Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1979, p. 4

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Saturday Nov 24 1979 CIRCULATION 7266539 NEWSROOM 7266537 serving barre and simcoe county Puoiisned by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited I6 Bayfield Street Barrie OniOtIO LAM 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7280414 Dont relax gun control laws The Clark government is review ing gun law legislation with view to improving it for the public Certain groups witin Simcoe County are being asked for sugges tions which presumably will be for warded to federal standing com mittee studying the matter It is not clear what direction any changes would take but there is certain to be pressure from firearms associations sportsmens clubs and the like to relax gun con trol laws Instead of relaxing the laws we would hope the review ends up rein forlcing or strengthening gun con tro While the committee is looking for input we would suggest it look into the number of handguns rifles and shotguns in possession by residents ofSimcoe County Clearly the more firearms in general circulation the more dangerous it becomes to police communitv Police have dangerous enough ll now without making it any eaSier for the general public to avail itself of weapons Canada prides itself as peaceful country and looks with rightful dis dain at the number of gun murders in the United States Our View is that Canadas gun control laws instead of being relaxed ought to be tightened still further The fact is that our current laws really arent all that strict The existing legislation passed in 1977 provides for harsherpenalties for crimes committed with guns prohibit gun ownership to anyone convicted of violent crimes and makes it an offense to store guns carelessly Since Jan the law also requires the purchaser of gun to undergo police check and buy permit This would seem to be the minimum gun law legislation In our opinion the review should make it harder not easier for peo ple to own guns barrie landmarks Pra This impressive home at 200 Collier Street stands high on the hill at the rm rttbalis lly DdilIJr ViFarlane Vrvnc to 97 04 BUSINESS 7266537 corner of Collier Dundonald Blake and Dunlop Streets Its shaped veran dah turret and irregular shaping reveal it to be of the Richardson Romanesque style like the old Toronto city hall also know as Queen Anne revival it was built in l880 by the Barrie lawyer Jeffrey McCarthy and is still owned by his descendants Examiner Photo Ill it letters to the editor Sir In the November 20th edition of The Ex aminer Mr John Schmidt BA MEdl com mented on Georgian College statement in previous edit ion Normally Mr Schmidts letters are not deserving of reply however this letter directly attacks the students of Georgian Col lege and generally vilifies its programs and record To generalize that This Community Col Iegc is haven for the high school dropouts who dont want to work is both irrespon sible and inaccurate The majority of Georgians post secondary students have completed secondary program prior to college entry and are keenly work oriented Of 729 first year students at the college 341 have completed Ontario grade 12 159 have completed Ontario grade 13 Many of the re maining have high school equivalency from other provincos or programs In recent years there has been move by students away from university programs to the more employment oriented programs of the colleges Graduates of colleges are able to begin at starting wages similar to those in most professional areas with the exception of these requiring post graduate training Nurses and technologists trained by colleges start at salaries comparable to those of teachers and engineers $13000 to $16000 an nually depending upon stxicialization Many university graduates are unable to obtain employment and must work in areas unrelated or unsurted to their education Cer tainly viable trade technology or business program which enables the student to enter the work force with marketable skill is preferable to the frustration of under employment after completion of university program Mr Schmidt is being both impractical and unfair Producing doctors lawyers den tists and ministers has never been the pur pose of colleges and this fact should not be reason to condemn our programs or our students As an educator Mr Schmidt should also comprehend the point that it is traditional for many students to attend college or university in another areas as part of youthful move toward independence Despite this factor our college is attracting an increasing number of students from this area After many years of unjustified attacks on the college it is time that Mr Schmidt exerlt cised the judgment that his credentials sug gest he should have Although university may indeed be desirable for this area Mr Schmidt should dismount frorii his elitist horse stop con deming what he does not understand and at tempt an honest examination of the impor tant contribution which Georgian College and its students make to our region John Knapp Faculty Member Georgian College Little animosity shown by Iranians to Westerners TEHRAN tAP Despite massive outpouring of antiAineiican and antrWesteiii sentiment in the local media Iranians themselves show little animosity toward we want your opinion Something on your mrnd Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesrit publish unSigned lelt tors but it you wish pen name Will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limos public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters otters to the Editor are to eyery do on the editorial page Send yours to letters to tho Editor Tho tuber Post Office Box 310 Will MM individual lesterners and are eager to discuss the takeover of the US embassy