113 the examiner Wedneedey Nov 28 tm WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING 000 NEws TIC TAC DOUGH CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 um 030 NBC NEws MARY TYLER MOORE SHow CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS RHODA JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE 0N 700 CANDID CAMERA EIGHT IS ENOUGH PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH HOUR LONG STREET TALK ONCE UPON TIMEMAN Awakemn Of The People FAMIL MAUDE 730 FEUD PRICE IS RIGHT NEWLYWED GAME TRIVIA JOKERS WILD NFL HOCKEY Toronto Maple Leela Weeth ton Capllela MAGIC SHADOWS Drurne Along Mohewk Part lll BOB NEWHART SHOW MASH 800 REAL PEOPLE Tonightaacheduled aegmente Include lolletireined cat Cleveland Preee columnlet who ranka churchea underwater muIlCIIIlI and vielt with Bill Dutcher who collecle Terran memor wlflo mine NATURE OF THINGS Hoel David Suzukl gale outfitted for deepeaa diving to demonatrete name of the phyaloloqical channel that occur when divers deecend to great depths and what Ia needed to auelein them while exploring the ocean mrna YOUNG MAVERICK Inth opening eptaoda Ben Maverick and young lady wind up In the fight game lhanka to her brawny Iongloat couein from Ireland and gambling debt Ben owaa to couple of dangeroue eeloonkeepnre Slera Charles Frank Susan annchard Promrera do mine EIGHT IS ENOUGH llflltfy crteia develope when Sueen diecovere ehee preo nerIdoeeetemtotethertehoiepleym winter baseball in Puerto Rico and tiles for ce thine THE WALTONS FOOTSTEPS Love You When Youre Good mother Ie raieing her child to please othera In order to gain their love and acceptance and friend try to correct this ell MAN ABOUT THE HOUSE When Chrleay ehowe eerioue intereet in en cider man with everything girt could want Robin idea to atep in and interior MOVIE SCIENCE FICTION Bed Sitting Room me 830 THE REAL STORY OUIZ KIDS SHOW 900 DIFFRENT STROKES MUSIC OF MAN Aa 20m century dawned everyone wee making muelc There wee piano in every parlor Victorian tearlerkera In the manic helIa tonepoerna in the concert helle In America the audio ordina wae Invented 00 mine UNBROKEN CIRCLE TRIBUTE TO MAYBELLE CARTER celebration of the world of country mum and aelute to one of no ploneera wllh Krie Krialoftereon ee heat The epeclel will praeent tribute to the late Mother Maybelle known ee the Firat Lady of Country with gueel etare Johnny Ceeh the Caner Family Ray Charlea Waylon Jenninga Willie eon and Linda Ronetadt so mine CHARLIES ANGELS Trio Angeli go back to college and put themeelvea up as tempting belt lot ludnappere in an attempt to track down two beautiful coede who have tartan1y dieeppeared 60 mine MOVIE COMEDY if hree on Date UPSTAIRS OOWNSTAIRS The adventurea and nlleedventurea of the Bellamy family upataire at 106 Eaton Place and their wen downalalra no man SECOND CITY TV 930 GOING PLACES 1000 BEST OF SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SPECTRUM musical ealute to Frencee immortal thtle Sparrow Edith Piaf Thla cabarelaalyle ealuta directed by Norman Campbell atare Libby Morria with Llllenne Stilwell Robert Godin and Ed Evenko mine KENNY ROGERS AND THE AMERICAN COWBOY The IDecrel lnlerrniiree oertormencee of Kenny Rogers in concert with hie weat atera Mac Davie and the Cheriee Daniele Bend and an oniocatioe look at the lite and of reel working carbon lmï¬l VEGAS Sheley Wintere queer etere aa famous lawyer who heee Den Tenne to clear her client militant temriet Charged with murdering eeverel exploitera of women mine THE BODY IN QUESTION Brute chine GLOBAL NEws UPDATE NEws 1001 STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO 1030 SMITH AND SMITH 1100 ED NEws CBC NEWS CTV NEws III THE REAL STORY MOVIE ROMANCE is Anonymoueï¬eggtlen 1971 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEws 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow Hoot Johnny Carson Oueel Calvin Trillln 00 CBS LATE MOVIE DLACK SHEEP SOUADRON Meatball CIrCua Peppy end hie men are ordered to undertake nearly RUICIdel mlealon aaeinet Japanese carrier Repeat HAWAII FIVEO 8000 Deadly Tickata Stare It Lord Jemee MacArthur Repeat MOVIE DRAMA HOIOI PARTY GAME QUESTION PERIOD IN PRIVATE LIFE 1145 THRILLER 1200 MOVIE HORROR And Now the Screaming Starts ma KOJAK MERV GRIFFIN 1215 MOVIEDRAMA Deliver Us From Evil 1073 100 TOMORROW In MEDICAL CENTER 130 NEws ca GONG SHOW 145 MOVIE SCIENCE FICTION Moon Zero Two mo speaking Unusual safety today in history Nov ZN I979 The machine invented by Dr Guillotin in the Ifith century was brought from storage seven years ago today in 1972 in France to behead two men The first to die was Roger Bontems 36 Seven minutes later Claude Buffet 38 was beheaded Both had been con demned to death for the slaying of two hostages during prison not Since taking office in June I969 President Georges Pom pidou previously