16 the examiner Saturday 16 apartments tor rent PENTHOUSE QUALITY bedroorn apartment with beautlul iving on Dunlap room Windows kerriperitigll say All tor vrirmvr Call 728 426 or 728 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment clasr to downtown 0r bus route Retrigtrator stove laundry tacilities First and last months rent N0 pets 776 6725 alter 4p SPACIOUS TWO and THREE bedroom apartments lully carpeted ar 9nd lionngheating units Phone 737 3870 ONE BEDROOM apartment available December 47m mantrly heat and Id Wiriudtd 737 134661113750 I7houses to rent THRF acowoou rent New 820 so It or ST Liv nq high oerlook only $295 per 081 townhouses tor Garage and basement Four ap plianw Close to shool snoop no and TIJVJ 726 4138 ANGUS small one bedroom comtry nonin suitable tor couple Capable at own mdlITYanTJE reterenre available tloyorber 313 rvioritr ly 424 03 TWO BE DROOM tmririornes Iarile in the DlrIJlul writing at TAMARACK WOODS Included are such teatures as wall to wallbroadloo retrigeramr and slow Tot Lots and tennis court $105 and $345 monthly To view call 7217 3997 IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go Ilwdrdt your down payment For inlorrriatirm call Mrs Boyce 728 5102 24 Hour Senici ALLAtlDILF HEIGHTS tour bedroom home optrm to buy very reasonable For drtailsraliin 168i THREE BFDROOM Heuse tor rent miles north it Barr on Highway 27 $300 monthly twat and hydro included 312 7961 LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY lN PAINSWICV Attrartivr bedroom bungalow with garaur Larqr oniplrll Iy 107190 lot with qardrn and patio an rrn1 Diluted tor Derembir 79 Rea sortable terms and tinanCing tor pur hastrs it the option to purrtiast is drs twl Petrrencrsit must 737 0451 AVAILABLE DECEMBER Four 9007791SlTlltTlTafhFU $395 per month plus utilitiis 311 Sue Drennan representing National Trust 728 9201 or 487 109 THRFF BEDROOM townhciuse well thiigr and spar ipui immarulale on itition eat in kitchin with STIVI and tridue baths garage Enclosed patio availabln Dirvmbir Phone 728 9387 or 778 18 TWO BEDROOM HOUSt CPftIthly located First and last months rert Availatilr immediately Taitphone 728 4287 LFTITIA HEIGHTS Threr bedroom SlflTTI Four applianris Fenced yard Ava limli IITIITIIIU all1y 7281010 THREE BEDROOM house tor rent Finished rrr rorini plus tarnin room Availiltilr Drirrrilier 1st LOIated near Lakr Siniroi Phillip116 4198 attir OD FARMHOUSE tlilly rharleriiiled Three DUTIVUUIIS II washrooms Newly TlYtdlIlQlllltd Only 11105 trorn Barrie all Hlltly 7l7 I211 Virgo Realty Ltd NFW IOWFLI bedroom hunqalow tlrciarlliiliiii rrI room with Franklin striyr garage $700 per month plus UIlllltgt 124 0977 61143759 BF DR OOIIl winterired cottage in Belle Ewart Middle agid couple or couple with Ottl child $200 monthly 436 4895 attpr BEDROOM COTTAGE Has electric SIDVI and oil spam heater on 25th Sidiriiad bitwnin 9th and 10th 01 Irinistil First and last months rent required 728 145 TOWNHOUSE tor rent tour bedroom battis appliances $375 monthly maintenance lee includrcl Available Jdituaryl I9800r eaVlllV 716 9245 BEDROOM HOUSE With attached garage Close to shopping plaza at 103 Doniild Street Phiinei70514451651 LARGE FOUR bedroom baths backsplit near Georgian College 73 108 FOUR BEDROOM house tor rent $250 monthly UllltTlLS niit lflllUdlU NO pets ll9 Essa Rd Phone 726 2500 between in and 5p BEDROOM storey in Allandale $300 monthly Casry Van Kessel rcprcsrn tith Taurus Real Estate 737 21001 FOUR BEDROOM liitk single witsh riiniiis liiiistiid rel rontii With walk out pale drive galaqr Call Henry 7171211 Virgo 9001 Ltd RFNT TOWARDS OWNERSHIP to qualiliil applicants Three amt tierti poms Frtiruai it possess From $300 iliiiiittily Call Frank 7371711 Virgo Lilitlly Ltd THREE BEDROOM HOUSE IOcatedon 1t 51 near Letitia Hiighls tireplace ta 1in room big back yard Call 717 3173 ftttii in Chui korGina BEDROOM HOUSE in Hillsdale at tai hid garage 107911 101 available irrt iiliatilly $210 per month plus utilities 116 727 531121th SD in ANGUS HOUSE tor rent near plaza billruuiii With brisimeilt $275 per month Availablil ilrirtliclialtlly Nit loos please Philitil 111 0151 alter 1IllO UNFURNISHED apartments maimva DIxlthlr Ist ground ttoor 511 siiciiiiil tlnor 5200 Heat and hydro 711i llTll First and last requmrl WOrk incl tintialiis Dilly Telephone 728 6520 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 171101805 To rent LEPAGE LIIIDIIIIIIIIIFIIIEIIIILIITII ONTARIO Nov 24 1979 tdapts wanted to rent WANTED an apartment to awrtment sit during your absence by responsible relred woman teacher Phone 705i 762 hivevenngs 20rooms to let LARGE ROOMS suitable Or two peo ple Also single rooms and Shared kit Cheri Telephone 726 6392 CLEANFURNISHEDroomnewhom2 suit male student 625 weekly Telephone 728 7267 ROOMS TO RENT mm ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN downtown in clean private home Linen supplied 325 week Apply 29 Ross Street ROOMS TO