emergencies OTTAWA CPI The labor department is studying pro posal that would allow family care workers to handle athome so employees would not lose time at work BIll Sproule of the work con HAIR new clientele Sears BAZAAR is pleased to announce Diahne Leduc anew member of their staff Dianne Leduc formerly of James Moray is fully trained in hairdressing and welcomes all former and FOR APPOINTMENT 7264451 ext 221 SimpsonsSears Ltd Georgian Mall Barrie ditions branch says the depart ment is only looking at the idea as it was instructed to do by the former Liberal government The government last year proposed program to improve working conditions for women which included promoting special leave for parents The other option enabling familycare worker to look after sick family members for employees also is being studied Sproule said The idea of sending helpers into homes has been promoted for several years by the Family Care Workers of Ontario Evelyne Hunter of the volun tary familycare workers group says the estimated $21 million lost each day because of the number of people absent from work could drop significantly if some help were given working parents OUTLINES LINK The increasing incidence of both parents working and of the single parent who must work to support the family is linked UNWANTED HAIR Gone Forever Mrs Uoris boodman lwnog Permanent removal from lace and body Eyebrows shaped Sale gentle short wave method Medically Approved Free consultation and test GOODMAN CllNlC 7263132 Years Experience Member of tint and American Electrolysrs Assoctatlons PRECHRISTMS SUPER SPECIAL DRAPES PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANED FINISHED CHRISTMAS APPRECIATION or DRAPE DRAPES CUT OUT AND PRESENT WITH 0RD srrcut EXPIRES inc 2979 GOTT Cleanes Ltd 217 Dunlop St 50 Essa Rd BarrPaza Aliston IIHERE PROF JSSIOAAL RE MEAMONGER WEAR 30264259 that will ple Be ready for gala events great or small festivities for two or twenty Adorn the holiday scene ahead in fashions such as these ase you for fashionable elegance REENWOODS 913 oumor 7285l95 Labor department studying plan to help working parents with the growth of absent5m in the work place and Wilme of its underlying causes Qm ily health emergenciesfld recent report by theimuy care workers The report submfd 1235 month to federal and mm governments and organ izations said empltrs could easily make up °°St worker absence keeping familycare worké1 Staff to handle these emermeS Cost of rantCare plan could be absorg by Wins in place of sav through Te dueed employ absencev shared industIanlOee Plan or as an altermeto supple mentary metal Insurance the group recIntended By far vast majority of health emeneres are of short duration let require hospi mlizationrt do require care and assisme In the home the reporys Fag foods my be 910d foods IAWA CPI Some ham hers french fries and pizzas bght at fast food outlets may more nutritious than those Ide at home says recent Ivernment study The cheddar cheese content if slices used on hamburgers by major fastfood organizations is significantly higher than that generally found in retail stores the 115page report by the con sumer affairs department con eludes It is estimated Canadians will be spending up to 40 per cent of their food dollar in fast food outlets by 1980 and yet there is little or no information on that booming industry said John Stahl department food analyst The report examined stand ards and supply routes used by major fastfood organizations shopping for supplies in Can ada It addresses growing concern among consumers that fast food is necessarily junk food GROWTH EXPECTED With the expected growth in the relative importance of fast food as component in the diet there will be continuing pres sure exerted on the fast food in dustry and government to en sure adequate nutritional levels in fast foods the report says Other findings include Canadians ate 25 ham burgers each on average in 1978 and 15 per cent of potatoes ea ten were reneh fries Wendys is the only major organization which makes its meat patties in the store 0th ers use premeasured frozen patties McDonalds is the one na tional organization with single food supplier handling all its needs Stores are finicky about the color of their french fries Some add secret substances to give better flavor and color One company tried to add flavor by keeping the skin on its french fries but customers rejected theidea It is estimated that fish buyers for fastfood outlets have such high standards they reject 10 to 15 per cent of fish that would be acceptable to other purchasers The report says consumers can expect more menu changes at fastfood outlets as industry competition intensifies Break fasts steak sandwiches salad bars and ethnic foods have ap peared to attract market which has an everincreasing choice Centimetre amin With the pressure on to go metric what do you do when your surname is Inch Ralph and