Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Nov 1979, p. 3

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the examiner Saturday Nov 17 1979 ti Ari Saint Josephs Oratory founded in I904 by the late Brothe rv an Andre at tracts some two million pilgrims and visitors each year The tallest point in Montreal and one of the worlds largest churches St Josephs celebrates its 75th anniversary this year as shrine although the monumental structure was not completed until after the founders death in I937 CP Photo St Josephs Oratory celebrates anniversary By ALLAN SWIFT MONTREAL 1Pi Al though Brother Andre has been dead for 42 years his heart still remains the centre of St Josephs Oratory Ihe tallest point in Montreal and one of the worlds largest churches St Josephs cele brates its 75th anniversary this year as shrine although the monumental structure was not completed until after the founders death in 1937 Thousands of worshippers have participated in special masses during the yearlong anniversary celebrations which began in March and most of them have filed by the niche where the heart of Brother Andre is exposed preserved in formaldehyde Pieces of paper are at hand where pilgrims can write their prayer requests and slip them into slot in the wall Nearby dozens of old crutches line the wall only few of the many that have been left on the mountaintop shrine as evidence of healing by Brother Andre Hundreds are stored in warehouse Brother Andre was once asked to remove the crutches but he said displaying them does good to those who learn of healing as well as those healed explains Rev Bernard Lafrenierc assistant rector of St Josephs Brother Andres heart would have swelled with pride to see the completion of his dream shrine to St Joseph The shiines dome is second in size only toSt Peters Rome Some two million persons visit the shrine each year which bills itself as the world capital of devotion to St Joseph The massive structure on the west flank of Mount Royal hasa bold Italian Renaisance ex terior with 99 broad concrete steps leading to the base It looks like it could have been there for centuries Inside however it is starkly modern Massive concrete pillars soar 59 metres sup porting the inner dome It is long way from the little chapel Brother Andre and his friends btiilt on vacant lot in the northwest end of the city Born Alfred Bessette on Quebec farm in 1843 he became an orphan at an early age Despite poor health he was ad mitted to Notre Dame College run by the Fathers of the Holy Cross where he was given the menial task of doorman They showed me the door Brother Andre an incurable punster once said and stayed there He never became priest because he could barely read or write Father Lafreniere ex plained IIE IRAYEI Churchpublished biographies relate that strange things began to happen at the college high school for boys Andres gift was praying and as he prayed for colleagues and visitors healing powers ap peared As word spread the college was invaded by sick and crippl ed people asking Brother An dre to pray to St Joseph for their healing The college superior disapproved and the doctor called Andrew charlatan When the superior forbade 3rother Andre to practise his apparent powers in the college ic met his patients across the street in tiny streetcar sta ion He was eventually given per mission to build shrine to St Joseph on the vacant lot which belonged to the order This became chapel big enough only for the altar and two priests Wide doors opened to the people sitting outside The chapel was consecrated 01 Oct 19 1904 and still sits dis creetly to one side of the oratory People of any age unique By MALCOLM FIFIC StrandLenny luitetl hurtlies Some time ago in delightful yet significant con versation with man of some Hit years who had been recalling few highly interesting and varied experiences of his life asked him what was the best experience or time of his life With ati unforgettable twinkle in his eye and matching grin he said haVent hatl it vet llis answer will always give me lift for we tcitd to hideour wrinkles and get anxious over losing our hair Society message too often is oucs iuth birthday is the beginning of the end and that ones 65th birthday renders one economically useless lts reassuring to hear someone say am tit years old today and really had little thrill go through me Personally speaking rarely meet an old person so meone who has ceased to do even one new thing And am always lifted by older people who prirc their sywcialncss and their refusal to accept the narrower roles which youth oriented society attempts to rin pose also respect older pco pie or people of any age for that matter who accept their age but reject stifling roles Often aging is portrayed as nothing more than disaster steady decline ending in death more realistic view is How can Well call her Ardith She as thoroughly shook up weepy taking mniications distraight and talking mile aminute And no wonder At great personal cost she had acquired training with view of securing highpay mg job But it graduation there was no of for her and her training was rapidly becoming obsolete Her parents both of whom she loved very much had dissolved their marriage amid great bitterness And her attempt to secure muchnudist support by moving in with her bovfriend ended iii disaster WIIII her pregnancy and his disa ppca ra nce There just seemed to be no solid ground whatever in dithslife But does not everyone