RENT Furnished kitchen Furnished TCIII lacilities 77 Mary Street Apply 101 Dunlop St at Papas Fire Pit 728 7333 ROOMS T0 RENT Country liVitq 041 acres House privivileges 325 to $40 week Highways 89 and 400 Phone 7051456 2135 CLEAN BRIGHT turnished bedroom with sink linens supplied and changed weekly Kitchen lacilities tree parking Central quiet gentleman 525 weekly 728 2471 ROOM FOR RENT With COOkirIg tacilities newly decorated Baytietd and Norsley area 535 weekly 7372647 21room and board ROOM AND BOARD tor young lady in private East end home On bus route Home privileges Telephone 726 0061 ROOM AND BOARD tor gentleman Lunches packed light laundry done Telephone 728 6182 ROOM AND MEALS available tor young man central parking Only steady working person need apply Alter4pm 726 3670 23ollices stores for rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple 51 Available anytime 7231743till 7pm 728 6699alter7pm MODERN OFFICE space tor lease small or large wiles immediate 0c cupanc short or long term 726 3400 Angelolt 1000 SQUARE FEET air conditioned otlce space lor rent with parking spots available immediately Telephone 726 7130 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parking 1100 sq lt Bell Farm Rd by Georgian College Duckworth Cloverleal 726 0231 OFFICE SHOWROOM space 200050 ll Brock at Larena Good parking Sprinklered Stew Emms or Bud Thomas 726 0661 PRIME RETAILCommercial space 1600 so It PenetangSt Vincent with doctors otlices and drugstore 726 5471 days SECOND FLOOR ollice on Dunlop Street available immediately $125 monthly includes heat Call Simon Beekhunen representing Lou Goedemondt Real Estate Limited 7284067 24 space for rent WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square leet Gross lease everything included 5475 man tth Apply Slewartwholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 so It lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors14lt 18 It clear part at large ex panding industrial mall 726 7130 1500 SQ FT STORAGE space or lease truck entrance 178 Tiltin 51 Telephone 726 3400 Mr Angeloll 9000 50 FT M1 industrial space lor lease Ground level steel budding highway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change lateetclear drive in door 550 available Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie Ontario 705 726 2681 FOR LEASE OR SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloll WAREHOUSE 2400 Sq Lorena Good parking Overhead door Thomas 726 0661 RETAIL WAREHOUSE tor lease 7200 sq It right on Highway 11 near Orillia smtabie tor home lurnishing outlet Owner might consider partiCIpation Call 4161742 4079 750 so FT OFFICE Storage Space 6150500 so It storage Corner Innislil St lt Brock at Sprinklered Stew Emms or Bud and Jacobs Terrace Available im mediately Telephone 737 1606 or 424 1020 INDOOR AND OUTDOOR cold storage lor cars and boats One HEATED BUILDING approximately 1000 sq It swtable for meetings recreational use or dry storage One mile lrom city limits Call 737 4629 259arages SINGLE CAR garage available East and Ideal lor boat storage 728 8336 alter4 30p 26accommodation to share GIRL preferably non smoker to share bedroom apartment $125 monthly Modern clean highrise 108 Edgehill Call Branttord 519 75 7780 37cars lOI sale 1971 FIREBIRD with 79 transam 305 engine 15000 original miles on engine Immaculate All power Must sell all reasonable otters considered 436 3890 Ithouses to rent The name fnends recommend to fnends 355 Bayfield St Barrie 7370011 CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONED RENTAL UNITS bedrooms fully broodloomed lridge stove washer dryer included ottoched single garage paved drive lenced lots FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL LYNN MCINTYRE 7261839 011 JACKIE WOODBUIIN 7269749 rlllJih11711L1qti11111 It lIIilllq liilpiiratiilll IO STF SOCIeIe entiale hypoltwqurls 01 do lltqtmtll FOR RENT TOWNHOUSES IN BARRIE SBEDROOMS 4BEDROOMS S29100 01800 to $34500 CALL YOUR LOCAL REALTOR 011 TELEPHONE 7284811 BETWEEN 830 430 PM MONDAY FRIDAY TThSF5H 32cars torsale Snows or Replacements pridlixing in import sizes CHECK OUR PRICES betore you buy DUNLOP TIRES with road hazard coverage from litit Nada 7266801 27 1969 0155 CUTLASS Supreme tor sale in good condition 6350 or best otter Telephone 728 1053 1976 GREMLIN speed Standard 9006 madman New exhaust Good tires $900 or nearest otter All highway miles Telephone 726 9154 tor appointment 1976CHEVROLETblue 4door hardtop power steering brakes Windows Vl certitied Excellent condition Best ot ter Telephone 737 0249 1966 BUICK LeSABRE door 300 power steering power brakes new paint Ind TIIQS WESIQ C87 mdtY new 96715 certilied 728 5701 I972 CHEVELLE MALIBU door hard top V8 automatic power steering radio Certitied Full price sl195 Phone 424 9820a 424 5156 1975 DODGE DART SPORTS slant automatic power steering radio cer titied Full price $1995 Phone 424 9820 or424 5156 1977 DODGE MONACO passenger