the examiner Monday Nov 19 1979 for thaw news roundup Helped raise money for children Anne flies home after busy tour Efran snuffs out foreign brands of cigarettes lLIII lteuter Iran has banned the sale of foreign cigarettes thi otluizil radio Voice of the Islamic Revolution jtlfl Ionday lhc announcirrient singled out Winston popular brand in Iran but said the distribution of all foreign may wold case titginning liiesday Beef costs more Iisl Japan lteutcr The price of beef In Japan is tht highest in thc world and five times higher thaii that in ra Yuri Iin survey by Japanese trading company thorax Ii lnkf loo grams pourids of roast costs Sit 2o ttittiliiltl with cents in New York Sumitomo orp said seiiiivlax Students iustified tit lZlill In tl Students currently lltlltllllg Him hipIUI ii lraii are ltlhilltttl in their actions lani ltltl toxin litiktsllldll tor the Federation of Iranian slurth ill nieisit of Toronto told an audience at lllil ltlttr oi tiuclphdurmg tinweekend Rates match weather It tti lteiitct lioom rates are all question tll dome at tiltt Ihicago hotel As winter arrives it is mat clung its Illi cs the outside tennwraturc at check mimic It ll go degrees the rooms at tctormack Inn Ill cost ito It the Illtltllly drops to cro guests will stay for free The ironI lot It isuall charges $80 said the otter runs out ti1 to American arrested II Iiititer Florida man whocrash landed on Iiiact riiar lliIlIt with about Woo kilos of niartiuana In his plane has been arrested Iuban ollicials said Saturday tliaths liJIltis or lompano teach crash landed last Ion din ficii hi Iaii ou ol met communique said Crash kills eight ltllltiltllfi lteuter Eight people were killed and OTTAWA CPI Princess Anne flew home Sunday alter packed tour of Ontario that featured events involving the International Save the Children Fund The 29yearold princess is international chairman of the fund dedicated to helping starving children around the world and was in Ontario to help raise money for that pur pose Highlights of this were 530 aplate dinner for 2500 Wednesday and attending the aiia dian universrty football championship game Saturday 77 both in Toronto The annual football game has resulted III 5180000 being donated to the anadian Save the hildren Fund in the last 12 years Neither cool and inclement weather nor heavy security made necessary by recent threats against the Royal Family marred any part of her visit as she appeared cheerful and relaxed throughout This was particularly evident when she was talking informally with children wherever she stopped and Friday night when she at tended the equestrian events at the Royal gttlricultural Winter Fair in Toronto Princess Anne and her husband Mark Phillips are internalionalclass equestrian conitxtitors In Owen Sound the princess presented decorations Thursday to members of the Grey and Simcoc Foresters ltcgiinent and that evening attended special performance of National Ballet of tanada in Toronto You work hard for your paycheque Shouldnt your poycheque work iust as hard for you Come in and see us Paul Shortreed Manager Royal Trust 320 Bayficld Street Baytield Mall Barrie Ontario Telephone 17057288581 Charles at Wembley Conference Centre The show raised 3000 pounds for the Prince of wales Charities Trust AP Photo tour seriously inrurcd Sunday hen an cpress traiii smash ttl into stalled bus on railway crossing near iceac 147 kilometres southwest of ltelgradc Iolicesaidthe bus which Prince chorles who celebrafed his 315 birmday lQIllttl on the ttlssllltl between two closed barriers was pushed too niclrcs down the line by the HclgraderSkopjc NOV 14 meefs Singer Shirley qusey Offer her mm performance at Royal gala charity show at the Captain is charged ISIANIIII lteiltct The captain and second officer of itlrcck Ireightrr were charged Sunday in collision bet ween their essel and Romanian sugxrtankcr The public prosecutors ottice said Mekos dampoulis and Logas liVilllfltltis ot freighter lIyrialy were charged with negligence contributing to the collision early Thursday en dangering llic satcty of Istanbul and responsibility in the death ot at least to people aboard the tanker Indctxindenta Pope to visit Turkey Illtr ili Pope John Paul said Sunday he will leave Ior Turkey on Nov 28 for talks with his counter part iii the lCasthri Orthodox tliurch about the