Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1979, p. 14

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14 the seminar Saturday Nov 1079 television guide SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING 800 EB NEWS REACH FOR THE TOP CBC NEWS AMAZING WORLD OF in SATURDAY REPORT POLKA DOT DOOR SPORT CITY 630 INOUIRV FACES OF SMALL PLACES CBS NEWS THIS WEEK iN ONTARIO NEWS SNELGROVE SNAIL ID WILD ANIMALS OF THE RLD Alrican Snakea SPORTS PROBE LAUREL AND HARDY 700 HEE HAW Guaala Tannaaaaa Ernie Ferd Tammy Wynalta Karel Gotl Jena so ySHIRTIEV COMEBACK FAWLTY TOWERS The delightful ly humorous Britiah aerial about bumbling hotel manager who ia convmcad that me It ara lent to last his patience NEWS BJ AND THE BEAR female trucker aavaa BJa life after running him off the road then he aavaa her from loan aharka who it her truck and her life 00 min ROCK IT DONT ASK ME LAWRENCE WELK SHOW CITY LIGHTS Sophia Loran iorna hoal Brian Linehan to IIMIIIIICO about her DCIIJOIIIRD auiobiography and her frlandr ahipa with Pater OToole Elizabth Taylor and Marcello Maalroranni 730 SHA NA NA Guaal Charo THE ROPERS Stanley auapicmna get him Inlo hol water when Halon diaappaara an attractive bachelor itio cornea to the ask for her EYE ON BUFFALO DR WHO 800 CHIP Pooch and Jon go undercover aa race car driven at Clock car track In an effort to catch drug WI HOCKEY NIGHT IN CAN ADA Boaton Drums vs Montreal Cari adlona Chicago Black Haetia we Toronto Mapla Laafa Vancouver CIIWCAI Ya Winnipeg Jail Edmonton Oilara Ya Philadelphia Flyera Region will determine to be relayiaed In our area CAPTAIN ERICA world revelationary holda the oath populace hoataga with the meal of axpoaura lo new drug which cauaaa accelerated aging Con lon so rhino FAMILY FEUD ACADEMY PERFORMANCE Whan She Was Bad 1979 Sun Cheryl R000 Urich MOVIE Nara Cornea Mr Jordan 1N1 BAD NEWS BEARS SHULMAN FILE Topic mnan POIICIng the Poica 830 DETECTIVE SCHOOL WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT lfarnl lcluda Magic pathway through wavea that can aava the livaa of aallora that laca overboard 000 BJ AND THE BEAR Wide that he can mu oiaaal fual and mooriahina liquor baltar milaa 60 mina SALEM LOT chilling honor alory of yampirlam running rampant in modern day New England aiiccaaaful novaliat ralurna to his boyhood home of Salama Lot haunted by the marnoriaa of houaa that ha ballavaa II the embodiment DI pure avll Stars David Soul James Mason Conclualon THE LOVE BOAT Three Vignettes Thay Tried To Tall Ua Wara Too Young Stars Crlalan Kautfman Frank Alatlar Elaanora Return Slara Oavrn MaCLaod Barbara Ruah Not Now Im Dying Slau Dack Rambo Barbi Benton so mina SUNDAY VIEWING MORNING 558 FOCUS 600 CARTOON PLAVHOUSE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN ED CANADIAN CAVALCADE 630 THIS is THE LIFE BLACK FORUM CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP SENECA TELECOLLEGE 700 ECUMEDIA NEWS In CROSSROADS PUBLIC POLICY FORUM FAITH FOR TODAY UNCLE BOBBY SHow NIVEN MILLER 715 CHURCH INVITATION 730 DAY OF DISCOVERY JIMMY SWAGGART DIRECTIONS ROGER RAMJET CIRCLE SOUARE 800 JIMMY SWAGGART CONCERNS MOVIE UNANNOUNCED COMMANDER TOM SHOW MIGHTY MOUSE In FATHER MEEHAN CANADA YOU AND ME $0099 TITLE 830 GREY CUP GAME MOVIE DRAMAMYSTERY Beyond the Bermuda Triangle IE AMERICA Loin De La Palrie Cooke dacrll Ia Vla dana Iaa plantations do Virginia at da Carolina du and at nous traca un portrait Vivant da John Winthrop at du iauna Bantamln Franklin 130 PORTUGUESE MUSICAL 200 BUILDING DECENT FUTURE EN SE RACONTANT LHIS TOIRE DICI La Ragne De Oualra Joura De Loula0llvlar Taillon El La Famllla CanadiannaFrancalaa Daa Anneaa 4900 TERRY WINTER SHOW 83 PORTUGUISE RELIGION 230 CHALLENGE ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY 22 DR JOHN WESLEY WHITE SPANISH MAGAZINE 300 TODAYS WOMAN HEE HAW LES GRANDS CHEFS DOR ESTRE Rafael Kubalik GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD 330 SUNDAY SURPRISE GOOD NEWS SPANISH RELIGION 