wagon power brakes and steering 47000 kms chrome tool racks ex cellent condition Trailer hitchlights $3950 Certitied 728 $043 SACRIFICE tor immediate sale 1977 Plymouth Gran Fury excellent condi lien automatic power steering and brakes V8 mgr $2800 certilied 728 8906 1976 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME V8 automatic power steering power brakes AMFM radio certitied Full price $2995 Phone 424 9820 or 424 5156 1975 PL YMOUTH Gran Fury door ex cellent condition power steering and brakes automatic V8 Please make an otter 728 8906 ECONOMICAL 1970 Ford Maverick cylinder automatic new paint ideal second car As is $650 or best oller 728 0559 alter 1974 DODGE CHALLENGER 318 motor bucket seats console tinted glass radio and snow tires sharp car which gets good mileage Excellent run ning condition needs very small amount ol body work Must sell $1800 or best otter Call 424 1640 alter6 30p 75 MALIBU 2door hardtop blue Power steeringbrakes 350 V8 auomatic Oversized tires lactory suspension and handling package Looks great runs well $2600 or best otter 7371161 1974 BROWN CAMARO 70000 miles 350 barrel tour keystone rims two sum mer radial tires lour BF Goodrich radial TA tires two winter radials Asking 53000 424 9949 SHOWROOM CONDITION 1979 Chevrolet Impala door 305 power steering and brakes cruise control elec tric rear detogger heavy duty suspen sion dual speakers 18000 miles cer tilied $6100 726 3570alter6pm LEASEBUY 1979 Black Corvette ex cellent condition sun root Call 726 5664 alter or 737 0340 during business hours 1970 OLDSMOBILE Runsrwell may real good needs minor work Cer tiliable $300lirm 7286572 1971 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill Very good condition travelled highway miles sold as is reasonable price power steering power brakes Phone 726 0851 I975 MARQUIS BROUGHAM all power good running condition Asking $2000 or bestotter 726 8089 T970 GREMLIN in working condition 5150 or whathave you 726 2048 im LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MARK IV deluxe model 13000 original miles collectorsitem Call7371418 1977 GRAND FURY wagon passenger woodgrain trim air lull power track stereo 43000 miles 34295 436 5078 or 726 9544 I974 BLUE LEMANS V8 power steer ing excellent condition 52000 Call alter 6p 737 0829 1971 MG MIDGET in excellent condition New brakes Michelin snows AMFM track 65000 original miles only seen one Ontario winter certilied best otter or willing to trade lor pick up 436 4771 1972 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLEfotiigincil mutor less than 49000 miles 5100011rm 3515 497 2m 1975 PONTIAC LE MANS 350 automatic power steering radio winterized in cluding snows $2195 1971CHEVELLE door hardtop 350 automatic power steering power brakes radio certilied $950 Call 728 9234 1972 CHEV IMPALA door hardtop power steering power brakes 350 automatic asking $600 or reasonable ot ter 726 6895 197 2150 CHEV ENGINE ioood+iiiés I°€MJK973° 996 i973 OLDSMOBILE DELTA as good condition 71000 miles 51000 or best 01 ler 7937 1976 AUSTIN MINI low mileageSI000 asis Ca11726 2790 I976 MONTE CARLO AMFM radio air conditioning 54000 miles Tele phone 8353316 alter pm no toll tram Barrie 1966 BUICK LE SABRE door 300 V8 power steering power brakes new paint and tires western car many new parts certilied 728 5701 1974 PINTO 55000 miles certilied $1295 1974 AMC Javelin certilied $1695 1975 Chevelle Malibu CIaSSIC air and stereo $2795 1974 Monte Carlo certilied $2295 9173 Dodge Club Cap 14 ton pickup all power certilied $1805 Many more specials under $1000 FESSERTON AUTO and MARINE Hwy 12 686 7209 I973 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill automatic power steering power brakes V8 radial tires 62000 miles good condition certilied Asking 51200 or bestoller Phone 487 3131 1967 FORD CUSTOM SIX cylinder as is 726 4537 I974 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 loaded cerlitied 51295 or best otter 7288996 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY lll body 960d condition motor excellent Private Please call 726 2550 1972 DODGE DART good condition $1295 or best oller 1963 DODGE VALIANT good mechanical condition 5400 487 2291 I967 CAMARO SS 350 Egmpped with 650 Holley double pump Torker manilold crane cam headers Turbo hydromatic with 373 posi traction Crager mags etc Phone 726 8623 alter 1955 CHEV door V8 standard Western car 58000 original miles Many new parts including brakes tires spr ings and more Best otter Telephone 737 4840 1969 MUSTANG MACH 390 automatic good condition inside and out Many ex tras 5150011rm 726 6108 alter 7267220 Delores 1972 NOVA cylinder autbmatic cer titied $1 350 Phone 487 3604 anytime 1974 COMET SEDAN cylinder good tires interior excellent some body work required $1250 as is 7280580 tosp 1975 COUGAR XRT silver with burgun dy interior new radials and brakes 58000 Miles can be cortitied excellent condition 52900 8353816 alter Weekdays I965 CHEV