wv 72 4A the examiner MORNING 630 THIS Is THE LIFE BLACK FORUM CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP SENECA TELECOLLEGE 700 ECUMEDIA NEWS CROSSROADS PUBLIC POLICY FORUM FAITH FOR TODAY UNCLE BOBBY SHOW NIVEN MILLER 715 CHURCH INVITATION 730 DAY OF DISCOVERY JIMMY SWAGGART DIRECTIONS ROGER RAMJET CIRCLE SOUARE 800 JIMMY SWAGGART IN PROCESS MOVIE MUSICAL Just You 1952 COMMANDER TOM SHOW MIGHTY MOUSE FATHER MEEHAN CANADA YOU AND ME 830 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR DAY OF DISCOVERY BY THE PEOPLE THE FUNNY COMPANY ORAL ROBERTS POLKA DOT DOOR OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL MIDDLE EAST REVUE 900 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR NEWS DEPUTY DAWG rr Is WRITTEN JEREMY 15 HATTYTOWN TALES 930 ORAL ROBERTS REX HUMBARD HISPANOYISION SESAME STREET SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR SOUNDS OF YUGOSLAVIA 1000 REX HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH WATER MARGIN KIDSWORLD ITALIAN PANORAMA AVRAMIS GREEK SHOW YUGOSLAV RELIGION 1030 ROBERT SCHULLER KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO DAY OF DISCOVERY BARBAPAPA FESTIVAL PORTUGUESE SOUNDS OF THE EAST 1050 GET IT TOGETHER 100 OPEN RAP REX HUMBARD CORONATION STREET PEOPLES CHURCH Friday Dec 1979 sunday tv hree Worlds Ot Gulliver 1950 ALBUM TV LE TEMPS DEs INCERTITUDES BOAT PEOPLE 1230 CHUCK KNOX SHOW HERALD OF TRUTH NFL TODAY NEWS CHINESE ROUNDUP 1245 AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 WILD KINGDOM NFL FOOTBALLAtlantafalcons Os Angeles Rams hrs NFL FOOTBALL Los Angeles Rams tlsnta Falcons ITALIAN COOKING ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY AMERICA Comment Inventer Una Nation 130 PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED FLINTSTONES FOREST RANGERS PORTUGUESE MUSICAL 200 NFL FOOTBALL BuIIaIOBillsstin Ota Vikings BUILDING DECENT FUTURE FAMILY FINDERs in SHA NA NA EN SE RACONTANT LHIS TOIRE DICI TERRY WINTER SHOW El PORTUGUESE RELIGION 230 CHALLENGE MOVIE ADVENTURE gouache 1916 $198 BEAUTY SHOW DR JOHN WESLEY WHITE SPANISH MAGAZINE 300 TODAYS WOMAN HEE HAW Guests Conway Twitty and In wnie Prophet PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD 330 SUNDAY SURPRISE GOOD NEWS SPANISH RELIGION 400 COUNTRY CANADA Sandy Cushon reports Irom Reginas Agribition 79 one ol the largest auricultural events in the country Besides the sights and sounds DI the weeklong lair with its indoor rodeo and lives shows there will be interviews MIXED TEAM CLASSIC MOVIE ADVENTURE V2 Little Shepherd 01 Kingdom me 1961 SPORTS HOT SEAT In TINY TALENT TIME VILLAGES ET VISAGES GEORGE in NFL FOOTBALL 430 HYMN SING OUESTION PERIOD WILD KINGDOM LATELIER DES PISSENLITS KIDSWORLD NEXT STEP BEYOND AVENTUREs DE BABAR 535 SATURNIN LE PETIT CANARD 550 TIP ET TAP EVENING 600 DISNEYS WONDERFUL WORLD The Sky Trap Two teenagers are lorcad by smugglers to lly narcOtIcs over the xican border ConcluSIDn 60 mm NEWS THE ARTHUR VAILE REPORT WILD ANIMALS OF THE RLD SeB Otters PASSEPARTOUT ED NEWSWEEK 630 FAMILY FEUD NEWS NEws FACES LA PETITE LULU 700 THE BIG EVENT Mary And Joseph StoryOIFaith1979 Stars Jelt East Blanche at BEACHCOMBERSAaangeIous accident aboard Persephone and nearletal lire are among the consequences when Pat OGorman sets out to make last buck using hat doesnt belon to him 60 MINUTES THE YEAR WITHOUTA SANTA CLAUS An animated tale which tells or the yearSanta Claus woke with coldand decided that instead at delivering gilts to people who didnt believe in him he would stay in bed and ash up on his sleep 60 mins THE YEAR WITHOUTA SANTA CLAUS Santais distressed because he believes nobodycaresabouthim orChristmas Mrs Claus upset about the news sends his was to tind the real irit at Christmas 24OROBERPr TROUSSEMITOUFLE 63 MATT AND JENNY 710 LES BOUCANIERS DEAU DOUCE 730 MORK AND MINDY Mark mista kenly believes that the Air Force is traveling club