the examiner Saturday Nov24 1979 he Rabbi Don Gerber of Ottawas Temple Israel Synagogue says Jews have traditionally shunned attempts to convert others to their faith but that has been changing in recent years He holds classes on the Jewish faith 00d eight to l0 people become converts every year CP Photo Doesnt think decline coming in Judaism ITIAWA tCIi Judaism in North America He readily agrees that intermarriage with nonJews is increasing one reason some Jewish leaders view the future with concern Hut Berber secs these mixed marriages as an opportunity for growth Hes con ducting an active conversion program in his Temple Israel synagogue Reform or liberal Jewish congregation here Jews have traditionally tempts to convert others to their faith But that has been changing in and now some Jewish leaders are talking about it publicly Rabbi Gerber blackbcardcd bespec tacled man said in recent interview there is great potential for conversions particularly among nonJewish wives of He holds classes on the Jewish faith and eight to 10 people become Jewish men converts every year 111 CHANCES He says he expects this could be duplicated in up to 200 sriiallsired cities throughout North America It is generally accepted that more than on Gerber voluble young Jewish rabbi poohpoohs the doom saycrs who predict gradual decline in 30 per cent of young Jews are marrying nonJews in North America he says Most of these mixed marriages involved Jewish men and nonJewish wives The Jewish population in Canada is small about 250000 So some predict gradual decline in the number of Jews as they expect the children of mixed mar But Rabbi forecast shunned at recent years Gerber says to convert to efforts riages will adopt the religious outlook of their nondewish mothers Gerber doesnt buy this convention of Reform Jews in Houston two years ago pushed the issue into the open An influential rabbi urged the con ference to tell the nonJewish world that we hope to receive sincere converts from people who are likeminded religiously Gerber and others had already been counselling nonJews who were prepared Judaism But the Houston conference helped stimulate conversion The most fruitful source of converts is among nonJewish wives who have thrown off past dogmas and need only basic in struction on such things as Jewish sym bols and holiday Observances the Ottawa rabbi indicates Catholic Family Life Centre in Barrie officially opened His Excellency Robert lune 11lllll Bishop for the Ar clidiocese of Toronto officially opened the Catholic Family Life Centre in Barrie on Thurs day November 11 The Bishop celebrated the Eucharist aitd officially blessed the centre The Centre opened since September was funded by resident of Sitncoe County through the Share Life Carti paign and is local zone of the Council of Catholic Charities The Centre serves the Catholic population in Alliston Angus Barrie Bradford ltrechm Col gan tolliiigwood Elmvale Orillia lltelpstoii and New Lowell by providing individual family and marriage counsell ing services The services are free and available to all groups The Centre is also available to people of other faiths In his homily Rishop luiie indicated that he could see that this organiation is Irving to make concrete that spirit of God within us first of all and then to be able to rech ou into the community and to bring the care and concern and the lovcof God himelf to other who need that guidance and direction in their life Bishop Clunc asked Gods blessing on all involved with the centre that they always be in touch with Gods spirit and to make his spirit so evident and felt by others around us Sheila Wallace is the ex ecutive director and counsellor at the Centre As counsellor Sheila says she tries look for solution to problem that per son may be having She tries to stress healing rather than breaking up Sheila believes people are looking for the peace of Jesus Christ aid counselling helps people understand themselves and can fulfil their needs He says it is important to develop harmonious relationships and fragrance of faith Remember God each morning DOROTHY KILRLRN When 90 William Mulock noted lawyer and former Chief Justice of Ontario was travelling on lldltl he was unable to find his ticket The conductor watched him fran tically searching and finally said kindly Never mind Sir William you can mail it to the company when you get home It is not that simple my dear fellow The problem is not where the ticket is The problem is where am go ing Forgetting important things can put those in ad I7ltTv yearold Sir vanced age 111 sortie very em barrassing positions woman approaching her fif ties talked about this with 82 year old Corrie ten Boom Corrie smiled and replied never forget spiritual things Not forgetting spiritual things brings many blessings into our lives Remembering God in the early morning presenting the day with its care and duties befor lov ing Heavenly Father seek ing His will for the day this can change an ordinary workday into day of bless ing and adventure with God Why should we remember an individual sense of self worth Joining in the opening of the Centre with members of the board of directors were many of the clergy in the area in cluding Fathers Basil Breen Carlo Cerrone Frank Haniian John Hawkshaw