OSaddIes OBridles ORiding wear ROBINSON HAHDWA DUNLOP 51 7282431 38snowmobiles BARRIE 7261059 BARRIE Him15 CENTRE CHRISTMAS SALE lIlr4u MANUFACTURERS REBATE $100 Rebate on 1980 Apollos $150 Rebate on 1980 Galaxys $150 Rebate on 1980 340 TXs Complete line of flow Clothing Parts Accessories Sales Service 20 OFF TX Track Trail Snowmobile Suits 20 OFF Leather Top Snowmobile Boots While quantities last PLACE CHRISTMAS ORDERS NOW Mun Rebate Good Only to Expiry Dates Iiil Ssare 67117137771115 JespedpooM out 50 aon 88864 WO lIIH 5°13 SUVIDOOOM lNldIIVOD 31115 Pallwtu MW swat ll 11° 03 TM SAW 66 NidO iSDIlId SIH IIV NI SITOH ONIIDONII SI UIHJIdOOOM 3H1 DIDGCIS sowisuug TURN AROUND FOR GREAT SALE WW NOAHS ARK Pnsnopgcg Professional All Breed Dog Grooming Free Pickup and Delivery BOOK NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 68B MAPLE AVE BARRIE 726733 387snoVWmobiles Open days week BOMBARDIER MOTOSKI CLOTHING Your Keep Warm this Winter Centre BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE LTD 51 Ellen Street next to Tandy leather 7264112 Closed Wednesday afternoons htpma SALE ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES 5415 in stock 1980 Machines Accessories and Clothing New 1979 El Tigre S2489 New I979 Jaguar 340 all injection S1959 SPORT HAVEN MARINE 3miom Closed Wednesday Open Sat till pm 40articles for sale 40articles for sale TRADEIN ORGANS PIANOS Kimball Swinger 500 Electrohome Rhapsody Electrohome Contessa Lowrey Teeny Geenie Farfisa3010 Hammond Piper Hammond 9922 Hammond 1124 Melo Sonic IIO Leslie Speaker $1295 $995 $650 $1195 $895 $1195 $2850 2850 $550 $395 FEATURE Wurlitzer Church model 61 note manuals 32 radiating AGO nedal board $1095 year 52 Free Lessons for the whole family with purchase of new or used organ Financing available through Scotia Plan or Dunlops Revolving Charge Plan OP 0880 euyltilil Mel HAMMOND ORGAN CENTRE 7373572 Open Mon to Fri 930 to 930 Sat to SKIS Fisher cross country bindings poles boots mens all waxes and ac cessories Telephone 7281510 alter IFIGURE SKATES size western boots SIZE 12 ladys ski suit coats Slack surts accessories RACOON tur hood and collar Call 7261923 days 68 728 8010 evenings or Cumberland Atlandale $89 at ZENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR Imï¬ solid state only 5590 Under 3o duly Starting January so Order tonit getafrae 12 black and white One haur KRAZY KELLY now next doc to The Highway Meat Market at Fomdale 0t hour delivery 737 1182 IF REI PP TWO LOVESEATS by Sklar In green velvet Black VInyl Chesterfield and chair to match Pool table plus ac cessories Good condition Call 726 4585 GUITAR AMPLIFIER Yamaha 50 watts excellent condition Call 726 2855 BABY NEEDS Crib mattress high chair play pen car seat sleigh potty chair etc Girls baby clothes and toys Reasonable 72a 2487 atter6p rn PIANO FOR SALE recently refinIshed and reconditioned $895 726 7324 ANTIQUES Small pine and small oak corner cupboards Flalbacks harvest tables Bonkley benches sets of pressback chairs pine sIcleboards 2ex cellent bonnet chests Everything nicely retinished Pine River Antiques Hwy 26 between Wasaga and Collingwood Open daIly Telephone 424 5473 mornings andevemngs Put DENIM under your Tree this Christmas BIG BLUE JEANS ANDRE MICHEL HASH ROADRUNNERS PRACTICAL GIFTS For All The Family Slippers Shaes Snow Boots Evening Shoes Hand Bags Gift Certificates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 7283881 Jean Connection We also carry dress pants blouses sweaters Located at 40 MAPLE AVE Across from Loblaws 7374322 40articles for sale GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR iolly way to remember your friends and relatives this Christ mas ls to send gift subscriptions of The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar ta the pleasure given Eac gift will be announced in your name with beautiful card in full rich colors Order Now DO IT BY writing to The Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266539 40articles for sale TSHIRT KNIT $198 per metre FINISH YOUR CHRISTMAS SEWING FOR