face that any age of life has its own advantages and disadvantages At 20 we agonize over more value conflicts than we can handle war religious ques tions choice of vocation our identity and sexuality But wit the years we discover that though the conflicts remain we have more time to wrestle with them So for many people life indeed picks tip at to or 52 or 67 or even For them aging is not decline but series of rebirths HISTORY Some older people have given me the gift of history as they recalled what used to be what aii area used to be like or how things used to happen The result is that our appreciation of where we now live is heightened remember wor shipping as child in Fisher ville tuited Church near Steeles and Dufterin Toronto and as shared with couple living near there today something of where we once lived and moved and had our being their appreciation of where they now live grew as we chatted The earlier history of their modern neighborhotxi took an here and now dimension That kind of living history is gift which only the elderly can give More and more am realizing that every age can be satisfying and fulfilling age tiiir exaggerated fears of aging could not long respond that prtxiicament in some degree The pace of life today is almost iniimssible to keep up with And the iccerleration of that pace is so frightening we dont want to think about it Crises of momentous propor tions eventually hit all of us That is what makes Ardiths question so universal What can God possibly do for me now But if we are REALLY look ing for solid ground perhaps the question should be How can now respond to God 1his simply acknowledges the fact that in changing world the only aspects of life not subicct to devastating change are those dinctiy related to changeless and eternal God This is not to say that thriS trans do not change and grow as survive if we all knew wider variety of older people Possibly we need to review the kind of birthday cards we send out which imply that aging is tragedy Take look at what the humorous cards do with age tacknowledging that chuckle over anything is Iiealthyl Or check to see if we smile when someone attributes someone elses negative qualities to his or her age hes just an old grouch or shes just rigid old gossip One may grouse and the other may indeed gossip harmfully but these are not roles limited to those oyer certain age have known some very rigid people who would not be classified as old You see in dulging in age stereotyping and deadly birthday card humor are just two ways we sometimes oppress others and ultimately ourselves What can the church do about this Yethey could declare more clearly and consistently that people of any age are uni que congregations land com muniticsr could serve as an ex tended family to many people who are not even part of nuclear family churches could ensure improvement of nursing and retirement home care How long will it be before we come to more fully appreciate the older person and to challenge those social attitudes which eventually hurt us all to God persons or that retaitonsnips with Bod are locked into changeless format or Single liturgy But it does say that when we relate to Him in His own way and upon His own terms He becomes constant amid the changing personalities of our world and His word applied to daily living provides direction and stability The answer to Ardiths ques tion is God has done all He can He has given His Son And Jesus when He came said hayc come that they may have life and have to the full iSt John lulu But to have that full life the Ardiths of the world must respond without reservation to the grace and loy and salva tion that God freely offers through personal faith in Jesus the Christ fragrance of faith Mission father answered important question Hy DOROTHY KILHIRN One day many years ago when an artist was sketching the European countryside he saw beautiful gypsy girl whom he asked to come to his studio so that he could paint her When young Pepita came she was fascinated by picture of the crucifixion which the artist Stenburg was painting for church in Dusseldorf Who is that she asked pointing to the Redeemer The Christ was answer What 15 being done to the DIRECTORY 220 Steel St Barrie SUNDAY SCHOOL 830 CHURCH SERVICE 830 The Church that is different UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Timothy Christian School 49 Ferris Lone Pastor Johnson 7282353 Sunday Family Hour 1000 am Evening Worship 700 pm Apostolic Message with Pentecostal Blessing THE BARRIE COMMUNITY REFORMED CHURCH AT CUNDLES HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL Cundles Rd East 11 om Worship Service and Sunday School hour of fellowship and discussion after the service Bible classes during the week Pastor THE REV GRANT NOLAND Office 26 Ashdule Court Telephone 7285869 Are you on dead end street The Lord cares about you For more information phone the office PM REV DAVID MITTON Many your Missionary in the French West Indies 10 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL II AM MORNING WORSHIP WED PM FAMILY NIGHT for All AGES Westminster ESSA ROAD ADULTS STUDY THE HOLY SPIRIT lESCOOItE TEACHING IWd PTGSIIYIEMH Chord 170 Stool St near Puget 59 55 Rd INNISWOOD BAPTIST at Burton Ave 175 YONGE $1 BARRIE 7280718 Glles MINISTER PAUL mus Minister REV MICHAEL 5mm PASTOR Gnu CHURCH 51 George SUNDAY rev emu Bonord Or anisi 95 Cook 51 Barrie Anglican N9 EMMANUEL BAPTIST in Burtonwonvme °° New nit on 0th 00 