22 the oxamlner Thunday Doe 1979 televisionguide THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING NEWS TIC TAc DOUGH CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS NBC NEWS MARv TVLER MOORE SHOW ces NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS RHODA FABLES OF THE GREEN FOREST 630 655 110 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA CHIPs PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS Tic TAC DOUGH BENSON STREET TALK DR WHO The Brain Oleauie FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 JOKER JOKER JOKER NEWLYWED GAME LITTLE SPECIAL JOKERS WILD THE LiTTLEST mm um um lacls an Old prospector agamsi land bbers NASHVILLE SWING Guests Country Singer SongwritersSonny Thrornmm lion Fate Van Hoy Sterling Whipple Al MAGIC SHADOWS Doctor in 59 Part 808 NEWHART SHOW $1 MAsH 800 CHRISTMAS FOR BOOMER lovable shaggy dog named Boomer runs away lromihe family that adopted nimthlindlhapoo die he loves and than must rescue her iromthe Clulches at Vindiclwe dognapper Stars Larry VI OyCPVanPatlenflSOmins CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS Charlie Brown and Linus give all the other Peanuts some food for thought by searching beyond shiny alummum trees tinsel and gaudy neon to find the real unornamented Ring otthe Christmas season Re eat RUDOLPH THE REDNOSED REINDEERThetaIe Diashyreindeerwhose Christmas spiritisdampenedbecausehisshiny nose has made him the laughing stock of all Chllsimasvrlin 601mm LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Laverne and Shirley and their cohorts II the brewery swing into action to present the annual tenow at ugh BUCK GERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY THE INCREDIBLE HULK WILD ANIMALS OF THE RLD Africen Snekea MOVIE DRAMA SOVIII Golden Men me 830 KiNGOFKENSiNGTON whit coaching contenders for an upcoming boxing tournament Larry is distracted by the prelence oIen elderlymanwho heutsnediohangeround Centre BENSON Plaguedbyfellingpictureund musing speeches Benson and his cohorts el theexecutivemenaiontrytcplaceielheghoelot V0100 giï¬i REAL STORV SOME MOTHERS 00 AVE EM AI Belly approaches her delivery dale Frank trial to assume the reeponaibililiee oi fatherhood 000 RING CROSBYS MEMORIES OF CHRISTMAS LOU GRANT JOHNNY CASH CHRISTMAS JOhnnyCeehwelcomeIhieleniilyendlriondelor acelebralionolChriatrnes lhedaythesealon and the slate at mind on the musical holiday specrel Gueeteiarl TornT HellAndyKeulman Mime 60 mins d3 RARhEv MILLER mu who goes trunk and attacks an attorney is guest he i2lh precmct LIVE IT UP Mary Lou Finlay discovers that the ter and nicotine readings on Cigarette pack dont tell the whole truth Jack McGew goes to parachute school and drape out Alert and learns how to tell pokes SPEAKING OUT ea WiNTARIO DRAW 930 EDWARD AND MRS SIMPSON SOAP COLUMBO Columbo investigates when the owner OI pro football team is stain and the clues point totha manager Oitheteam 90 mms 1000 in KATE LOVES MYSTERY When Kate learns that stain woman was member of sex therapy group shejoins the group in hope of linding suspect but herlilais endangered when it discovered that she is orter Gamma THE ROCKFORD FILES ALLSTAR TRIBUTE TO GRID BEHGMAN An evening devoted to entertaining and honoring one 01 Hollywoods moatbeautifulandtelentedleadingladieswillbe staged by the Variety Clubs International the charity organization of ehowlolk Victor Borge Frank Sinatra Goldie Hawn Cary Grant and Jenna Stewart will pay tribute to Ingrid Belt do mine 2020 THE GREAT DEBATE MertinGrou and Dr Stanley Greben Resolved Psychother lePhon NEvs 1030 KOWALSKlLOEB REPORT 1100 mo NEWS cac NEWS EYEWITNESS NEWS CTV NEWS THE REAL STORY MOVIEDOCUMENTARY The Visit 1904 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest host hard Dawson 90mins CBS LATE MOVIE COLUMBO The Greenhoouungle Ray Millend guest etereas wealthy man who convincee his nephew to break his trust lund In order that he may have money to support in expensive hebita RepealBANACEK TheGreeleetCoIlection 0i Them All Stars George Pepperd Mike Fan Re eat MOVIECRIME White 1949 PARTv GAME OUESTION PERIOD IN THE INTEREST OF ONTARIO 1145 THE DUCHESS OF DUKE srppsy as daughterhui refuseslornariy him Sheiedeter minedtomekoirieBeriiInckuucceee Episode V60mine 1200 MOVIE DRAMA llNo um No Bu Iae1971 MOVIE AMA The in dore 1967 MERV GRIFFIN 1215 MOVIE MYSTERY is Someone Behind the Door 1971 100 TOMORROW 130 NEWS GONG SHOW 200 In MEDICAL CENTER MOVIEHORROR2 Death master 1971 historically speaking today in history TODAY IN HISTORY Ii THE CANADIAN PRESS II ii I979 An explosion in Halifax Har bor killed 1600 persons 72 years ago today in 1917 The ex plosion which caused $35 mil Iltlll worth of property damage resulted when the French freighter Mont Blanc