WWW7WyNcv3o1mP Chamber involved in issues The Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce faced up to many of the key issues in the community in Peter Howden outgoing chamber president said Thursda Speaking at the Chambers annual dinner How en outlined the Chambers position on the hotlycontested annexation and downtown seeder project issues The civic affairs committee developed the Chambers sup portive position on the project and held membership meetings for information on the scheme Howden said Not only should the importance of the project be shown but development concept should be put together to show poten tial industries and businesses who may locate in Barrie he said TOOK POSITION The Chamber took position on annexationto try and end Stand for downtown model sold to Chamber members three years of board and court litigation costs in conjunction with the lnnisiil chamber he said Position papers on removal of indexmg from federalcivic serVice pensions backdating of OHIP premiums and the antiboycott bill were put together he said The legislative affairs committee also organized busmess series of breakfast meetmgswhtch is leading to more conti nuiéig Chamber involvement in small business problems he sai The successful trade dollar program of last year enabled the Chamber to purchase communication van and new ci ty map said Howden The education committee worked with Eastview Collegiate on commercial studies awards and programmes for career choices Among other concerns expressed were views on the county boards human relations course and look into the industryeducation council idea he said BEST CARNIVAL Winter camival was the best laid out most community oriented carnival in recent memory he said ltshould be the Chambers continued responsibility and destiny to meet the issues head on with courage and to pro mote this city and its environs he said Art Rogers new Chamber president said Barrie is doubly blessed with natural beauty along with winter and summer activities The Chamber he said should work to ensure strong economic base so that opportunities are there in the future for Barries young people Among the highlights of the coming year will be seminar focusing on the year 2000 Rogers told the crowd The deficit incurred by the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce on the stand created for its futuristic model of Barrie was quickly wiped out Thursday during its annual meeting Auctioneer Bryan Paccllo of and Auctioneers sold different portions of the model to Chamber members and ended up gaining $1640 for the Chamber Its more than double the $800 the Chamber had lost on the model 1979 BARRIEJAYCEE SANTA CLAUS PARADE gt ROUTE The model being built since the summer is design of what Barries downtown area is expected to look like in the year2000 The model will be an impor tant selling tool for Barrie chamber member Marshall Green told the audience The stand made for it will permit transportatim of the made around to various displays in different areas he said In other meeting highlights Mayor Ross Archer said the Chamber city council and In HIGH ST PARKING The Jaycee Santa Claus parade begins at pm Sunday trti it Trl nislil Township time still all friends despite differences in the annexation llSplllt While the hamch and city might not understand each others position there is respect from both sides he said If Barrie had taken the short term solution to annexation it would have intant abandoning objectives madc six or seven years ago he said The city wants to be sure it doesnt have to go through another annexation in to to 13 years the Barrie mayor said HAVHELU Si TORONTO ST MARY ST MAPH 5T Contingency plans set if iail guards strike By STEPHEN NIIIIIS The Examiner Barrie Jail and the Oak Ridge division of Penctan guishcne Mental Health Centre have devised contingency plans to mantain control if guards strike next week Duncan McFarlane jail superintendent told The Ex aminer jail management staff will replace guards to super vise prisoners Barrie city police will transport prisoners to court hospital or wherever they BREAK UP AREA About 700 people will take part in the annual parade Parade officials wait for crisp Sunday allow spectators to gather in more condensed This years Santa Claus parade seems to have everything going for it with more participants then ever and forecast of crisp sunny Sun day About 700 people are expected to take part in the annual parade sponsored by the Barrie Jaycees which features at least 25 floats seven or eight bands clowns and marchers Christmas Around the World is the theme of the parade and those building floats have been asked to illustrate the holiday season as its celebrated in other countries oi the world John Beischer parade publicity chairman says so far ther is Mexican float US float illustrating Sesame Street and marchers wearing Chinese costumes The parade begins at pm leaving from the Wellington Plaza heading south on Anne Street then east on Dunlop Street and winding up at Sampson Street The event should last for ap proximately one hour Last years route along Street then Dunlop Street has been altered to The Big Brothers annual Bowl for Millions campaign was launched at ficially at press conference Thursday The honorary chairman for this years drive IS Bep Guidolin He is shown here with Jim Haddock and Bob Haddock Barrie little brothers right Former pro hockey coach Bowl for Millions chairman Barrics Big Brothers arc preparing to stage their own version of bowling for dollars with the 1980 edition of Bowl For Millions Thursday at the Bayshore Hotel the Big Brothers held press conference to announce plans and introduce the honorary chairman of this years affair Bep Guidolin former NIII play er and coach Campaign cochairman Eric Taves told Thc Examiner the local goal is to collect 815001 which will be tlSttl throughout the New Year to pay the olunlecr organizations operatin costs The Big Brothers attempt to match men with boys who need big brother Eighty boys have been matched up with Big Brothers in the Bar rie area Taves said The actual bowling will take placc the week of Feb and includes two celebrity days Feb at Bowlerama and Feb lti tit Kempview Bowl that will be open to members of the public who have collected pledges Throughout that week league bowlcr