¢T= the oxamlnor Friday Doc 1979 Painting dedicated to worth Former MOH praIsed Vnnlwmtk By RICHARD Thumas Dr Watson had qualities of leadership and the health unit Of The Examiner took on new life when hejoined it Stephens said Elbe latfeEr1Preterttaéson f3rmerSimcoe County medical He engaged in raising the standard of the morale which Icer ea was escri ed Thursday as humble the unit enjoys today and we are grateful for this contribu honest Christian caring man who gave of himself tion We miss him here at the health unit he left something Pnces In 969 and 5m Dec and or unstintingly to his community and to the Simcoe ounty wewill all remember wile quunltlesduï¬ District Health Unit During the memorial tribute water color painting by The people at the unit and people who knew him outside itarrie artist Ernest onyers Barker was unveiled and would share that view said Ross Stephens chairman of dedicated in Dr Watsonsmemory the health unit who made the remarks during memorial IEIITS FARM SCENE tribute to Dr Watson held at the county administration The paintingwhich depictsa sprmgfarm scene inSimcoe building in Midhurst County will hang in the health units offices at the county Dr Watson who joined the health unit in 1976 after building general practicc in Barrie and later became medical officer Barker who was among guests attending the ineinoriai of health in 1978 died May 29 at the age of 47 of rare 10bI the gathering am deeply honored that painting of chronic disease of the liver mine has been chosen to pay lillllit to Christian and doc Donna Watson widow of the late Dr Peter Watson former Simcoe Coun ljmlaazzlflln of faith my 1de am ai re ier 011 os cceHt son as me ICE gangedfm om Of heallh exomnes OHalnllpg UnveIed her III5 Stephens told members of the health unit and small ticer of health and who worked with him before he diedalso onor ursday at the county administration budding Also lOOk number of guess which included Dr Watsons widow Donna paid himtribute ing on are two of their four children daughter Andrea and son Eric Ex and two of their children son Eric and daughter Andrea Considered him to have been my friend and as con He lived by it and it was reflected here at the health tant11101khtlll Iltitettllltttll Illsltllitllt unit said Stephens T0 T0 BAT PRICE Smiles Chuckles Turtles delicious pecan caramel and chocolate candy id oz bOx Limit boxes per customer Our Woolworth Reg Price 379 Box OUR SALE PRICE Bell operators in tri SUIVeYS says dus stay off Ob SAULT STE MARIE Unt no idea whentheyvvillreturn FOR SALE BY TENDER Inventory Equipment and Fixtures of Hardware Store CF Bell Canada operators The 741M Bell operators in remained off the job Thursday Ontario and Quebec have been as part of an illegal walkout without contract for more that began Wednesday Man than year agement personnel are filling 0oiitinutd from page mt Tamblyn said the ministry of survey conducted in the transportation and coinmuriica US showed that about ooo out tions which will provide Wt per EqUipment conststs of glass cutter pipe bender paint mixer Polid of 800 industries wouldnt con cent funding wanted the one in for theft operators Ina FUrtlllUtt WWW OI Mb IOHS lllmg tubinets sidcr locating in an area airport to service the Barrie Bell spokesman said serv shelvlrtg dSPIGrwSeS CtC without major airport andtlrillia population ice was normal even though inventory consists of paint cookware housewaie recreational Richardson said in recent discussions rillia there were some delays with itemsttislimgcamping etc lightingtixiuies etc But Aid AICX Arthur staunr I005 seem to changing 115 long distance ICIODIIOIILSQTVIC fOI your Arrangements to inspect the Chotttils may be made by con Just snap the shutter and get crisp color snapshots in seconds Automatic exposure Electric eye controls shutter 103 mm l46 lens Our Woolworth Reg Price 99 OUR SAlE PRICE chly opposed to the scheme mind with regard to financial told The Examiner following commitment said Mayor Ar the meeting an airport is not clier desirablcand not somethingthe The airport distance from city can afford Barrie also sparked some Toronto airport with its in debate when Ald Rotman ternational facilities is so questioned the length of time it miles away and close enough to would take to drive from the suit area residents he said site to Barrie survey taken in Barrie some lton Winter consulting time back indicated many engineer on hand for the ses istingf industries here had no sion said the average distance CHIC BUREAU use or airport facilities he that airports are located from said adjoining centres is about 16 11 SHIRLEY no Dunk 124 could make out good case miles wait forOrillia for hell to exist he said because of inexperienced man agement personnel Pat Itoulliard Bell man ager in Sault Ste Marie said none of the operators showed up for work Thursday and she has tocting Mr Webster in Barrie Ontario telephone 705 72876072 Tenders are to be submitted en bloc or per items specilied Written tenders addressed to Mr