400 NFL FOOTBALL POINT BLANK Moacm Duality OR Oulhlty 030 ID CONVERSATIONS WITH ELWV VOST TIME TENTATIVE SOUNDS GOOD Famoua and faralllartunaapadomadwithaiauflavorby hoateaa Peggy Cram and goaata 1000 MAN CALLED SLOANE martial arta aspen and cult leader kldnapa the daIImIer of South American leader to force Bloanalntoaahowdownthalhecarinotwln nita FANTASY ISLAND plump rm lady lama Into raviahlng my figure of womaritoaeakawaelrevanoaonanoldhici achool acquaintance Cunt alara Adrianna aaii Tini Thomarm 60 rhino STARLOST MOVIE Tooper Rat 1941 CELEBRITY CDOIIScImmom were Candied Yam FEEL LIKE DANCIN Hoot Ian Finlay 1030 AMERICA 2NIGHT 1100 II NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS LOTTARIO on NEW MUSIC SPECIAL 1105 Ill PETER APPLEVARD ID MOVIE COMEDV Ton Ton 1011 1115 PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS 1120 NEWS 1121 Won NEWS 1130 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 700 DISNEYS WONDERFUL WORLD Duck For Hira Donald Duck dlaoovara that good lobe are difficult to find and keep after walking out on his studio contract In hull so mlna BEACHCOMBERS Boih Nlck arid Rallc are injured in the buah and theres no ona but little Sara to tend to their wounda try to gal them out and land on maraudlrig Wm 60 MINUTES RUDOLPH AND FROSTYS CHRISTMAS IN JULY Rudolpha rad noaa is about to bacoma burned out both and Frosty the Snowman will be reduced to allghtly chllly puddle unlaaa Santa Claua can The Doctor Says Epididymitis is inflomation By PAUL DONOHLE MD Dear Dr Donohue Two weeks ago my lfryeanold son suddenly got excruciating pain in his right testicle He vomited and was pale from the pain In the emergency room urologist was called in Dye xrays showed no kidney stones They suspected kink had developed in his epididymis and that this caused inflammation He was put on antibiotics Shouldnt further tests be made am concerned about the extent and length of the pain and swelling though it does seem to have subsided some Should be patient or press for further diagnosis am anxious Mrs llE The epididymis is tiny structure that sits atop the tes ticle in the scrotal sac If is the semencarrying duct actually Inflammation of it gives rise to one of those long medical terms epididymitis It also gives rise to severe pain in the tes ticle area and excruciating would be the word for it The swelling may be sudden as in your sons case and there may be sharp temperature rise up to 104 If injury didnt cause it about the only other cause of such sudden onset would be twisting torsion of the testicle You seemed con cerned about the possibility of umors That would not cause acute pain Acute epididymitis takes week or two to subside but it may be month before all the swelling goes down Surely if it persists beyond that time or if ain is not subsiding you should ckeck with your doctor again suspect that by the time you read this you will have your an swers Dear Dr Donohue have algar diabetes which is con trolled with Diabinese My urine self analysis tests always are negative My doctor orders bloodsugar test every three months He does not tell me what it says except that it is satisfactory These tests are costly and transportation costs etc add to it Are the tests needed so often Your Opinion would be appreciated EJB Every three months is not an excessive number of times to have the blood sugar tested The medicine you are using for control is the oral type not in sulinl and often it takes much time to determine whether that kind of control is going to be effective You should be able to talk this over with your doctor He night agree to testing every four months in the course of year that would cut your costs by 25 per cent hope my arithmetic is correct Another point The frequency of testing may be greater in the early stages of control Dear Dr Donohuc am 62yearold male blessed with rather prominent nose Lately have noticed that the tip is getting progressively larger Is this normal occurrence Or