Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1979, p. 57

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4A the examiner Friday Nov 30 1979 Michael Learned is Ready to conquer new worlds HOLLYWOOD NI2M Mithaol LearntI is liIIishIIl Iitll ThI Waltons anti so sht is looking for IIIVI Iorlrls to on qutr ntl Intrtasintzl she thinks 1051 tIlItI IrI hatk East Im road to move to New York mm sht saw IVt hurt it hrt Hut hIloro she can uproot htlStII thIro has to he somt serious considerations about liIinLI conditions nrrvntlh sht is in an exquisite home country in the city ith acrts and trtIs anti pool and old mossy stonI Ialls It is hard to contrmplatt giving that up in exchange for an apartment kiln il mow to No York SIlt says Ill miss MORNING 558 FOCUS 600 El CARTOON PLAYHOUSE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN CANADIAN CAVALCADE 630 THIS IS THE LIFE BLACK FORUM CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP SENECA TELECOLLEGE 700 ECUMEDIA NEWS CROSSROADS PUBLIC POLICY FORUM FAITH FOR TODAY UNCLE BOBBY SHOW NIYEN MILLER 15 CHURCH INVITATION 730 DAY OF DISCOVERY JIMMY SWAGGART DIRECTIONS ROGER RAMJET CIRCLE SQUARE 800 JIMMY SWAGGART BCf HEAD MOVIECOMEDY Papas Ilcate Condition 1963 COMMANDER TOM SHOW MIGHTY MOUSE FATHER MEEHAN CANADA YOU AND ME 830 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR DAY OF DISCOVERY BY THE PEOPLE THE FUNNY COMPANY ORAL ROBERTS POLKA DOT DOOR OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL MIDDLE EAST REYUE 900 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR NEWS DEPUTY DAWG in IT IS WRITTEN CD JEREMY 915 HATTYTOWN TALES 930 ORAL ROBERTS REX HUMBARD El HISPANOVISION IE SESAME STREET SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR SOUNDS OF YUGOSLAVIA 1000 REx HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH WATER MARGIN KIDSWORLD ITALIAN PANORAMA EB AVRAMIS GREEK SHOW t2 YUGOSLAV RELIGION 1030 ROBERT SCHULLER KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO DAY OF DISCOVERY BARBAPAPA EB FESTIVAL PORTUGUESE SOUNDS OF THE EAST 1035 FISH TALES 1050 GETIT TOGETHER 100 OPEN RAP RH HUMBARD CORONATION STREET PEOPLES CHURCH KIDSWORLD 1130 REV JAMES ANDREWS FACE THE NATION ANIMALS ANIMALS PEOPLE AND PETS 145 21 FESTIVALITALIANO ANIMALS AFTERNOON 1200 MEET THE PRESS FRANKLIN WALDEN TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED MEETING PLACE MOVIE COMEDY Dont PushIllChargeWhenlmReady ALBUM TV California cant wait to girl to No York but knoII l1ltl LE INCERTITUDES BOAT PEOPLE 1230 CHUCK KNox SHOW HERALD OF TRUTH TEMPS DES MOVIE DRAMAADVENTURE acme And Get It 1936 NEWS CHINESE ROUNDUP 100 NFL FOOTBALL NFL FOOTBALL Green Bay Pflkars vs Washington Redskms hrs STALIAN COOKING ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY AMERICA Revolution Et Indepen dance Expose surla guerreDlodependance et les lacteurs am on provoquee 130 FLINTSTONES In FOREST RANGERS PORTUGUESE MUSICAL 200 BUILDING DECENT FUTURE FAMILY FINDERS SHA NA NA EN SE RACONTANT LHIS IRE DICI Honore MerCIer TERRY WINTER SHOW PORTUGUESE MUSICAL 230 MIND OVER MYTH MOVIE SCIENCE Phase 1974 $198 BEAUTY SHOW ED DR JOHN WESLEY WHITE SPANISH MAGAZINE 300 TODAYS WOMAN HEE HAW Guests FraddyFender Mis MountaIn Wood Band Stoneman Family i3 LES GRANDS CHEFS DORCHESTRE GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD 330 NFL TODAY BUFFALO COUNCIL ONm WORLD AFFAIRS ea GOOD NEWS SPANISH RELIGION 400 MOVIE SUSPENSE Whats the Matter with Helen 8b COUNTRY CANADA tzIt IIII1 Ill say But htlt Irt thI Irons and tho birds and Illt sunshint nd hero is also tho crass tonsidtratiou of cost to con template Plus thI Iatt th It sho has hoard York landlords tllt not that tautr to rtnt tor so to Ittnttpls as talking to Iritnd of Mrs Blairs she says lrs Blair is htl IlttllStkttIHl That oman liw in York and she said she had mentioned to somthodv that II kntmn person was looking for an apartnwnt And IIItV said hope it isnt anybody Iikt that Diane Keaton ho IIIttI to mow in htrt Actors still have sithIna sunday tv Ol God Come Let Us SIng Ol Wondertul is QUESTION PERIOD WILD KINGDOM LATELIER DES PISSENLITS KIDSWORLD 500 THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS AND THIs WEEK IN PARLIAMENT UNTAMED WORLD COMEDY SHOP COLARGOL INCELEBRATIONOFTUTANK HAMUN ThIs speCIalhIghlIghtStha exhibIt Ol the Treasures and also the dIscOvery story 01 the tomb by Howard Carter in 1922 60 muns 515 OUM LE DAUPHIN 530 SMITH