the examiner frlday Doc 1979 11 television guide FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING III NEWS TIC TAC DOUGH CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cas NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS RHODA JEREMY 645 Ill READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA THE INCREDIBLE HULK PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH NOBODYS PERFECT STREET TALK KIDSWORLO FAMILY FEUD MAUDE JOKERS WILD GRAND OLD COUNTRv Guests ryGatlin Sylvra Tyson EtN PROSIT ID MAGIC SHADOWS Doctor In ee Part Boa NEWHART SHow MASH 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME FLAPPERS 300 DlNAH Guests Carol Burnett Come with ARCHIE BUNKER PLACE THE INCREDIBLE HULK om BannerandtheHulk combalthepractmonersof voodoo to help young doctor lIft her patients ofthe dark ages of su erstition 60 mine it FROSTY WINTER WONDER LAND The indomitable Frosty the Snowman takes bride and gains new friend In the animated Christmas atoryof howtrue love over nmnqg All adversity 05 THE CAROL BURNETT HOUR Ill SHIRLEY IN SEARCH OF riiewaiim PAT BOONE AND FAMILY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL MOVIE DRAMA Man About the House 1917 630 FRONT PAGE CHALLENGE NESTOR THE LONGEARED DONKEY An animated Yuletale Of little donkaywhoaehandicapiaanaaaet eehetakea Joseph and Mary on their wondrous journey to hleham PERSONAL SPACES 900 TOMMY HUNTER SHOW Tommy welcome guest BIlly Craeh Crad dock Marie Bottrall Trrn Allan and Brian Ed wards and Louise Rockwood as well an regulars Al Cherny Donna and Leroy and the Chorale 60 mine MY OLD MAN poignant story of aprrited teenager and her downandoui horse trainer father who are reunited alter 14year separation and set out to explore new life together Stars Krraty Mchchol Warren ea hrs FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE Valenline Stars Jack Albertaon Mag Martin THE DUKES OF HA ZARD THE ROCKFORD FlLESAreporter on thatrailofa mobrunronexposeiealain shortly after mailing evidence toRocktord but thepar gets lost in the mail 60 mine WORLD IN CONFLICT ChildrenOf Tha Revolutron Mike McManus introduces the BBC Documentary about Algeria one of the moatpowartulArabccuntrres AOnepanyetate with large atanding army and It Own brand of slain aocralram THE LOVE BOAT 930 HOCKEY Buffalo Sabres vs Colorado Rockies 1000 TRAPPER JOHN MD DALLAS aEISCHIEDErschiedauepactathegang land slaying oftva heroin dealers may have been ordered by muchdecorated Puerto Rican detective Obsessed with stopping drug frc In anish Harlem 60 min TH PALACE ID EXPLORERS Jedediah sum ith GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 BARETTA 1100 CBC NEws om NEws CW NEWS ID JOURNEYS IN TIME MOVIE COMEDY Where Does It Hurt 1979 ll BEwITCHED 1120 NEWS 1125 NEws 1127 NEWS 1130 CBS LATE MOVIE THE NIGHT STALKER The Ripper Several young women are found brutally murdered leaving Kolchak convinced that Jack the Ripper in on the loose again Repeat LADIES OF CRIME 1972 are David Jannen Martha Hkar MOVIE WESTER DRAMA Two Rode Together 1961 ID PARTY GAME QUESTION PERIOD MAC 1145 THE RETURN OF THE SAINT dead man Officially dead that is returns to purauevengeancewiththehelp ofthe saint But who is hie intended victim Repeat 80 mine 1200 THE TONIGHT SHow Guest host hard Dawson 90 wine MOllIlE DRAMA Crazy m8 MOVIE ROMANCE Mar age Year One 1971 MERV GRIFFIN 1215 MOVIE ADVENTURE 1° Dellveranc91972 1245 NICE SHow LIKE YOU 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL MOVIE WESTERN The Trackers 1971 130 NEWS GONG SHOW 145 MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA Blg Stregtadou In MEDICALCENTER MOVIE SClENCEFICTION Frozen Dead1967 300 in MARCUS WELBY MD 330 MOVIE iDRAMA Car nival 1946 400 415 EMOVIEORAMA Pickup On 101 1973 historically speaking today in history TODAY IN HISTORY By THE ANADIAN PRESS Doc 1979 Japanese warplanes attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbor 38 years ago today in 1941 The US lost 10 ships and 177 aircraft and another half dozen strips wcrc disabled in the surprise attack which claimed 3200 lives Canada formally de clared war on Japan hours after the attack and the US followed suit the next day 1542 Mary Queen of Scots was born 1791 Madame Du Barry mistress of King Louis XV of France was guillotined 1815 Germanys first rail road Opened 1949 The Nationalist Chi nese government fled to For mosa to escape the commu nists 1965 The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches were re conciled cancelling their ex communication of each other