is there treatment for it Is plas tic surgery feasible EJK The tip of the nose can en large due to condition called rhinophyma swelling of oil glands and congestion of tis sue The skin becomes some what violaceous violet col ored splendid little medical adjective dont you agree Plastic surgery is feasible whatever the cause BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag aavai them from liandlah wizard Do MOVIE ADVENTURE alng In the South Saaa 1974 ROUSSEMITOUFLE MATT AND JENNY 710 BOUCANIERS DEAU DOUCE 730 MORK AND MINDY III NFL HOCKEY New York Rangara Toronto Ma la Laala lb ON ALIRA TOUT VUI PROVINCIAL LOTTERY 800 THE BIG EVENT swam The Bandit 1977 Stara Burt Reynolds Sally Field SUPERSPECIAL Juno Award wlnriar Andra Gagnon atara In hla aacond Superapecial Appearing in concart wllh Gagnon ara Liaa dal Ballo Pater Pringla Jeff Hyalop and from the National Ballet of Canada NORTH 32 76 06 AK876432 ll24 WEST 91965 AQIO32 OK953 Au EAST 9K87I V854 01874 05 SOUTH 10 KJ9 OAQIOZ 01109 and led his jack of clubs West showed out whereupon South went into state of almost complete shock The silence could have been cut with knife Finally he said Maybe we bid too much Then he found safety play to insure his con tract as long as West hadnt led fifth best from sixcard suit South put dummys kin of est it was reasonabl clubs and led heart said thank ou talkative an AshoGraphammammoi November 25 um Your road to material success this coming year Will travel an unusual route and may take you farther than yOU dreamed Expect the unexpected SAOITTARIUS Nov 23o0ac 21 If youre bit restless today and want to go somewhere you might find few short trips far mare pleasurable than lenothy one CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan Spend as much time as possible today on activities which could contribute to your security Your efforts will pay Off for yOU AQUARIUS Jan 20ltFab l9 You have very good leadership qualities today and you may find several occasions to put them to use Youll know when to make your moves PISCES Fab 20March 20 Play your hunches today regarding things which have an effect on your career or Status Your Intui tion IS very sharp in these areas ARIES March 21April 19 Rather than waste time In unpro ductive methods that havent sclved problems try fresh approaches today The more unique the better TAURUS April 20May 20 Silu ations with competitive elements WHAT IS THE EVIL Sfiofiifscns T3 IHAI PLANE For Better or Worse Short Ft Winthrop THE wow NILL END TOMORROW Okl THIS will serve to bring out the best In you today You need some type of challenge to get Into lull gear GEMINI May 21Juna 20 Youre very receptive to new ide as today Youll be able to find good uses for what you learn Listen closely when someOne knowledgeable Speaks CANCER Juna 21July 22 This may be good day to Implement change youve been hoping to bring ab0ut that could either benefit you monetarily or advance your work or career LEO July 23Aug 22 Y0ur iudgment and advrce c0uld be very constructive today in help ing pal sort out problem where he doesnt recognize all of his alternatives VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 YOU wont be happy today unless you are dOing something which yOU feel Is productive and worthwhile Busy yOUr hands with useful tasks LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Take advantage of any opportunities you have today where youll be able to make new acquain tances Something Interesting and exciting could occur SCORPIO Oct 2NOV 22 Entertaining ChOIce friends in your surroundings today could turn out to be real fun thing Keep the group small and manageable OffYO HES wIZITINo THE MAGIC worzos THIS 10qu MAN won THE IF WERE KINE coNTEsT Jul fitivyi WHEIOLL IT 85 November 281972 Lots of opportunities will be In the offing this coming year but it Will require some giveandtake on your part to develop them Dont ask for more than you fair lydeserve SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 