13 theoxaminor Monday Nov 19 1979 MONDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING 600 In NEws TIC TAC DOUGH CAROL BURNETT FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS AND 830 Nac NEws MARY TYLER MOORE SHow cas NEws Aec NEws NEws RHODA JEREMY 545 READALONG 050 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA 240 ROBERT PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH CIRCUS STREET TALK aOTANrc MAN FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE TOM AND JERRY FACTS OF LIFE JOKERS WILD Ill OCEANS ALIVE EMAGIC SHADOWSXIdnappedPart BOB NEWHART snow MAsH 800 In LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE dynamic traveling preacher clarmrnu to have specral powers brings his pacuirarbrandotsalvalion andtragedyv to Groveresrdents 60mms ARCHIE BUNKERS PLACE MikoGiorIa andorandsnn Joey vrsrttheeunker home tor thanksgwmg and Archie Is shocked nctusron CHARLIE BROWN THANKS GIVING Poanutsaddlhorr own specraillayor toAmancasotdeslholrdaywhenCharlIeBIOwn and his peers get together around Ping Pong IE to celebrate Thanksgwmg Repeat 240ROBERT An earthquake rocks lhecouniy spelling disaster and almostcerlarn death for Trap and Thrb when they become loalad In an underwater cave wIlh two lrrght models 60 nuns SENSATIONAL SEVENTIES Part two of this documentary series looking back on the early soventres teaturmg stones concerning Angola Davs Jane Fonda Sat or Allende and Boob Orr 60 mms I5 ROADS TO CONFLICT CHARLIES ANGELS The Angels lake to roller skates as they Investigate the Wanna or roller Shim Invorno who bloomsorntobohorroutonrulntntoom Béoornm APTAINSAND KINGSPARTX Owing CIOVOI campaign run by Roryl 1W broth can IIIUUIIYIINII Brion Armogh Jo uph ll follod by hurt attack 830 MASHHawkoyund8 Iou thor may wholorushmg urgentlynoedodontrbro lies to tho toNIh which ll wracked mth I000 mg mils REAL STORY 900 80 808 HOPE ON CAMPUS Bob 09 travoit to numbor Oi AMQHCII cotioge campuul tor lhIO specII which will feature gout Stars Dionne Warwick Sister Sledge Village Pooplo Jo Namath teddy Ponder 010 Tucker hrs SURERSPECIAL Bruca cw burrIInConcortAconcertlromToronto sOMar I0 Placo Forum In utraordmarny Inventive purlmt Bruco Cockhurn cuts an Unchlnllng Nahs sudOnce 80 mrns SPECIAL MOVIE PRESEN YbeTurmngPornt IQIIStars Anne or Shirley MacLane MONDAY NIGHT FOOT LL Atlanta Falcons vs Los Angales Rams CRIME AND PUNISHMENT PART III aCAGEDWOMENLYnnIvaSItedbyher lrIend Doug who hasprobloma adluatrngtolarm lite PolrcnmanLangdnlesVoraloporsuadeher to force Marilyn to much on her lrrends about drug rIrIg 60 mm 1000 NEWSMAGAzINE til BEHIND THE SHIELD GLOBAL NEws UPDATE 1001 FAMILY Henry Fonda stars as man whose son refuses to accept to fathers old age ThaLamencestrytoheipaabesrtheycan 60mm 1030 THE WATSON REPORT mm rick Watson ROLE CALL 1100 NEWS CBC NEws ID THE REAL STORY 1125 NEws 1127 NEws 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW NEws CTV mm In PARTY GAME IE OUESTION PERIOD MONEY TALKS 1145 THE Two RONNIES NEWS 1150 NEWS 1200 MOVIE WESTERN Tali 1055 CBS LATE MOVIE HARRY tum Two Harrys neigthr Sue mkmppodtorno apparantrunon Ronni MCMILLANAND WIFE Mghtiram TOL Slars Rock Hudson IBurko Repeat KOJAK Guest DInOhMorrrlt LOO Rndzmall Charlotte Ford PIIHCQSI warrant Bloommgdale NEwS TIME TENTATIVE 1215 MIND YOUR LANGUAGE MOVIE HORROR sterEOf Edwin Drood 1935 OVI DRAMAa Track down 100 TOMORROW Host Torn Snydu Guest Lard Snowdon noted British photo her 80 mms MEDICAL CENTER 130 GONG snow 200 MOVIE DOCUMENTARVADVENTURE To Find Rainbow 1911 215 NEws childrens channel IIIISI NOV 30 1030 Mr Drcssup it 00 Scsamc St rcct 100 Storrcs from the At Itc JIII Kids and holds Itlifopc oo lonklcs Icckly l0 Almost lionic 00 llockcy Instruct ion 30 lrstcr rigors 00 ScsamcStrcct 00 Polka Dot Door cable TLESIHY Ni IV 10 urbauxw 430 House of Commons 630 hloc and armclla 700 llcalthy Living Seniors 7210 iroup of chcn 745 Barrie in Autumn 800 Plants arc Fun it iltI Performance for historically speaking Mn lit HITS Sn hurulrcrl donors wclc urgcnth nccdcrl for blood donor cliniczind thc postal strrkc prcvcntcd thc llcd ross