with cargo of benzol picric acid and TNT collided with the Belgian ship Imo The blast which broke windows in Truro 80 kilo metres away also injured 6000 and left 10000 homeless 1492 Columbus landed on Haiti 1901 mine disaster in Monongah WVa killed 361 persons theworst mining dis aster in US history 19 Ireland accepted do minion status 1941 Britain declared war on Finland Hungary and Ro mama 1963 Christine Keeler was sentenced to nine months for perjury for her role in the Pro fumo scandal II liltit Page by fairytzilcs book of life in page came to downtown Barrie as thousands watched the Santa Claus parade Barrie was covered bv canadas story Halifax Explosion Killed 1630 People Bilingualism is an explosive issue in Canada today In 1917 language confusion was partly responsible for an explosion that wrecked Halifax killed 1630 people and injured thousands more it was the worlds biggest explosion until the atomic bomb Two ships Mont Blanc sives for World War colli impact punctured some tln Mont Bianc and it began to rid Imo carrying high explo ded in Halifax Harbour The of benzine on the decks of burn The ship was carrying 2300 tons of acid and 500000 pounds of TNT in its holds The explosion hurled clock out of its tower at Truro 60 miles away and was even felt at Sydney distance of 200 miles At an enquiry later it was revealed that the pilot of the Mont Blanc spoke only English but the shi crew wer French The ilot was asked what order hepwould give ii he wanted DemiTasse ship to reduce speed and he replied The second officer was asked what he would do if he heard such command and he replied that he would go below for cup of coffee The situation in Halifax was serious for many weeks Surv1vors lived in shattered homes and tents in the bitter winter weather Doctors and nurses from many parts of lp 00 Canada and the US rushed to Halifax to he after the injured and worked in difficult conditions OTHER EVENTS ON DECEMBER 1678 LaMotte and Father Henepin arrived at Niagara 1752 First book published in Canada was Halifax Gazette an eightpage government amphlet 1764 Soldiers in Montreal attacked Magis rate Walker and cut off his ears 1869 Governor General Lisgar offered to pardon Red River rebels if they would disperse 1880 First issue of Edmonton Bulletin 1907 Thomas Selfridge flew in kite designed by Alex ander Graham Bell at Baddeck NS 1921 General election result was Liberals 117 Progressives 64 Conservatives 50 nes Mac phail became first woman member House of Commons 1950Julius Raab Chancellor of Austria visited Ottawa Federal baffle barries story suitable blanket of snow as between 8000 to 10000 adults and children marvelled at the 22Fairylandfl0ats Snow and freezing rain made driving conditions hazar dous in Barrie and conditions to the north were little better as drivers struggled to keep cars on the road and wind shields clean handful of Barrie mothers were convinced they could organize trip to Expo 67 under the students afair plan independent of the schools Shool officials in Barrie declined to support any at tempt to have children visit Expo Mrs Swenna Little said objections that youngsters at the camp outside Expo would not be adequately supervised were groundless because each group would provide its own supervision If we place con fidence in the young people they will behave It is damag ing to tell them they cant be trusted she said New report cards issued on an experimental basis in two Barrie schools were well received by parents according to Wynn Law principal of Oakley Park School The value of the system according to Mr Law was that students were rated against their own potential rather than being compared to classmates With less than one week left the annual Christmas Gift campaign sponsored by the lady volunteers of the Barrie Branch of the Canadian Men tal Health Association was in trouble In was reported that contributions to the campaign were very very goal of 800 gifts for patients had been set one for each per son in the Ontario Hospital in Penetang Less than 100 gifts had been received for votes continues MONTREAL tCP The federalist battle for votes in the Quebec referendum is being waged on several fronts from information booths to neighbor hood discussion sessions and an expensive advertising cam fpaign But for anyone unfamiliar with it all it may be hard to pick out the players without scorecard The groups range from the powerful Quebec and federal Liberal parties each with highly successful electoral ma chine to flock of publicinter est associations that sprang up after the Parti Quebecois vic tory Shocked the country in No vember1976 The largest nonpartisan group is the QuebecCanada Movement which claims about 140000 members The movement put up