had refused capital punishment in France 1520 Ferdinand Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean 1698 The Comte de Frontenac governor of New France died 1829 Russian pianist and composer Anton Rubinstein was born 1929 US Admiral Richard Byrd began his flight over the South Pole I954 Enrico Fermi father of the atom bomb died barries story November 1957 On the recommendation of the special rules committee under the chairmanship of Councillor Carman Downey Vespra Simcoe County adopted canadas story Absentee Ofï¬cials Annoyed Canadians On November 29 1808 Francis Burton was appointed by Britain to be Lieutenant Governor of Lower Canada This was not important but Burton did not bother coming to Canada for 10 years although he continued to draw his salary This was typical of number of British appointments in Canada In those days and it aroused great deal of criticism In 1823 it was discovered that the Receiver General had been stealing money systematically from Lower Canada and was 96000 pounds short in his accounts This caused financial crisis Leading citizens protested that it could not have hap pened if competent people were appointed to the impor tant posts in Canada Some other examples included the first Governor of Canada General Murray after the British takeover He left Quebec in 1766 but continued to draw his pay as governor for another eight years Lieutenant Governor Thomas Carleton of New Bruns wick held that position for 33 years but spent the last 14 of them in Britain The Rector of Sorel was an important osition with salary of 200 pounds year which was goo in those days One of them nt 10 years of his term in England Lord Plymouth set that he was too charming neighbor to be allowed to live in remote Canada Louis Joseph Papineau made trip to London to protest the situation but rebellion in Lower anada got nowhere Later he incited the Papineau also protested the suggestion that Lower and Uppe 1840 Canada should be united Frenchspeaking Cana dians felt that the move would Englishspeaking Canadians give too much power to The union was delayed until In fact Confederation was proably delayed It might have been better if all the British North American colonies had been ulted in 1840 instead of just Lower and Upper Caneda OTHER EVENTS ON NOVEMBER 29 HalFrench settlers at Fort Rosali Natchez US were massacred 1745 Canadians and Indians captured Saratoga NY 1100 British captured Detroit 1713 British citizens of Quebec petitioned for assembly 1855Grend Trunk Railway was completed between Montreal and Brockville 1918 Canadian Council of pro ed free trade with Britain and reel nipe proc ty th 05 st pauls by Pratt 431667 Mrs George Stunden is recuperating at home follow ingsurgery in RVH Barrie Sandy McMillan Peter visited his mother Mrs Hugh McMillan on Satur da Mr and Mrs Ed Gibbons Ewart Jennett and Mr and Mrs Jae Pratt enjoyed the Royal Winter Fair With the Strand Senior Citizens The Paulettes annual Penny Sale was great success The wish to thank all who at tended and all who helped Winners of the draw prizes were Mrs Edith Reynolds Tomato won the lovely hand meeting grlculture meeting at Win hooked picture made and donated by Ray McKenzie The food ham was won by No I73 and nitted baby set won by Mrs Pearl Webb The afternoon ACW of St Pauls Anglican Church met at the church for their November Mrs Gordon Emerick President chaired the meeting The afternoon ac tivities included packing of good bale of quilts knitted ar ticles and many useful warm clothes Mrs Emerick gave talk on the Arch Deanery meeting at the Resource Cen the Crown Hill Mrs Ray Nee ly and Mrs Leo Gilbome are in charge of the Christmas party to be held at the Cosy Comer Restaurant December at pm Members extended their sympathy to Daisy Wright in the death of her seven rule changes The most radical was the increase of the sittings of council from three to four In letter read to town coun cil Fred Grant expressed his sincere appreciation of the honor the town had accorded in naming square after him He also expressed wish to have placed at his expense in the square something decorative meeting with the approval of council Mr Grant told The Ex aminer that he had in mind something like small foun tain and his reason for wanting to erect this in Fred Grant Square was that in early days Post Office Square was the social centre of Barrie Deadeye Doc Gillespie of Barrie and Roy Johns of Angus were two hunters who didnt catch only cold on their deer hunting trip The two men left Barrie three weeks earlier and arrived back with their catch Gillespie gunned 220 pound deer and Johns bagged 150 pounder Gillespie had to drag his catch five miles cattle truck which started out from railway siding with 22 calves on board left trail of animals over 10 miles when it stailgate swung open The truck was on