Karen Inch of Sault Ste Marie decided to go with the times and changed the name on the spare tire of their truck to Cen timetres Millimetres Start tradition by making your wreath wreath at Christmas welcomes your guests to your home If your family visits tree farm or lot to select Christmas tree why not pur chase additioal evergreens and pine cones this year to make wreath basic wreath will need base or frame Craft supply stores carry wire frames in various sizes There is general ly one outside ring two middle rings and an inside ring Natural straw wreaths are now available in various sizes Fine florists wire wired wooden floral picks holly or mistletoe leaves and berries and bows are other supplies that you may need To make basic wreath with evergreens an pine cones break the large evergreen branch into smaller branches Thee branches can be wired to the basic frame to cover it com pletely Wire the pine cones in groups then attach to the frame by inserting the wire through the evergreen around one of the rings To wire pine cone wrap florists wire around the bottom of the cone leaving enough wire to wrap around the frame For added decoration paint the tops of the pine cones with silver or gold paint then dip in glitter large bow can be added at the top of bottom to finish your wreath To hang simply make loop with heavier gauge florists wire or coat hanger and attach secure ly at the top Pine cone wreaths require good supply of cones to cover the frame completely depen dong on the size of your wreath Wire the cones around the outside ring first then towards the centre Use assorted sizes and shapes as you go FLOWERS Larger cones can be cut in two to resemble flowers Place wire clippers around the middle of the cone and squeeze you may have to make three or four cuts Wire the bottom end of the cones and include these with your regular cones Add bow 595 STEAM Carpet donors are 0x STEAMATIC IS BETTER am STEAMATIG® the total cleanin service Steamatics patented controlled heat cItanIng system cleans more thoroughly than most other systems Its Autlimitllt Wllh SteamatIc Explm Doc 15m FREE ONLOCATION ESTIMATE ResidentialCommercial 7374745 Cd Oily for Mom and holly to finish your wreath If you are using straw wreath use wooden wired floral picks to wire the bottom of the cone and then push the picks into the wreaths Bows tree ornament strawflowers dried babys breath spices such as cinnamon sticks lavender rosemary can be wired to picks than added to One wonders if any junior Inches might be known as your wreath little cab of glue on the bottom of your spices herbs or ornaments will help hold them in place Make wreath this Christmas When you decorate you tree put aside few decorations for your wreath and have fun with the family making an original wreath for your home It may become part of your Christmas tradition Cut heating costs by dressing right With winter fast ap proaching many people will be wondering how they can turn the thermostat down to cut fuel costs and still dress reasonably indoors The key to keeping warm is to trap body heat in the air bet ween layers of clothing Still air between clothes acts as an in sulator Body heat stays in cold air tays out and you stay warm Several lightweight loose layers of clothing will keep you warmer than one heavy layer because of the air trapped bet ween them The layer next to the skin should be soft and ab sorbent knitted cotton or wool fabric wouldbe ideal The remaining layers should be of more tightly woven fabric preferably with thick spongy or fluffy surface The design of clothing hs Some bearing on its warmth Since heat rises it is necessary to trap the warm air around the waist shoulders and face Garments should fit closely around the neck and wrists Hooded garments are good as are ones which are cinched or tucked in at the waist pair of pile or foamlined slippers will keep your feet warm Also some articles of clothing are warmer than others Pants are warmer than skirts boots are warmer than shoes tuckedin blouse or skirt is warmer than dress that hangs loose Lined llVlNG AND DINING ROOM SPECIAL garments are generally warmer than unlined ones Even accessories like ties and scarves can add layer of warmth With some careful planning you can make clothing play significant role in saving on fuel bills this winter graduates Terry Boulter On November Terry Wayne Boulter received his Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Public Administration from Carleton University Terry graduate of Eastview is the youngest son of Mr and Mrs Sherman Boulter of 585 Sun nidale Rd He is cur rently employed on the executive staff of the Hudson Bay Company in Ottawa while conti nuing work on his masters degree at Carleton Christmas Curtain Glanahiana flurtaina godaqs loole puts lace togdlrdr will aieiqtlitng 6mm glass and blues to antiques 7A the examiner Wednesday Dec 1979 Ann Landers No privacy in hospital Dear Ann