2A the examiner Friday Dec 1919 friday tv 5=°° mwonLDIN CONFLICTcm NEWS The Revolution Mike McMenus introdliclagllhe $500 PROVINCIAL TICKET EACH WEEK PROVINCIAL LEAVIITS INSULATION TIC TAC DOUGH BBC Documentary about Algeria one at the CAROL BURNETT AND meetpowertuIAraiacountrieeApnepertyetate quos With large standing army and Its own brand TEXTURE SPRAY pom DOT DOOR °rï¬Ã©Â°f3g BOAT FREE ESTIMATES 523 930 Each week the word PrOVInCIal appears In several of the For Information On NEWS HOCKEY ButtIo Sabres vs Colorado advertisements on this feature Read the ads carefully clip CHlPS Pr°9r°m C0 630 Rockies muEws 1000 the advertisements In which PrOVInCIal appears and for 7262004 MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW glitz JOHN MD ward your entry to the Provincial Editor The Examiner 233 Ironic III cas NEWS ElscmapEinmwwwmumwm Each week draws will be made and winners notified ABC NEWS news lend slaying at two heroin dealers may have RHOOA 222111113353 ROOSTER CHEESE JEREMY 11 so mine ea COW 645 EXPLORERs 11 mums EmOLOBAL NEws uglian ablllcg 32 50 NEws mu mm em CANDID CAMERA Baum0 Great Selection of ChnsImas Ribbon MARKET OUR SPECIALTY AT mEulzgtAtgflIgLE HULK 1100 Large Supply of All Calico Prints provch COLONIAL gmwom 3533 WHILE SHOPPING STOP IN 951335de RESTAURANT TAO DOUGH 35800 PERFECT 35553 IN ME FOR ONE OF OUR DAILY SPECIALS maggggï¬gsgmgg Hfligï¬ï¬‚ gmggxkx MOVIE COMEDY Where 0R JUST FOR TEA 0R COFFEE 0h°f DAILY SPECIALS FEUD Does It Hurt 1975 254 Yonga St PISIsmail Me on 728425 am 20 no Dnnlop 73 70599 Downtown Centre 7372431 mum7E NORTHERN SURPLUS SALVAGE INc 125 8°°E Mm FLAPPERS 127 JOKERS WILD new GRAND OLD COUNTRY Gueets 130 Iron and Metal DeaIer Wgï¬ï¬ggyalsaï¬yaon THE NIGHT Provincial Steel SHADOWS 005 The are tound briieteillyalmlrdearlezlflellaovllxg Warranty Service Depot and ghmgwï¬ï¬fsnow 22217F2223fi7€°3Â¥ err 33 suuommm Hoover RoyI IA rth iiiu3héiws1én Dam mm mm 9° SW WE BUY SELL uSED CARS TRUCKS Two Rode Together 1961 GET ONE FREE 7° M°k°s DINA Gueaie Carol Burnett Game PARTY GAME NOW OPEN gag pom If you can find anyone who can ARCHIE BUNKERS aUESTION PERIOD my Accessories match or better our prices PLACE AC lbflm THE INCREDIBLE HULK David 1145 1372878 02 ICE I° Dimlop Bamuuihouuikcombaimcpracimmm OI THE RETURN OF THE SAmT voodootohdn vow doctor II amen dead man Otticieliy deed mu ie returne to 01 If winlmm 50 mm purauevengeance with the help otihe Saint But FROSTYRgm TE WONDER who ia hie intended victim Repeat 80 mina LAID The indomitable Froety the Snowman 1200 takaa bride and gain new Mend in the THE TONeHT Sflow on mWaammoihwtmelmeovor 0H 90 min II maumsnnoun 33 DRAMA 157 ESSA RD 7372600 SENIOR CIIIIENS DISCOUNT ON ALL SERVICES Evm MON ms WINE GRAPES gimme 0F MOVIE ROMANCE Mer California SEAR It PAT aoggmifliiilu $ï¬slï¬légll9rnim Ontario msnus AL 12 15 RENTAVIRECK MOVIE DRAMA Man MOVIE ADVENTURE Somme Home 1047 Deliverance 1912 7261 830 1245 FRUIT MARKET Weokiy Monthly Rates In Cd Furniture FRONT PAGE NICE SHOW LIKE YOU conNINTH op Day With no mileage charge Cotton NGE 100 in Sh 50 PrIuI OPEN DAYS WEEK NESTOR THE LONGEARED THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL HAIR STYLING Hayfield St hm mm mum DONKEY manGa vino1h as uric MOVIE WESTERN The 165 WELLINGTON WEST 726 40 we Do Rem Mécks On St who Ml II momma mmwondrouaioumey to Truk 71130 Won NEWS Emgï¬gsCEs GONG snow The World Feu In oi Electrolyte TOMMVHumEn snow 145 IRENE ELECT ROLYSIS STUDIO Tauy queen Biliy Craah Crad OWE COMEDYDRAMAI ART Unwanted Hair Removed MW 16 BI Street 1942 um and LonJ£3£¢ff°SITIE 200 Gentle Safe and Best of All Permaneni own regularManny Demand Leroy and the HEDICAL CENTER Collier DoiOnam story at OWE SCIENCEFICTIOID FREE CONSULTATNIN Wmmmmmmmm 330 °° aeparation and eat out to explore new III MARCUS WELBYI together Stare Kriaty McNichoi Warren MOVE mflrsmerï¬rmr am TEEDUKES or NA no WHORE mummy Custom TIEROCKFORDFILE Areporter ml git Rums de 15 laceblngho ï¬rmmeaï¬ï¬‚fmï¬m ID MOVIE DRAMA Pickup WNBWPIIMT mm Wu Jewellery umwmmmIOOmin On 1011913 mm By rov ncio Qualiï¬ed Available At ll Goldsmith Visit Oar New Shop on End Provincial CANADIANA 5nle 30 so exam SAVE 20 105m cuRTAINS nvaI Wm 205 Dunlap 1373940 193 Blake 7161762 Georgian Or 7260893 INDUSTRIAL ï¬cul ADVERTISING IImdrogdesignar $213222 15 Now 2222233 AVAILABLE Wu mu ATAlow WEEKLY RATE SPECIALIZING IN CHILDRENS CUTS Cdl display ad vertising Salesman fANADIANfl to Provincial Liza and Mark marry Miuitflks MIN for IflfOffllIfllOfl snow Blowms Liza Minnelli stands with father Vincente Min iiMOdeI nelli left and Mark Gero at New Yorks Studio willin mm go ICEITOOEO firm 54 recently Minnelli and Gero spent Monday in hohe ou looking for church in which to be married on munav ThméiAkIeelrE Tuesday family sources said Gero stage 32m n6 managed Ms Minnellis Broadway show The 54733 tun SMALL ENGINES last year it will be her third marriage 53 5Mulcaster 7266f40 AP Photo