Socicty from carrying out Its canadas story Vancouver Island Mourncd When United To Mainland thn Nova Scotia and new Brunswick joined Canada in 186751 number of business establishments in Halifax and Saint John were decorated as though they were in mourning Perhaps they got the idea from Victoria BC whcrc somewhat the same procedure had takcn place the previous year Until Novcmbcr 19 1866 Vancouver Island and British Columbia the mainland were separate colonics although lamcs Douglas of the Hudsons Bay Company was tlic governor of both of them Followin the amalgamation ceremony Douglas wrote to his daug tcr funeral procession with minutc guns would have been more appropriate to thc mciancholy event The mainland had made economic progress owing to thc gold rush along the Fraser and Thompson Rivers and into the Cariboo area but Victoria was still the commer cial and social centre Victoria has the reputation now of being staid old city along English lines of tea crumpcts and cricket In 1866 its opulation was 6000 and there were 85 licensed drin ing houses whilc unlicensed brothels and gambling joints flourished Political and industrial leaders on the island foresaw thc day when the island would play second fiddle to the mainland and made strong efforts to see that they would at least rctaln Victoria as the capital Governor Seymour intended New Westministcr to be the capital but was outmanoeuvrcd by Victoria sup ortcrs in an operation that was akin to modcrn ijacking That story must be told on another occasion OTHER EVENTS ON NOVEMBER IS 1663 The Mar uls was appointed lieutenant governor of Cana 1711 Quebec learned of disaster to British expedition that was coming to attack it i775Govcrnor Carleton arrived at Qucbcc after escaping from Americans in Montreal area 1794 Licutcnant Governor Simcoe of Upper Canada opened Yonge Street as portage road to Lake Simcoe IBMScottish actor Ormsby opened ï¬rst theatre in Montreal l858 British Columbia mainland only became colony 1867 Britain refused to allow British Columbia to join Canada barries story Usual publIcIty campaign liccausc of tlic disruption in the mail I30 lcttcrs normally sent to churches schools and in dustries could not be mailed and officials were hoping this would not lead to reduction in thc turnout With only 44 days left in 1975 Neil Fox public works supcrintcndcnt was hoping for continuancc of the warm wcnthcr Fox was in chargc of snow clearing and street clean ing for the city and had only limited budget for the re maindcr of 1975 lhc provincial govcrnmcnts decision to do away with train ing schools crcatcd vacuum in facilitics for the Simcoc ounty Childrcns Aid Socicty Mcmbcrs of the board were told that current detention facilities would bc closed and alternate arrangements would have to bc provided rville Hughes chairman of the services com mittcc siad that changes in the Ontario Training Schools Act and thc fcdcral Juvenile Delin qucncy Act would result in more children being placcd in the ca rc of the society Eastvicw Secondary School presented an impressive display of talcnt at its varicty show in thc school auditorium Thc Eastvicu Singers string quintct various group and solo performers and concert choir pcrlormcd for thc cnjoymcnt ot capacity crowd Thc Frlcnds of thc FIrchall wcrc sciking support from thc Various art and cultural groups In tho city for lhc prcscryation and rcstoratron of thc old firchull on ollrcr Strcct llic group was sockng support In Its qucst to raisc 3500000 to transform thc building Into an arts and culturc ccntrc In liar ru lr tlmrhc hootc was prcscntcd llll thc most valuablc playcr trophy ill lllt Harru Ity Soctcr Icanis awards lliillll oach lcll Dawson prcscntcd lhc trophy Mayor the mower Honolulu Mayor Frank Fasi mows the lawn of city hall under the watchful eye of striking city worker The public employee union composed of trash collectors custodians oniiors and other blue collar workers has the city of Honolulu awash in sea of garbage and there is no end in sight for the 24dayold walkout AP Photo TM Difficulty may be in brain By PALL DONOHLE