HOME GIFTS COLLIER STREET 7262741 DOWNTOWN FABRICS VELOUR from $475$900 per metre D8 Introduces MAGNAVOX TVs 20Imup $49 28 Essa Rd TThSJ24 SHOPSMITH MARKS makes into table saw drill press lathe needs some repairs Telephone Gary Ransom 726 0661 8am to 330p MATCHING FRIDGE and stovefséais Coldspot avocado green years old like new 728 8612 CORNET FLAT Olds used twice with case $375 or alter PA system monitors mikes stands custom light system year old very reasonable 718 7265 TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty S789 Order tonife get free portable Under S7 wkly Now 12 starting January 80 KRAZY KELLY how next door to The Highway 90 Meat Markel at Ferndale 7371182 TF 30 METAL PARTITIONS 4x4 with ad iustable metal supporting posts suitable for office Call Lous Smoke Shop 726 6774 NATURAL MINK COAT size 14 to 16 51500 Crystal dining room chandler 5100 Electrohame French Provincial color TV 5400 Phone 737 0828 NO DRIED BLACK WALNUT la inch thick dressed two sides varIous lengths approx 400 surface feet Job lot only Gary Ransom 726 0661 30p to COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor 51 500 CaIJIM 7372432 TF SET PYRAMID drums includes tour drums one symboland one top hat 5150 Call after6pm 737 4719 Silver Plate pieces open salters collec lion 20 pieces old tea wagon Phone 728 4756 afterop SKI BOOTS ladies size and childs size and 11 boys skates Size 13 land Hockey equipments 10 year old 24 snow scoop easy cure microscope 7261791 HAMMOND ORGAN PIPER AUTO CHORD with built in cassette like new used very little easy to learn on 8875 Phone 835 2000 CHESTERFIELD CHINA CABINET antique tea wagon antique dresser single bed and matching chest of drawers easy chaIr set nestIng tables Indian carpet white with gold 10x14 upright freezer avocado green 728 6956 SONY STEREO Sensational AM FM receiver custom turntable S343 Get free speakers Under $5 wkly starting January 80 AU KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Ferndale Onoltourdelivary 7371182 1F SMITH CORONA electric typewriter nursing books Shakespeare records with books Telephone 737 3070 RECONDITIONED CASH register seven totals plus commission totals $500 or best offer acetylene torch plus weldingcart532574364969 WASHING MACHINE automatic used months 20 months left on warranty Reason tor selling moving 424 0567 SIX STRING electric guitar Epithone excellent condition asking $135 737 3230 BABY NEEDS Gendron carriage can verts to stroller car bed 555 bath change table 520 both excellent Jolly Jumper $2 tub seai$2 Phone 424 0200 USED LUMBER 2x4 to 2x12 Barn boards and beams Sale on Saturday Telephone 726 3508 lnr particulars SMALL SBAR ana stools black 40articles sale GARDEHTRACIOR WITH MOWER AND SNOW BLOWER l2 hp Simplicity complete years old Phone 4361913 to pm DB SIX STRING black guitarwith carrying case asking 5235 Phone 737 2058 any time TWO UTILITY TRAILERS suitable for skidocs etc 5130 each Telephone 7286532 after pm BARRIE TENT AND AWNING C0 of lers complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers awnings boat covers etc Also zippers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size Sinch thickness 34 Bayfield St next Clarks Home Furnishings downtown HARVEST GOLD frosttree refrigerator for sale COPPERTONE 24 stove heavy duty KENMORE DRYER excellent condition Telephone 728 0553 THREE PIECE Kitchen set Ladys complete Skidoo outfit Metal stereo stand two basket chairs and covers 728 8788 WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR frost tree two door with matching stove coppertone excellent condition like new $450 or best otter 726 3557 FRIDGETAND STOVE coirpertone also gas dryer white Good condition 726454374 WW TRUMPET for sale in good condition 520 Telephone 737 i994 ailerr6p LADYS BUCKSKIN COAT lull length brown fur trim size 1618 excellent condition5135 737 4375 Two WINTER one new summer tires on rims good tread A7813 tor Chrysler product Stainless steel range hood Wicker pet carrier 726 3373 SMALL CRIB and Mattress 520 Wooden cradle and stand 525 wooden chairs seats