James Haye Ed Lawlor Joseph Majka Tom McManus Al McCrae SF James Murphy Len OMafley Joseph ONeill Paul Switalski John Weelink Other guests in cluded Father Paul Lennon Director of Catholic Charities Father Ed Jankowski Head RC Chaplain Base Borden Paul Robinson Share Life Richard Garnet Communications Co ordinator Council of Catholic Charities Mrs Jean McCann and Mrs Yvonne Healey Local representatives to Shre Life and Mr Des Carroll Supreintendent of Schools Simcoe County Roman Catholic School Board remember God each morn ing Because He remembers us and has provided for the wellbeing of our souls pro vided with the very best He had to offer His beloved Son Ephesians 13 says Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ He has given to us Person who has the power to supply all that we need spiritual phySIcal and financial He is just waiting for us to remember and to trust Him for all that we need lQuebec parish church sold MONTREAL iti The Anglican Church of Canada has sold its parish church in la Colle Que because of lack of membeis Due to the changes and shifts in population over the past years there is ltll no choice diocesan official said of the closing of St Saviours Church near the Canada banter The church was built in 1188 and has an organ that the Que bee department of cultural at fairs has evprcssixt an interest in pnrserving TORONTO tCP TheCana diaii Catholic Organization for Development and Peace has is sued nation wide appeal for funds to help the people of Cambodia The organization has already sent 575000 worth of rice seeds and medical and agricultural equipment to the country Donations can be sent to the organization office at 67 Bond St Suite 305 Toronto MSB 1X5 Attii Cambodia Fund Be winner in lifes contest By REV FRANK LiIST Barrie and District Ministerial Do you have any special talents mean do you have any special talents that you use in competitions Some people paint or tke photographs or write answers to questions Whether youve entered con test for oil painting or said why you liked dishwashing soap you did so knowing that there would be impartial Judges with absolute authority to choose the winners There is always statement like The decisions of the judges will be final in all in stances Because human iudges are not infalible and because everyone has his or her likes and dislikes we may disagree with their decisions But that doesnt change the out come of the contest have no Olurch 7373062 show forth my praise St Giles ANGLICAN CHURCH 95 Cook St Borrie 830 AM HOLY COMMUNION 1000 AM MORNING PRAYER Sunday School Nursery St Thomas ANGLICAN CHURCH Shanty Bay SERVICE 1030 AM FAMILY EUCHARIST Nanny KEEDIRECTORY Pentecostal ANNE STN SUNDAY NOV 25 1979 950 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 AM Worship Spociol guut music and spooltorl unique drama acted on Dont miss this once in appeal from their verdicts We all understand this Why is it that many people have dif ficulty believing ther are ab solutes when it comes to moral and spiritual questions The Bi ble says that there is one Judge Who will judge the entire world This Judge is righteous that is He always does the right thing This Judge is allknowning This Judge is everywhere all the time There is day when God will judge mens secrets through Jeus Christ The Bible gives several lists of sins which will be judged by Jesus Christ and for which men will be punished God has decided what is right and what is wrong and His judgment will be according to perfect wisdom Review the following list of sins and see how differently FAITH MISSIONARY 229 Crawford Street Pastor Wayne Domm 7268750 Barrie Ontario 945 om 1100 om Morning Worship 700 pm Evening Fellowship Wednesday 800 pm Bible Study Prayer This people have formed for myself they shall Sunday School Isaiah 4321 CHURCH AT HWY 400 LIVE DRAMA NEAVENS GATES and NELLS FLAMES out by HiWoy youth unforgettable ex perience lifetime drama shocking St Georges Anglican Burton Granville 900 AM HOLY EUCHARIST 1030 AM MORNING PRAYER Church School and Nursery Rector Rev Kaye BA All Welcome TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH 24 COLLIER ST Next to the Post Office Rector Canon John Spoor Assistant Rev Som Obol SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT om HOLY COMMUNION 10 om MATTINS HOLY BAPTISM Sunday School and Nursery 730 pm PRAYER PRAISE Rov Andy Loroux of Oriilio MIDWEER EUCHARISTS Tuos 730 pm Thurs 1030 om God views things For from within out of mens hearts come evil thoughts sexual im morality theft murder adultery greed malice deceit iewdness envy slander ar mgance and folly All these things come from inside and make man unclean Do not be deceived Neither the sex ually immoral nor idolators nor adulterers nor male pro stitutes nor homosexual of fenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkeness nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God Those lists were written 1900 years ago but they could have been written today This is where people are living fenders then and now are guilty already Someone may disagree with the decision of the Judge But this does not CHURCH SERVICE Lutheran Church 220 Steel St Barrie SUNDAY SCHOOL 830 CHURCHSERVICE 830 UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Timothy Christian