IMPALA as is 8125 Baby crib with mattress doule droo side 560 Toodler and little girls clothes pot tv chair play table 726 2171 1079 PLYMOUTH HORizoN live door automatc deluxe moael 10000 lomctres must sell Best otter over $5 000 1326 9417atter4p 11 PIN com tori 300 six ioe three speed standard plus L3c $4700 certitec Phone 41959 19 CHRYSLER New Yorker ex ve Ndlon certled Phone 55 950 19 DODGE POLARA as is 5200 7280798 1°14 CADILLAC Coup de ville said as good condi on Phone 381 ivtiMAVERick 6Cvinder automatic radio price $505 Snows curtied 728 7267 Nice car 1973 DODGE DART Adocir slanlo As is $800 73 1550 AUTO INSURANCE and home insur ance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurancens 9571 9a Op 1951 Ford low mileage runs well new brakes shocks complete tuneup needs some work in trunk Best otter Over $1 700 736 4057 73 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE many eltras Can be certited Asmng $2 500 Ca11737 39° CHARGER Daytona tor saie client candliion Frigate 568 Telephoileli 10593119i 198CHE ROLET blue 43w hardtop power steer my brains windows v5 ctitied Excellent conditioi 54 300 or 30 31s Telephone 049 32cars tor sale 1976 FORD STATION WAGON automatic 57000 mites $2700 Call 717 2971 alter Saturday alter 12 noon Slitcars wantedto buy TRACY WANTS cars and truCks let wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Freeimrnediate pick upany 19 47 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED IOr wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6322days 424 5949revenings JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto wreckers 7268711 TOP PRICE lor top cars Toke Motors LimIted 119 Bradlord Street Barrie 728 8111 Mtrucks andtrailers 1974 FORD CABOVER 350 Cummings engine 15 speed direct 12 tront and 44 rear end condition With or withOut steady year round work Call alter Collingwood 445 6244 1976 CHEVROLET in ten 3504 bar rel power steering power brakes speed new tires heavy duty springs and shocks gauges Excellent condition $5100 728 4350 alter 309 1975 FORD pickup double cab F100 600009riginal miles Call 456 3337 1974 FORD VAN uncertitied $700 Call nu ma SNOW PLOW rolit Bronco or Jeep Com plete 5300 728 6463 1965 LAND ROVER 4x4 $1000 or best at ler 6463 1974 LAND ROVER excellent shape Warren electric winch with extra cable 43000 miles New exhaust tires block heater ready lor winter $3600 Ask tor Ron at 737 3262 or 737 4551 1972 FORD RANGER XLT ton V8 automatic PS PB new tires certilied or as is Asking $1295 See at Sunoco Anne and John Street Call 737 0340 evenings 835 5591 1978 CMC pickup truck Jiirm automatic power steering power brakes 350 cu in motor 22000 kilometres Asking $5000 Cap avail able Telephone 726 4948 Fm FORD TON pick up automatic certitied 728 6878 1977 FORD F100 Pickup cylinder standard heavy duty suspension cap radial summer and winter tires Cer titled Collingwood 705 445 5841 alter pm 1974 FORD PICK UP Heavy duty suspension New tires brakes wind shield mirrors Call alter pm 7266295 1976 DODGE MAXI window van automatic power steering power brakes recent tune up brakes mulller and snow tires Excellent body Mechanically certilied $1850 tirm Phone 72878156 1972 JEEP PICKUP J2000 4x4 50000 miles runswell $2700 as is 424 5866 1675 CREVTour dOOrf automatic best tradegrimly Phone anytime 728 627 i974FORDEcoNOLINE Tonya 2102 V8 power steering power brakes au tomatic transmission windows all around good condition 15264078 Midland PLYWOOD BOX with shelves and doors to In Chev or Ford tool Fleetside box Root rack included 5100 726 9884 1978 GMC SIERRA CLASSIC 34ton 4x4 automatic power steering power brakes windows 1973 INTERNAT NAL TRACTOR mod 2010A tandem 13 speed 54 gas in above average condition will certily 487 2632 76 DODGE RAMCHARGER 4x4 PS PB automatic roll bar tinted glass New paint $4500 Telephone 7268338 alter 75 CHEVVAN 77 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER As is Uncertilied Phone 4361910 1973 GM JIMMywithT IootMyers plow angle power excellent condition Will take trade orc c511 416 5029 1979 POISONANT standard cap tain and tub chairs Ford tree wheeling package 10000kms 578 36auto accessories 350 OLDSMOBILE motor low mileage excellent condition 8150 350 CHEV engine tour barrel carburetor good con ditqri 5100 1115 318 MOTOR AND ï¬ansmission Ai runn ing condition 3100 barrel and intake 932519181960435 7262894 WANTED One lleet side truck box to suit ton dual wheel truck 76 Dodge 9901 31172671444 37motorcycles 1970 BMW MOTORCYCLE 600 cc low mileage 51600 or otter as is 5179 WANTED used motorcycles Town Cy cle 100 TiltinSt 726 9544 infsnowmobiles SALE Li 1980M on sale at pre Buy early and save Free financing unti 91111 Bay Ill 22 years at dependable SENICG Your headquarters for Kawasaki Salu Service Part4 IllWAY MOTORS II No Shanty Bay PHONE 7285693 D22 1972 YAMAHA SL338C S400 1977 MOTO SKI 300 5800 Telephone 737 0663 1973 NORTHWAY good running condi lion minor repairs 