use as thoexaminer Wednesday Dec 1979 EVENING 600 0000 NEws Tic TAC DOUGH CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS ID POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS RHODA JEREMY 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS 645 READALONG 655 to WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA EIGHT is ENOUGH PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS Tic TAC DOUGH HOUR LONG In STREET TALK DONCEUPONATIMEMANeene EpoqueThisepisodeaxploresevontsbetween 1895 and 1917 includeing the invention of the automobilecolonizationalAlricaJhD1900 Paris Exhibition World WarlAND THE Rusaian olution FAMILY FEuD MAUDE 730 PRICE IS RIGHT NEWLYWED GAME TRIVIA JOKERS WILD SMITH AND SMITH MAGIC Doctor In The 38 Part III BOB NEWHART SHOW MA$H 800 REAL PEOPLE Tonights scheduled segments IfllLId monkey that guards pig pen wheel III which students ride unicycles BIDVQHIIOD olhobos 60mms NATURE OF THINGSAIookai Dil exploration in Canadas High Arctic and the affects on animal and plant lite and indigenous pics 60 mins MAVERCK BenMavercks in danger of making big headlines on the Six OClock Noose when he goes up against LStabbins the legendary hangin iudge of Tex 60 mins JOHN DENVER AND THE UPPETS THE WALTONS NHL HOCKEY MontreaICanadicnsvs annntn Maple Leafs TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS Dec 1979 Woodrow Wilson became the first United States president to leave the country while in office when he sailed for the Ver sailles Peace Conference 81 years ago today in 1918 The Dec I973 capture Canada for the US to Governor Dinwiddie snowshoes London England The Kiwanis Club of Barrie 4H presented special awards to achievement at the Minesing High role in High Midni Actor David Birney recently talks about his lead role in television movie High Midnight in which Birney plays man whose wife and child were killed in mistaken noknock drug raid Birneys character then stalks the narcotics officer who led the raid AP Photo television guide FOOTSTEPSSocroioILIiiIaNedTn imponancsol liatoninq toohildron istho focus at apisodo MAN ABOUT THE HOUSE cozy dinner for six becomes battlstisld when Mr or meets the German houssï¬isst MOVIE ADVENTU Operation Crossbow 1965 830 THE REAL STORY OUiz KIDS SHow 900 DIFFRENT STROKES Arnold thinksWillisiaatterhisgirlaliarhisbrothsroivss ca that backliras MUSIC OF MAN Following the Great Warm Europe revolution in music took place led by Schonberq Berg and Vaross In America it was Aaron Copland with radio and soundmowes popularizing all forms of music mins HALLMARK HALLOFFAMEAuni MaryJeanStaplatonstarsmthistrueaiiledrama about Baltimore woman who 10110de severe physical handicaps to become sandlot be as coach hrs CHARLIES ANGELS The Angels are lured to remote tropical island where they find themselves becoming the quarry of dar ed hunter 60 mina MOVIE COMEDY Warm camber 1973 UPSTAIRSDOWNSTAlRSlIYOu Ware They Only Girl In The World Only three officers turn up lorHazais tea party and Hazel becomes friendly with one of them In France James Visits Georgina at Ihs field hospital Great battle is expected and Edward and gqory will likely be involved SECOND CITV TV 930 9HELLOLARRYLarryIsamusedbytha prospect of hosting the MM Nude Portland contest until he learns that he must also appear altogether GOING PLACES 1000 BEST OF SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SPECTRUM This documentary tocusesonGrenlallolLabradorTasomehawas saint healer and hero To Others he was publrcrty hound sootal climber and master wman Repeat 60 mins BARBARA WALTERS SPECIAL Suzanna Somers Stews Wonderand Sylvester Stallone are mtervrewed by Barbara Walters mina THE BODY IN OUESTION ea GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 STREETSOFSANFRANCISCO Stave Keller goes undercover as an axcon ID discoverwho is putting other excons back into criminal acIIVities with suspICIon pomtino towards parole nllicer 1100 90093 NEWS CBC NEws conference discussed the terms of peace following the termina tion of hostilities in the First World War and resdlted in the signing of the Treaty of Ver sailles in June 1919 1151 Nicholas Breakspear became the only Englishman elected pope pxtu WEDNESDAY EVENINEVIEWING CW NEws THE REAL STORY MOVIE DRAMA lb Say Hello to Yostorda 1911 11 NEws WAV 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow Guest host wld Letterman 90 mins CBS LATE MOVIE BLACK SHEEP SOUADRONUpForGrahsJapanssacomman dot strike one