suits him wouldnt want to perform every weekend because that would make it work Morse said in an interview LEARNED FROM RECORDS At recent festival all the other performers including his brothers Leslie and Erlon were bluegrass musicians and the audience came to hear that southernrooted music Although out of his musical element Morse bravely took the stage alone and sang several folk songs The crowd warmly aplt Folk aficionados love Morse style plauded and demanded an encore Morse one of nine children learned music by listening to records particularly those of Burl lves and Canadian radio programs He and his brothers used to sing while we were digging clams mostly what we called mountain music or hill billy music old traditional stuff Since Morse cant read music he learns song by hearing someone else sing it He knows several hundred by memory now the Perfect Christmas Gift Give tickets to The Canadian Opera Companys Production of Cinderella in English Tues Jan 29 I980 pm Central Collegiate Auditorium Reserved Seats 850 each Call 7284965 IMPERIAL CINEMA cram 7283440 IMPERIAL 700 953 The Human Adventure Is Just Beginning Prompt PU All Jmio $341 Penna ARE En i3 ESQ Metii mam llllltlitlullltlll NOW SHOWING SAT SUN MATINEES AT 130 mmmi Show Tanos 700 900 it ï¬e SEE PRINCE HASAN DUEL WITH THE FORCES OF EVIL xqu raw Wm IHdvmrur ATTACKED ey HIS MONSTER in him new LAW liÂ¥twh mu HA ARABIAHADVENTIRE 5m Le OShea Mo OIW Masterth Soto Gm wonrun mam recam NOW PLAYING LY AUTHoaizeo PASSES ACCEPTED NATIONAL awasmiec SAT SUN 130 on ANIMAL CW he Most Popular Movie Comedy Of All Tim IMPERIAL 700 909 It IAI name mo on