Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1979, p. 20

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efmlne FMPWPPX 3021979 wpersonals VV To ensure that you are in time for Christmas call the CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT today at 7282414 or mail to ACE DISC JOCKEY Services New in Simcou special introdut0ry rates Saturdays S70 weekdays $60 Profes smnnl equipment Ten years experience Lightdisplay Frank 737 Also PERSON WANIING to share drive to Toronto iwilson suhwayl Leave at home also Call 776 7Sboaftera oilinstructions PIANO LESSONS available group or private years experience in schools Royal Conservatory taught 776 £820 Iolost and found KE VS on ring with photos of children lost downtown Barrie on Wednesday morning November 78th Sentimental VflIUl Please phone collect 435 454 Allislan TIhelp wanted Great parttime and fulltime dealerships available in the fast growing market of synthetic lubricants lubricants that are revolutionizing the automativeindustry Call STEVE RICKETTS 7374203 03 LATHE OPERATOR For plastic blow and injection mould making shop Fully experienced capable of working to close tolerances Good wages all benefits paid including dental plan Please apply to North Ontario Mould 36 Morrow Road Barrie 737 4400 DA iNCOMF OPPORTUNITY Earn extra fliOlIly working from your own home Eltllhlt hours allow you to sell when it SUth you bust Equals high profit to you all 7J6 Jalsitailyht In to noon COLLER DUNLOP PEEL ST Carrier Raufe ADDRESS Add an extra personal touch this Christmas Wish your FRIENDS RELATIVES and ASSOCIATES MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR in your own words published in our SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GREETINGS section to appear on Christmas Eve $2 24 word mhillnlnn ouch additiond word 10 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND wm PRIZES T00 EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 Yes would like more information about an Examiner PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 71help wanted SENIOR ANALYST PROJECT LEADER Canadian manufacturer of underground mining equipment requires an analyst with strong Manufacturing disciplines and exposure to Honeywell L62 packages lMS PSC etc 71pr wanted tilpersonals This is an excellent groundfloor opportunity for an upwardly mobile person to participate in the initial development of the Companys manufacturing systems Please respond with resume and salary ex pectationsto JARVIS CLARK int ClorRCo mi on mo Bond Street soy Ontario Attention Mr Gordon Manager Data Processing DI CENTENNIAL Auto Body requires or year experienced BODY PERSON Tele phone 72604 TRAVELWAYS PART TIME work available driving school bus Must be 2i years of age and hold valid drivers licence We will train you here Call 728594torvisit31 Penetang St Barrie TOOL DESIGN Draftsman tmaieor female iig and fixture LAB TECHNI CIAN industrial Chemicals needed for fairly long tempoary assignments Sell AVON You set your own SCOTT June and Dick Scott wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all their neighbors on Fraser Street Fleming and Associates 7213017 COMMISSION SALES person Barrie hours on flexible schedule areacaiicoiiectazsom Meet interesting people wimEa RECEPTIONIST7CLER highly capable with adding machine Phone I°d°Y and find how Some accounting experience an asset my is to gay stoned some typing will be required Please send resume to Box CIT Examiner Barr Highest commission EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE CAN VASSER REQUIRED work from own F53 home Salary plus commission Call 322 1582 PROJECTIONIST Licenced 35 mm pro iectionist Cali Astral Theatre CFB Borden 4216332 aftero pm PEOPLE NEEDEDipleasanf voice for telephone work excellent opportunity foruextra money Hourly rate plus bonus The Examiner EJfll mnmc om NEW MANAGEMENT needs new peo Christmas GFOOEIflgS ple Call 7283482 Car or van required RETIRED COUPLE required to Adho manage small apartment complex with private beach in park area of Wasaga mm General light housekeeping plus AM 416 ForFm Mn telephone answering duties required in exchange for attractive furnished lake view apartment Must be