Landerstl am recuperating from surgery in fivebed male urology ward There is sufficient space bet ween beds for table Curtains may be drawn which does give one little privacy but conversations are heard by all Visiting hours are from 800am until 800pm am writing about the lack of concern for the dignity of the patient The most intimate history and physical ex aminations are conducted within hearing and often view ingt distance of the other occupants of the ward as well as their visitors Doctors make rounds often accompanied by young in terns The eyes and ears of visitors follow the groups from bed to bed It is difficult to describe the feelingsof sick person under such conditions Of course he is unable to help himself He is treated as thing instead of human being Where does the responsibility lie for protecting patients against this sort of humiliating observation After all patient is not community property 77 Exposed Against My Will Dear Exposed Your complaint is valid and deserves to be aired publicly decidedto send your letter to Dr Hoyt Gardner presi dent of the American Medical Assn and ask him to com merit Here is an abbreviated version of his response Dear Ann landcrs The Ieltcr from your correspondent should remind all physicians that we must not become so obsessed with technology and science that we leave our patients feeling dcpersonalized and robbed of dignity Healing is an art as well as science When we fail to demonstrate that we are aware of both elements we show lack of concern for human dignity and selfesteem This means we are not complete physicians The man who wrote to you is to be complimented for calling us to task hope his physician will read his letter and pay more attention to the total art of medicine 77 Sincerely Hoyt Gardner Ml lrcsidcnt AMA responded Dear Dr Gardner Thanky0u for your humility and candor The world could use more physicians like you but alas where are they Sincerely Ann Landcrs Dear Ann Landcrs cringcd when read the letter by the woman who felt guilty because she listened to some vicious gossip believed every word thcn later discovcrtxl it was not true She was mad at herself for being taken in so easily work forlan exclusive dress shop ltcccntly we put on fashion show After the Show pair of lovely earrings was missing assumed the woman vco wore them last look them repeated the story to several friends Yesterday while cleaning my closet found the carr ings in pocket Id like to forget the whole thing but guilt is gnawing at my insides and will not let the rest How can make amends without looking foolish Mrs III Dear Mrs Go to each and every person to whom you told the story explain that the earrings turned up in forgotten pocket and say am ashamed of myself You will not look foolish You will look like person who has the courage to admit you were mistaken and thc decency to clear the name of an innocent victim It mm Living with movie critic By ERMA BOMBECK lot of parents go through the phase where their children go to college and two weeks later want to have their parents tested for irregular flow of oxygen to the brain Adults dont know anything Oh can take the humiliation of kids asking Do you understand what mean by the term bottom linc can handle the condescending way they spell in front of me can even endure their impatience when they ask me something and when dont hear it they shout Never mind What cant stand is their sanctimonious superiority They all go through it We no sooner got one child raised who dIdnt know how we managed to feed ourselves without workIng knowledge of statistics than we had to live through an economIcs expert God has now chosen to send us son who is majoring in cinema Forget the home movies We stopped showing those two years ago when we asked him to splice together some of our shots of South America We own the shortest home movie ever recorded in the Guinness Book of Records As he said There was only ten feet of film that had any quality to it whatsoever cannot believe you left home without tripod What really gets to me is that cant enjoy movie anymore without his Ronacizing it Son Seen any movies lately Mom The Seduction ofJoe Tynan and loved it Son Just missed making statement Mom up to point Of course the one really liked was Apoealypse Now which was breathtakineg Son Coppola had concept but it didnt work Mom dull Youre absolutely right of course luna was shakeup for me really gross Son Beautiful film Sensitive and real Mom ed million according to the critics and worth every penny of it Son What about Life ofBrian Mom havent seen it but the ilawsons saw it and walked out of the theatre Son Most brilliant piece of satire to come across the screen smce Chaphn sylwyltox ilfli 1537 94nd espectollq at Christmas time when our want qoulr liome looking so special t0uclr cl lace adds suck elegance and wamtli 45 54 63 94070 72 8t 90 94840 Custom lengths as well 7373940 205 CDunlop Soot