Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1979, p. 12

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fivv w7rvmeW7rVW CORBETT MONTGOMERY ASSOCIATES BARRISTERS SOlIClTORS Carry on General Practice of Law in RBARRlE ANGUS Sauve obiects to CBC Nata AURORA STOUFFVILLE BARRIE OFFICE JOHN HERLIHY BA LLB MICHAEL SHOEMAKER BComrn MBA LLB plans on broadcasts TTAWA iCPi Jeanne Within Qucbcc during thc rctcr MissionPort Moody who said Same former Liberal comma cndum dchatc hc and his party would lit dc nications minister objected Shc urged Bt prcsidcnt Al nicd ll in thc ltllilfi that ouuior sr sum 73701 Johnson and thc board of dircc tors to reconsider conragc plans as did Mark Rosc Nll Friday to Bt plans to suspcnd regular fedcral and provincial frectime political broadcasts could lcad to onc third of my country llMlplltlrlllfl WELCOME LASSIE HOME and put the magii hm into mmichgoing iiiiiiiuii sllqmlial iiii ii titti itiiitrf illlllfltminl WARNING May be offensive to people of religious beliefs iilill Willi flit Wi 700415 narrow LAMPOONB ANINAI 09 The Most Popular Movie Comedy Of All Time THE MATTY smous NAN new mooucno NAUONAL LAMPOON ANIMAL HOUSE JOHN DELUSHI TIM MAtHLSON JOHN VERNON VERNA BLOOM lHOMAé HULCE 0nd DONALD SUTHERLAND Produced by MATTY SIMMONS and WAN REHan Music by LMERBERNSH lN Wuhan by HAROLD RAMIS DOUGLAé KENND CHRIS MILLER Directed by OHN LANDIS gt0 ANNA no5 iJa Mani Nll lHltl ROONEY ROBERTS ZlMBAllST He wont be discouraged He wont be used He wont be stopped from running to win back everything he lost and toved Mutual admiration society Comedian Lucille Ball and young Gary Coleman gaze in admiration at each other during break in the filming of her NBCTV special The Lucille Ball Special Ms Ball says Gary the star of his own television series Different Strokes is her favorite new comedian Gary has guest spot on her special along with such entertainment favorites as Bob Hope Johnny Carson and Gene Kelly AP Photo Im Liuww it More words have been written and spoken on this movie than any other movie over made You must see it to believe it Music week poster contest Judge impressed by art work Margarct Arthur Juditc for suhinittcdinthccontcst lcachcrs Rccital recently at Fllles SIUdems pm thc anada Music chk postcr Mrs Arthur wcll knownarr WW Park Home help Cpatmg were Jennifer contcst which was sponsorcd hy ttst Ill Hatric ho rcccntl coin clchratc anada Music Week lllcketts PatNCk TratnOt tlic llarric Hcgistcrcd Music lcaclicr Association of lntailo Kclly Lagogianos iradc 778i cash prircs for thc postcrs thcy plctcd Einc Arts program Hllt York lnivcrsity was inr Ihcsc prilcs wcrc prcscntcd at thc Harric ltcgistcrcd Music in Barrie along with other cen ttcs tists wcrc wellrcceived by lull house of friends and Vigilantes personal heroes Hollywood tough guy stars NEWARK NJ iAlr iunr toting rigilaiitc Anthony lmr pcrialc say his pcrsonal licrocs includc actors John Waync lluinphrcy Bogart and James His prcrtous statcliousc stint was markcd by impassioncd calls for law and ordcr rcstora tion of capital punishmcnt and crackdown on lilicril lhc committcc and others from tlic North Ward itizcns First ll Squad still makc nightly patrols throtigli Newark Joanna Wilson Jodi Russell John Dykstra Jennifer Parker an antid Jennifer motions prcsscd with thc artistic ability Thcnmusic students displayed Julie Mchnnan voice Klndomnrlon mm and ii gd plum ycry tine talent in piano Violin Suzanne Johnson Dayid Scott Dow ncy Gradc Ho and um that wcnt into the pit10 11 and 0109 The Young ar DykSlrav Stephanle DlelHCh Paul Hollingworth Jean Marie Huff Donelda Wilson Margaret Jean Trainor