AND SMITH THE ROPERS Stanley believes hes enIOyIngthelastlaughonJellreyBrookeSwhen he dIscovers that charming hobo is really the landlords uncle and plots to Introducehimto several InlluentIal guests at Jeltreys heon EDUCATED GUESS NEXT STEP BEYOND AVENTURES DE BABAR 540 SATURNIN LE PETIT CANARD 550 TIP ET TAP EVENING 600 NEWS DISNEYS WONDERFUL WORLD The Sky Yrap Two teenagers are lorced by smugglers to lly narcotics Over the Bacon Border Part 60 mm THE ARTHUR YAILE REPORT in WILD ANIMALS OF THE ERLD Army Ants PASSEPARTOUT EB NEWSWEEK 630 WILD KINGDOM FAMILY FEUD NEWS NEWS FACES LA PETITE LULU 700 THE BIG EVENT 11m Sound or Mustc 1965 Stars JulIe Andrews ChrIstOpher fiBrBEACHCOMBERSTOhelDMolly losewelght Nick andtherestolthelamllygoon fitness luck which RelIc does hIs utmost to wIth devastating results to him NFLFOOTBALL MInnesota VIk so MINUTES svsLosAngeleSRams MOVIE WESTERN ontana 1950 SPORTS HOT SEAT In TINY TALENT TIME VILLAGES ET VISAGES Sudbury GEORGE FABRIC DRAPERY MILL OUTLET north or Georgian Mall SANTA CLAUS IS COMIN To TOWN 240 ROBERT EMISSION SPECIALE Le Tror sIeme AgeLArt De RetrouverLe TempsFilme la rBSIdence StLOUIS DOrleans et In re ence RuchelIeu de Wellen MATT AND JENNY 730 HUGE SELECTION OF °Dress FabrIcs °Drapes °Upholsteryand Drapery by theyard Sewrng Accessmres AT REAL SAVINGS 547 Baylield St Barrie dont they 800 SUPERSPECIALTradlllonaland COntemporary lrIsh musrc at as best by the lush wars In concert at Omaha Place 60 mos ARCHIE BUNKERS PLACE MORK AND MINDY GE TOUTE VITESSE ea OUIz KIDS SHOW CITY LIGHTSAcademyAwardwmnmg actor and director John Huston IOInS host BrIan Lmehan 60 mms 830 ONE DAY ATATIMEAnnmsIsIs Barbara lInance her own too to Florida but the enterprtsmg teenagers method lor raISIng the lands Barbara In hot water UNDAY NIGHT MOVIE The Man WIthTheGoldenGun197JStars RogerMoore tEklend LAPIERRE 900 AGIFTTOLASTWhenEdoarand Sheila InyIte Tamaracks new teacher to board With them James begins paying them trequent 60 mm ALICEFlosdatehasanacmdentand the planned weekend togetherat rustic lISh cabmheownslizzles SOCIETE NATIONAL GEO GRAPHIC Les Betes Oue Personne Imalt THEEDITORSHost MontrealGazette senIorcolumnIstGretta Chambers 930 THE JEFFERSONS Amne prepm tIonslor Jennys babyleaves Florence wanting achildtobolsterherownwomanhoodandsenda husbandhunting INCREDIBLE WORLD OF AD VENTURE TonIghts episode Sun Solar Energy 1000 PRIME TIME SUNDAY MARKETPLACE WithJoanWat and Bill Paul TRAPPER JOHN MD Gonzo throws down the gauntlet to chickeoburger tycoon and one 01 the West Coasts most promlnent lashIOn deSIgners Guest Star WII Wmdom 60 mIns W5 TRAPPER JOHN MD PARLONS CINEMA ED LOTOCANADA SHULMAN FILE Topic Contedera tIon NBIIOHBIDIEBMONaIIOflBINlQhImflYG79O 1006 SWEENYTHE FLYING SOUAD wealthy doctor on me way to SWItzerland Is robbed at surtcases tall money that he was attemptmg to smuggle out ol the country It all beams to make sense to Regan when he 13 seduced by lovely torargner 1030 OMBUDSMAN wm Kathleen CINEMA Oue la Fete Commence 1974 1100 00 NEWS CBC NEWS CW NEWS 1106 NEWS 1115 NATIONS BUSINESS Scheduled Speaker representatwe OI the LIberal Party 1120 99 NEWS 1122 NEWS 1130 BENNY HILL SHOW MARCUS WELBY MD MOVIE COMEDY Cry rHa 1961 EB wrlitinS TRUTH LIVELY SPECIAL 1140 MOVIEDRAMA 1k Heller in Pink Tights 1960 start ALL TODAY 7372281 Open Days Vlleek for Men and Women 10in the Trend THE Fitness BARRMITNESS £an Over 1000 Affiliate errors the World MICHAEL LENOARD Can You Afford Not To Join Nows the time to take advantage of our special Offer Your membership time wont begin until youre ready to Treat yourself or relative great Christmas gift Borries only fully equipped Health Spa 1200 SECOND CITY MOVIEDRAMA Stiletto KOJAK Capt McNeIlawIleIskIdnaooed In desperate move by motor drug merchatt lacIng prosecuhon tolorce KOIack to return InCrImInatIog eVIdence 60 mos 1206 MOVIE MYSTERY Pearl of Death 1944 1215 MOVIE DRAMA In Where Love Has Gone 1964 1230 FBI CONVERSATION WITH LAPIERRE 130 WITH THIS RING BUFFALO COUNCIL ON WORLD AFFAIRS 200 ABC NEWS 206 28 100 HUNTLEY STREET YII IHIlRICI EDMONTON Norl Urn Lights lhIro IIIorlurlvon of Barry Rroavloots olay Sis Years War rvtlj complvlvrt run at lhr tiallvry lhtatrv lht plat thlonrtlv ol the Second Worlr 11 told through storms ano songs of IIIt war ttlls llllttltll It tttnalzcd auditnorms Young II tors WOIt ltnlurvd tor Itlrtw Impact Too

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