From shopkeepers anxious to serve Westerners to demonstrators at the embassy who courteoust lower their Kill Carter banners to let reporter pass Iranians take seriously the official line that this dispute is with the government and not with its people Taxr drivers students and men in the street are keen to discuss the issue So are secre taries and other women in smart European dress as numerous as the women veiled head to toe in traditional ctiadors There is no sense of apology in their ex planations for the takeover of the embassy Nov by Iranian militants demanding ex tradition of Shah Mohammad Rem Pahlavi now receiving cancer treatment in New York The militants supported by revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini want to put the shah on trial for but they call crimes against the state If Americans are angry that group of militants hold 49 citizens as hostages the individual Iranians say it is became they do not understand the evil of the US government which is giving refuge to Irans worst enemy so manning editor SAL ES Aden Srnith Wayne Hay Sieve Skinner Marion Hardy st Nicholls rt Lapthtnr NAVY queooa Llr rihpn rlr YontFanacti be 9narie thomas Sui Rewrn romwacpcalor CLASSIFIED ferry Field Catht Lwathe illl Delaney emit lo the Mini lion if llIlS barbaric morlsTet ADVE RTISING Len Sewn manager CBIVIH Felepchul PeqpyChapetl suWVisor Freda Spinner Janice Morton Ian MacMurchv COMPOSING ROOM ll it BUSNEPS Jack Kerney foreman WM 52 av Marian Coucn accountant Gm Kwan as mum yum home Dena MHS Don Saunders vim Grant Lowe We WEEKLY by carrier Connie Hart man 95 cents SlatV Wfay YEARLY by carrier Bill Raynor SN Ron Gilder MAIL Barrie Ed Altenby 4o SIMontreal CIRCULATION JameHamel TY Bill Hollies manager Susan Kan SIMCOE COUN Andy Hauohton aSsislant manager ymm SM $3900 0°09 5° ESSMOM MOTORTHROW or Alva LaPlante Hanson woman we we Don Near asst toreman ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Elaine Buron fired pun ma Cheryl Aiken the UN eventtie marines lolemper his Obi doIm Talking Ghoul Kennodq Foreign review policy must take place in 1980 By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst The eulogies are flying thick and fast around Pierre Elliott Trudeau after his announcement of retirement as leader of the Liberal Party Some of these refer to his substantial international role At the same time the Clark Government has announced foreign policy review to take place some time in 1980 If so this will be exactly decade since the last such foreign policy review the one which has set the course for our international priorities during the Trudeau era notice no eulogies emanating from the External Affairs Department or from Flora MacDonald its new boss Whether they decide to praise Trudeau in public or not for setting some new directions for us in the 19705 these were inclusive enough to suggest the Clark Tories will have tough time finding new places to go in foreign policy The Trudeau thrusts into foreign policy formation included many areas dear to the hearts of compassionate Conservatives or as Professor Gad Horowitz defined them Red Tories These are Tories who would see Canada as more of dispenser of aid technolog than of guns military peacekeeping roles and heavy NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization defense commitment MAJOR MOVES MADE But the Foreign Policy Review of 1970 did move Canada strongly in these directions Our NATO air and land forces were reduced from 10000 to the 5000 force which we still maintain in Europe The activities of CIDA Canadian In ternational Development Agency were greatly increased to aid such indigent Commonwealth fellow member nations as Ghana Tanzania Malaysia Singapore to name only few so assisted Other proposed activities in the Third World concentrated on the business prospects of offering Canadian technology in transport aircraft railway modernization forestry development small plant management to developing nations This resulted in the largest growth overseas of Canadian management and engineering consulting firms and realization in recipient countries that North Americanstyle assist ance of this kind comes with no political strings attached The Trudeau foreign policy directions including strong unilateral statements about ownership of our Arctic waters greatly in creased our sense of sovereignty ii our own hemisphere The socalled Trudeau Doctrine of 1970 already longforgotten by most Canadians also included an extension of our territorial waters from three to 12 miles and the placement of socalled sanitation zones around our Arctic islands The latter was one of our first major in ternational antipollution measures made law in bill passed unanimously by Par liament This Trudeau thrust also gave early ad vances where Canada was concerned for the ongoing Law of the Sea Conference from which Canada emerged to declare her own ZOOmile limit in 1978 Of course all these are measures which follow closely to historic Conservative positions definitions of Canada as nation giving out foreign aid which will also benefit Canadian industries showing compassion to truly needy nations NOWHERE TOGO So where will Flora and foreign policy review go from here What new avenues for middle power also on major austerity campaign at the federal level are left One senior External Affairs official was heard to say we need any new ideas we can get or that are left around Exactly Sunset Law would set expiry date for programs By DON HEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Soon now the government is going to introduce some legislation in fact it might even be in when this is read which will beat great significance The legislation will be Sunset Law Sunset Law means there will be study and evaluation of government quite unprece