Karla Perry Roberta Morris Peter Wessenger Marnie Weidman Helen yallianatos Lisa Kelinan tCellOl Lynn Kellman violin Jennifer Beer Jitka Loni Heidi Heisz Linda Mika Kelly Doane voice Dana Lynn Reason Brenda Kum pula Elizabeth Moran Lynn Langford Dianelle Harper Susan Winch Annette Krul and Mary Lem t0all The next recital to be held by REDWC FWRANIS FiHI vll aw 14in gt3 ENTERTAINMENT The movie that will bring you to your Feet pro LIIwic miichm out for the Barrie Registered Music 01m létgttt 55 ll lill llt illltl trouhlc hc said Teachers will be held in March mm mm Sprint Vtlslm tinpcrialc said his night 1980 It will be performed by wiiiwwvi ROBERT COOPER and RONALD COHEN Production oIA STEVEN STERN Film RUNNING to his lips hcn askcd who lit rcccnt intcriicw con should play Anthony linpcrialc in film bcing planned by 01 innbia licturcs Attcr long pause hc answcrcd Thats tough onc rcally dont know dont think Ill bc in it but do ductcd whilc driving through thc North Ward lmpcrialc said hcs thc samc man as lttltiR Bcforc leaving tlic ofticc of his private dctccttvc agcncy lic stuffcd 57 Python magnum into his stiit pants patrols arc still nccdcd bccausc thc policc arcnt doing their ioh lhc policc regard lm pcrialc as particularly lxulicrsomc thorn in their side but thcrc is no action thcy can takc against his Vigilante ac tiiitics boys only United Artists Costarring LAWRENCE DANE EUGENE LEVY CHARLES SHAMA 7A and JIM MCKAY REFRESHMENT CENTRE TO SERVE YOU want it to tell thc whole story Thc wholc story will liavc to rap up lmpcrialc thc Vigilantc the private dcccc tic tlic Koopound martial arts mpcrt the politician lispccial ly thc politicnin linpcrialc former lndcpcn dcnt statc asscinblyman and state senator who critics had dlStttlSStd as washcd up is hcadcd back to the N0 lcrscy statchousc aftcr his Not ti tt tory surprised tlic hcll out of tlicm by getting clcctcd tic said But thc pcoplc who rotcd for inc arc thosc cicryday pco plc gctting ictiniicd out thcrc by iolcncc and political cor ntption lTlttll Rl llic itllll District lmpcrialc will rcprcscnt is racially mi cd cnclaic of urban slums and bluc collar communitics Standing toot and ciglnng inst undcr ioc pounds thc 48 ycar old linpcrialc first gaincd ittciition as imitcr of wliitc Vigilante squad that guantcd Ncwaiks North Ward from racial unrcst in thc Mitts Hundreds of ships and planes lost forever Some say its UFOs Others say its lost civilization You may miflf BERLITZS decide its both SPECIAL MATINEES SAT SUN THE scAnIEs or nu TIME kg cameo BAaK QENEVA I6WEST ST 326633i Tonster movie rift 32 11 Salt Fish and hips Because mu sum know Oul fish EVERY SUNDAY IN NOVEMBER BUDGET STRETCHER 75L9l5PM iconniacin witiiiumm thornton by Mrs Holt 4589298 ticorgc and tlorcncc ltolt Joined in with about down of the Maple Leaf tluh of Cookstown to make second bus load from thc lltston Golden Agc Club for the Royal Wintcr Fair on No On Nov t2 Mr and Mn George Holt accompanml Roy and Vincent Holt of Egbcrt tc Barrio when they ate out and remincsccd with Mr and Mrs Norman Scott Barrie lr and Mrs Clarence Holt ot itit down who joined the gmup toi lheafternoon BUY DINNERS GET FREE Foch dinner consists of Fillets of our famous Fish heap of Crispy Fries Siam YOUNG RANKENSTEIN GENE WILDERPETER BOYLE MARTY ELDMAN CLORIS LEACHMANWWTERI GARR 113 KENNETH MARSMMADELINE KAHN Duke by in by We swi wow MICHAELG snorr iiiii BROOKS GENE WILDERMMEL BROOK mm erase MARY SHELLEYJOHN moans MONA mummmmmscmtm STORE HOURS SUNDAY PM TO PM MON TUES WED ll AM TO PM THURS ll AM TO PM FRI ll AM TO PM SAT ll AM TO PM Phone 7372878

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