feder aiist information booths at country fairs around Quebec last summer and next month plans to move into major shop ping centres on the weekends says executive director Pierre Brodeur But QuebecCanada is in poor shape financially Bro deur said in an interview Of six people working in the head office here only one is paid The others including Brodeur donate their time FINANCED PRIVATEIA President Guy Bouchat vicepresident of Montreal Shipping Co Ltd says the movement has so far been financed by Drivate donations andflhasnt tried to tap the corporate world yet The bestfinanced of the pub lic interest groups is the Pro Canada Foundation which was initially set up to finance the ProCanada Committee The foundation went ahead on its own when the committee col lapsed earlier this year Its president is Pierre Cote who is also president of the Conseil du Patronat the prov inces largest employers group The foundations chairman is Claude Castonguay an insurance company president and former member of the Bourassa cabinet slow The Doctor Says Three types of Sprue By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donoliue What can you tell me about spnie FMW igrue is food absorption pr lem One form involves the inaoility Of the small in testine to absorb wheat or wheatcontaining products More cifically it is inabili ty to igest gluten compo nent of wheat This disturbs the small intestine leading to eneral digestive problems Among the unpleasantnesses is weight loss and odorous stool which tends to float Anoter name for the problem is gluteninduced enteropathy Enteropathy is thémedical term referring to any disease of the intestines Thi sprue is treated by avoi ing all gluten foods Because of the presence of gluten in rye oats and barley the diet may be quite restric tive People with this have to be close label readers There are two other kinds of sprue One is called celiac disease Thats childhood digestive problem which tends to improve with years Tropical sprue is similar problem socalled because of its prevalence in tropical areas The symptoms are similar to other forms of sprue butthe cause is not clear An infection may be part of it Werenot sure This kind of sprue requires dif ferent treatment It is not difficult to find out if person has the gluten pro blem of another kind of sprue If symptoms spride with glutenfree diet then the diagnosis can be made Because of its interference with general digestion any You sprue problem may lead to malnutrition Vitamin sup plements are needed until it is brought under control Even my medical dictionary does not help in determining the derivation of the word sprue pronounced sprool Dear Dr Donahue What are the effects of taking un prescribed water pills while spending great deal of time in the sun Mrs Youre committing medical nono To begin with its never wise to take un prescribed medication Fluid pills for those who do not know are to help the body get rid of excess fluids and you may not have this problem Secondly the heat under the sun already is helping rid your body of some fluid and the pills are adding to that effect can be losing vital minerals along with the fluid So you should find out if you really need such pills and learn some of the dos and donts to live by while taking them Where are you getting your pills Dear Dr Donoliiie Is it true that ultrasound can actually damage your tissue What am thinking of is ultrasound used as therapy for arthritis BAR It could if enough of it were applied However it takes about 50 times more ultra sound intensity to damage tissuel than to produce pain Thus the amount generated to make person uncomfortable is far below the level capable of tissue destruction This is builtin safety factor BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Preempt bids up for grabs NORTH 01643 AK92 04 010862 EAST 0K7 VQJS QQJ108652 435 126 SOUTH 01810952 O3 OAKQHS Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer East West North East 64 Pass South Pass Opening leadzO By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Churchill refers to preemp tive openings as shooting dice Sometimes they succeed sometimes the preemptor lands flat on his face When used in match point dupli cate anything is likely to ha pen this hand Easts opening preempt started real fire works South merely over called with four clubs but now West made real second ary preempt He jumped to five diamonds If North had made the cor rect call of double he would have picked up 500 points with two black aces two top hearts and heart ruff by South but would not have recieved very good result Other NorthSouth pairs would have been plus 650 at spades or plus 600 in clubs Church suggests that South should have bid three spades instead of