need repair no solid wood table top needs refinishing 530 7284481 CANOE 15 ft Onieda fiberglass some damage $100 as is Includes life iackels paddles AKAI stereo cassett receiver system AC 3500 with Dolby NR Koss CM 1010 way speakers oak cabinets asking $800 Dufferin StreetafterSpm DFRUM SET piece Stewart including high hat cymbal and drummers throme Excellent condition 5350 TSEPI°TE7°°° 75 WHITE CHEST of drawers white dresser with mirror gray wool coat brown tweed coat suede iacket size 10 Call 726 1171 OUTBOARD MOTORS hp also 15 hp Dingy includes oars Foldboal light weight Antique hand tools assorted ladies Yamaha downhill skis and Lange boots size used twice pc Spanish bedroom suite queen size like new 487 3369 UPRIGHT FREEZER for sale like new asking $250 Telephone 7372494 STOVE 39 inch Moltatt Gourmet elec tric beige good working condition clean excellent condition Reasonable Telephone 728 6265 alter pm MENS DOWNHILL ski boatsFSan Marco Green Machines size ally9 Like new 56500 Call 7283638 ELECTRONIC ORGAN Galanti X300 deluxe twin keyboard drum spinet automatic chords and rhythm feature organ stool full pointer system instruc tions Call7262286 PINE HUTCHES newly made unfinish ed 5110 Pine toy boxes $30 walnut drop leat table and chairs S250 extra heavy duty skill saw $200 wood lathe and motor 540 Alter pm 322 2696 IVxeTeox TRAI LEE szob or best offer 7376 km if MOVIE PROJECTOR sioo movie camera 575 heavy duty tripod $25 movie screen 535 proiection table 515 436 4198 alter pm SHURE AMPLIFIER and two column speakers skats girls size11boys size downhill ski boots two pair boys size pair girls size childs skis and poles 726 3559 alter pm weekdays at day Saturday 41boats and motors 16 DEEP fibreglass I25 Evinrude trailer $2200 or best offer 14 aluminum 98 Merc trailer $700 or best otter 458 9815 4245802 alter 5pm 427articleswanted CANADIAN SILVER COINS belore 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 726 1663 evenings 726 3162 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 726 3162 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE bdoks dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 729 8231 LOGS WANTED Pine Spruce Hemlock etc with large diameters Building With Logs Ltd 7261966 evenings 728 5800 WILL PICK UP unwanted appliances treee of charge Phone 726 5339 after pm OLYMPIC COINS wanted Will buy sets or separate 550 per set 7370923 anytime 487 3090 evenings or weekends REQUIRE Bar Bell and Weights Reasonable Phone alter pm 7265640 44dogs and pets DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding for Big Dogs Coulson On tagrio Telephone 705 835 5223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoorng and clipping at all breeds 264 St Vincent 5172647 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 87987Pet Studio stpfliltrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pallets Farm tresh eaas Leylna cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 4361811 60feedseedgrain WANTED Grain corn wet or dry Call Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd 436 1811 stroud 67fruits vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Ore Closed Sundays 728 ug ONTARIO RED DELICIOUS Apples 5599 per bushel Bring your own con tainers CANCILLA FRUIT MARKET 17 Clapperton St 68personals PARAMEDIX HEALTH SERVICES Home Care Nursing Specialists We will provide upon request 0Registered Nurses Registered Nursing Assistants Homemakers under your physicians supervision where indicated Hourly Daily Rates Serving all Simone 01 7374659 INNERACTION PSYCHIC CONSULTANTS OPRIVATE CONSULTATION cuavomtct TAIOT Attus PAUAISTIV PSTCNONETIY wsr LIVES mavm LESSONS AND cussss ALSO rsrouc rum ARRANGED GIFT canncms By Appointment Only In Barrie contact New Age Centre 705 7374300 or 705 4589912 In Toronto Contact 416 2516527 LlhDZL HAWAII Islands Escorted Feb1025I980 For details Hays Travel Service 45 011le ST 7284700 TThSJ8 WORRY FREE VACATIONS YOU TRAVEL WE SECURE M8 Housesitting service TLC pets plants grandmothers etc Write Box 234 Coldwater 0nt LOH IEO or