Webster PO Box 876 Barrie Ontario Will be Cittoptotl until 330 pm on December i2th i979 certilied client lor i0°o ot the amount tendered must be included as deposit payee to be designatedi and Will be returned Without interest ii the tender is not ac cepted or torleitecl as liqurdated damages ii the lender is ac cepted and sale not coriipletod by the purchaser Provincial sales tax to be paid by the pUILIiOSEl The highest or any oflet shall not necessarily be accepted Assistance to linance the transaction will be considered PRINTING at reasonable price Try Al Instant Printing can ucmc FOR CHRISTMAS Duckwarth St of Hwy 400 at little Lake 7373902 Fiser Price lift load lumber Yard 17 play pieces loading dock drive Theres great need for coal carriers pitchfork men pit stirrers and antipollution equipment The list is endless WMI FOR ltllli Two aldermcn lim Shirley and Doug lagges agreed with the airport principle but said Barrie should not make Hall cial commitment without know ingrillias position if rillia decided not to go for the deal Barrie should look at another airport site further south said Aid Shirley The site selected is in an area where more snowfall maintenance would be required he said That idea though was defeated by the committee hope rillia is involved and Ive been happy to support site for rillia said Aid Fred Ruemper But we shouldnt depend on decision that will happen in rillia We can han dle the costs ourselves Royal Trust closing MONTREAL li Royal Trust anadas largest triist company says it has closed down its small Loans operation following reports on illegal hiin interest rates Keith Bell federal insurance branch spokesman said in lo cal CBC radio interview earlier this week that Royal Trust is not licensed under the Small Loans Act to charge interest of more than 12 per cent year on loan of $1500 or less Neither are some other ana dian trust companies credit unions financial companies and caisse popuiaircs We have to withdraw from that segment of the business $1500 and below until such time as we can clarify our posi tion relative to licence lolin Pritcliard Royal Trusts assist ant yicepresident responsible for consumer credit said in an interview ertainly we dont like the uncomfortable feeling of being possibly on the wrong side of the legislation iiitctiard said It certainly wasnt our in tention initially to attract busi 1058 under false premise ANNOUNCEMENT WAYNE lOVE BA ROW Soileanr Piesioeni at Sarleont Insulaan Agency limited pleased to announce the apps ltttll ol Wayne Love an amount unwise wth lheliim Mi love is graduate at me University of Toronto tiinq the poo nine years he has been aUDIK with one at Canadov eatt lg 11s line utwrame mmpcwcs tc lvis served in variety tom nu in iomnio and London Mr Loves special llslxlwl ni be in the seiving cl lllr kllv anduidosiiiultlienisotihei Sonsant Insuionte estab smut years ago reading iiistiiaiuc agents in the county Ine OgtKy WVlkl Oltlt convuertiat SIIU one dusiiiai Ireiiis cm on inflame KERNS JEWELRY Barrie Shopping Plaza 165 Wellington St BARRIE TEL 7261312 Al PG459 Magnificent genuine wood wall clock wrth glass enclosed pen dulum and dial Chimes on the hour and I1 hour Suggested price $195 Or less 93070 Goldtone case With attached mesh bracelet Coaripagne dial Yel low stick markers Suggested price S2650rless Ci 45933 Coldtuie case and mesh bracelet Wnite dial YellOvv stick mark ers Suggested piice 8125 or less rD 82341 digit LCD With hours min rites seconds niontn rlaydate timer count down alarm time zone stop watch wrth liilClltllti titre Gotttorie case dial and bracelet Suggested price 82250rles2 iEl 92762 Goldmine case and link bracelet French English daydate Champagne that Suggested price S2250rless See these timepieces and many more at MORSE JEWELLERS LTD Georgian Mall llwys 26 8x 27 RR BARRIE TEL 7288441 up ramps shed8 gas pump trac10i8 trailer lork lilt wood blocks pallets ligures Our Woolworth Reg Price ii99 set OUR SALE PRICE Nam 25 Lights 263253 Outdoor Light Set of By Noma assorted colored lights glow sparkle 29 leet at lighted length Our Woolwoith Reg Price 9995et OUR SALE PRICE Secial SNOW SHOVELS Your chaice at style in all aluminum or metal shovel and wooden handle 25 Off Our Woolworth Reg Prices Mens Ladies LCD Sm Quartz Watches tong With lunctions in attractive VVf gold or silver colomd case bracelet with adjustable clip closing Our Woolworth R09 95 Each Pi ice 29 95 30th OUR SALE PRICE Mes ZipIn ining 333 All Weather Coats Polyester shell acetate lining and LOLIyllC pile Zip in lining navy or Each beige Sizes 36 to 46 Our Woolworth Reg Price 61 95 each OUR SALE PRICE Mens Boys Ski Mitts Gloves ï¬x With nylon or vinyl shell and loom or leather cotton linings Our Woolwcirth Reg Price 597 pan OUR SALE PRICE pr FAMILY OUTERWEAR COAT SALE Misses ladies Girls Childrens famous name winter outerwear in an assortment of styles colors sizes 40 OFF Our Woolworth Reg Prices 5676 BAYFIELD SI 0an ovory night until 900 Saturdays 600 Use these Cards in Woolworth Stores