dented until now The way the Iaw works is that an expiry date is set for every program in every ministry or board or agency in government When this anniversary date arrives the program is looked at from the bottom up That is it is first decided whether it should be continued at all and then how extensively it should be carried on EVER MORE This marks such change in the traditional way of running government that it is monumental One of the notorious faults of government has been that it always grows it has never been its habit to get rid of anything It has been fact of life that once government adopts anything that particular thing is good for ever more Nothing has been criticized more by those close to government yet detached from it such as auditorsgeneral than this flatulence Chiefs dismissal condemned BURLINGTON Ont CPi The dismissal of KitchenerWaterloo Police Chief Syd Brown was condemned Thursday by the Police Association of Ontario In the associations first blic statement on the controversy surmu ing the firing of Brown association president Ted Johnson called the action uniust and frivolors Even recognition of this characteristic by government is profound step and an ap proach to correct it amounts to major turning point WALKER LAW Incidentally the Clark government in Ottawa also has promised sunset law For strictly personal reason it is to be hoped that Ontario gets its legislation before the public first This personal reason is that credit for the fact we are finally seeing sunset law in Can ada almost certainly belongs to one man more than any other This man is Gordon Walker PC member for London South and Minister of Correc tional Services From the day he came into the house in 1971 and latterly as member of the government Walker has preached lot of common sense particularly on bold attacks on government spending and above all on sunset law He deserves great credit And if Ontario is first in the field he may get some of it We appeal to the citizens of the region of KitchenerWaterloo to put stop to further unwarranted and unjust treatment of Chief Brown and the continuance of any further frivolous expenditure of tax dollars Mr Johrson sai in written statement to 130 policemen here for quarterly meeting of the association Kim Partenoen ttsement The Examiner is member or The Canadian Press CPI and Audit Bureau of Circulation ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Apence France Press and local news stories published in The Examiner The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising inner created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number toms register or gt National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto ID no CUM The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damopes oris ino out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space it tually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or other wise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement the Publisher reserves the right to edit revise classity or reiecl an cover trait Inside stories abound about Trudeau resignation By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Boy do feel injust 24 hours after the an nounced resignation of Pierre Trudeau and it seems am the only journalist in Ottawa without an inside story to offer may as well admit it dont know why Mr Trudeau chose Nov 21 1979 to tell the world he was stepping down as Liberal leader For all know he might have been simply responding to his horoscope transportation mixup can alter your plans prevent you from achieving your goals What bothers me is that seem to be the on ly journalist in Ottawa and Ive been here for 18 years who doesnt have scrap of in side information on the resignation Conse quently am not picking up any freelance money from the television and radio net works While have no idea how much money is being earned in todays reasonsforthe Trudeauresignation industry suspect it is substantial Its probably fueling inflation Just few hours after the announcement colleague of mine was on CBC radio saying that the former prime minister made his decision last weekend in Toronto while atten ding meeting of Ontario Grits But within an hour another colleague was explaining that the decision was reached the previous weekend while Trudeau went off to New York to dance with pretty young thing nam ed Linda British Columbia Liberals were miffed that their leader didnt come to Van couver meeting And this my colleague sug gested forced Trudeau to quit VOTE FEARED Another colleague has come up with the in side information that the Liberal party ex ecutive was evenly divided on whether the next policy convention should be turned into leadership convention and that the deciding vote would have to be cast by Trudeau himself This embarrassment said my col league had to be avoided at all costs Hence the resignation have also read that the resignation was related to the recent federal byelections in which the Liberals did rather well This said the story permitted Trudeau to quit while ex periencing one of his rare peaks But another inside story said the real reason is that after carefully weighing all the pros and cons Trudeau decided he would be more influential in the Quebec referendum campaign without holding the reins of office But this view is not journalisticallv Interpretingthenews Tehran fuse still burning UNITED NATIONS CP Facesaving steps by Iranian militants and the US government are appropriate to defuse the explosive issue of hostagetaking in Tehran and give it full airing in the United Nations Some UN diplomats feel there are two forums at which the Iranians may air their case against the deposed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahvali the reason for their an tagonism