morning taking everyone by sur prise RepsatHAWAllFlVE0 McGarrettls Missino Stars Jack Lord Charles Ciolfi peat MOVIE COMEDY Start Revolution Without Me 1970 PARTY GAME QUESTION PERIOD IN PRIVATE LIFE 1145 THRILLER 1200 MOVIE SCIENCE Human moor 1968 KOJAK ASpiritualistdraamsolamurdar in committed before it happens 60 Rims MERV GRIFFIN 1215 MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA Big Bounce 1969 100 TOMORROW MEDICAL CENTER 130 NEws E8 GONG SHOW 215 GMOVlEWESTERNPlz Ma cho Callahan 1970 childrens channel THURSDAY DEC 1030 Mr Dressup 1100 Sesame Street 100 Adeles Stories 130 Wonkles Weekly 200 Kids and Chords 230 Almost Home 300 Cope 400 Hockey Instruction 430 Mister Rogers 500 Sesame Street 000 Polka Dot Door historically speaking today in history 1601 Champlain reached the St Croix River in Maine 1923 Opera singer Maria Callas was born 1943 Titos government was proclaimed in Yugoslavia I947 Bulgaria adopted communist constitution barriés story four members of the Minesing Club for outstanding canadas story George Washington Played Important Part In Canada George Washington played an amazing part in Cana dian history First he helped the British capture Canada from France Then he got the French to help him try to Nevertheless Washington took sympathetic interest in Canada Ile instructed US armies invading Canada in 1775 not to hurt Canadians if they could avoid doing so He was very angry when he learned that an American privateer had raided Charlottetown and carried off some eading citizens and valuables It wasnt possible to recover the booty but he arranged for the captives to get back to Prince Edward Island It might be said that Washington entered Canadian history on December 1753 He was an officer in the Virginia militia and was sent inland to investigate reports that the French were building trading posts in December he found such post about 60 miles north of presentday Iittsburg and it was occupied by Ctiiibert dc Joncziirc French officer Joncaire invited Washington to stay for the night and they did good deal of drinking During their conversations Ioncaire told Washington about French plans to take possession of the Ohio Valley Lind link Canada with Louisiana Washington told loncaire that he would have to get out of British territory and then returned to Virginia to report The result was that the Americans then British sub ctti begun to take action against the French and there was lighting at treat Meadows Fort Necesity and eventually Fort DuQucsne now Pittsburg Washington took part in the campaigns as British officer British historian Horace Walpole wrote later volley fired by young Virginian in the backwoods of America set the world on fire OTHER EVENTS DECEMBER 1800 David Thompson began trip across Rockies on 1830 Arrangements were made for bonded CS goods to pass through Canada 1866 Confederation delegates began meetings In 1961 Dr Marcel Chaput Quebec separatist leader resigned from Research Defence Board 4H Achievement Day Greg Giffen received the award for champion beef showman John Kunce was presented with the reserve champion beef showman award Brian Giffen was awarded the champion dairy showman award and John VanderWielen received the reserve dairy showman award The little stickers which the ministry of Transportation and Communications issued to replace new licence plates went The Doctor Says After 10 years see doctor By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donohue am 63 and have had hot flashes at night since the age of 50 My doctor has told me it is hor mone imbalance but now wonder if that is correct Several friends about my age have the same problem and we are wondering how much longer these hot flashes if thats what they are will con tinue Can you comment EL By age 63 one would expect these symptoms caused by the postmenopause reduction in hormone production to have diminished Two rare causes of somewhat similar symptoms are an overactive thyroid gland and an unusual illness of the adrenal glands called pheochromocytoma dont mean to suggest you have these problems However woman who com plains of menopause trouble after 10 years should see doctor Dear Dr Donohue have had surgery for diverticulosis Is there anything should do so that it wont happen again DM Diverticulosis is the forma tion of small outpouchings diverticula in the lining of the colon large bowel About 10 million people in the US alone have this to some degree It is so