You may have to wear your ear plugs around the house today because everyone Will be plaCing the blame for things that go erng on anyone but them selves CAPRICORN Dac 22Jan 19 Careless thinking might cause you to act today Without revrew mg the consequences This could get yOU into qwte 18m AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Before the days Over youre like ly to feel your purse is as leaky as Sieve Heavierthanusual finanCial demands might be placed on your shoulders PISCES Fab 20March 20 Tactfulness and CORSIderation must become your shield and armor today Everyone could be looking to pick fight but you can ward off the blows With diplomacy ARIES March 21April 19 Todays events are liker to box you right into corner If youre not careful Be prepared to tan gle with lot Of oul5ide pres sures THAT TURN ME BACK INTO WENDEL ND MlLDMANNE SALESMAN do TAURUS April 20May 20 If youre involved In some group activity today dont allow your self to be dragged into the mid dle of squabble Let the others fight it out GEMINI May 214mm 20 An all oul effort will be required today if you hope to take any of the blue ribbons Competition will be extremely keen Halfway mea sures wont work CANCER June 21July 22 This is not the time to try to introduce new Ideas Or to attempt to Change your methods of domg things that involve Others Condi tions are already too confusing LEO July 23Aug 22 If youve been banking on someone to cover for you or to help you out With an Obligation youre in for disappOInlment today They may let you down VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Normally you have critical eye for details Today your judgment Is not as good as it should be You stand chance of overlook ing something essential LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 If youre employed by someone this is not the day to stack Off Your boss wants his moneys worth and hell be sure he gets it SCORPIO Oct 2INov 22 This is definitely not the day to involve yourself in any risky venture where you have to dig into your purse for dollars Take care IL fIIbeMIAlMIMmUSPaIUI Hxi in IOHEEALLYEWHAT ll WOULD You IF Yau WEEE ME Stadium ei Meal Don Chamer cahmerMuawm wugmTolaMoKaaiahoataad mummammmm NFL FOOTBALL St Loata at Concordia University Super Maire meaning super mayor is satire about Mon treal Mayor Jean Drapeau and Super Frog is comedy WITH THIS RING SUNDAY SURPRISE mo ABC NEWS 100 HUNTLEY STREET FAMOUS CLASS TALESA Ann Dllcliburn and Frank Auguatyn 60 he game and cashe our OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR Chrlalmaa CarolTha atory ofhowonamlaerfy HARCHE BUNKERIS PLACE VMnerable BOIh heart trleS Somewhere DAY OF DISCOVERY holiday hater EbenezerScrooga la reformed Dealer North th So th BY THE PEOPLE mm ID TOUTE VITESSE La 1mm ong me Ii iscar THE FUNNY COMPANY Vlaltora ravlaw with him the miaery he haa SHOW we Nor East 50 ed Ch from Ills hand III ORAL ROBERTS mud olhmrlw mm CITY um pass 3NT once West had finished With POLKA DOT DOOR MOVIE MYSTERY iiaaaa her flrat film The Raes MM aw Pass Pass Pass his hearts 50 ClalmEd the OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL urdar Once Removed 1911 330 balance of he tncks In MIDDLE EAST REVUE Tm WENT ONE DAY AT TIME Did you have to lead that 900 LlAGES ET VISAGES lntantlona are auapecl when aha hIraaavery fourth round of hearts ago Opening lea asked East Maybe you NEWS ld 430 Oil no C35 one DEPUTY DAWG MORK AND MINDY QUESTION PERIOD Pl RE extra heart trick figgffie Ill WILD KINGDOM LA ER 900 could do nothing dr ofb omin at erarecom icalo 1mm 1a W0 W1 HATTYToggoTALEs KIDSWORLD wtn Shallzc annguncas her IntaiIIIon of and Alan song the shift 3nd lead another the baby up Catholic 80 mlna THIS WEEK ONTARIO fisfisnc MOVE PRESEN South looked at dummy and Iggy$2 2250 Oh Gear 1977 Si GOO HISPANOVISION FESTIVAL OF LIVELY ARTS mum rnade that dreabd breiéialrki clubs and let you in You ME STREET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Malia