phone 705 835 3524 D6 BOWLERS WANTED for leagues torm ing now Men women singles couples teams Cali Kempview Bowl 728 9761 PERSON WANTINEto shSrearive to Toronto Wilson subway Leave at am home at6pm Call 726 2566 alter pm FLORIDA SPECIAL Ranting WIn nibago 24 fully equipped Two weeks for $995 30001ree miles 728 8746 FOR RENT Large conference room for sales meetings club meetings etc By day or week Call 7266037 or 728 6217 NEW TO BARR IE 35 yearold ft tall average looking lonely gent interested in travelling camping dining out coun try and western music also quiet home life Seeks mature sincere woman 25 to 40 for steady companionship and good times Please write and include photo and phone number to Box C18 The Ex aminer Barrie upersanals fl Eve Are you middleaged living on pension healthy and wanting to supplement your income by working on an occasional basis No in vestment necessary Must have own transportation Good character references required before hiring Write Box 234 Coldwater Ont LORIEO D7 UPHIGHT VACUUM Ask for free home demonstration todayl ELECTROLUX 7283392 ThTF BIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnant and dislresed Birthright really cares 166 Baylield StreetBarrier7373550 ALCOHOLTcSANoNYMOUSThéesst if you drink thats your business if you want to quit thatsours Call any time RIDING INSTRUCTION lndodr arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 019277 Hersanals ====g Add an extra personal touch this Christmas Wish your FRIENDS RELATIVES and ASSOCIATES MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR in your own words published in our SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GREETINGS section to appear on Christmas Christmas and Happy To ensure that you are in time for Christmas call the CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT today at 7282414 or mail to The Examiner Christmas Greetings Classified Ads PO Box 370 Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 $240 24 word minimum eaclt additional word 10 Deadline Noon December I9tlI TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime AUTOS to Florida End all points in Western Canada gas allowance Toron loVDrivVeaway Service 416 2264616 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 3430 pm and Thursday 630 930 pm 737 4222 726 9300 Ext 236 69instructions PIANO LESSONS available group or private years experience in schools Royal Conservatory taught 726748207 70lost and found RED TOOL BOX lost at corner of Highway 90 and Ferndale Drive on Tues diayrmorning Call 728 5406 or 424 9979 71help wanted BE HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX For free information Barrie School of Hairstyling 21 Owen St Barrie MM 308 72839627 TThSM5 13gtNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed areexperts in their field and will assure you of thefinest lob possible SCOTT June and Dick Scott wish Merry neighbors on Fraser Street OR JONES wishes to extend Seasons Greetings to all the staff at Royal Victoria Hospital New Year to all their 7TVhejprwanted ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLECREDIT Position opening in depart ment for qualified person with experience in Accounts Receivable and credit control Applicant must have knowledge of machine posting account analysis and credit followup Salary commensurate experience Please send resume to Box C15 The Examiner Barrie DI2 PARTTIME SALES HELP required for fashions and sporting goods store Applyin person at6Collier Street MATJRE RESPONSIBLEPERSON to care for infant twins in my home Live inor out Starting January 8353402 with BABY SITTER wanted from pm to 10 pm in my home on Shanty Bay Road Monday to Friday Call before pm 728 4864 OUT OF WORK want wdrITé Telephone 728 6781 from am to II 30 7232414 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in $60 large step tables arbarite tops town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable 530 9X1T5Iag tUQWilh Pad Starburst prices Evenings and weekends Edge pattern brtown green gold and white hiIIAquaria143Ardagh Road 726 