route from Stayner to Midhurst and had been driven 20 miles before the mishap was discovered 016 of the calves was hit by car The driver notified police that calves were dropping out right and left Thnee of the five calves were recovered Some developments in techni que and equipment of the Bell Telephone Co were outlined to the Kiwanis Club of Barrie by EC Forster public relations department Toronto He show ed the club new advances such as tiny transistor which would re lace cumbersome vacuum tu He demonstrated by us ing small radio powered by small battery which was able to be small because of the use of transistors brother Canon Walter Lee closed the meeting with prayer The Paulettes ACW held their November meeting in the church President Mrs Roger Rix was in charge of the meeting Plans were made to celebrate the Paulettes 5th birthday and Christmas party with dinner Dec pm followed by cake and coffee in the church at the cozy Corner Restaurant Bible study was taken by Mrs Hazel Holdcroft pot luck luncheon will be held Dec following the church service at which ser vice beautiful stained glass windows will be dedicated to the memory of Larry Grigley by his wife Jennifer Canon Lee and the Grigley family and sons The Doctor Says CortisoneIike drugs Often By PAUL DONOHLE MD Dear Dr Donohue read about polymyalgia rheumatica recent Among the signs men tioned is swelling of the tem poral artery This hit home For many years my left temporal artery has gotten swollen for four to five days at time It is ugly and painful have osteroarthritis which manage without drugs It is cosmetic problem and wonder if this swelling repre sents some hidden health prob Ilem Can you comment MS Polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis not arthritisI often appear together They may be two separate parts of one general illness Polymyalgia rheumatica causes aching in muscles of the neck shoulders hips or thighs it does not affect joints them selves Temporal arteritis is in flammation of the temporal ar tery the blood vessel located in front of the ear and running up ward to the scalp The artery becomes tender and thickens and the scalp may be quite ten der as well Vision disturbance may oc cur Both conditions respond well to small doses of cortisonelike drugs What you see may or may not be swollen temporal artery There are veins located near such arteries including the ar tery to which you refer tem poral If vein becomes en larged it may be mistaken for the temporal artery Temporal arteritis is diag nosed biopsy of that vessel Your physician can easily de termine if you really do have NORTH irn 0A5 V732 0753 ekoria WEST EAST ekoiosr Q9643 vn voios 00842 eJios onss eAios SOUTH 0J2 VAKJQSM OAKS Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South Pass INT Pass Pass Pass Pass BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag hel pl the problem If you do you need prompt treatment for it Certainly these symptoms should be investigated Dear Dr Donahue How does doctor diagnose whooping coughN0 First of course it is im rtant to know if the child has een vaccinated If so whooping cough is verv unlikely Sometimes the swallowing and aspiration into the airways of small foreign object will mimic whooping cough Whooping cough is confirmed by detecting the organism that causes it pertussis Sometimes how ever this is hard to do Dear Dr Donohue Will you please say something about smoking during pregnancy My daughter insists on continuing and maybe if you scared her she would stop Mrs PW Im not in the business of scaring anyone If wellknown facts make person think twice about things like smoking dur ing pregnancy great It is fact that the smoking may lower oxygen levels in the body and hence the amount available for the fetus One re cent study in England revealed that the smoking mothertobe can help even if she quits for the few days before actual de livery It makesza percent more oxygen So yes your daughter should quit That would not seem to be great inconvenience and her motivation should be high Dear Dr Donohue Is it true that fat people have less fluid in their bodies than skinny people Mrs RD The obese person has about 56 per cent fluid and the lean per son about 70 per cent fluid to body weight play pays paused for study led the deuce of trumps and finessed his jack after East followed with the eight West showed out East glared and sputtered to South Stop peeking in our hands If your ethics were as good as your eyes you would be one of the best men on earth You have jumped to wrong conclusion said South mildly saw no cards but did see perfect safety play to guarantee my contract once you followed to that first trump South had made an unusual safety play indeed If he had played the ace or king of trumps he would have wound up losing one trick in each suit assuming proper defense