effective since 1054 barries story llllll 7th 193 Barrie Collegiate Institute auditorium was filled to capaci ty with students and interésted relatives and friends for the an nual commencement exercises canadas story Samuel Hearne Made Historic Trip To Arctic One of the most spectacular examples of graffiti in Canada is at Churchill Manitoba which was once Fort Prince of Wales It reads Hearne July VI 1767 Carved on large rock it can still be seen from distance Hearne deserves better memorial He was one of the greatest explorers in Canadian history In 1769 the Hudsons Bay Com any wanted to know if there was copper at the mouth the Coppermine River which flows into the Arctic Ocean Hearne who was 24 years old volunteered to go He set out with party of Indians and his only navigational equipment was an old sea quadrant bottle of mercury and reflecting pan After going about 200 miles the Indians stole his supplies and disappeared Hearne had to make his way bac to Churchill alone He set out again in February 1770 Imagine beginning walking trip to the Arctic in February He traveled about 500 miles when he broke his quadrant and had to return ain earne was determined and began his third effort on December 1770 This time he had great Indian guide Matonabbee who brought along eight wives They carried the heavy loads and did the work in the camps while Hearne and Matonabbee hunted for food The expedition lasted two years and seven months during which time Hearne discovered Great Slave and also proved that there was no waterway across the continent Neither was there copper at the mouth of the coppermine river Historian George Wrong in his excellent book The Canadians wrote Stanley in Africa is more famous but he did not face greater labours and dangers than Hearne faced He charted huge territory and was the first to show the trend of the Arctic shore OTHER EVENTS ON DECEMBER 1649 Iroquois massacred Huron mission and killed Fathers Garnier and Chabanel 1782 More than 500 Loyalists arrived in Nova Scotia from South Carolina 1837 Upper Canada rebels were defeated near Toronto 1869 Riel put members of Canadian party in prison at Fort Garry 1869 First issue of Ottawa Free Press 1899 Conservatives won Manitoba election and Hugh Macdonald son of Sir John became Premier 1941 Canada declared war on Japan Finland Hungary and Romania following attack on Pearl Har bour bell ewarf by Georgina Mitchell 4563232 Grandparents see grandson Dale Hawerchuk 16 years old of Oshawa playing with the Cornwall Royals Junior Hockey team Mr and Mrs Mitchell spent the week travell ing saw Dale get two goals and two assists on Nov 261h when they won over crdon 53 Dale got goal for Grandma also one for grandpas birthday which be celebrated on neighborly news Tuesday Then visited cousins in North Gower Steve and Georgie Hcggart and Eric and Mary Heggart of Osgoode then to Ottawa to visit nephew Larry Smith and wife Krys and children Stephanie and Tara They had birthday surprise for Uncle Orville Back to Com wall Thursday for another game Dale got one of the goals that helped Cornwall win 84 over Hull He is doing real good At present he is second place for points in his team We returned to his parents home our daughter Eleanor husband Ed and granddaughter Dayna in Oshawa Fridav and brought Entertainament was provided by the 801 chorus Miss Ellen Holden won the Bishop Strachan Scholarship in English French Greek and Latin at the University of Toronto and was the valedic torian She urged future students to do their best for the school royal wheelbarrow ride along Dunlop St from Five Points to the post office and back paid freak election bet which Bill Reid local trucker lost to Rus Jory local garageman The conveyance was gaily decorated with Union Jacks tinsel and appropriate signs The former bet that Reeve Rogers and Ald Clark would be successful in the municipal elections and the lat ter thought otherwise The only way to settle the argument they thought was for the loser to push the winner the real wheelbarrow fashion six and onehalf acre pro perty in Vespra Township Changed hands at the adjourned County of Simcoe sale of lands for arrears of taxes for the sum of $240 the amount of the costs exclusive of tax arrears Another lot in Bradford sold for $246 The Simcoc County Swine Im provement Program fully backed by county council got underway as council granted $600 to defray travelling ex penses in carrying out the cam paign The objective of the campaign was to improve the quality of hogs