the examiner Wednesday Dec 1979 21 Baseball meetings have aura of caution ker ammo IiTItlIs Hlmhuruhrmnt llohnrr 21rnllelgwn 1MB Logpinkg ted in 106 runs and scored 77 IIHSII EffWIMP 7v IIij IIIll It TIIUI IIIIZ I031 guilt York Scranmlgp runs He homers and five iosr TIII17Ipm illSTlYll Inss Hiisr Iw PiTIttif muon lllllt Hm bimn ARIIT5I19SFmm Frlples for 23 Plal bdsesi Thlf illIIAMILSVIEWSlIIIII Jones ihtlHMiSIllHjVl It Ilodkrn MGM 8mm IS the secon time Horton has ililrKsiioTHvam Hutton lllSill mm NtWmllII Sngwk Tm Jones captured the award based on jpflmvnr Tim 5QTrigvtaulrvrm TrTII RAH PH I11III337 p01 of writers broadcasters iM minit Lu ras minii rum Mcflurr 7lohnny rm AnniHid T2151M0fsï¬ Segomm andpublic relations directors Stormy Waplrw lllllII anlitr It Rutledge mesmnal wJmm SIll UNI IIMI III 330 IATIIIIU If III SIM 2venwnmul Brad peerg 6K FlllltlllIS It lilillmlin MHLI 11 3mm Nd mm fFlti IIIIAItl rimmi ï¬ltIlll rm SIHNtiIIt Mdlurc memmmw mm onehoeyuney REG To 891 HUIHUN mgr ï¬lm LARA JUNE shudlmk 500th live Huron IInlinlr litrnur VICIOI rrmw lllliulilv Indemnity unninillmm mm or RI Chflstmcï¬ Ski Many euures ZShiimay II Jan iltllhliml Mm AIIKmslrntQllilkcr DIXON IlSrwinlilc Rod lropta Itlll lootgr Jones nouns CCMP 99 UP Inixitimrlnuil Loughoil Slitvie ilruvt Jonis mm with his existing contractual ter Béyash Blue Jays pres HORTON NAMED Also more are not as many obligations dent Under the new players TORONTO CP Free tradeable bodies floating Servce the bg factor in agregmembthere area number agent wme Horton was timed around the major leagues these 0f the trade talks said Pe 0f Impedlmems mvowmg TueSday the Amerlcan Leagues outstanding No big trodes emerge TORONTO CPI Baseballs annual winter meetings the last great slave auction in modern times has been replaced by an aura of guarded caution and con servatism in 1979 blockbuster trade or two probably will occur before the meetings end Friday but there wont be as many as gt previous years So far none have been reached and few are rumored There just wont be as many big trades this year as com pared to past years said Gabe Paul president of Cleveland InA dians The obvious reason for the shortage is the number of free agents Not only does it take about 2025 players away from any trade discussion but it also locks them up in following years due to the longevity and notrade clause oi their con days Just look at Los Angeles Dodgers who have 17 players on their squad with notrade clauses Thats 17 players who are excluded from any deal On top of the rise of notrade clauses the players are in sisting on and getting are the large number of multiyear pacts Come trading time that scares lot of clubs off especially when the player in question is getting bit long in the tooth and still has three or four years remaining on his contract PERSONNEL LIMITED There is definitely limited pool of personnel to draw from this year said Elliott Wahle administrator of player person nel for Toronto Blue Jays Another stumbling block in trade talks is players service how long he has played at the majorleague level combined PETER BAVASI servicc big factor raceway entries ItItlIi It PIIIAY Itarlhn islmrm AII Shall 801 Lady Spllllh IIllfluri htlungY Illtls lSHlAlt VALLEYDALII Ilopkin Tlllltll IIMII II III 373 IIIlVUNAlI AIIIIII Molr 4AIIilY KVIHIII IIohnor tifirlltll