will throw strich for cash not of the cause Ti cs s1 ui Pledge sheets are iiililc at the Big Brothcrs Dunlop St East oilicc Barrie police chief Snider and Taves are ordinatiiigtheaffair Weve had good conununity support in the past iitd hope it continues Taves stizd Earl Essa Road Bradford Beischer areas says Beischer He expects the streets to be packed with onlookers is enthusiastic about this years parade but prays for good weather He says last Sunday afternoon years event was the worst ever freezing rain an unex breakdown of the Shriners bus but its going to be bigger and better than ever this year For those unable to Cable will broadcast the event at 440 pm plagued by peeled detour and get out for the parade Fitness trigl tQId Childhood scars brutal By LORI COHEN If The Examiner second psychiatrist testified in Supreme Court Thursday that Richard Ray Carter charged with the murder of fiveyearold Jamie Tristan Shearer is unfit to stand trial because of his men talillness Dr Pictcr Butler director of the department of Psychiatry at Humbcr Memorial Hospital in Toronto agreed with eailicr testimony by Dr Jerry Cooper that Carter 33 is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia manitcsting itself in daydrcams and dillusions lle tractd Carters childhood in Louisiana here as young boy he was verbally and sex ually abused by his lilllltl No child could emerge unscathed from such chaotic and brutal environment said Dr Butler He noted Carters involve ment with the occult as result of his meeting with Maureen his deceased fifth wife and mother of the dead boy The laws of the occult are mor significant ito Cartcri than any other Dr Butler said His thoughts and words spring from this private world of his The doctor said be doubted if Carter would ever become fit to stand trial although he had to face the courts even tually In later testimony Dr Butler said Carter could get good period of remission in must be taken he said Provincial police will be called in as back up if need ed said McFarlane Asked how many manage ment personnel re on staff in Barrie McFarlane said enough to run the institu tion He said he did not want to reveal numbers for security reasons Barrie Jail has 39 guards The building houses 50 to 60 prisoners FORCES MEET Simcoe County police forces met in Barrie Wednesday to discuss how they will respond if guards strike Barrie Chief Earl Snider would not comment on that meeting Officials at Oak Ridge said contingency plan is prepared and ready to go should the 175 workers there walk out nextweek Kenneth McKerrow ministrator would not specify where the staff will come from He said the Oak Ridge Centre maximum security division has only six super visory personnel It holds 275 residents who are either criminally insame or confined there for psychiatric observation Roads slippery Area police report several minor accidents throughout Simcoe County overnight Falling snow and snow blown by winds created visibli ty problems which lasted into the daylight morning hours Police reported slippery roads throughout the county at 8am this morning City police said Barrie was surprisingly free of accidents this morning One traffic acci dent was reported about 1010 today No further details were available at press time ad his schizophrenia and could becomefit ASSIM ES TRCTII Dr Cooper said as psychiatrist he must assume Carter is truthful when he speaks of his conversations with his deceased wife but one must take what he says withagrain ofsalt Hes obviously not truthful person but hes con sistent in his dillusions said Dr Cooper Under questioning by crown attorney David Watts Dr Butler admitted there are no objective criteria with which to determine whether Carter suffers from the dillusions he says he does but said he could tell by his behavior that he was in fact suffering them EQrge landlord to repair problems pageant Mary and Joseph stand watch over the baby Jesus in the St Monicas Separate School production at the Christmas Story presented last night at St Marys Church Mary was played by Cathy Rivard and Joseph by Pat Bosco Examiner Photo lm Little action on property New tear because things slow down in real estate during November and December Bradley said However mortgage rates are expected to drop in the New Year and proposals are ex pected sometime early in 1980 Bradley The controversial Hblock close to being sold just yet Winston Bradley general manager of Continental Bank affiliated with the parent company IAC said Wednesday that not thing has happened with the property The property was put up for sale when Ed Jennings local developer decided to multimillion Kempenfelt place apartment proposal Further offers are not expected until the abandon the property has now been available since July but it is not said million dollar my perty aldermen decided at meeting not to attempt to purchase the pro traditionally The property is estimated to cost about $2 an earlier Dr Stephenson meeting French group next week By TERRY FIELD Of The Examiner Ontarios education minister will meet Dec with members of an independent school board to discuss com munity proposals offered in answer to Penetanguishcncs French secondary school ques tion plan to end the twoyear dispute announced in October by Dr Bette Stephenson was immediately condemned as unworkable by the portion of the Francophone communi ty determined to have its own school Alternative proposals to the ministers plan were announc ed by representatives of the independent school board who then asked for meeting with the minister in an attempt to resolvethc issue DR Stephenson told the French community that the province would not build new school physically separate from the existing mixed high school But she also said the ministry would establish French minischool within Penetanguishcne Secondary School that is to have its own staff and be isolated to degree from the English sec tion of the building SEE MINISTER Five membersof dependent board will meet with the minister and her regional director for this area spokesman for the board said Thursday The Simcoe County Board of Education will also be represented at the session There are 7000 francophoncs in the Penetanguishene area and an undertcrmincd number want separate French school Without itthey say the French community