81507835 33077 4oarticles torrsalefl SENSATIDNAL NEW STORE SALE 20 GXIOO $114 and gotalno I2 ICAXLIOOIlorl Only 400 willy starting January80 One hour delivery 461 DUNLOP nut to lliiiy to MutMorhtIIITIIII TF POLY FOAM cut to size Barrie Tent and AWning Cornpant has great stock 07 poly loam to thickness Pro mpl serwce reasonable prices 34 Bavtield Street dowmown RECONDITIONED TVs tully guar anteed Huge selecton and and color 549 and up 28 Essa Rd 737 2533 TWO TRAYNOR speakers with horns YSC 95 PV need 200 watt two SHORE IIIS Phone Gar 726 9098 ZENITH 20 MIA COLOR lw solid slot Only $598 Under $6 wily Starting January Order tonit 9Q9c19012 block and whto One new acme KIAIY Hut now next 600 yo tn Highway 90 Moot Mortat ot Fgrï¬dolo Ono hogrdolivcry 7371182 TF ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES 54 in stock Accessories and Clothing demon prices SPORT HAVEN MARINE Barrie7261001 rmch ALUMINUM 4361830 SAVE HIGH COST OF FUEL Order your storm windows now FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL TODAY DUI LOW OVERHEAD Wlll SAVE YOU MONEY TThSTF DIAMOND ALUMINUM VINYL CO siding solfit fdscio etc 7264644 D26 POLAR CONST Siding Soffit FOSCIO seamless edvestr0ughing Storm Windows Doors FREE ESTIMATES 7262853 TTh$N27 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and SerVIce Free Home Demonstra tions 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 7283392 APPLIANCE REPAIRS AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers dish washers lreezers fridges ranges micro ptvens dny make any day 7371195 IOOKKEEPIN RP BOOKKEEPING Will pick up and deliver 7261280 CARPENTER akperienced Renovations garages decks rec rooms etc Free estimates Bill Johnston 7268708 RANDY CHILLMAN CHIMNEY SWEEP Fast Clean Professional service REASONABLE RATES INSURED Bus 7281073 K85 4873071 DI2 PROFESSIONAL chimney sweeping repairs Installation General contractor Reason able ratesprompt service 1325 6334 16867817 40articles for sale BARRIE NT AND AWNING C0 of lers complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers awnings boat covers etc Also zippers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size inch thickness 34 Baylield St next Clarks Home Furnishings downtown RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT tor sale Meat cooler upright coke machine cash register meat slicer ice cream lreezer catering equipment 936 2588 38snowmobiles acliinex lJori 80 IOarticles for sale Two floors of used appliances ondfurniture CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS TRADEIN WAREHOUSE Is now located at the rear of the Discount Store 40 delield St Good stock of used refrigerators stoves outomotic washers and dryers wrlnger washers block and white TVs dish washer slereo Appliances guardnteedforSOdoys Good home of chesterfield sets spoce savers doven ports love sects recliners chests oldrOwers wardrobes kitchen tobles chairs rollowoy beds bed outfits headboards DI SHUFFLEBOARDS used 16 x22 PINSILLS rounditonec Phone 727 hi Cewic pm 726 2370 If09£ DCTATON MACH NE piE MODE LFHDORO nnow in usedac prOImari El weiks also POCifEY MEMO 590 a1 more FH 105 recml Iy Ovetaulec 900 71 371051 pusness hous LARGE MOFFAT trostlree retrigerator and STCVC harvest gold Feur years old ALSO complete set or barbells 75 635 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES plus many antiques list 710 ec Appi 29 Ross Street NTNE PIECE 53nd Teak an ng room suite teai ouh ancchs Ca117i61083 berweensilprn SNOWBLOWER 26 deiue speed lorward and reverse amp alter naIOr headl 9015 and chains 600 tires complete $829 50 10 SNOW BLOWER deluxe speed lorward and reverse amp alternator head iights and tire chains 750 tires $895 50complete 726111 MAMIYA C330 Camera ekcellent condition used very little 83 mrn lens F2 skylight tillers Good tor poirtrai orwedding photographer $450 718 5043 Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed Oregxpens in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS FTC ALSO ALL NANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 TThSTF BEAU DISCO Music lor all occasions wddings banquets etc Book now let Christmas Coll Jodn 424 6645 Disc Jockey MERRY CHRISTMAS Now Call Paul at 726 0634 or 7267623 DISC JOCKEYV MUSIC Ior all OchsTons Book curly Telephone 728 2524 Book CUSTOM DRAPES mode lrom your selected material 10 years experience 7283715 WESSES FIT Il mode by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pant suits gowns dndolterd tions 42 Eugenio St Phone 7266000 EXPERIENCED SEAMsmsss speciallring in childrens clothing womens clothing maternity and large sizes Reasonable 4365641 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS rooling and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstraten New Lowell 4244956 ELECTRICIAN Does all electrical work Residential and Commercial Free estimates 728 1025 FIIIEGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boots snowmobiles mything libergldss