14 the examiner snagging so 1979 alliston by Jean Hand 4355318 David Brian Eskritt 18 years old of RR Beeton drowned last weekend when boat cap snzed The accident happened at Three Mile Lake near Brace bridge Ontario Dave as he was known was Grade 13 stu dent at BMHS member of the school soccer team and had excellent talent for music short memorial serVice was held at Banting Monday morn ing Survwing are his parents Reg and Diane Eskritt brother Iton and sisters Dawn both at home and Sandra Mrs Jim Duncam of Alliston Much com munity sympathy goes out to this family in the loss of son and brother Elaine Mctfague wile of Georgi Mcffague MPP was recently elected by Chief Com missioner Barbara Hayes as Deputy Chief Commissioner of the Girl Goides of Canada There are representatives from each Canadian province as well as the Yukon and the Northwest Territories Elaine Will have this position for three years and its possible she could be re elected for another two year term five years is the limit for this office miscellaneous bridal shower was held Tuesday even ing for Miss Marie Thompson at the home of Brenda ekker Everett number from Alliston attended the shower Wednesday evening bridal shower was held for Miss Yvonne Madill at the home of Mrs James iough Alliston limtesses for the shower were Bessis Cough and Jo ftaines Rita Raegele Consultant for the mentally retarded was guest speaker at the Alliston and District Mentally Retarded Assomation meeting which was held Wednesday night in the Lions Club hall Thursday evening the Shelbume Horticultural Sriciety were guests at the Allistoii society meeting held in the Shilton Hail Mary Bell of Oro Township gave an excellent demonstration on Xmas decorating Lucky numbers were drawn and variety of plants were given out Mrs Stanley Kelly IpreSidenti con ducted the meeting December l3th will be the Christmas meeting Mr and Mrs Elmver Blakely hosted the South Simcoe Chapter of the Kidney Founda tion in their home on Thursday evening Marion Blakely president welcomed members from Barrie oll ingwood Everett and Alliston HEALTH INSURANCE while outside of Canada issued and confirmed by our office representatives for MUTUAL OF OMAHA LLOYDS OF LONDON COOP HEALTH SERVICES °0NTARIO BLUE CROSS IIATS TRAVEL 7284700 province and Alliston Branch is the only one between Toronto and North Bay $476000 was received for research from the door to door canvas by members from the four above places mentioned The date for the Annual Dance fund raising Ls set for November lst 1980 in the Legion Hall Report on the sick ones in our community Mrs Jov McMullen former resident 0T the Sunset Senior Citizen Home on Nelson St Alliston is now at Grove Park home Barrie Mr Don Sutherland and Mr fD PD Fine toys books records art supplies stationery NOW OPE The Frog Prince Store for Children 205 Dunlop Street East Dorrie STORYTIME FOR TDTS Thursday November 22nd iiao piii 230 lel ALL WELCOME Telephone 737200 Truman AsaDh have both returned to their Alliston homes from Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Lucy Ludlow has returned to her Queen St apart ment She has been patient at the St Johns Convalescent Home Willowdale for several weeks Roy and Mary MacLeod en joyed the family gathering at the home of their daughterin law Mrs Victor MacLeod Toronto on Saturday afternoon and evening Mrs Brenda Dekker Everett is visiting her sister Elizabeth Noun MomSat 105 VanderZaag in Vancouver BC Van and Anne VanderZaag spent the weekend in London Ontario with their daughter Evelyn who is attending Lon don University Mrs Laurans Kerr visited few days recently with her daughter and husband Mary and Richard Nicol Scarboro The Alliston Annual Santa Claus parade began at 10 am Saturdav It started off from THE NAME FOR PROFESSIONAL LEANING AROUND THE WORLD Carpets Furniture Walls flows or your entire house CALL 4873603 SERVICEMASTER of Barrie 10 discount before Christmas Banting Memorial High School proceeded west on Victoria St across King St to Nelson and passed by the Sunset rt out to the children at the Montreal ments Treats were pass Bank Priced Right The UNDERWOOD 555 The electric portable typewriter wtth easy ribbon chcngo and local serwcedopartmeni Rog 31595 Now 9995 Inn in time for Christmas BIRCH Office Supplier and Stationery 7374131 MEILUN DT DENTURE THERAPIST Complete Denture Service Hours 9am pm Mon thru Fri 280 Dunlop St Barrie 7286810 Member Denturist Society FOR SALE BY TENDER Inventory Equipment and Fixtures of Hardware Store Equipment consists of glass cutter pipe bender paint mixer etc Furniture consists of office desk choirs filing cabinets shelving display cases etc Inventory consists of point cookware housewore recreational items fishing camping etc lighting fixtures etc Arrangements to inspect the Chottels may be made by on tacting Mr Webster in Barrie Ontario telephone 705 7286072 Tenders ore to be submitted en bloc or per items specified Written tenders addressed to Mr Webster PO Box 876 Barrie Ontario Will be accepted until 30 pm on December I2th 1979 certified cheque for ID of the amount tendered must be included as deposit payee to be designated and will be returned Without interest if the tender is not ac cepted or forfeited os liquidated damages if the tender is ac cepted and sole not completed by the purchaser Provincial sales tax to be paid by the purchaser The highest or any offer shall not necessarily be accepted A55istonce to finance the transaction will be conSIdered Footrial COLUVlBlA NNIDNDMNGS Wlfl Gomologtool Institute of America Corttttod Appraisers 1233343 maï¬ THE CHOICE THAT LASTS tiriiiME Tliz IHC4 tiji iSri Shiv Gina iflli mpg tum tu ITOSC 511 it DESIGNS Bi INTHYNNAL GOLDSMITHS Lib DESIGNS lCILRFIS ON STAFF 10 PRO iDt EXIE ADVICE ti illfl THE BRASS GROUP INTERNATIONAL GEM STONES INC lwilii i2 DUNLOP ST EAST 7285280 iACROSS mom BRASS GLENN no DunIop St Iron Monr Hour Georgian Moll 7285353 737I924 Moi Iron Clothing Boyfiold Md 7371879 If youre portont If 29 Dunop St planning nodding your first Itop should Iio Northorn Stationery for that ini solution Invitations nouncomonts Along with pmonotiud ottontioii no provldo loan out urvlco Youll find it off downtown of Ind An NORTHERN STATIONERY Iorrlo The Goldrush isoiii 737 oz eautilul The girl you love and MURPHY DIAMOND twp In mm THAT IMPORTANT DAY CAN BE MADE EASIER Make someone special feel like theyre at the top of your Christmas list We have everything from gorgeous diamond ring to simple stone bracelet This Christmas give gold and put someone at the top of your list Our professional services also include custom design of iewellery appraisals and repairs SELECTION OF on DIAMOND uggets pme Jewellery STONE RINGS Stan and Andrea Cohen 54 DUNLOP ST BARBIE 72841 Fendleys designers can handle all your floral needs dried silk fresh flowers all in the latrst designs to enhance your special day Stop by one of our three area Stores for free consultation SERVING BARRIE FOR OVER 50 YEARS FENDLEYS FLOWERS ouciiworni ALLIANCE ILVD Mutiny crov mson 5975 itsms