Em SUNDAY NIGHT MOI5w Partner we pro 11 no ll Waa ad 19 SESA Ya no People Comedy Concert bid enough wou no ave ear SEARCH THE QUIET HOUR Tm uvocilJllohlhIMG OXPWMIOMHM SOCIETE NATIONAL GEO Th so th that first and he would make the rest of SOUNDS OF YUGOSLAVIA art of bulloonaryfrom ltI origin with the court GRAPHIC Mom en WP the tricks 1000 aalar lo the pleinthafaca routine will be Mun trick With his nine of hearts REX HUMBARD EtataUnialla cowboy apparalt comma la PEOPLES CHURCH in mid so mlna wvffiggmmgmggones dafly crossword KIDSWORLD Ews AND THIS WEEK MinnelliIniroducuFrodEbbandJoiinKund THAI 14 In ITALIAN PANORAMA PARLIAMENT hmom°my ACROSS 43 mm mm Answer to Prawns Puzzle AVRAMIS GREEK SHOW UNTAMED WORLD onmlol have corripoaad ouch greats aa Cabaret ii YUGOSLAV RELIGION COMEDY SHOP cm and Lila with New Deal HAVE NEW JOKE NATTY 20w DO you MAE 00 mine 500 T5 am Gay II ROBERT 1S°CEI$ILLER $3033ch SURVIVAL The THE EDITgllsi 47 Limenly gm LLgaJCREAM NU You adE H6 MEETNRGE PPLEAOCPELE Too Graal Zaria RIVOIEKO1ng0n NCREDIBLE WORLD OF Aifbounlam 4g Gaggle II gait CHURCH OUM LE DAUPHIN ADVENTURE Scandal in may 12 Paarkrlomld 52 2511335er 530 Nawa raport Dn lcaaf till BARBAPAPA SMITH AND 1000 animals 56 Cereal Spike FESTVAL PORTUGUESE THE ROPERS Stanley auapiciona RME TIME SUNDAY Furlous 57 Rankgd SOUNDS 0F TflE EAST galhimlnlo holwatar when Helen diaappaara MARKETPLACE With Joan L°Q 5h 61 Paradise 1035 with an attractive bachaIOI who comu lathe on Ind Bl Full 15 PraYer dweller FISH TALES uklng for her PARLONS CINEMA 16 Fall in duty 62 Three prefix an 1050 EDUCATED GUESS SWEENYTHE FLYING 17 Genetic 53 Greek GET IT TOGETNER NEXT STEP BEYOND SQUAD lnapectora Regan and Carter material goddess of 100 AvfiNTURES DE BABAR chaaa down auapact who may have atolan abbu peace 540 aahipmentofmarcury butthay muatlnlerrupt 18 Deth Put held 46 Uncann OPEN RAP wedding lane to find him do mine HERALD OF TRUTH SATURNN LE PET SHUL AN FILE Topic in Health anew 65 Compass 10 Hang 48 Compass KIDSWORLD CANARD Cara Dilemna 1o 30 QCIIOIISh p0lnl 1i Woe Is me pom 550 Dams era Downy duck lg ime aied REV JAJEtsagNDnEws TIP ET TAP 0MBUDSMAN With Kathleen 24 sitorifedxrate 67 CIA cmagbb If 49 Acqmres gt BUILI FACE trifle EVENING id ONE CANADA ebb Edmm 5° CAN BUILD 557752 SUCCOTASll GREY Arayiaw of °°°rt°3 600 315on mm oown 24 313an 51 MOUSETPAP DISNEYS WONDERFUL NEWS Grey Cup mlmwoiuu 03le WORLD Duck For Nire Donald Duck CBC NEWS 30 Pogynesan Form 25 Cook 53 om mm mm up diacovara Ill good oba are difficult to find go Russa mm 26 Disrespectful MW XfiIMALa ANIMALS Ind llaao niioi walking out on hla studio 32 32 27 WM 54 Bird class fll ANIMALS tang 1115 36 Sno slider com 29 Small valler 55 Leases II GREY CUP SPECIAL Highlighla THE ARTHUR VMLE wows Busmess 37 Nov Gm 31 nhmmes 58 Jack cc REPORT Scheduled speaker ArmaniIi of the Ferber Period 32 Hang on to husband Schanlay wall mum Ill WILD ANIMALS OF THE Promiv Cwmf 39 586W Sharp MP 33 N°° 59 Spread dry in WORLD 1120 41 CIVII War Mountains 38 Snakes OILE AND PETS SSEmom NEWS11 22 Wm am 40 Mon 60 Compass 1145 NEWSWEEK Actor Parker Sows spherical pomt FESTIVAL ITALIANO NEWS CONVERSATION WITH 30 titétéitftlt MEET TNEzngSS EOVSOBERT OVE SCENCEFICTON In Oma Man 1071 illll TABLES OF THE an LIVELY SPECIAL Ims re I35iifi°l II movie omIA no aira Under the Elma 105a 24 as 11170 Top prize 1200 LE TEMPS DES INCERTI DES SESIEND gngNCEDRAMA 3° BOAT PEO LE MONTREAL CPI Trig alga 238 snow 9mefhéhlim KW III CW the Pnze MOVIE MYSTERY In NFL TODA Caneda Smdem Sherlock Holmaa And the 37 MM 095 CUP Fofififfifx Festival held here recently 59 Woman The Norman McLaren prize 1215 °pzfiws named after the National Film MOVIE DRANA Vi CHINESE ROUND UP Board animator was awarded Cyborg 2087 1001 1245 SPORT to Super Maire LHomme de 33 1230 in in mo NFL FOOTBALL University of Quebec and to LAPIERRE dents WGREY CUP GAME From Super Frog made bi stu 130 mama

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