Church Nursery Provided Himagsréwgfi 128 Vincent St Barrie 7283017 IMO ML Hod =00 mm 000 Rev Frank Wuest Pastor Ml mummy EUCHAMST Sflcrlment of 945 on Bible School we WEDNESDAY Holy Barium 1100 am The Word of God 1030 AM 330 pm Bible Study mm For the Rec Ie of God FAMILY and Prayer Christccntrod mini Church sum Mu 00 pm Emmanuel IIITEIIIUTIOIIOI from STOUTTVIIIE OHTDIIO DWI Infant Hurur Corn Provided prowde testimonies and Singing from Missionary shanty BOY Ch rch School All WELCOME Trainees preparing to go to the Philippines and Haiti SERVICE DIAL BIBLE MESSAGE 7371251 30 Recutlilify Aone minute daily message at comfort and help is available for MORmNG PRAY Rev Kaye BA Sana Y°u my hm dc Sunday School Nursery All Welcome Free Methodist Church IAYFIELD DALTON 7267821 SUN NOV 25 MORNING WORSHIP Him punishment for their sin in Tmmada doneforn up ttatktothev irland Being CIUCIIIOG was the order that they might be The One d8 While The picture was hung in told her biautiful abrupt reply 0V turn forgiven wandering about town he the art gallery of his native city Many times Stenburg would stand watching the powerful effect it had on its viewers some gazed on it for story of the love of Christ for her And Pepita received Him gladly into her heart andlife little to the right Who are those people with the bad laces Now look here cannot be talking to you Just stand heard about some Reformed people whose teachings were different He entered their meeting house and while the Finally the dancinggirl picture was finished and Pepita was paid for her work Before she felt she stood in front of the picture of Word 0f 30 35 Pmdalmtd Ion time othe lt theren Christ and with eves full of he found what he htd sought rs no before it in raver One dav agZirYUfiutdfifch Ylnespefik lemonon Sad You must for man years 991109 0f he noticed voung woman milSipiileffi ove him very much when he heart Smndin before bb came to the studio she could had done an that or you do He painted another bmerlvg not One day young not repress another question Finally the artist told her the reason that Christ had died was because He loved mankind so much that He was willing to suffer their nobleman stood long time in front of it The curator came and touched his shoulder telling the weeping young man that it was time that he closed the gallery you not Stenburgs face flushed with shame In the days to come he found her words im possible to forget His heart was sad and burdened for CHURCH crucifixion picture with new fervor and zeal fired by his love for his Christ Under the magnificent picture he wrote these words All this did for thee What hast thou What grieves you he asked The girlturned ltwas Pepita 0h signeur if He had but loved me so Pepita it was also for you This time the artist had time United Churches Burton Avenue United Church 37 Burton Avenue Barrie STEWARDS OF THIS LIFE is the theme of our WORSHIP AT 1030 AM GRACE UNITED CHURCH Grove St cost at Cool Christian Science Society 159 Collier Street Barrie FIRST CHRISTIAN Nursery Care and REFORMED archaic 1030 am OVI CHURCH CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL $225333 156 St Vincent St loj on Minister W35 TESTIMONY MEETING ntffiéio°éiiiiio Rev WW smr REV BIERMAN Nursery and Sunday School COLLIER UNITED CHURCH 112 ollicr St near ity Hall services and Sunday Schools 930 and am Message DELIGHT AND DEMAND Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tuesday 79 pm 7261602 YOU ARE WELCOME Join us for worship at9 and 11 am and 730 pm am Dutch Service on last Sunday of the month FAITH MISSIONARY 229 Crawford Street amen 7373062 Tune into the BACK TO GOD HOUR RADIO MESSAGES SUNDAYS Toronto CHINFM 800 Toronto CHFN 930 om N30 Pastor Wayne Domm 7268750 Barrie Ontario 945 om Sunday School 1100 Morning Worship 700 pm Evening Fellowship Wednesday 800 pm Bible Study Prayer This people have formed for myself they shall show forth my praise Isaiah 432I First Baptist 37 CLAPPERTON Rev Stewart Liddell 945 AM Church School for all ages 1100 AM Morning Worship LIFE THAT IS TRAGIC BECAUSE OF ITS SECRECY PM Evening Worship 3rd in Seris of Seminars on CHRISTIAN FAMILIES PUBLIC SCHOOLS 7289790 for transportation Wheelchair Ramp 830 om Mens Breakfast ALL WELCOME WAY Pentecostal CHURCH ANNE ST AT HWY 400 INNISFIL SUNDAY NOV 18 1979 HiWay Church is becoming mother We have now purchased preperty for church in lnnisfil Gospel meetings are being held in Innisfil homes now Today in our services we will be presenting progress reports and plans for establishing this new work Come See and Hear what you can do in this pioneer proiect $80 HI Ross and Toronto Streets Next to RVH Barrie Ontario 1030 AM CHOOSER OR LOSER Rev Dr Joy The Church School meets at the same hour Welcome to Joyful ChristCentred Fellowship AN OUTREACH MINISTRY OF HlWAY CHURCH 950 AM REGULAR SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR saintJtflrjlgiiprciuo TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH 24 COLLIER ST 900 AM Morning Worship Next to the Post 0m 1000 LM Sunday Selma Rector Conon John Spears Assistant Rev Sam OboI 1100 AM Morning Worship iron COMMUNION 630 PM Evening Service cnoui EUCHARIST Pastor Curl Bull Assistant Bruce Swanson 0m SERMON 530 pm REV SAM OBOI COMING 5°°N= mum EAMiii NIGHT BISH0AAASIIIAAN POT SUPPER GUEST naming Muu AN no mm mm DEVOTIONS FELLOWSHIP NIGHT mm mg MIDWEEK EUCHARISTS Mias nmwr Tues 730 pm Thurs 1030 am

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