Free estimates de winter rdtes Workmdnship guaranteed 5502 PETER HENSTRA 7372871 Custom built fireplaces patios home fronts in stone porches chimney repair freeestimdtes VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry tree estimates phone 7281599 FIREWOOD 100 DRY HARD WOOD SEASONED 16 FACE CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 48 21 RED Wood or sale Pickup or delivery Telephone 728 I938 WOOD SPLITTER lor rent Coll BARRIE RENT ALL 97 Brddlord St 7288585 Saturday lil pm MIXED HARDWOODS lbr sole Chedper by the lull cord Split dry wood delivered 7281637 SEASONED HARDWOOD £35 per loce cord Phone 726 2548 For 40articles for sale SPECIALIZINO homing trimming docks touring rec rooms additions etc 737 1588 olterSp 8151 FALLCLEANUP Storm windows cleaned and installed Lown shrub core Trees trimmed and cut Bosement garages cleaned Trdsh iunk removed Smoll moving iobs Ledves raked PROMPT SERVICE 4873141 NO JOB TOO SMALL all repdir wuiii done For lree estimate call John 7281996 Call and Home and Factory Heating and Air Conditioning and service 7264755 gsk lor Rob or Doug 7372632 lt In In 11 CONSTRUCTION House raising loun dotions renovations additions Phone 4362955 alter PLUMBING complete bathrooms some carpentry drywall and yard work Call Charlie at 728 7594 or 7264299 NORTHERN CAPENTRY Specialixihg in in tenor work Rec rooms kitchens both rooms panelling linishrwork 772690027 HOME REPAIRS PAINTING CARPENTRY ROOF REPAIRS ETC 7269214 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces specidlly Fieeestimote 7054245155 MIBIC DISTIUCT IONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel PDTVIHVGUIIOT Studio 7726 1489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin her and advanced Two months triut instru rnent loaned lor home practice Canadian Academy DlMusic I21 Baylield 7281799 PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons in CIDSSICOI popular and rock Coll Gory acme SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by prolessional drummer Exp in studio recording TV etc All styles any age Ken King 726 2903 BARRIEVSCHVOOL or aliAssrrolessionaI in struction trumpet trombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur Burgirt 7261084 PIANO LESSONS experienced lepchet will teach all ages popular or conservatory MUSIC Reasonable roles 7371468 40articles for sale TRADEIN ORGANS PIANOS Kimball Swinger 500 Electrohome Rhapsody Electrohome Contesso Lowrey Teeny Geenie Forliso3010 Hammond Piperl Hammond 9922 Hommond1124 PLUS MANY MORE year 52 Free Lessons for the new or used organ $1295 $995 3650 $1195 3895 s1195 52850 2850 whole family with purchase of Finoncing available through Scotio Plan or Dunlops Revolving Charge Plan poorno4 HAMMOND ORGAN CENTRE Bayï¬eld Moll Open Mon to Fri 93 40articles tor sate Introduces NAGNAVOX TVs 20149 $499 73 28 but till TThSJ24 TRIPLE DRESSER and chest 01 drawers ladies 10 speed bike $50 lur coat size 75100 726 1484 alter6p Six PIECE walnut dinhgroom set in good condition Asking $500 Telehone 436 4595 TWO LOVESEATS avocado green Will1 Sloping armrests Very attrart ve $350par Telephonc737 2584 COLEMAN oil space heater with tan largesth 3221115 DISC JOCKEY SET 19 ct includes dual turntables rTiiiir two pane speakers amplilier mike and records $2 000 or 095 otter 726 95436119 ANNIVERSARY SAL CONTINUES Electrohome 26 telerision automotic color control electric brightener 100° solid stole solid wood cabinet Only $69999 Come early lor best selectioni We serVice all makes of TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 80 Dunlop StE 7284297 N22 24 WOODEN FILING CABNET drawer plan no cabin2 78 goadcandtior 737 0371 31 ELECTR 57075 and FROS FREE REFRIGERATOR both al mend 010 Used only months Ex cellent coliclion Sl ox tor bon wil selseparaely Telephone 436 3419 CRAFT AND BAKE SALE NOVEYbe 25 14 15 St Vince1 Stree Nor Midhurs Phcire728 l7 PIECE DRUM SET lttCudg bass drum momtec tom torr snark ttoor torn torn 12 cymbal and hi ha dummer trronc and crust stand excellenicondi 7261133 color 22 any 7373572 Oto 930 Satto 27H 40articles lor salem DESK AND CHAIR Beautiful solid teak desk and choir Will add warmth and elegance to any office or den Only $27999 No money down free delivery in store financing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlop 7374774 Closed Mon days N24 UNUSUAL ANTIQUE Judges chair teet tall heavy oak tulted back recently reupholslered in red velvet Approximately 100 Years old Excellent condition seen 726 5526 PIANO FOR SALE relinished excellent condition 3895lirm 7267374 OVAL RUG ottee table Ontar tlag motorcycle helmet baby walkEr baby chair Allgood condition 737 3384 REAL MUSKRAT lur coal size 1820 5600 Winter coat by Ncccilini brown tweedcordurOy trim below knee length worn one wmter$65 2pc boys broWn lulzv snow suit site 24 $10 Baby Bunting bags lwhite pink lblue $5 each maternity evening gown pink wh llower prin sIn i4 37 424 $554 GARAGE SALE 328 