prepared to start in December Call 15199275890 LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER to work in senior citizens home in the Big Bay Point BARRIE SCHOOL OF NAIRSTYLING 2i oncii St BARRIE ma so 7283982 Deadline Noon December I9tII area Must be reliable and like elderly people Cali anytime 4363252 or 43674373 MANPOWER TEMPORARY SER VICES needs people with top office skills Experienced secretaries typists general office clerks bookkeepers For short and long temp assignments Pleasecall728li9l AUTO BODY Busy body shop requires body person and painters helper with minimum of one year experience Please call 7286612 for interview FARM EQUIPMENT SALESPERSON Farm background and retail sales ex perience necessary Salary plus com mission Phone Bill Orser Bellamy Equipment MF Dealer Airport Rd south of Stayner 423311 72sales helpagents FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our individually prepared resumes COME IN and see us for fast reasonable and professional service The Secretarial Bureau ourucmiic AND ijscgiswaaiza COUNTRY RESTAURANT 350 Big Boy Point Road Poinswicii Ontario will be accepting applications Nov 28 29 30th from I28 pm for the following positions WATRESSESWAITERS TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere PING SERVICES part timefull tme sdelne Calendars BARTENDERS nuw Ill ad speciaities prlnted ladgls taxis ball ns ice pp ies BUS BOYSBUS GIRLS Neew catalogulleavailabfs Aldo BoxyitTTz COOKS MWFF13H 235 LE Ho Rs KITCHEN HELP woo$900 per hour snowtlgmofif beautiful Christmas line to your friends Forfurtherinformation contact and neighbors For personal imerview DOUG GRAHAM 7370412 BURNS INTERNATIONAL SECURITY SERVICES LTD requires I0 FULLTIME SECURITY GUARDS $450 per hour TELEPHONE SOLICITOR Parttime Work from your home Must be experienced Appointment fee plus bonus For reply please write with phone number to PO Box 968 Barrie call 705 321nm ask about new phone plan EXPANDING CANADIAN OIL C0 of fers opportunity for high income plus regular cash and travel bonuses abun dant fringe benefits to mature individual in Barrie area Airmail President Dept CJ PO Box 70 Sta Toronto Ontario M46 326 73teachegwa Med ART TEACHER for beginning high school art course part time hours to be arranged liloI729 Aifi Lstrade schools PARTS MANAGER for GM Dodorshlp Experience in heavy duty truck parts an asset lady to Box I0 Eligig Ontario Lot IPI APPLICATIONS NON BEING ACCEPTED FOR Apply in person of TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING waitressesWaiters Full or parttime training for ST Experienced for dining room Apply In Class llcence Pl°C9menl Borne person at Port of Barrie Restaurant and assistance For application Tavern IB Dunlap Street West INTERESTED IN Photography Gain experience doing team photos will train you Good 35 mm single reflex camera electronic flash and car necessary and interview call ATA SYSTEMS 625I2275 li tbe ble t20mn teseach mbifningaalhad aatterratogrltl and albgut hour N21232628300357 each evening for one week Cali collect Alamom IIIEI irlulir hpaglktti th EABYSTTER 7mm immwlaely WANIADS Requires fulltime and parttime afternoons 26 pm Melrose Street PHONE7282414 7265642 eferred waiter waitresses expe fenced pr ppy sales helpems at front counter 312 Bayfleld St Barrie Ontario Z245aleshelpagents OPPORTUNITY FOR CAREER IN REAL ESTATE We have openings in our modern office for new and experienced agents FAMILY TRUST IS GOING PLACES Call me for confidential interview 7262611 Nolan Hopkins Manager not souu va mloo loane I52 OAYFIELD ST CORNER OF WELLINGTON BARRIE 72626 FDIAH 8ELMONTWATTIE RD MIDHURST DONALDHENRY 7214 OAKLEY PARK SQUARE intopportunity men women 74opportunity men women SANFORDJOHN BRADFORD ST TICAREER OPPORTUNITY ARE tou Looitmc roR JOB 0R CAREER We have position available in the selling field in the Barrie and surrounding area For careerminded person We are molar distributor of Industrial Fleet Automotive and Marine Maintenance items TIFFIN ST NO 200s EUGENIADUNDONALD Experience preferred but is not essential The applicant must TTE llSIGN and aggressive For further information sh please contact MR GORDON Box 448 Elm Ont N03 180 Specifications and Toemployment