MD Dear Dr Donohue What other than worry thyroid prob lems or poor nutrition causes lack of menstruation am 18 and havent had period for four years All three causes have been eliminated in my case discussion of amenorrhea Ilack of men struationl occupies 40 pages of small type in standard text book of gynecology So we could be here all day just touching the main points can make few general Ob scrvalions if periods begin and then stop the amenorrhca 15 called secondary ll pcriods never have begun its called pri mary Yours is secondary There are three kinds of causes First the difficulty may be in the brain An example of this is deficiency in the pituitary gland which lies at the base of the brain Sometimes called the master gland one of its functions is production of hormones con trolling menstrual cycles was Doctors often prescribe trial with hormones to see if the uterus is capable of normal function Clomiphene fertility drugI 15 used in selected cases Amenorrhea is most diffi cult problem to diagnose and treat Often the gynecologist and tho endocrinologist Igland specraitsti join forces to ex plore all possibilities Those 10 pages ofsmall type devoted to the subyect should tell you something of how complex the search for cause can be Dear Dr Donohue Can postnasal drip block the wind pipc durrng sieep Recently have been awakened in the night with feeling of choking ljump out of bed and raise my arms over my head and cough and choke until it clears If it is not postnasal drip could it be caused by hiatal hernia which have dont feel gas or any pain Just the cutting off of arr have not mentioned this toa doctor because dont want to be considered chronic com plamer and do suffer hyper lcnsion Do you think need The second category is meta bolic disease An example would be thyroid disease diabetes adrenal gland malfunction scvcrc obcsity or starvation The third class of problems are illnesses such as thosc of the genital tract ovarian mal function becausc of tumors of abscesses for cxumpch Thcrc is fourth category cause on known pridical attcntion am 56 it Postnasal drip wont block off your windpipe The drainage does not enter the air passages but is directed down the throat into the gullet and then the stomach Nor would hiatal IgullctI hernia cause the choking sensation you describe crlainly you should tell your doctor You sound like anything but complaincr to me DGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Safety playing NORTH 74 V1052 OA54 AQ1083 EAST 0106532 V014 0Q98 QKJ 1119 SOUTH OAKB VAK 0K103 09764 Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South INT Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Oswald South ducked the queen of spades West contin ued with the jack and South was in He promptly led the seven of clubs and after short pause for contempla tion played dummys queen to daily crossword important Easts King Back came another spade to Souths king He led second club went through long period of inde cision and finally played low East made his unguarded jack and cashed the last two spades to defeat the contract Alan assume that South explained that it took the combination of short suit spade lead and both club hon ors in the wrong spot to beat him Oswald Of course he did complain and he had been unlucky But he had made his own bad luck when he failed to take the club safety play Alan This club suit is set up for the best known of all the myriad safety plays avail able South should win the first club with the ace The jack would drop South would then wind up with sure ten tricks and might even score an eleventh in case the defenders discarded wrong Oswald This safety play is not perfect If East held king jacksmall in clubs there would be no way for South to avoid two club losers But the play succeeds against any other club combination Even if West holds all four South can come back to his hand and lead through West to lose just the one club trick he can afford to lose ACROSS 44 SaIIIng Answer to Prevrous Puzzle 45 TImber tree Othello Villain 46 Compass Memo loot mint Backward 48 Idol 12 Sullen 51 