Suchdale Rd meat Barrie IJnion Cemeeryi Satu day Nov 24 and Sunday NOV 25 10 Sp rri Tape recorder rad0s scrapcats 51100 Must be SONY STEREO Sensz rial AM FM u0te $343 09 TIQQ speciei Under $5 stoning JGJOy 90 KRAZT IELLVS 1h Highwo 9C led Mone Fendoe Orehpu del ey 7371182 ee usz now 91 door 52 1F BRAND NEW Comm Organ portable SINGER sewing machine almost new Telephone 726 636i UPRIGHT PitNO $790 regulation size arguing table and accessories s40 149 5qu Coupe certlied 73 221 FREEIEP 7ru ll woods 2momhs bid JTSVJIIC strDler excellent conc tlon 14 0110 and whte portable teleyis on very reasoned 737 9367 SHURE AMPLIER and two speaks plug tor mikes 726 3559 alter Fiday or al dai Satxdi 24 90 ri Phone 72E 4215 PAiR gt11 15 spri likenew eltt en itd 12 Diumn Phone kEliORE eat store dJluV VELLINGA PAINTING and docorplirig In Donor ulterior Work udmntaod tgblishodJOyoorl 770 222 72691 mN SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING ilVYII° ulterior popol hanging custom MDEOTITOKTIOR gurordnlaod 7266M 65mins um hanging Wanna Fro utmatn JACK RICHARDSON noun MNle PAINTING iiiigiioi and mum Mommas available Free amenable nt matu Telephone 737 17 DATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom Ironing pl 011 typos We stock many sizes Phone 728 3270 PORTRAIT INTING CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS 01 you tor your loved ones or at your loved ones tor you 01s 7263607 BATHTUBS REGLAZFD In The Home Without Removal with this ad until Dec 1579 ACE REFINISNERS 7282311 TThSN24 SHARPENING SERVICE BILLS SHARPENING SERVICE hand or power sows lawn mower blddes 8e toothing and setting done Albert 51 Hillsdole 835 2313 DCXJGS SNOWPLOWING Residenth and Commercial Snow removal service radio dispatched trucks 728 8460 MBH SNOWPLOWING Commercial and Residential Reasonable roles Cull lorry 7794599 COMMERCIAL large or small Also Haulage Coll and AUCTIONEERS Pio mp1 service 7370879 DRIVEWAYS And tones plowed Reasonable rates THE WEED MAN 7377721 REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes and models 4246181 WATER iiiiuuict SIMCOE WATER SERVICES Pools wells liII ed 2000 got capacity Barrie and urea 7266271 40artictes tor sale COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor 51500 11 7372432 TF WALK IN FREEZER 4x6 Cold stream clean and good condition Call Franks Seafoods 726 9371 WASHER and DRYER apartment Size tully automatic Inglis years old with stand Orange and bronze carpet 9x12 Mahogany and wicker dining room chairs house plants moving sale 737 3048 PIE CASE salad cooler propane barbeque commercnal ridge Hobart dishwasher relrigeration unit electric cash register double piston water pump tables and chairs 456 2431 Brand new REMO roto toms 10 inch New Cost $400 asking 3300 Ideal tor group Must sell alterSp Phone 436 3224 SAVE ON FUEL For the best combination DuelAire oil wood cool furnace DEJONG HEATING SERVICES LTD 43634305troud Cd us well mail you tree brochure 501 SIDE BY SIDE relrigeratorlreezer Sears COICISDOT White 8759 7371195 PHOTO ENLARGER with 85 mm 45 lens semi prolessiorial model Enlarg ing meter Set 01 polycontrast tillers $120 726 4130 ORGAN LOWREY excellent condi tion Ideal Christmas gilt 7265398 7370584 OIL FURNACE 130000 BTU controls 200 gallon tank 40 gallon Inglis glass lined electric hot watei heater All tor $175 728 5107 TWO GARAGE DOORS 10 10 With glass A1 condition Sell reasonably Phone 726 0953 BIRD CAGE SS carpet sweeper $7 iudo suits size 12 is each girls white skates $5 mens skates size 11 and 12 $5 pair girls winter coats size 12 good condition and SS kitchen chairs brown vinyl $15 tire rims 55 yellow single bed spread 54 Phone 726 6365 TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50 month 7799 Order tonil ponable Undol S7 wdirdnty Now get line 12 wkly starting Jonuory KRAZY KELLYS now null door to the Highway 90 Meat Mail6t at Femdoie 737 1187 TV Clearance Used Colour TVs 20 portable trom 575 $295 26 console lrom $125 5395 Reconditioned and guaranteed Budget plan ava table We deliver We service all makes 01 Tvs visit Barrie TV and Appliance 80 Dunlop Street East 728 4297 EIGHT PIECE dining room suite kroehler dark pine consists ol teble Six chairs dry sink brand new must sell Callalte rr 1326 9427 SNOWMOBILE TRAILER mime bed tiit custor made plywood 1109 121 wheels 1275 Strike chian saw anti Vibraton 14 bar 5185 Or best otter 728 2863 PIANO two year old apartment size Willis With bench perlect condition $1500 or best otter Call 726 3386 weekends or alter weekdays 200 GALLON OIL tank with all new in 1095 $50 We Will deliver in the Barre area orswilpicked up 726 4812 41boats and motors BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARIIF TF 41boats and motors 15 ti SNIPE class racing boat Dacron sails CaII726 8205 42articles wanted CANADIAN SILVER COINS belore 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 726166 evenings 726 3162 CANADIAN SILVER COINS baton 1967 American