W1 avgxv ID Fendleys Flowers msmssolourmum PLANTS FLOWERS ON TIGHT Now Open Barries largest plant flower warehouse at St GIETS QUALITY FRUIT VCTJ£3$1 $232 AW PRODUCE for loss than CORDUROY SPORT Eendleys Flowers JACKETS AUTO $1695 BAYEIELD OPTICAL WWW mm PLAZA STVIIICEIITIBELLEAILM 7285975 Cullmgford MOLOIS BAYFIELD MALL 7374464 ouomontuccnovms Elifloh 94 Tillin SL Barrie 7373410 712 mam WIDE AWAKE SHOE REPAIR work ORCHARD Ulcorhourc ERESH PRODUCE militia FIRST QUALITY SPORTSHIRTS 23 BARRIES SNOWMOBILE HEADQUARTERS COMPLETE PARTS SERVICE 421W 2i3251$3r 31 Boys Wear and Jean Shop PURSES LUGGAGE SPORTS EQUIPMENT Boys Velour Jeans Jerseys Cords COATS 15113 rrr773Â¥1 it Sold elsewhere up to 3000 Ci £TIISOPEDICS won WEARHOUSE $1 SPECIAL PURCHASE PRICE g1 SEE THE 80S AT OUR NEW EXPANDED FACILITIES ms mural717 we 99 gt MELsnAss BRASS GLENN 38 MAPLE AVE 7265999 WAY MOTORS CHEWING IND 534 ST Barrie TuesSat 830 am 530 pm RR SHAW BAY 322939 $35532 Opposite Sears While You Wait Heel and Lift Service 7285693 HWY G°5°lme Alley rmnmmmmmmwwm spongy Vlï¬n two weeks in Costa rava Heres what youll receive as the LOCAL Grand Prize winner DRetum air fare for two people gt14 days hotel accommodation to Costa Brava Spain via London in beautiful Costa Brava on England on British airways the magnificent Mediter Two nights hotel aCCOm ranean coast w1th meals Contest Rules No purchase necessary to enter Contest is open toeveryone except employees and their immediate families of participating retailers this newspaper and British airways Contest closes Saturday January 1980 Winner will be announced by MidJanuary 1980 Grand Prize is as described and must be taken as award ed No cash equivalent or substitution Departure will be in March 1980 Decision of the judges is ï¬nal Grand Prize is subject to availability Prize value $1700 You accept these rules when you enter the contest It gt your lacal travel agent ADULT DOWNHILL AT THE ROUNDABOUT Tuesumdumm SSIEI PACKAGE 149 Sun Evenings as em mom 8995 Tenica Boots modation in London with Transters service charges continental breaktast One airport taxes much more night stopover before and after Enter at any of the participating fourteen days in Costa Brava retailers listed on this page THIS WEEKS WINNER of $10 gift certificate courtesy of the examiner MRS WM ELLIS 21 Bowman Ave Barrie tantra IIIIIIIIii BARRIE DOlTYOURSELE CENTRE 91 Daytield BRISTOW RL GLACIER SKIING 38 pm Lange Bindings Owned and operated by licensed tradesmen Fri lea Evenings DWble Sam girogso 595 I0 I2 Room IN FRANCE to guide you in all your problems 595 700 930 100 FOmsltooopi Inc Second Session 1000 midnight SW95 RGUOCOIGIIng KIT No Single Supplement Couples Welcome Installation 299 Departures Throughout The Season 16 years of age over Sat Sun Matinee 130 pm FORALLYOURPLUMBING Reg $34965 includes SIR Rolls of Wallpaper NEEDS AND SUPPLIES mix $22925 272 $4995 WED PETERREINO satisttiotiagtt lo 000 SKI SHOP BARRIE PAINT 13 flavwWTi¢IEHE 522 Iï¬vxtul ru EuCTI11c AIR CLEANERS °NUMIDFIERSAIR conomoms THE PLUMBING Closed Mon lINAIR HEATING supply 7373551 7373711 IIO BELL FARM RD GET YOUR SPANISH HOLIDAY BALLOTS °P°M°°°P ifligiï¬gflglgï¬z TUESWEDTHURSSUNVENING 5953° MW wmmewmmqmm Antietamm Iewewrmï¬gewm MUNCHIES $3 DYKSTRA it SIMCOE CARPET BARRIE 7372266 mommy 549 Bayfield $1 Barrie Hwy No 2627 WALLPAPER ACCESSORIESAND ADVICE CLEANERS Barrie Sho in Plan 7261439 7284761 7373I32 PP ADAM BOOKS INC 74 DUNLOP ST EAST IT AUTosouNo IIAs GoT IT uh lame CALLVOUR 523626 BUN INSTAuATION ADVERTISING Cflmflmggicm DRTNK WATCH FOR THIS SPORTJACKETS Wifllsggicmls $5995 Reg 10995 CRAIGSTEREOS LEVIS All CUNDLES RDW 461 DUNLOPST WEST 7371132 UNIT 30ARRIE0NT 726 24 am AITKEN7314813 QUALITY NEVER GOES OUT OF STYLE