Files need SIN numbers tilTAlVA About Beef 13 federal computer files will Tvqittt use of social insurance llILlItIgt under government i12 ac legislation expected be ftrrt thristmas government sources inditated Tuesday tse of tfic card proliferating in recent years as an identity iitirernce on government and business forms would be re stricted to $1 federal acts which legzdly require the num oer These acts are income tax iiiriiployiiient insurance and iariprrvei training anada Pension Plan oldage security family allowance and student Itllin While the legislation is meant to restrict the use of the num bers they will not be autoniati cally removed from computer files because of the cost gov ernment sources said Instead individuals would have to apply to have them de leted from government corn puter files where the informa their removal they want them deleted ll tll T0 KHAN numbers ber when it is not mandatory job applications Convention site government The main hall of the Winnipeg convention Centre will be the place where about 3200 Liberal Party delegates will gather March 2830 to choose successor to Pierre Trudeau CP Photo files nd assessment records AQPce Stainless Steel Flatware Set Lt es ï¬raos teaspoons sent piece 2997 rt thrill Sui14f Cuigitl It Itt Your Chaice of18Lar Bows With selfstickers Or 20 Christmas Flat Folds 20 each sheet 15 AssortedtadttiOï¬Ol prints OurReg $199 ea SALE 901 Jumbo 30 Wide SRoll PaperWrap 300 all printed paper 300 foilrone paperOr Gifry ideas continue with this 150 foil 0Ur Reg $399 Go ea 5pce stainlesssreelkmfeser tt3 Taffotvtui 1vRoll of 26 WidelumboPaperWrap AUO alprinted Sh M3700 paper QOOfoilrone or tOOforl Tradtonal inl designs Our Reg $199 ea Swaaters sweaters swearer Moulinex Meal Makers The all or one super low price Affordable Food Processor root tJitlt rr iv Ii itiirt imp tttt it iur tinttri rt to OmReg LJ Our Reg $12 99 to $14 99 $09 66 bPce Stainless Steel Steak Knife Boxed Envelopes 50 Set Unbeatable handles business 70 cheque Your ltf satc 797Or 50 home 00 SAVE 3Pce Knife Set 697 oorrtce SALE eci $21 00 ea Utensil Sets 7Pce ChromePIOted Wooden paper towel Christmas Sewiettes Large Packing Trunk Plyboard to Kitchen UtenSll Set holders are Holly Santa or HG construction V117 blue nyi 21 5t it ohandy Pat sarta dong is Our covering brassed hardware and L099 TC A53°nm9m 0059 POlr kitchen and Reg loclsbltey Our urethane rate bag Curry oniore 51 49 Reg $4999 or canvas tote bag wrh double handles x1 Serving Dawl Our 797 Reg 52 495ALE1 77 SALE pkg SALE 0UR99 51 99 SALE ea 5h 4km Hostess Set Flamenco Stemware English Done Chino DECOOIP Will 1939 we my WK Heros ttlighiminiature LL JUN LCtti gtvgt1 tree tops Lv OurReg $8 99 $9 99 Look Ow hole you p0yfor35 plain mini lights InfantCiils Sicchvscd 80 an xx p0 0U Sd 99 to Chromeware S5 99 SALE Univ keg Ravenhead 7Pce InnKeeper Set GiftDOed Fruit c1 90 if Infants hawker Sleepes salad 59 350 ya LZ Utc Vt zto OurReg to Ow OOH 0L ROQ c7 Tim Reg 55 99m Ss so 09 SALE 53 9° SALE QQSALE 77 Duracell Battenes ScotchP Scotch Pine ks Degrnyourfamrlys Canadian Pine Pt 39 Qllj Cnrrstmaswuhthis fictrj4 M111 3mm 7RoyalScorEveI and ctr cnee greentree as 699 2499 2988 1444 33 hugace 339 oer g4 31 Our Vishesbag makes wrapping so easy and fun sizes 11 22 x17199 zevne llllt semi eec av ovqwbamooy Douï¬br 079 Tvstfieieri Wealth 19 ttor is not legal requirement in effect the tiidiidual has to know which files contained the number in order to apply for tnder provisions of the Hu man Rights Act of March 197s individuals can check an inde of government files available at post offices to select from the 1541 data banks using the numbers the ones front which lnder the legislation govern ment forms will hav to declare when they legally reqmre the The forms will also make it clear there is no pen alth for not providing the num lederal computer files now request use of the number for variety of purposes including passes for duildings clemency and human rights citizenship Chivalrys still around the examiner Wednesday Nov 38 Morroccan Ambassador Nourreddine Hasnaoui pulls out the chair for Canadas External Affairs Minister Flora MacDonald Tuesday in Ottawa MacDonald was sitting down to address group of francophone am bassadors and outline Canadas views on the Iranian hostage situation CP Photo