0094 includes small matching runner $225 ï¬fe POODLE SALON cuppmg avocado green oval rug With fringe breeds Call now your Dog Gone 39 leatherette and chrome AI condition SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS figr 7ggripggagtggcghiigi£8222 reinment 72341416599h395t FRALICII ALUMINUM RANDY CHILLMAN biiimm sacrifice pair brown and beige open MAYS POODLE pARLOR Cproles AIIEt$les de3iimhiin1122iooa weave drapes 150 95 never used 53 ppng groomm 395 Tmephonemms acceplehorne 7297004 77 FostC eon 7W assessessomerset SAvsmchosr ggjgmm SEASONED EtleizFlflt°éf Bombardier Excellentconditionlicenc our RATES ed Nofurmer usesysog phone 728 7650 436 3125 Stroud OF FUEL Special attention to beginners Arthur SOLID HARDWOOD play table or work AFFECTIONATE REGISTERED Order y0ur storm INSURED FREE DELIVERY 7708 bench Top 25x60x1 thick 51800 BRITTANY Spaniel 22 year old windows now Bus 7282073 each 728 8212 WHITE UPGRADED SHAG broadloom $50 Ideal for several bedrooms 15 used half sheets of ply faced barn board S25 gallon tish tank with heater pump etc 525 USed months boys one piece navy snow suit size almost new 510 mans skates sizeoI $8 728 8461 SENSATIONAL NEW STORE SALE 20 GXIOO $1493 and get free 12 RCAXL1002forl Ody 400 wkly starting January80 One hour delivery mzv KELLYS 461 DUNLOP WI next to Hwy 90 Meat Market 7371182 TF POLY FOAM cut to size Barrie Tent and Awning Company has great stock of poly foam to thickness Pro mpt service reasonable prices 34 Baylield Street downtown RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT for sale Meat cooler upright coke machine cash register meat slicer ice cream freezer catering equipment 936 2588 TWO TRAYNOR speakers Withflhans YSC 9s PV head 200 watt two SHURE mikes PhoneGary 726 90987 SHUFFLEBOAPDS used 12x6x22 PINBALLS reconditioned Phone 737 2533 between 7262370 fromdtaPp KENMORE DISHWASHER MovIng must sell months old harvest gold paid $664 will sell at best offer Call 424 5529 after 6p SLAB WOOD Will do snow plowmg Oven ready rebbts Phone Ken 728 9367 spayed female good hunter bird dog Must sell Call 424 9385 FREE PUPPIES for Christmas 7weeks old Collie and black Lab male and female Telephone 487 3344 anytime DOBERMAN PUPPIES CKC regd champion sired one red male one red female one black lemale $200 each Telephone 436 4191 SIBERIAN HUSKY puppies registered tatooed needles Fully guaranteed Two males two females Ready to go for Christmas $250 Call alter pm 435 5351 PUREBRED GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies Excellent pedigree Linedtrom Axel Von Sparenburg CKC registered Dewormed and shots Terms available Telephone 326 9069 or 325 6786 WILSONS TREE LOT ll MART PLAZA IAYFIELO sr Open daily am to 10 pm Large supply of ft to 12 ft Scotch Spruce Balsam D6I214L17 CUT YOUR OWN Christmas tree at Gillespie Tree Farm Make it an outing for the entire family 100 acres of scenic hills prime scotch pine and spruce Your choice $7 each Free horse drawn sleigh rides weekends only Oro Line one mile north of Old Barrie Road or County Road 11 follow the signs STRIKE CHRISTMAS TREES cut your own at Leighs Tree Farm NEWESIFIEYIEQE 5350 17755 S7livestock for sale TWO WELL BRED OPEN POLED HEREFORD HEIFERS Ready for breeding or short keep teeders 7260008 REGISTERED HOLsTEiN bull sé vice age McLean Elmvale 322 2317 THREE HOLSTEIN close spririgers for sale For degilsiall 487 26427 FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL TODAY OUR LOW OVERHEAD WILL SAVE YOU MONEY TThSTF DIAMOND ALUMINUM 8i VINYL CO siding soffit fascia etc 7264644 ELECTROLUX candida Ltd autharIzed Sales and Service Free Home Demonstro lions 18 AllIance Blvd Unit 19 7283392 APPLIANCE REPAIRS AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers dish washers freezers frid es ranges micro ovensany make any ay 7371195 KEEPING BOOKKEEPING Will pick up and deliver 726I280 ACTON BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICES TAX RETURNSbusiness personal Set up maintenance of books including FINANCIAL STATEMENTS WW AVAILABLE COMPUTERIZED BUSINESS SYSTEMS