and tells in with airmen mobilized tor as mission to the sight at nuclear accident ON AURA TOUT VU EASY COUNTRY 800 SUPERSPECIAL Johnny Wayne and Frank Shustsr star in this special that in cludesanirreverentSalutetotheSeventiesand Ieature sketch JOhnny Chen and the Tree es OI Tutankhamen 60mins i5 ARCHIE BUNKERS PLACE Jewish sabbath dinnerlor Stephanie seems headed Ior disaster when Ediths generosity udes law too many dinner guests MORK AND MINDYMorkastakenly believesthattheAirFDrceisatravelingcluband lallsinwitheirmenmobilizedtorasecretmission he sight Ola nuclear accident WONDER WOMAN MOVIE DRAMA Lovey cle of Children TOUTE VITESSE OUIz KIDS SHOW MOVIE MYSTERY Sleuth 1972 830 ONE DAYATATIMEAnnIeams the alarminglessonthetwomen underpressure and stress are just as susceptible to heart at begging lOr Florences senIces as he heads toward some disaster 1000 PRIME TIME SUNDAY SUPERCOW documentary On Canadian success story the development In CanadaoitheHolsteinFnesanbreedtheloun dation ol dairy herds the world Over 60 ab TRAPPER JOHN MD The remote world ol political terrorism suddenly IS not so remote to Trapper when he linds himsell gt In lnghtenlng predicament lorced to make chores between death tor patient or his ex Melanie 60mins W5HenryChamplooksatthe sordIdpast otaU SAgarbagecompanythatwantstodump chemical wastes Into Canadian waters Jim Reed says that every night Is Halloween when you are Rocky Horror Picture Show Ian and Helen Hutchinson visits pair at ideal lOSlsr ents In BrItIsh Columbia 60 mm PARLONS CINEMA SWEENYTHE FLYING SQUAD 1030 CINEMA Souvenirs DEn France 1975 1100 806 NEWS CBC NEws CTv NEWS NEWSWEEK CITY LIGHTS 1115 NATIONS BUSINESS 1120 99 NEWS 1122 NEWS 1130 BENNY HILL SHOW MARCUS WELBY MD MOVIE DRAMA The Lover 1962 WHAT IS TRUTH Guest Chiet Harold Ademson Ol the Metropolitan Toronto Police 1140 BMOVIEDRAMAwIs Mud 1936 1150 MOVIEDRAMA Rains 0t Ranchlpur 1955 1200 SECOND CITY KOJAK Three young Puerto Ricane dream at buying term in the West and try to linancethatdreambyhijackinqaloadolplumb supplies 60 mine MOVIE MY$TERY Scar let Claw 1m 12 15 EMOVIE DRAMA v2 The Nelson Attalr 1913 1230 FBi CONVERSATION WITH LAPIERRE Gift to Last 130 On Gift to Last Sunday fire rages in Tamarack on the CBCTV show The fire was staged on the outdoor set in Kleinberg Ont where the the TV series does its on the scene shooting WITH THis RING SUNDAY SUNRISE 200 ABC NEWS 100 HUNTLEY STREET NOT TO JOIN 500 ksasmen KDSWORLD NFL FOOTBALL JOINED IN MOVIE DRAMA The 1130 pROGREss ILyAIgla ugEes 1970 EV 55 ANDREWS THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS AND WEEK AGIFT TO LAST 101 Mm FOR YOURSELF OR FRIEND LATIVE ANIMALS ANIMALS PARLIAMENT mistressduringaVisittoTOrontoandsetsherup mm OUNTAMEDWORLDI PEOPLE AND PETS cuesthoueandsOlanimelslromDthGiees lï¬Â°rï¬tlï¬mï¬ï¬‚ v9a ï¬nds shes 145 theytecelosingtheirhomebecauseotthelormtail cousin to me among an Gamay Mel Otanartiticisllake 1h 11 5511 TLANO COMEDY SHOP lï¬VEGASvaIZTCJIlZcREEZ35113113 COLARGOL Iis lound dead Dan Tanna with the help olShan WORLD OF SURVVALv°yageonon Tate unwind the intricate story at Tetes Nows the time to take advantage of our special offer Your membership time wont begin Until youre ready to start AFTERNOON 55 Ig2fct2 21f23°° 1200 OUM LE DAUPHIN IGEOGRAgï¬gETE MEET THE PRESS 530 FRANKLIN WALDEN SMITH AND SMITH 930 TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED EDUCATED GUESS THE JEFFERSONS Sparks between Louise and FIOence leaving George rMEETING PLACE MOVIE ADVENTURE ntOhaus EABFIIC DRAPERY MILL OUTLET HUGE SELECTION OF ODress Fabrics ODrapes What Kind of Shape are you in Upholstery and Open days week for Men and Women th ram ever CALL 7372231 TODAY OSewm Accessories Health Spa AT REAL SAVINGS 547 Baytield SL Barrie CHARIGEX BARRIE FITNESS CLUB WTJ= COLLIER QRif BARR ONTARIO tone 3218 Matter of INA Over LOGO Afï¬liates across the WM north or Georglan Mall