PetraCanada losing senior staff Happer By JOHN FERGISUN OTTAWA tPi Petrotan ada hairnian WH Hopper said Tuesday the rowneowned oil company has lost senior staff and been forced to put off participation in some new energy projects because of un certainty over the Progressive Conservative governments plans to sell it Hopper told the Commons natural resources committee the turnover rate in the com pany rose by about so per cent in the lVlarchOctober period be cause of concern the govern ment might break up the com pany and turn it over to the pri vate sector Most were senior staff mem bers who were replaced by younger lessexperienced eni ployccs Hopper told NDP energy critic Cyril Synies Sault Ste Marie that Ietrotanada was not able to participate in devel opment of heavy oil project at Told Lake Alta despite being invited more than year ago by Imperial il Ltd He said Petroanada does not now have the money to get involved and wont be able to get on with budget planning un til the current situation is cleared up about 26 NOT AFFECTED The companys extensive in volvement in frontier exploin ation for oil and natural gas had not been affected by the un certainty he said The Iark government re ceived report frotn special study group in October recom mending the government as same the companys $15 billion in debts and that Petroanada shares be given away to Cana dian citizens Book value of the company is about $33 billion Prime Minister Clark says he hopes to release the govern ments resrxmse before Christ mas although legislation to carry out the turnover wont be ready until next year He said it was the uncertainty that was affecting the coin pany The turnover rate ap peared to be dropping to its normal annual rate of 1718 per cent down from peak of per cent since October when the study group recommended the company not be broken up if it is turned over to the private sector Hopper declined to state an opinion over whether the com pany ought to be turned back to the private sector as the lark government says it will do or should be retained and ets Selectedfor FRESH PREDRESSED ROASTING CHICKENS 96E SWIFTS MOCK CHICKEN lOAF DANISH CURE RINDlESS BACON SWEET PICKLED CORNED BEEF 184 SWIFTS DUTCH STYLE SALAMI 159 CHERRY Hlll momsou CHEESE SPREAD expanded as Crown corpo ration as the Liberals and NDP favor BACKEI EXPLORATION But he told the committee the company had been effective in pushing ahead frontier explor ation for oil and gas since being created in 1975 particularly off the East Coast when interest by private companies was lag ging PetraCanadas successes caused the private sector to get back into exploration Hopper also made points Thcre was no question Petro Canada could build the Alsands plant in the Alberta oil sands by itself But he said the project might be delayed by year or so until PetroCanada put to gethcr the technie staff needed Hopper said within five or 10 years federal overnment agency will proba ly be the sole importer of oil since the IEt countries appeared to want more direct dealings with governments rather than these selling oil to the multinationals Relief of Petroanadas $15 billion in debt prior to turn ing it over to the private sector would make the company stronger It would enable the company to invest another $200 million year in exploration and development Current projections call for investment of about $215 million in 1979 rising to $275$300 million in 1980 Asylum plea ends in arrest OTTAWA lCPi Two un identified Chileans who had asked theffanadian embassy in Santiago for asylum sur rendered to local police later in thedav An external affairs depart ment spokesman said the am bassador was assured the men would not be mistreated and that the ambassador would visit the men in prison today Although early reports in dicated they could have been involved with local revolutionary killing the federal official in Ottawa said there were no known charges outstanding against the men He said they would be charged with disturbing the peace for disrupting the em bassy The spokesman added there was no apparent political pen secution involved in the matter SERVICEMASTER THE NAME FOR PROFESSIONAL LEANING AROUND THE WORLD Carpets Furniture Walls Floats Or your entrehouse CALL 4873603 SERVICENASTER of Barrie 10 discount before Christmas 979 21