IIIl idrrmt WE llli5ll3lllltll Byron Eltzmlhllrr VVJ0lls ltlINIIthlllItU IIutlon lTNllghIJlngt lfoukrus 2riptrnn Iiy Splnks lirownjlhundtr Roof SKIPilll Anmrud 7llum5klpplrIr taplï¬s 6WcltomrIzirlnlr singer HWanrlrmn ll pin 7Worth lltc Ilmm izlriillrlii Illlt1kltll iiiiitsumli llltllttl Hlnrc Klrlllkl 7th Zlt on AllrttrtlnlltllllOlllI JUITIN HIIIN II StlIll AIlrjhncr Nmerllrushtrl Loughrwl lllltlllllli It ones HIIIITII Itl I41 Ii IIlI ï¬lm llcllwirxl hiirms Scrarfluptt tAlHIJMSHNti lrmrx Ilrirvlmt Itlut Olin 7IlIIIClttlll ItlSli It ltulIrrlgr iSkipptr Kaylu Mctlurr lIIAItIlYCASHIER Ilyiuii artrsimllitk rum CENSED UNDER LL ltoru lutlgt Vi lrmIx li Agars Ilri Annirut WY lerIiliie him It tunmiiuimni llll It Ii ilri1ru MILES NORTH OF BARRIE 0N Slillnrnv linin II lurrlir IitlttlslY tIlIJIK lfllutlon mnNG Goons BA ion rwiimiii unm 1TIlil mun NSEIII Wl ll litilskl HlNIIIftlElIIiV Murmur 0N PREMISES Go Whle Brow MILLION DOLLAR TOY SALE OF NAME BRAND TOYS GAMES REEVES CANVAS 6TUBES OILS PALLET BRUSH KNIFE LINSEED TURPS ETC PARKER BROS OIL PAINTING MADE EASY KIT $349 1978 DEPT STORE PRICE $999 BOARD GAMES REG VALUE $599 699 LAFFY CATHY NORTH BARRIE PLAZA INSIDE OF PIONEER POOLS 7264606 BARRIE Ali ltoughsliml Spinkk Kath Shallow It Scrannuur SIZI1TIIII II III IllII SLOIHI PRICED FROM Battery Operated She Laughs 1978 Dept Store Catalogue Price $1995 ITS EERIE AND SPOOKY Stereo Viewer With 49 Full Colour Pictures on Reels AND MATTEL $3 HUB BUBS WORKSHOP SSEEN ON TV SAVE 16 DOLL SAVE UP TO 70 PURSE SCARF$24I9 SET GOLD KEY BOOKS SPER VALUE trades especially it you are dealing with veteran ball club For example say you are talking about player who was signed by another club with longterm contract If he has played five years at the major league level he has the option of asking to be traded to an other club at the conclusion of the first year with his new club That means you are giving up player or players for one guy who might be with you for just one year Meanvwvhile the Blue Jays did have announced that ex manager Roy Hartsfield had been offered an unspecified job in the organization and that Hartsfield turned it down It was not on onfield position something Hartsfield is shop ping around for while he at tends the meetings designated hitter for I979 Playing with Seattle Mariners Horton collected 180 hits in 646 atbats to lead the ALs designated hitters in both categories He batted 279 bat AURORA 835201 PACKS Assorted Flavors 75 01 REGII9 REG 2799 SLIPPERS SML REG 800 50 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO ENTIRE STOCK ONE SIZE PANTY HOSE Gift Box MUG SET SOLARY ELECTRIC BLANKETS DOUBLE REG 4997 SPEED BURNING DRAG STRIP AND MORE Piece All shades REG 1999 REG 797 REG 69 LLGANzi HOLLIE HOBBIE OPEVERY NIGH SPECIALS AVAILABlEvTHURSDAY69 PM ONLY CH WHILE QANTITIES lAST REG PRICE $498 $399 COMIC 431 LITTLE PEOPLE IN ACTION at WOLFMAN LIMIT IO COUNT DRACULA FRANKENSTEIN CUST GODZILLA WHILE QUANTITIES lAST GIFTPAC CONTAINS MFG LIST PRICE $999 STORE HOURS MON CLOSED TUES WED 1030 on pm 1030 IIIII pan SATURDAY 930 mm pm FROM GERMANY PLAY BIGS REG $198 EA wu PRICE in CANADA QUALITY $2 LIMIT PER CUST 50¢ llMIT PER CUST ur AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS PRICE The GETITNOW Card Master Charge and Chargex also accepted OPEN MONDAY FRIDAY AM PM UNTIL CHRISTMAS 60 DUNLOP ST BARRIE