School 49 Ferris Lone Portor Johnson 7282353 Sunday Family Hour 1000 om Evcning Worship 700 pm Gout Speaker REV SAM BALCA Apostolic Message with Pentecostal Blessing SPECIAL WEEKEND Saturday Nov 24 at 715 pm BISHOP DONALD BASTIAN The Bishop of Canada viii load or in special BIBLE STUDY Al are welcome SUNDAY NOVEMBER 25th 630 PM Pastor Curl Bull Westminster Presbyterian Church 170 Stool St noor Puget MINISTER PAUL MILLS SUNDAY 10 om Primary Junior Church Nursery Provided 1100 om Church School for all ages WEDNESDAY 830 pm Bible Study and Prayer Christcontrod uhbtry for ol pooplc saint Christian Science Society 159 Collier Street Barrie Free Methodist Church BAYEIELD DALTON 7267021 1000 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 LM Morning Worship Tne Pesmtet ar Cr Jet Canada Ointment lir in aCrvi€ySS SERMON JOSEPH Sorvico broodcost on Cable It pl change the verdict Im so glad that this is not the whole story God knows about our sins In fact He has done something about them Jesus Christ God came into this world took upon Himself human body and then was punished in our place There is not one sin you or have com mitted that Jesus did not pay for This is the Good News the Bible tells us about Thats how much God loved you and me Happiness and forgiveness and purpose in life are possible when we confess ourselves to be sinners guity and helpless re ly upon Christs death alone for forgiveness and commit ourselves to this living Christ Who did for us and rose again In the contest of life we can all be winners SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 om TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tuesday 79 pm 7261602 FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED Tsï¬tiVincEEtSff Phone 7286035 REV BIERMAN Join us for worship at9 and 11 om and 730 pm om Dutch Service on last Sunday of the month Tunc into the BACK TO GOD HOUR RADIO MESSAGES SUNDAYS Toronto CHINEM 800 om Toronto CHEH 930 om130 Bishop Bastion speaking Evening Service Assistant Bruce Swanson ESSA ROAD Presbyterian Church 59 Essa Rd at Burton Ave Minister Rov Gerard Byloord Organist Mrs Von Diamond 1100 om Tho Rev Clomont from Altirton Gout Minister Sacrament of Holy Baptism Church School for II ago It tho some time bifont Nursery Curo Provided ALL WELCOME Mam Reformed Church marks birthda The Barrie Community Reformed Church will celebrate its 20th anniversary Sunday Nov26 This oldest denominaton on the North American continent started in this area with small grou of Dutch immigrants in the tayner area It spread its wings out to the Barrie area and moved to Barrie Organized as church Nov 20th 1959 the first minister was the Rev Cor Bons now Reformed Church minister in Woodstock tOnI Under the leadership of pastor Jack Ritsema the church changed from an ethnic church to community church for the northwestern part of Barrie THE BARRIE COMMUNITY REFORMED CHURCH AT CUNDLES HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL Condlu Rd East 11 om Worship Service and Sunday School Bible classes during the week Pastor THE REV GRANT NOLAND Office 26 Ashdole Court Telephone 7205069 Are you on dead and street We are here to show as one beggar to another beggar where we both can find bread STEWARDS OF THIS CHURCH is the iiormon theme at Burton Avenue United Church 37 Burton Avenue Barrio WORSHIP AT 1030 AM Nursery Core and Church School Provided Minister REV PAULO nonow Music Director MR DOUG GARRAWAY YOU ARE WELCOME GET YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT NOW Ev BRING YOUR CHILDREN TO OUR WEEK OF SPECIAL CHILDRENS MEET INGSI Mr Wayne Wclch Ventriioquist Kids Speaker Bible Teaching and other fun things for those 6yrs12 yrs of age Tho Next Monday Thursday at 700 PM Friday Family Night at 730 PM Parents are welcome to accompany their children For more information or transportHon col 7283017 Sunday at 945 AM Opon Roly with Wayne Wclch 1100 AM Mr Wayne Wcich from Scripturo Union 700 AM Mr Wayne Wolch EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 128 St Vincent St Barrie United Churches COLLIER UNITED CHURCH 112 Collier St near City Hall services and Sunday Schools 730 Collier Christian Singles Spoohr Morg lolly Ross and Toronto Streets 1030 AM NO NAME CHRISTIANS Rov Donald on SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Church School meets at the some hour Welcome to Joyful ChristCentred Fellowship It bought property on Candles Rd and moved for mm to kindles Heights Public School At the moment one fourth of the members are of nonDutch background The church is now under the leadership of pastor Grant Noland who is Cana dian by birth and was presbyterian minister in the LIS before he accepted call to Barrie Pasor Noland has his office at 26 Ashdale Court tel misuse and is available for everybody who needs help There are Bible classes for old and young ladies craft group will start again counsell ing for all kinds of problems is available First Baptist 37 CLAPPERTON Rev Stewart Liddoii 945 AM CHURCH SCHOOL for all ago 1100 AM MORNING WORSHIP Life That Lives Bocouu It Dion PM EVENING WORSHIP but in Sort of WELCOMEI GRACE UNITED CHURCH Grove St cost It Cool 1030 AM ON THE BOAT OR IN THE WATER Minister Rov Arthur Storoy Nursery and Sunday School ALL WELCOME Next to RVH Barrie Ontario