produced in the county in order to capture share of the British bacon market Barrie had good reason to be proud of the response of its citizens to the appeal for funds for relief purposes made by the Central Relief Committee With final returns still in complete the Objective 0134000 had been exceeded by well over 50 per cent This meant that the amount of money available for relief work would be close to £39 1020 back picture buttons of Dale There also was good writeup about him in Sports Magazine Hockey Junior Returned home Sunday The Bell Ewart Euchre Club had eight tables at play Tues day Nov 27 The ladies high score tie between Sadie Butler and Ina McKnight Most lone hands Marg Fischer For the men high score Bert Butler 2nd George Uncles lone hands to Jenkins 5050 Frank Warr and F10 Watts Sorry to hear one of our faithful euchre players Georgina Hut chinson in Barrie Hospital Hope to see her back soon The Doctor Says Nailclubbing what to do By PAUL DONOHUE MU Dear Dr Donohue My younger brother is 30 years Old He just came to town for visit and noticed he is still smoking heavily He started at age 15 noticed too that his fingernails are becoming humped rounded or convex guess you would call it am worried be cause Worked for man who died of lung cancer He said the doctor suspected it even before Xrays because of what his fin gernails looked like Please say something that my brother hopefully will take notice of If say anything hell poghpooh it Im afraid You are an astute ob server What you describe is called clubbing Of the nails Some peoples nails are that way from birth and it doesnt indicate problem When the clubbing develops later in life it may signify number of prob lems These include emphysema cancer and lung absoss Other possibilities include heart valve infection and liver Of thyroid disease Your brother may have none of these problems but with all the possibilities checkup is certainly in order He cannot remain helthy if he continues to smoke at the rate he does Frankly in this matter have been up to now one of those doasIsay notasIdo doctors But am quitting and am having success can at least Offer my nosmoking advice with bit more con viction Dear Dr Donahue My wife and daughter eat five double bags of raw carrots per week am somehow concerned be cause they have orange palms and my wife has had severe back pain for the past couple of months Is there any reason for alarm 15 there any relation ship between the back pain and the carrots Whats up doc 63 Your wife and daughter have carotenemia and thats not joke made up The yellow color of their palms is due to the pigment that imparts the same yellow color to the carrots One carrot provides 11000 international units IUs of vitamin The minimum daily allowance of is 5000 units The excess is stored in fat and not excreted as are the and vitamins One would have to get many many times the minimum allowance to be poisoned Signs of vitamin poisoning include headache dizziness bone pain doubt that your wifes back pain can be as cribed to this but both she and your daughter should stop this carrot munching right away They are getting far more than enough carrots even for Bugs Bunnv Dear Dr Donohuc have ganglion cyst on my left wrist Is surgery the only answer runce one appears is it safe to leave italone It burns from time to time and my thumb on the left handLia sore worry about it giowing Surgery has been suggested but lwant to wait few mon ths because of financial reasons Is it OK to delay surgery Mrs RJD Ganglia are soft cystic masses that arise Ion the wrist over the covering of the tendons They may also ap pear on the feet Sometimes they connectwith the lining of joint causing painfulness They are not cancerous and do not spread They may be left alone as long as they are not causing disabling pro blems Surgical removal is the only lasting effective treat ment Delay will not affect the outcome of the surgery BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Luckskill winning combo NORTH 09 VKQ852 OKJ98 0K86 EAST ¢QJ52 V7643 75 Â¥J42 SOUTH 0A8 VA109 OQ632 0A753 Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer West West North Pass Dbl Pass Pass Pass 127 WEST ¢K1076l3 VJ VAIOl 0109 South Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag In 1948 Churchill and Cecil Head won the life master pairs with tremendous four session score There is lots of luck involved in getting such score but without skill as base the big score never materializes Sitting South Church had several choices for his