four clubs over the diamond preempt It certainly would have worked this time but we hate to think of how many bad things could happen if North didnt hold four spades Finally when North did bid six clubs he was unlucky Lots of West players would have continued to six diamonds whereupon North could double pick up 700 points and top score dain crossword ACROSS 47 Indian nurse 49 Subtle Accountant 50 Cassowary labor 52 Sunflower Shakespeare state abbr ean villain 54 Lone Star Poetic foot state 12 Buddhism 58 Cordand type stone weapon 13 Pack in 60 The smallest 14 Spirit bit 15 Beverage 62 Genetic 16 Jane Austen material title 63 Radar screen 17 Petroleum image derivatives 64 Reclined 18 Marry again 65 Actress 20 Cry of Southern surprise 66 Auld Lang 22 Wireless signal 67 New York City 23 ideal gas stadium condition 68 Certainly abbri 25 Loves Lat DOWN 27 Artillery emplacement Russian 31 Bows emperor 34 Oklahoma Hawaiian town goddess 35 Vast period of Over again time Refreshing 37 State Fr beverage 38 Taverns Prepare for 40 Burmese war currency Explorer 42 Fib Vasco da 43 Unoccupied 45 Rich Nebraska city Answer to Previous Puzzle EBB II mgr Eu II In BE BE Island off 36 Snoozes Mozambique 39 Pigpen Greek 41 Seedless philosopher raisin 5m 44 Wild ox sorghum 46 Caustic 11 Manager man 19 Superlative ce sufï¬x 48 Praises 21 Electrical unit 50 R05 24 SeCOndary 51 Mythical herb school 53 Biblical 26 Measure of Patriarch land metric 55 Medical 27 NEWbO picture comp infant mi 28 Seth father 56 Acress 29 Waterproof coveing Bancroft 30 Childs my 57 Without FL 32 wagon 59 Big monkey 33 Let it Stand 61 Fasten ala IIfl HI Bernice Beds 0301 ur War December me This coming year you will have ample opportunity to put some of your bigger Ideas into action Obstacles or pitfalls that previ ously hampered you will be removed from your path SAGITTARIUS Nov 28Dec 21 Begin to look ahead little and give some thought to future planning Anything you program at this time will work out mar velously welt CAPRICORN Dec 224 19 YOU ARE GOOD HEAIZTH MRUGGED Not 1F leRE EVER To Ra MnRRi iD LOOK FOR MFIN who was TELLDPRKHRNDSOME Others tend to treat you favor ably today Theyre likely to grant you material aid or assistance if you need any at this time Dont hesitate to ask AQUARIUS Jen 20Feb 19 Your social relationships offer special advantages today Par ticularly promising are Situations or matters calling for teamwork and cooperation PISCES Feb 20March 20 Anything you do today in which you put out your best efforts will not go unrecognized or unre warded Be as productive as possible ARIES March 21April 19 Try to Spend your day Or evening with persons you deem expan sive in their thinking Youll be looking for the chance to broad YOU HAVE CRAWLIEï¬ W56 17 TAKE T0 CHADGE LIGHT BULB Vilinthrop Mom me My cubes Rios monioue 101 YIalt gt til In III TRYIIYo TO oer macaw HAVE iou TRIED KiPuuoz III WINle SIMPLE nAlilEilATicAi FORMULA THEY CALL THESE TW wOHDER my EAEY CHAIRS BUT IM AIZQAID HE GOULD HFNEID BE tillTTg BND toFlRMSELF HSSUREDJOELL ED UltFfTEDgt FillILETlC BunDIR neooD SlNGlNG VOICEFINRNCIFILL5 secoREPRTiENT wmi CHiLDREN CONSlDERHTE RED 5y AND you KEEP POURlNG CARROTdUlCE on your exposure TAURUS April 20May 20 You have an instinctive awareness of all the resources available to you today that could make your life little better Have faith and put it to work GEMINI May 21June 20 This is good day to shore up any rela tionship of importance Youre in tune to what it takes to get along with others CANCER June 21July 22 Strong desire to establish place for yourself and also be of ser vice to others gives you extra drive It cant be anything but successful day LEO July 23Aug 22 Your pos itive outlook and smiling face iIIr an ink OFFENQE MEETS waitsEX OFFENQEX MEETS DEFENQE AU IT SAYS YEP THATS iSMlDDLE 1979 Dy NEA 1N Reg Pat Oil QED EYE no ila so 0H In insulin to neg us Pu on we el Mi BUT oocmHow COULD My DUMMV BE SICK THEYRE ALUAvs so H339 To GET our OF draws people to you like mag net today If youre not going to party why not men one VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 in your own quiet way you have strong impact on loved ones today and may even be responsi ble for steering them in good direction UBRA Sept 23Oct 23 This is not the day to spend secluded evening at home Youre far too restless Being around people will bring out the best in you Plan to go out SCORPIO Condltlons look extremely good regarding goal impOrtant to you Youre on firm ground so take advantage of it Build your foundation now TERMITE iNFEQTATlON H00 THE HELL DlDijot END UP WITH THAT MAKES TWO OF US soizizy DOC BUT lF you DRINK ENOUGH WERE our OF CARQOT JUICE youu AT LEAST GET your EYES LITTLE ORANGE VIN his no ha III THAVE ll LL