At treetopping ceremony stark afternoon sun throws sharp shadows from topping ceremony for the national Christmas tree on the ellipse near the White House Tuesday Mrs Joan Mondale wife of the of the 30foot tree She is in the cherry picker close to the tree while photographers in another cherry picker take her picture AP Laserphoto Well blowout probe planned OTTAWA CP Northern Affairs Minister Jake Epp will investigate nonpolluting blowout last week in the Beaufort Sea which cost Dome Petroleum Ltd an exploratory well and about $20 million But he refused Liberal MP Keith Penners demand Tues day made in the Commons northern affairs committee for full inquiry into the mishap that occurred in shallow well in Domes Kopanoar field Epp said full inquiry was unnecessary and would serve no purpose Penner member for Coch rane renewed his call for an in dependent review board to in vestigate such incidents and possible conflict of interest by northern affairs officials in al lowing drilling to continue an der riskv conditions vice president placed an ornament on the too Alberta bright spot EDMONTON CP Oilrich Alberta is the bright spot in an otherwise gloomy economic forecast for Canada in 1980 Marilyn Holland research associate with the Edmonton economic consulting firm Hu Harries and Associates Ltd said Tuesday that Albertas economy will remain buoyant next year while the rest of Canada will experience no real growth She told an economic outlook conference that the Alberta economy will grow by more than six per cent even though housing starts will probably de cline through early 1980 and no major projects are anticipated until the end of the year On the other hand unemploy ment will increase slightly to 44 per cent and the provincial inflation rate will stay between nine and 10 per cent Albertas economic prospects will continue to be good through the early 19805 with at least two major oilsands projects going ahead But she said the prov ince faces the problems of pos sible labor and construction material shortages Hu Harries coorganizer of the conference with the Edmon ton Chamber of Commerce saw hopes of dampening the fireplace effect caused when one area of the economy gets overheated and the effects are slow to spread out to the other areas Canada needs large energy projects such as the oilsands plants and Harries believes Al berta can build them without serious labor and material shortages The key is labor and capital mobility combined with first class training programs Harries former Liberal MP called an eastern business men to respond to western chal lenges and opportunities for the good of all regions of the coun try Canada must abandon the railway thinking of the last cen tury that saw the frontiers as place for the Chinese immi grants and McGill Street as the place for the managers UNIVERSITY COURSES IN SIMCOE COUNTY BEGINNING IN JANUARY Why not take university credit course this winter There are courses offered in the evening or on Saturdays at several loca tions in Simcoe County You can earn credit towards your university degree or take course to improve your job pro spects or for interest Courses begin early January and end in early April so apply NOW ORILLIA Saturday Morning 900 am 12 noon History 309RReligion Culture 309R History and Culture of Ancient Egypt and Asia Minor Saturday Afternoon 100 pm 400 pm Geography 3445 Geography of Tourism History 2095 United States from 1865 to the Present Religion Culture 2325 Religious Themes in Science Fiction BARRIE Saturday Morning 900 am12 noon Geography 200T Canada Saturday Afternoon 100 pm 400 pm Geography 300T Canadian Issues Monday Evening 700 pm1000 pm Business 231 Business Law Tuesday Evening 700 pm1000 pm Business 362T Marketing Functions Wednesday Evening 700 pm1000 pm Anthropology 205T Foundations of Anthropological Thought COLLINGWOOD Thursday Evening 700 pm1000 pm Business 362Q Marketing Functions MIDHURST French 102G Intermediate French This class meets weekly Mondays 415615 pm and on 630830 pm from January to April MIDLAND Wednesday Evening 700 pm 1000 pm Religion Culture 112M The Chinese and Japanese Religious Experience Indicates one term course FEE $7850 per oneterm course Find out more about WlU courses in Simcoe County Call Orillia 3264682 VViIï¬id La urier University Waterloo Ontario Canada Fisher 80995 Fry Fisher Brown Brown Shaw Dyson Christie Dyson Harper Thursdays Danny Gervais 12 was pensive and perhaps little sad as he sat in quiet spot and awaited his ride after the Rotary Clubs Christmas party for handicapped children at the Knights of Col umbus hall in Waterloo He was among lOO kids who attended the party which featured magi 55 cian and of course Santa CP Laserphoto lll3RISII llNl Hearing loss Is Not Sign Of Old Age Chicago Ill free offer at special interest to those who hear but do not understand words has been announced by Beltane nonoperating model of the smallest Beltane aid of its kind will be given absolutely free to anyone requesting it True all hearing problems are not alike same cannot be helped and by hearing aid But audiologists report that many can So send for this free model now and wear it in the privacy of your own home It is not real hearing aid but it will show you how tiny hearing help can be Its yours to keep free The actual aid weighs less than third of an ounce and its all at ear level in one unit These models are free so we suggest you write for yours now Again we repeat there is no cost and certainly no obligation Thousands have already been mailed so write today to Dept 12902 Beltane Electronics 4201 Victoria Chicago HI 60646 SUPERTRAMP Breakfast in America 309 MAX WEBSTER live Magnetic Air 495 limit Per Customer TShirts Records Tapes Cssettes 10 OFF All TSHIRTS Tll CRSTMAS In in in tn In tn Ill Ul in in tn In JOE JACKSON KENNY ROGERS SANTANA Im the Man Kenny Marathon 33 31 0599 mist CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP $1562 $1840 1930 Citation 3500 1980 Citation 4500 1980 Citation 4soo electric start 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