including in ventory general ledger etc Call 7265218 am8 pm CARPENTER experienced Ranavattons garages decks rec roams etc Free estimates Bill Johnston7263708 wr GENERAL CARPENTRY odd lions alteratIans Free estimates Call REYNOLDS 7263853 PRGESSIONAL chimney sweeping repairs Installation General contractor Reason cble ratesprompt servrce 13256334 145867817 Res 4873072 on Disc Jockey MERRY CHRISTMAS Book Now Call Paula17260834 or 7267623 DISC JOCKEYMusic for all occasions Book early Telephone 7282524 APERY CUSTOM DRAPES made from your selected material lOyears experience 7283715 02 DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing In pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenia St Phone 72660m EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS spectalizing in childrens clothing womens clothing maternIty and large sizes Reasonable 4365641 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roolIng and roofIng repairs Sheet metal work MartIn Verstroten New Lowell 4241 956 ELECTRICIAN all electrical work Residential and Commercial Free estimates 7281025 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free astImalos Low wrnter rates Warkmanship guaranteed 4245807 PETER HENSTRA 7377871 Custom built fireplaces patios home fronts in stone porches ihlrltley repatr Free estimates VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry For free estimates phone 7281599 NOTICE Outline for classiï¬ed word ads pm day previous noon Saturday 4872113 SEASONED RED OAK wood for sale Pickup or diallVfFY1819pFIOLe 7281938 SEASONED HARDWOOD €57 IDCe cord Phone 7262548 SEASONED MAPLE ash Hirsdtfald 7289357 GENERAL CONTRACTING SPECIALIZING in framing trimmingdecks fencing rec rooms additions etc 7371588 after HANDYMAN basements and garages cloand trash and junk removed Small movingiobs4873141 Call and Home and Factory Healing and Air Conditioning and service 7264255 ask for Rob or Doug 71372632 MME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising foun datIons renovations additions Phone 4362955 after pm NORTHERN CAPENTRY Specializing in In tenor work Rec roams kitchens bath rooms panelling finish work 7269m HOME REPAIRS PAINTING CARPENTRY ROOF REPAIRS ETC 7269214 TThSDB STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick black and stone work chimney re ir FIrapIaces specially Free estimate 705 4245158 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Pomn Guitar StudILL736I4O9 ACCORDIOvNV guitar piano organ bogIn ner and advanced Two months trial Instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 12LBayerld 7281799 marsserNAL GUITARISI gIvIng lessons iii classical popular and rack Call Gary 7269098 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In lerior exterior Work guaranteed Es tablished 30 years 726 2275 726 9002 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior exterior paper hangmg custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 726 6808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 7268341 BARKEY PAINTING interior and exterior References cvaIlabIe Free reasonable esti mates Telepharie 7371087 PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7783270 PORTRAIT PAINTING CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS of ou for your loved ones or of your loved ones for you 015 7263607 510W BLOWING CALL JIMS SNOWBLOWING for clean driveway 7269859 or 71172345 SNOWPLOWING DOJGS SNOWPLOWING Restdental and Commercial Snow removal service radIo dispatched trucks 7288460 MBH SNOWPLOWING Commercialrdnd Residenhal Reasonable rates Call Larry 73 COMMERCIAL large or small Also Haulage Call and AUCTIONEERS Pro mpt service 7370879 DRIVEWAYS Andi lanoisflplowowd Reasonable rates THE WEED MAN 71577721 SNOWPLOWING 24 hour servtce No Iob too small 7760997 SHOW REMOVAL SNOW AND ICE removal from roals etc Also snowplowing Prompt service 4373141 REYNOLDS Tv SERVICE upon Iémlor blodt and white TV stereos etc All makes andrnodels 4246181 WATER HAUIAGE SIMCOE WATER SERVICES Foals wglii Illl ad 2000 gal capacity Barrie and areal 7266271