Fashionable 13 Organ stop resort Sound of 52 Haggard dove novel l5 Thrust Into 55 Sol 17 lbvrte 56 Yellow poplar 18 Fixed 59 Superlattve 19 Family suffix member 60 At distance 20 Unrestrarned 61 Former pleasure Spamsh 22 Confederate colony SIOCklngI 42 Angle States Army 62 Compass ll Garment piece measure abbvi oomt CAd abbrl 23 School or ant 63 Ear an we ecessm IaIlOn atng 64 099333 21 Small cushIon 43 Be ambulous 24 SaCred bud Ol 0990519 22 Tune zone 47 Emma the Nile abbr 48 Words of un 27 AIrcratt DOWN 23 Greek letter derstandmg maneuver 24 Composer was 32 Gentlemen Roman date Stravinsky 34 Actress First rate 25 Hebrew letter 49 13ka Mr Farrow comp Will 26 Toward the 35 SodIum Walt center 51 chltmde Sea mammal 28 All preiu 52 Gem tabtir Greek sua 29 Egyptian chly 53 What 36 Baseball AlphatIIt 30 Small vailoy 54 Revise player MIN Om ol 31 5009501355 to 57 Hymg 5mm Stooge gain 37 Relatives Sleeping 33 OI bone frame limb 39 Practice plane 38 Dortrinc 58 chm 41 AIflan lilllll Immu 40 trwxporrentmt abbrl Bernice Beds 0301 out Novombor 20 1979 Your longrange financial picture looks hopeful for the coming year Try to be patient even if you dont get everything you want at once Rome wasnt built in day SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Financial conditions are likely to be mixed for you today Your Chances for gains look good but you could softer loss through carelessness FUON Short Ribs HICHREL For Better or Worse Ninthrop ruu immu um an IT BE Wizard of Id Frank and Ernest vw PLEASED Li WINNIN IN OUR LAST EPISODE CAPTAIN FLUB HAS BEEN CRUSHED FLAT 5v THE EVIL PROFESSOR wHERE DOES MOM KEEP IHE SPRCHETTI like LQSKS LIKE NEACQKK WbHIDe WOULDNT BETTE IF lT SAOlTTAMls Nov 2800 21 Friends No wilting to pinchhit t0r you today but dont count on themtoknoekthebatioulottho parkThoymayonlygoty0ufirsl base CAMCORN Doc 2241 Avoid making hasty Moments today What you see at ï¬rst glance may not reveal the true picture Take hard second look AQUARIUS Jon allFob is it you have something good going at this time its best to keep it to yourself instead of discussing it with pals Talking out of turn may hurt the deal PISCES Fob 20March 20 Should you require advice today on something commercial seek out persons who will tell you the BOUNCE BACK EASILY FROM crzusIIING EXPERIENCES canny nu In flea us Par by on In WHERE DID MOM PUT UzzIEs CLEFlN OR YOLJ CAN PLJT lTOVER MY FEEL OUGHTTO BUY WA LITTLE PRESENT CHALKIE THE VICTORY MS MOSTLY DUE To IM truth not just what you want to hear ARES March 21April it your options today are between work or play youre likely to choose the latter hoping your Chores will take care of them selves they wont TAURUS April 20May 20 Things you work hard far today will yield fair return in areas were youre looking for tree ride the Opposite is to be true GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Youre very agreeable today and thats quite commendable but be wary at making compromises or concessions that will not serve your best interests CANCER Juno 214uly 22 Co workers you usually can rely upon may not be too dependable thv BIONIC SUPER KUNG FU CHICKEN KNOIA DHERE FER BOTTLE THEYLL Ilaac FINDVIE IN HERE WE MUJI THE FrRSF uumusnnm 01 How Fit1 ISUPPosED VISITORS HERE HEI TAKING 1er Au VERY GALMLY VtYNIA loony so It you want something done right its best you do it yourself LEO July 234mg 22 Be kind to oneyoulove butdsolnkocaro not to his or her wo ry whim today Your kindness could hurt more than It could help VIRGO Aug 2880 22 Thorn is more than one type of oportu nity around you today so try not to be too singleminded The more seeds you plant the larger your harvest LIBRA Sopl 23Oct 23 Be Optimistic today but also be realistic and logical Both ingred ients are required to bring hopes and dreams into being NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN STAINLESS STEEL DRUMSTICK l5 HARP DIGECT lDNORABLE STEMal ecuIa Moran BUGS THE MAGNIFICENT ALWAYS ENDS HIS PERFORMANCE WITH THE OLD RABBIT NOI BE ALIEN I590 Tum lIII THEM WHY DONT W6 00 UPTAIR6 NJD LOOK AT 60081le EXPEIJSIVE DDNI ACflMLLY WANTO 5Â¥ND