wanted IRONING Moduponl halyard $250 per basket Call anytime Ail96 MWFDIT DAY CARE In my home St Vin cantGrove Street area Telephone 715 wmaow PAINTING home or busms Vultide scenes angels Santa etc For Christmas and New Years Phone Brenda 4329 BABYSITTING WANTED Experienc ed mother will watch your children in nor home not lunches Two years and over Allandalc area 776 me RESPONSIBLE MATURE LADY seeks baby sitting andor light housekeeping position with refined family until June with prospects of continuation in September if mutually satisfied Live in for winter months only with weekends 80pUDIiC NOTICES free To pursue study of once weekly night course reason for making Barrie temporary headquarters Remuneration secondary Phone 5266027 or write Box cu The Examiner Barlle NOTICE to CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of WILLIAM THOMAS DUNN late of RR No Barrie Ontario Retired Canadian Pacific Railway Employee deceased Who died on or about the 6th dayof November I979 must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 24th day of December I979 thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed DATED November 27th 1979 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Barristers Solicitors 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors for the Executors N30D7I4 78tenders TOWNSHIP OF MUSKOKA LAKES TENDERS FOR 5TON DIESEL TRUCKS Tenders will be received during regular office hours until pm January Tith I980 for or ton diesel powered tandem snowplow trucks complete with equipment as specified For further information tender forms specifications and bid sheets contact the un dersigned Tenders subiect to approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Communication Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted EINARSON Rood Superintendent Township of Muskolio lakes PO Box I29 Port Curling Ont POB 110 705 7653 56 or 705 6455294 N30D7 TENDER FOR FUELS SEALED TENDERS clearly marked Tender for Fuels will be received until 1200 NOON MONDAY DECEMBER IOth 1979 for the supply of the following Gasoline Diesel Fuel Furnace Oil to nder forms which must be used are available from the Municipal Office 8th Line Stroud Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted GROH ClerkAdministrator Township of Innisfil Stroud DEMPSTER Supt of Roads Public Works Township of Innisfil Stroud Ontario ADULT OCCUPATIONAL CENTRE EDGAR ONTARIO Tenders are invited for the demolition and salvage of television towers complete with antennas and in some cases rotors and amplifiers Specifications and Tender documents may be obtained by contacting the Purchasing Officer Adult Occupational Centre N2B30 Ministry of Community and Social Sewices Edgar 7286910 Tenders will not be accepted after December I4 I979 at I2zmnoon DI Minstry at Comumtyand Social Seiiiceé Ontario ADULT OCCUPATIONAL CENTRE EDGAR ONTARIO Tenders are invited for the purchase and removal of 38 face cards more or less of mixed hardwood cut to ap proximately I6 in length Specifications and Tender documents may be obtained by contacting the Purchasing Officer Adult Occupational Centre 7286910exl254 Tenders will not be received after December i4 I979 at I2Inoon Di WANT ADS PHONE 7284414 flauctionsales PROFESSIONALDHEECIURY altcoming events JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Piano Singing Auction Service ANGUS Ross BA Registered Music Teacher Ras MaDE COUNW Instruction in Piano moy Pupils PrPo Form Household and wow examinations of the Royal 0Antiques °Appraisols Conservatory of Music Also tutoring in French RR No BRADFORD Lam and om foremo All grades and ARCT ONT school subiects Phon 4167753659 or 773 5775 SUdm 27 3mm 7054584589 EFLELEFL 7284718 WE ROSE ROSE NOTICE POWELL JONES C0 Mme mafia Samuel ROSQCA 01d ccoms ms Trustee in Bankruptcy Dunlop East pm 49 Collier St Barrie Barrie Ontario 7284949 Telephone 728746I °YAP°°V7 IIIll ctrpublic notices Annou cements Onto rio Energy 09m Notices Ewi Cords of minimum 40 words oddhonol wor mm an mm we NICE Births saoo Ontario Elke3694 hwomlnovorso 361 THE CONSUMERS GAS COMPANY Affilfjjnfflnfh NOTICE OF RATE APPLICATION gig 33 TAKE NOTICE that an application dated November I5 I979 has been filed by