with Washington The militants supported by Irans unof ficial leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini want the shah returned to Iran to stand trial for alleged crimes against the Iranian people The shah who fled Iran in February for cancer The UN diplomats suggest that Secretary By ALEX MANJURIS We have all heard of the Toronto Stars Great Salmon Hunt six week fishing derby that brings thousands of fishermen to the OakvillePort CreditBronteBurlington area of Lake Ontario The incentive is twofold for the fisherman he not only pits his skill against one of the worlds great game fish but also has chance at winning some of the $100000 in prizes Anyone can enter the fishing derby but in order to be eligible for one of the prizes you are required to pay 310 entry fee It was very exciting experience for me to be out on the lake with all those fishermen when they were making com ments like This is the best fishing of my life and have just got to feel one of those babies on the business end of fishing line and then seeting iepound Cohoe break the surfuce half dozen times before being boated My mind was clicking over as the tremen dous economic aspects of this event and how similar fishing derby could be established in Kempenfelt Bay come to think of it maybe that is why didnt catch any fish ATTRACTS SPECTATORS The fishing draws not only fishermen but many spectators You say fishing is not spectator sport Then why were the Port Credit and Bronte weighin stations jamm ed by hundreds of onlookers Even shore anglers were attracted to the derby and cat ching some nice fish off the Bronte Pier Lets take look at some of the economic benefits from an event of this type There were almost 1001 entrants in the derby keep in mind that each of these fishermen paid 10 entry fee This represents only about onethird of the ac tual number of fishermen who invaded the area Can you imagine the amount of dollars that would be left behind by all those peo ple and it would be mostly directed into our downtown core at time of year when business needs shot in the arm The City of Bronte controls the only laun ching ramp in the area and charges 85 per day for its use It is not unnatural to see couple of hundred boats at time lined up there on weekend There are some 70 charter boat services operating in the area and they are all book after the Islamic revolution led by the ayatollah is in New York hospital receiving treatment Why not fishing derby in our Kempenfelt Bay PARLIAMENT HILL unanimous Mr Trudeaus departure now is sign that he is confident of the Quebec elec torate being mature enough to reject the Par ti Quebecois option says an editorial in an Ottawa newspaper And oh yes also heard colleague tell breathless nation that the resignation may have been inspired by likely reconciliation with his wife Margaret who now lives near by ANOTHER VIEW But then there is another colleague he claims to have ironclad sources who says it was just this nearness that drove Trudeau to hurried resignation Its all so sadly per sonal we read but the way we hear it Margarets been driving her old male to distraction with her growing new interest in mothering We are told that the Liberal leader wants to move his kids away from Margaret so he resigned But in the same newspaper we read that immediately after the announcement Pierre Trudeau rushed to Stornaway for lunch with his estranged wife Margaret and their children While all of us were writing about the shock and surprise of the announcement an Ottawa editorial informed us that Pierre Elliott Trudeaus announcement yesterday was in fact about on schedule But column in the same newspaper says it greeted with disbelief weak knees and wet eyes Obviously the schedule wasnt publicized What Mr Trudeau himself said about the timing of his resignation was that there are always strong public and prevate reasons both for going and for staying on At point in time one simply makes the decision as to what is best It would be journalistic disaster if it were as simple as that And if Mr Trudeau con tinues to spread those type of rumors well all be out of work Incidentally if ever find out exactly why he choose Nov 21 to announce his retirement youll be the first to know well General Kurt Waldheim could appoint group of international legal experts to examine Khomenis charge that the shah was tyrant during his rule Washington has refused to discuss the shah with the ayatollah and his followera while 49 Americans are held hostage in the embassy The diplomats have also suggested that the Security Council convene an international meeting wanted by Iran week to air its claim that the shah was Washingtons creation The shah had ruled Iran since 1954 after CIAbacked coup that overthrew proSoviet regime The Security Councl has suggested that the shah leave the US as soon as he is fit to travel for Mexico where he and his family have residence Egypt where he has been inVited to live TAKE NOTE ed solid SIDE BENEFITS The weekly prize winners represented some 50 centres on both sides of the border We spend thousands of dollars to attract people into the area well here is very simple natural way of doing it and the side benefits could be tremendous realize that pollution in Lake Simcoe is problem but it cant be any worse than in Lake Ontario which it is fast becoming North Americas salmon fishing capital Serious consideration should be given to this idea of an annual fishing derby in Kempenfelt Bay How about the Barrie District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club and the Department of Natural Resources getting together and doing feasibility study An annual fishing derby could be fun and financial success sug gests columnist Alex Maniuris

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