first response but elected to bid two diamonds West stuck in takeout double of sorts and Head elected to bid two hearts rather than show immediate diamond support When Church continued with three clubs Head was trapped but decided to jump to four diamonds to show he had really good cards in that suit Now Church jumped to five hearts he had not shown any heart support up to this time Head knew that Church was asking him to place the slam and bid six diamonds to end the bidding The way the cards lay the slam was cinch The only trick Church had to lose was the ace of trumps since he was able to discard two Of his clubs on good hearts after the jack dropped Note that the heart slam wouldnt make With hearts as trumps there would be no way to avoid club loser darly crossword ACROSS 43 In trouble Answer to Previous Puzzle with Escape 45 Utensil Make gay 46 Buyer Lat ll Creepily 49 Come out 13 Magazine 51 ln support of official 52 Plated with tin 14 Entertain 53 Jalousie iavishiy 54 Remains 15 Species groups DOWN 16 lrritates 17 Make up for 29 I9 Highway ms curve Eggs on 20 Ve Fr DHHSDl House 23 Smallsword 38 Luxurious addition 24 Scotch cup Iabnc °pp°se Biblical 25 25 Actress 39 River Passage garden 27 Electric fish LOUISe Wires 28 40 Blackmore 26 Environment Broke bread Aemï¬an heroine agency Mountain 41 Golf score 27 Dress style peak 42 30 Announces at 10 Age 29 Presdem 85 33 Won 12 Fined abhr 44 Lovrng 34 Armed bands 13 seipesteem 3° UNfOrm 45 Wigwam 35 Caustic pi omamem 46 Subside subsmnce Anemoon 31 Drudge 47 Singer Torme 36 Milk FL snack 32 Time zone 48 Greek letter 37 IrPudence 20 Lose patrence abbTl 50 39 Mephitic 22 River in 36 Baseballer W78 40 Pounds abbr England Gehrig Prefix Bernice Bodeani cYour cBirthday December 1979 number of changes will occur this coming year that will have beneficial offshoots Be your philosophical self if things dont appear to be going your way at first The end result will be good SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Old friends could pop into the picture today and you wont mind Changing your plans in order to be with them its just the tonic you need CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Assume the leadership role it THE KING IS FAT HEAD unmet was LOOKING For Better or Worse Short Ribs youre with someone who is hav ing hard time figuring out how to handle situation You know how to help this person AQUARIUS Jan allFab 10 This is good time to iron out things needing discussion with one to whom you are Closely associated Mutual benefits will be realized PISCES Feb 20March 20 You continue to be in highly pro ductive cycle so do as much work important to you as possi ble Youll like the way things turn out ARIES March 21April 19 Oth ers serve to stimulate your think Ing and bring out the best in you today Being with friends will prove rewardingand fun Dont BE So SENSITIVEJ wasnr RIGHT RNDI HRRRIED LOOKING FOR PERFECTION man 900 harrow device used For Winthrop Eeek Meek 010nm NELIHCJM US P010 Frank and Ernest 685F015 lDl MEIER MELTé TlléllON MD 6AV ALLllrlKl WELILW Born Loser Bugs Bunny WHEN 1200 or NILL BE KING OF level try and breaking up plowed is an excellent day to BECRUSE KNEIU Irwouw LFlSTDESPITE goon FLHwSw TAURUS April 20May 20 This get some of your Christmas decorating started Youre in highly cre ative mood and could come up with some clever ideas GEMINI May 21June 20 You are likely to have fortunate change of Opinion today regard ing someone you know socially The opportunity to become privy to inside information might be the reason CANCER June 21July 22 Your instincts will help you spot where all the bargains are today Yqu should be able to purchase many things youve wanted at just the right price LEO July 23412222 pm mood is Still with you today Youll reflect this In warm out ng manner You might even rnakeltapolnttolookupsome Old pale VIRGO Aug 2330 Your famlly continues to prove to be your real source of enjoyment and you have strong desires to shower them with gifts Just spend within your budget LIIRA Sept 23Oct 23 New life can be put into an Old inter est today This could resurrect some sparks and enthusiasm for it Give this your attention SCORPIO Oct zloNov Although youll be high achiever most of what you do will be for the benefit of others It gives you great joy to contribute today zWord used when answering the phone in Tokyo THE Dooroi was Ricm WHEN HE SAID JOGGING WOULD ADD YEARS To MY LIFE FEEL FlFIEEN YEAR sq4114 lkrfl on 11 us Par ran MA in THAVEI ISVVDVNEA Inc run us PI on