by East and West The unusual Opening lead24 trump finesse avoided the trump loser Now suppose the finesse had lost to singleton or dou bleton queen West would be on lead but the seven of trumps would be sure entry By Oswald JBCOby to dummy South would have and Alan Sontag time to knock out the ace of clubs get to dummy with that The game 35 rUbber seven of trumps discard his bridgï¬ losing diamond on the good sou went Em Up With club and make 10 tricks dummys ace of spades He instead of ii But 10 tricks locked up the contract daily crossword ACROSS 45 Prods Answer to Pvewous Puzzle 47 Cut ones Wanner teeth Poriod In 51 Ones self hIstory 52 AnCIent Irish Energy unit capital 10 Grabbed 51 Of IIQUId 12 Bread spread waste 14 Long period 55 Room shape of time 56 Snail 15 Heavy volume 57 Liquefy 16 ValorOus 58 Caustic per50n substance 17 Mae West 59 Madame role abbrl 18 Become 60 Canal system mamfesr In northern 13 Give out 40 By birth 20 Tlited Michigan spanngiv 41 Small 22 Passed on 19 Recewe InIeSIlne 24 Clty In Ohio DOWN 21 Mental 43 New yo ball 26Chinese component dynasty Feminine Dr 30 Before thIs suffix 23 Lack or REIQOUS 31 Compass Leeway may poem pomt Italian capital 24 Some 45 Unsgmry 32 HawaIIan Level of 25 preï¬x 46 Character volcano command Mauna Feel regret 27 Skelewn part on 33 Over motor Deck cut 28 sUbStamwe Very IFII 34 2000 Roman Skinny fIsh 29 Channe 49 City in Hawaii 36 Hardshelled Origin 30 WW We 50 owe my frmt Ixheaded 35 COmDOSIe 37 Air pollutIon antelope DCII 90 39Greek sea 11 Black dairy 38 One horse 53 we 42 Form jury carriage DOdUCl Winthrop gr November 291979 This coming year you are likely to enioy more success than usu al in enterprises or ventures requiring your creative touch Put your imagination to worthy uses SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Youll enjoy domg fun things with friends but try to avoid pal who has caused you problems it you can He or she may do so again 10d ay CAPRICORN Dec 224m 19 In order to keep peace on the home from today it may prove wise to take back seal it vola tile issue is brought up rather than to try to force your way on Others AQUARIUS Jen 20Feb 19 This is one of those days when small issues could get blown out of proportion Should you see this happening In discussion with friend back Off PISCES Feb March 20 Be realistic regarding your finanCIal obligations today Try not to take on any new ones unless youre certain you can easily manage those you already have ARIES Merch 21April 19 Be careful today that someone doesnt persuade you to do something not In accordance with your nobler ideals You wont like the end results TAURUS April ZMey 20 Wish ful thinking is not an appropriate substitute for hard work today Little will be accomplIshed unless youre prepared to put forth the effort to do whats necessary GEMINI May 21June 20 You must be careful not to leave an impression with friends today that you are nicer to those who can do you faVOTS than you are to those who cant CANCER June 21July 22 Goals you hope to attain today could elude you If youre too eas ily Intimidated by adversity Be at sterner stuff LEO July 23Aug 22 Your opinion regarding something about which you feel strongly maybe Challenng Ioaey Mir shat all your facts so you can present your views advanta goousty VIRGO Aug 238ept 22 In commercial operations today its best to deal with persons or firms you trust Doing business with strangers may present hazards LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Nor mally youre extremety coopera tive but today you could be trifle difficult to please if every thing isnt done your way SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Theres possibility that you can be caught in position today where youll be handling not only your duties but those of another as wag and will ve small rewar for what you NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN THE JESTEE FROM THE HE CANTAKE MY TIRED OLD HE 5975 PAIDA HUNDRED LOVE HIM WHAT WOULD IS REALLY GREAT For Better or Worse Short Ribs I5N1AIDI MOISILJE THE Nizard of Id Frank and Ernest Born Loser IM PEALLY WORQIED ABOUT TAKING MY DRIVING TEST Bugs Bunny LONG THEYRE In mus ran SEVEN 8IxFNE rouR THREE WOOOONNNE HRHNDDD MY BELOVED TIS THE DUKE THROW DOWN EEPKEstENTé 311W WHO CAN TELL ME WHY GOINImBEa NEIGHBORING KINGDOM JOKES DIAT NOBODV LAUGHS AT AND GET STANDING OVATION Oitnny NEA ln Tu neg us Pet Orr ALAS WNGER CAN YOU CLIMB MY LOVEN0 TIMES WEE THAN DO EVERYBODV LOVES HIM 45 PELAX DAFFV MV CQIEND ll GE MOVE OWN L53 NOISE AND IF IHUE 0F You ON 11 LEFI woolD GARE Ib tools WERE PAoSINo OVER DENVER OR New ORLEAN op SoMErIIING III In NH CIND THAT VERY PEASSUIEING THEREAN MAKE TIle DONT 1T COSTID HAVE HIM IUENEDINTOA FROG ID 5ATILL FIND MLJD PUDDLE 03 01 TnMS IIu DO CHALKIE oué FLIPPIN SNOOKER KNOW WHAT THE MER GENERATION is comm To