common that we can predict it in about 65 percent of people past 85 It rarely occurs before age 30 The chief reason for it is thought to be developing laziness of the bowel because Of the kinds of food we eat In less affluent societies where fewer of the highly refined foods are used there is much less diverticulosis Thus as general rule doc tors recommend high bulk diet for those persons with the pouch problem These of course are the whole graim bran etc The bulk helps keep the stool soft and the bowel ac tive Because this problem is so common with so many repeat questions about it Dear Dr Donohue We often hear of hammer toe Is there anything we can to to prevent it What causes them and is surgery the only treatment MrsCB Hammer toe is bending of the joint into an upside down It can run in families result from muscle im balance or most commonly come from wearing tight shoes that cramp the front of the feet Usually the second toe is affected Besides the cosmetic disadvantage corns may develop because of the ab normal pressures exerted Short of surgery leather splint or soft pads at the pressure points help Unless the condition dOes run in the family or muscle imbalance exists the best prevention is careful selection of shoes Dear Dr Donahue have heard that fat can be removed surgically If so what is the op eration called am feet inches and weigh 170 am in terested am 71 PS My neighbors all read your column so please reverse my initials if vou use them JS How about some brand new initials Provided above at no cost Removal of fat is called li nectomy For woman of your age and height you should lose about 20 pounds by sensible dieting and moderate exercise before thinking bout anything as radical as lioectomv Thats like trying to kill mosquito with an elephant gun BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sonte1g Match point game playing NORTH 4A3 VAJ9764 985 Q96 EAST 9109864 vxoio OQJ103 SOUTH 02 V82 91962 +AK11083 Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East 124 WEST OKQJ75 V53 OA74 754 South Pass Pass 30 Pass Pass Opening leadzï¬ on sale in Barrie for the first By Oswald Jacoby time The first day the stickers and Alan Sontag were available Mr Webb ministry agent reported 115 ap plications were handled You never know what is going to be bad result in The Ontario Municipal Board match point game until he became the latest arbitrator in scores are in the history of the Bayclub Bar rie City Council had approved the rezoning of the land but numerous objections were on file with the city clerk along with another application for rezoning Either objection could have forced an OMB hearing Aid Laking was quoted as saying dont think it will help the downtown core and also dont think it will ever be built The ratio of 110 units to the acre is staggering and dont believe it will im prove the quality of life of Bar ries citizens The proposed extension of Lukeshorc Dr around Keinpenfelt Bay to Duckworth Street received support from 250 residents of Wellington Street who lived between Bayfield and Duckworth Streets Mrs Bemrose her husband and two neighbors ap peared at the city development committees meeting to explain the reasons behind petition by Wellington St residents objec ting to the designation of their street as an arterial route ght Flaying at five clubs South have wasted no time in chucking his contract out the front door He grabbed dummys ace of spades at trick one and eventually lost heart and two diamonds East was one of those smart Alecs who like to point out their opponents mistakes He explained carefully that since South had to lose heart trick some time or other he should planned to lose it in such manner that East could not get in In other words South should have let West hold the first spade Then South could discard heart on the ace of spades set up three long hearts and get three diamond discards North became somewhat annoyed and finally turned to East and said Your analysis is good Too bad you bid like money has gone out of style If you had jumped to four spades as you should have the chances are that your partner would have played that contract My partner was hard put to bid four clubs He surely wouldnt have bid five Four spades is lay down and when the scores are in you will find that your plus 100 isnt going to be worth much clajly crossword ACROSS 41 Female saint abbr Additional 42 Repair Communica 43 Kitchen Items agency gadget abbr 46 Slip by