betore 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 726 3162 CASH POIT 6CD FTURNTTUEE Taooii dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre19$0items 728 8234 OLYMPIC coINs wanted will buy sets or separate $50 per set 737 0923 any time 487 no evenings or weekends LOGSWANTED Pine Spruce Hemlock etc with large diameters Building with Logs Ltd 7261966 evenings msaoo WILL PICK UP unwanted appliances ireet ot charge Phone 726 $339 alter WaNTED TO BUY used Pat stable clenningchain TelephOnet 326 3572 RABBIT CAGES WANTED 4589983 eyenings PULL our 1120 sola wanieii in 6086 condition Also brass tireptace screen and accessories 72 8316 alter USEDWANTEIBANOS No matter how old your piano may be its worth calling us Good idea tor ready Christmas cash Dunlops Hammond organ Centre 737 3572 4Jearticles to rent RENT THE FILTER QUEEN vacuum cleaner tor morning or alternoon to clean deodorile lreshen your home 53 50 an hour Please book well in ad vance 726 4820 44dogs and pets DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding tor Big Dogs Coulson On tatici Telephone 705 835 5223 BARRIE POODLE salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds 264 St Vincent St 726 4744 POODLE TRIMMING protessional grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hiIIAguaria143Ardagh Road 726 0094 THE POODLE SALON Clipping all breeds Call now lor your Dog Gone ap pointmentl 726 4141 Sophia St MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles signal clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone726 0061 REGISTERED AMERICAN Cocker Spaniel pups Exceptionally lovable parents Eight weekd old Telephone 732 2031 47home improvements THERMAL WINDOW SPECIALISTS TOTAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS 7281202 STF 49photography CHRISTMAS TREES pruned good quality pine and spruce Wholesale by the hundred 424 6154 alter 56camping equipment AIRSTREAM1968 TANDEM 24 trailer double With rear bath light wood in lower new awning excellent condition low mileage $6000 Phone Gravenhurst 705 6873714 57livestock lor sale WINDY BRAES FARM Lessons lor beginners and advanced riders with qualitied Gold Medalist Specializing in supervised care ol your horse Large indoor arena 41h line ol Oro 487 3333 HORSES BOARDED leading cleaned Reasonable 424 5740 FOUR YEAR Old Bay Thoroughbred mare 14 hands quiet reasonable to good home HORSES BOARDED Telephone 487 3284 or 487 2954 59poultrychicks OEKALB READY to lay outlets Farm lresh eggs Laying cages tor sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms4361811 ONE YEAR OLD hens or sale 3100 each Bring own containers Leo Dykstras Poultrytarm Hwy 27 mile north ol Thornton Closed Sundays 458 9313 BOILING lowl dressed and cleaned ready lor the lreezer 55¢ per lb Free delivery on 50 Ibsor over 3221115 FOR SALE 30 one year old red hens SI 00 each Phone 458 9290 60teedseedgrain WANTED Grain corn wet or dry Call Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd 436 1811Stroud 64larm machinery CIRCULAR saw tractor driven ex cellentcondition5100 CalIII221115 67lruits vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession 0rd Closed Sundays 728 8489 GEORGIAN BAY MACINTOSH AP PLES S4 99 per bushel Bring your own containers Cancilla Fruit Market 17 Clapperton St 68personals INNERACTION PSYCHIC CONSULTANTS stalls PIIIVATE CONSULTATION lAIVOTAttCl um um MLMBTII rsrctlotami Mfl uvu n1vm ussovs AND cums mo PSYCNIC ultirs AIIANGLD Gltt llTlttCATLS ly Appointment Only In Barrie contact New Age Centre 705 7374300 705 4589912 In Toronto Contact 416 2516527 Mm summon music Ask lor free home demonstration today MCTIOLUK 7203192 TELECAPE Why light your problem atone Let triend help Call Telecare 726 7927 anyt me AUTOS to Florida and all points in Western Carada gas allowance Toron to Driveaway SerVice 416 226 4616 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday loo 30pm andThursdayé 30 30 1737 4222 726 9300 E11 236 BIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnant and distresed2 Birthright really cares 166 Baylield street Barric 737 3550 ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS 7286581it you drink thats your business It you wantto guitlhatsours Callanytime RiDlNG INSTRUCTION Indoor arena HOrses boarded Barrie two minutes WindyHaughFarmJ260192 BOWLERS WANTED tor leagues torrn ing now Men women singles couples teams Call kempylew Bowl 728 9761 RIDE WANTED to FinchDollerin area Hours llexible Telephone 458 9633 Men day to Thursday alter rn ELDERLY MAN desires lady or gentleman companion tor Winter either my home Or yours 436 3190 RlDE WANTED to kiriiiaiia Lake December 22 or 23 Phone 728 9351 LONELY MALE rmd 40s 369678126 would like to meet young mother struggling to raise her taniin With no male support would like to help morally as well as tinancially Not looking to live in but miss the lamily lite ll nterested and sincere please WlTP 80 C9 The Examiner Barrie with chant number