will be in danger of extinction The first proposal by the French board calls for the community to fund construc tion of building while the sc cond suggests the province through several ministries if necessary build community centre that could also house the French school In either case the county school board would pay for the the in Tenancy laws changing education program The board is operating an iii dependent French school in former post office on the towns main street provin cial francophone organization is providing funds it is in the process of collecting country wide to maiiitan the school through June Action on the ministers prov pOSBl has been slow because of confusion between the county school board and the ministry concerning funding Dr Stephenson had siig gestcd the minischool could be ready by Jan but that will now be impossible ac cording to board members town country Christmas lights shine starting Dec 13 The Memorial Square Christmas lights display will be starting Dec lit release from the downtown boa rd says The actual beginning of Christmas celebrations downtown starts with the annual Jaycec Santa Claus Parade which starts Sunday at pm All downtown stores are being requested by the board to have their window displays ready on Sunday Winners of the window display contest will be announced after Dec 13 on Dec 13 late night openings in downtown stores will begin The board is recommending stores close at pm Mondays to Fridays during the Christmas pcritxl and pm Saturdays and Dec 24 Pay expense report study draft copy of bylaw which will outline rcnumeration and expenses for members of council and local boards will be up for council perusal shortly It will be up for discussion when general committee meets next Monday Board expansion approved Barries downtown board will be permitted to expand its membership to 12 persons from the previous total of eight General committee recommended that move at meeting Monday Applications to the board havc been invited by the ex ecutivc Control gun use city agrees Barrie agrees with Kitchener that legislation should be passed to control the possession sale and registration of air guns and spring guns General committee recommended agreement with Kit Chencr Monday Permission granted for festival BARCLAY lhe lnnisfil Lions Club was granted per mission Wednesday to hold music and dance festival July and at the Stroud lnnisfil Recreation Centre Residents say numbers needed BARCLAY Homes in lnnsfil Township should be numbered says one lnnisfil resident ltsa pain in the neck trying to tell people how far up the road you live or telling them to count the houses Al Southern of Lea Avenue Alcona Beach told council Wednesday Its time we had numbers said Southern Council agrecdwithhim II DENNIS LANTHIER if The Em miner new bill now before the Ontario Supreme Court would cn hole residential tenancy commission to take over rent che ques from landlord and carry out needed repairs should landlords not hccd an initial warning Bob Bentley residential tenancy commissioner for the area said Thursday that under bill ltii landlord could be Jfl iscd to effect repairs by of an authorizing letter If the landlord didnt fix things up follow ing the request the commission could take over the cash flow conung from the tenants and do the work themselves be said Bentley was speaking at property standards conference in Barrie The bill is currently being challenged before the court but if passed it would likely take effect in early 1980 Bentley said Landlords would naturally not want their cash flow inter nipted and would likely repair apartments more quickly he said Currently if ltiltdltlltlgt refuse to do the work tenants can take them to court he said But it can prove costly and dif ficult for the rural person who is 300 miles away from the nearest court he said This could help out in cases such as the Citys Block where some residents were recently cut off from hydro because the landlord didnt pay the bill be said But under Bill 163 the commission would pick up the hydro bill while interrupting the cash flow from the landlord and service would continue he said It would save tenants from actions such as tht done by one landlord in Barrie who used to take doors off apartments if tenants fell behind in their rent Bentley said Bentley was the former officer under the rent review com mission but that act expires today after almost fouryear sum The former rent review act was established in conjunction with the antiinflation bord in 1975 which had no jurisdiction in accommodation So each province had to come up with formula of their ow Bentley said In Ontario landlords had to apply to the commission if in creases were over six per cent he said But commissmneis found in the past few years them were more problems than simply to do with rent said Bentley The reSidential tenancies act which becomes effective to day makes landlords fill out cost revenue statement which gives the type of buildings and their complete financial situa tion he said There are only about five per cent of tenants who dont care and five per cent of landlords who fall into the same category he said As result some persons ask why the trouble is taken when the problems are in the minority he said Its like man whos been told he has cancer and is told every one in 100000 gets it said Bentley The odds dont do much good when its you he said bylaw has been drafted to provide for the numbering of buildings but council isnt certain when the bylaw will be passed Trustee named committee chairman loliii MLLUIIOUgh Midland trustee with the Simcoe Coun ty Board of Education has been named chairman of the On tario Public School Trustees Associations planning com mittcc By virtue of that post McCullough will also sit with the assOCiations executive COUnCll Motion closes street BARCLAY Although Victoria Street between Glenn Avenue and Sunnybrac Avenue has been closed for sometime and grass grows where gravel once appeared Wednesday counCil finally passed motion to close the street The bylaw to close it was given first and second reading Aug 22 but final reading was delayed pending comment by county COUnCll The land has been conveyed to the Simcoe County Board of Education for use by Sunnybrae Public School as an addition to the school playground i4 93 im