itotryearrold rIII between the ltomari tatliolic and eastern churches The news was welcomed Ii Demetrius patriarch of the lIastcrii lrthodox hurch ltoman atholic and Eastern Ir Iliodo churches split in tlic ircat Schism ot 1034 when many thristian churches in the West accorded the bishop ot ltonie supremacy merother bishops Chicken renamed llllllt Httlltl In what is definitely sign of the lIIIIt the Iranian revolution is making its mark on the last Iood empire of ol Saiiiiders Kentucky Fried thicken Large red and hite letters over liner in eastern Tehran that used to bear the coloncls name now proclaim Islamic Kentucky lrredthickcn Lottario numbers drawn IIitttiVlti itli The six regular winning numbers in Saturdays Lottario draw were ll 14 L3 and 27 The bonus number was There erc no mncrs III the tackpot pool which reached Hittitï¬o Ito lour ticket holders who matched live regular numbers ill share the second prie pool of STILlllT till each receiving Sloan to JACKPOT Governor seeks answers in US air force crash SALT LAKE CITY Itah tAPi The manifest said the plane carried radioactive cargo but it took the LS Air Force two hours to determine that the suspect military material in the crashed and burning aircraft was no more dangerous than Iuminiscent watch Gov Scott Matheson wants to know why All three crew members died when the civilian Lockheed Electra turboprop owned by Transamerica Airlines but carrying air force cargo crashed into cow pasture Sun day just 10 minutes after taking off from Hill II Force Base in Ogden Utah officials said For two hours after the plane burst into flames and plunged to the earth three kilometres west of an industrial park military and civilian officials tried to find out how much radioactive material the plane car ried and hat type of substance it was They finally learned that the material was thorium often used in making luminous watch dials In this case it was to be used as stregthening alloy in gear box and it posed no health hazard Officials had thought the material might be tritium which might be hazardous it released in smoke from the burning plane However Dr Harry Gibbons Salt Lake ty County health director ordered urine tests and geiger counter scans for the more than 50 firefighters and rescue workers who sur rounded the plane minutes after it nosed into the pasture Health officials had completed 37 exams before learning that the radioactive material was harmless Matheson said he wants to know why it was so difficult to learn what was on the plane and how to deal with it Another military plane crashed nearby earlier this year and Mathesoii said he wants to know why two militaryrelated aircraft crashed so near each other in so short period of time JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL FOR SAFER DRIVING 272 lnnisfilSt Barrie 7280194 23 Hill St Newmarket Royal Trust THE OOOOPATIONAI HEALTH AND SAFEIY AOT NOW EMPLOYERS AND WORKERS ARE BOTH RESPONSIBLE FOR ON THE JOB HEALTH 8954730 ANNOUNCING the opening of Johns Driving School Driver Education Centre The first driving school in the Barrie area authorized to give classroom instruction for insurance discounts lr The Act recognizes the fact that you know El better than anyone what it takes to make your working envrronment healthy and safe And the Occupational Health and Safety Division of the Ministry of Labour can help The Act and Regula Iations may be purchased at the Government of Ontario Book Store 880 Bay Street Toronto Why not pick up or Wlllt tOr cotin and find out how employers workers and the Occupational Health and Safety lilyigloo working together can tlllttltIVt on the ltl llrlllll and safety ANO SAFEIY $16382090 AND GROWING Sat Nov 1779 Draw THIN2 2i roars lt DAY EVENING WEEKEND NO OF Vwrrvrvras PRIZE VALUE Si638209o $1903440 PRIZES ACKIUT out of 2nd PRIZE out at plus bonus 3rdPRtZE 57 out of 4th PRlZE out of 5th PRIZE Out Of Classes now being formed on first come first served basis Lessons include mini St John Ambulance course on your car insurance AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT $267240 Save up to 739 $4070 5972l $500 TOTAL 63 521 $84306760 Drop in and look us over at 272 INNISFIl ST opposite the CoOp Nest Draw Sat Nov tTil Write Ontario Government Book Store 880 Bay Street Toronto Ontario M7A 1N8 IM tluiiitl ufitttil Islam r1 lliyiatin or call