Early part of 50 Pons specialty day 51 Yes 12 Groan 53 Variety Of 13 City In Brazil moth Id Bewildered 54 Skirt 15 Poet Found 55 Little child 16 For rowing 56 Flag 17 Pronoun 57 Look over 18 Appeared 58 Printers 20 Adds measure pl 22 Gold Sp 59 Irish clan 23 possess contr DOWN 24 Striped horse 27 Fighter pilot Mesdames 28 Fruit of abbr palm Slime 31 Auto club Infrequent 32 Manner Charm 33 Rosary bead Tolkien 34 Greek letter character 35 Mommas Spy group 36 Pipe fitting abbr unit Central parts 37 Fixed Buff 38 Billboards Safety agency 39 Loam deposn abbr U1 U1 Answer to Prevrous Puzzle Elflflll BEE our MB In 13m EB ERIE HIE I3 BEBE BE lilll an IE EEBEE IIIE I38 an I3 am an BE I3 Ii RIB 10 Spin 39 Mae West 11 Words of role denial 40 Sorrel 19 Age 41 Dye 21 Furnace 42 Gives food to 24 Shocks 43 Engine part 25 Relaxation pl 26 Fishing lure 44 Of liquid 27 Sights waste 28 Karma 45 Actress 29 Lawyers LOUIse patron saint 47 Unmixed 30 Horse 48 Small sample directives of cloth 32 Andante 49 Direction 35 Fal 52 Sweet potato Bernice Bede Osol if cYour cBirthday Docombor 1979 Before the year following your birthday ends things will have turned out for you in most for tunate way Look for the unusual to happen at the most unexpect ed times SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Just when you think nobody appreciates you someone important will come along today to reward you in most gener ous fashion Youll deserve it CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 WHAT Dob0U THINK YOU AEE DOING TAKE YOUR FOOT our 05 FIN ncoDErIT For Better or Worse Short Ribs Winthrop 19191 In Eeek Meek Frank and Ernest Born Loser ELLBAJHFT lFl IOENT BLIND IOHFIT IDOOLD HHPPEN IF COULDNT IOORK7IDHRT IF HRD lMlTATION FOR Reg us Par ow AND HERES THE PHOUE COMPALIYS CHRISTMAS SEC in dealing with another today you might have preconceived nega tive nations as to how this per son will react However he Or she will treat you more fairly than you surmised AQUARIUS Jan 20Fob 19 That little extra effort you may be asked to put out today workwise is going to pay larger dividend than you realize DO your best PISCES Fob 20March 20 The chip on the other guys shoulder isnt very big With the least amount of effort on your part youll have this person purring in no time ARIES March 21April 19 Something in which youre involved will take positive turn 1an work not nicer than vou HOT wOULD DO TO ME CRHT FORSEE THE 863405 TRKE OUR Hanan FOR GRRNTED SOMETHING HFIPPENED GETOUT 90012 HIGH SCHOOL ALID CALL BUERiOUE IL lT MlUUTES OR LESS anticipated Your fears are groundless TAURUS April 20May 20 In matter on which others are not so well intOrmed as you try not to be too influenced by their Opinions Your views are much more accurate GEMINI May 21Juns 20 Although it may come as surprise your checkbook wont be as heavily dented as you assumed Funds will stretch lar ther because of some unusual circumstances CANCER June 21July 22 Good things will be happening today to brighten your outlook and give you much more opti mistic perspective LEO July 23Aug 22 Keep your YOU WONT BE ABLE TO SLIP INANV Ni7LAMMATORY QEMAEKS ABOUT THE KING up in has IF ELSE CHFINGE THE TAUltFOR5 FOR MY NEXT NUMBER WILL PULL WABBIT FROM HAT llllllll lll Hi llIIIll rm ego Bugs Bunny motifIHENï¬EYOU wine NAME YOUR enema QUARIERBALK For NBCT WEEKS are AME 80 camm In WHAT COINCIDENCE MY LAST NAME Zoonies iinEfl Too Oitnnruu In JS on IM Hag us Pal on mm wt hit it mm Wm WW THPrr INSURHNCE Poucg 321 gig gPSET JonT INE Now 608 RELFIX rTHINK OF SOMETHING 01979 by NEA Inc Reg Pal Off DONT NEED IT DREAM ENGLISH hopes up Conditions having an influence on your feelings of wellbeing and security are stirry They forfeit something good VIRGO Aug 23Sopt 22 You it have much more luck today if you get others to go along with your ideas rather than gomg along with theirs lt wont be as difficult as you think LIBRA Sept 230ct 23 break comes today from an area youd least expect so be patient if at first things look dark You could be celebrating by evening SCORPIO Oct 2414011 22 An irritable situation could spur you to action you wouldnt ordinarily take It will turn out to be an extremely wise and fortunate course to pursue AND ILL To STAY OF THE WK IsNT HE THE ï¬uv THAT DOESNTsAY ANYTH lNGr EXCEPT HAWAll ALASKA FOROULH DUCKSth MUST CALLS€91 OIUE lk THE BtDK NO CHEAlele mi VIN New no II his in Tunas i14 DOYOUGUPPOSE 1in Dont TAKE DINERS CLUB WILL MAKE THIS WABBIT DISAPPEAR 12