The Consumers Gas Company with the On tario Energy Board All customers of the Applicant are affected The Applicant seeks to bring on for hearing Phase II Rate design of its main application and to increase its rates to recover BIbitfhs Mondays Child isfair of face Tuesdays Childisfult of grace WednesdaysChildlsfullotwoe Thursdays Child hasfartogo Fridays Childlsloving andgiving Saturdays Child works hard for its the added cost of gas that may result from future orders livmo of the National Energy Board 333 DefyI ls Dom on me any increase in revenue required to prevent revenue deficiency occurring in the Applicants I980 fiscal year in relation to the allowable rate of return of I034 other cost increases that may appear to the Board to be just and reasonable The application includes request to recover these cost in creases on an interim basis copy of the application is available upon request from the Applicants solicitors Aird Berlis I45 King Street West Toronto Ontario MSH 2J3 Any person who intends to oppose or otherwise intervene in the application shall within I4 days after the day of publication of this notice file an answer in duplicate with the Board Secretary 9th Floor i4 Carlton Street Toronto Ontario M58 IJ2 and serve it upon the Applicants solicitors by per sonal service or by registered mail The answer shall contain clear and concise statement of his interest his grounds for opposing or otherwise intervening and his address for service The Board has directed the Applicant to forward capy of its profiled evidence to any person requesting it in his answer The Board will subsequently fix dates for hearing All persons who file an answer will receive notice of hearing In its decisions the Board may change any rate or other charge proposed by the Applicant DATED at Toronto this 2Ist day of November I979 ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD THOMAS Secretary to the Board N30 is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other Important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record In Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $600 PHONE 72B 24 GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your child in The Ex aminer clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives In those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Examiner Classified 77a 24 9H 39 9llhaLkL HODGSON We wish to thank the com munity of Craighurst for the gift they sent to us We appreciate it very much and thanks once again Rick and Dianne a7in memoriarms REYNOLDS In memory of Erma Reynolds and her son Gary Reynolds Only sweet memories Always remembered by thrie tamily son and daughters and grandchildren TURKEY SHOOT Saturday Dec 8th Ills south of Thornton REMEMBER YOUR LotED ONES WITH on tiny No 17 I2 NOON I2 gouge shotguns shalt uple Sponsored by Thornton Arena Board N2430DI 567 NEW YEARS EVE DANCE Guthrie Community flol Buffet included Refreshments available Music By The Irish Showbond Tickets call 7264969 or 4871624 N2330D7 PRENATAL CLASSES for UNWED MOTNERS To register please phone IN MEMORIAM RIBUTE It is beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of mother father wife husband daughter son or those beyond the immediate family circle faithful friend or kin In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriate memoriarr notice for Christmas time the Classified Department of The Examiner wil again publish special page of Memorial Tributes on Monday December 24th To ensure that your In Memoriam appears at this time phone visit or mailin your In Memoriam before Thursday December 20th SIMCOE COUNTY DISTRICT NEALTN UNIT 7269300 Ext 116 NOTICE Deadline for classifiedI word ads pm day previous noon Saturday BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage the examiner 16 Bayfield Si illiiiwohliti 22°i$i TGI Such Pli however other 020 wise TF Barrie itscoming events BEAcoming events IiiiiIIIIii NEW BARRIE MAMMOTH FLEA MARKET every Sunday 930 am to pm starting Dec BARRIE RACEWAY FREE admission FREE parking COWBARGAINS GALORE lso VENDORS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE vendors inquiry nomads N22 24 29 30

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