Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Nov 1979, p. 16

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18 the examiner Saturday TIVhelp wSiiteq Nov ll7 lieaogs and pets 5000 HOME wanted for beauMu black lab Iemele spade 14 months old all shots goon friendly pet could be trained 71help wanted folauction sales 7Ihelp wanted 72jsaleshelpagents leading cabinetAmanufacturer requires mature 79auction sales BITER THE WORLD OF Til SELFEMPLOYED WITH ALL ITS toarticles for sale loarticles for safe sales person to call on dealer network in eastern DESK AND CHAIR lt and northern Ontario musrm otoucrioiis warranty 09 now Beautiful solid leak desk and 179EEJTPWYLTEEE7 Must be self starter and have proven record mam mm To films for Special Sale Price of Cllw WIII add warmth dand of sales achievement and stability PmtVJMTlOYEP $47999 whde supp lows of eegonce anyo ice or en amint usinesso provi ing xcelle own 55 week NO only 527999 No VmaneY Obi nd dqcipme poten in for person With beneIlCtOI servtces to people en scu moWY down Free delivery In down 99 delVeYi 509 wrhotravel and motoerant to store firianClng um um I°¢9 BARRIE NEW AND Salary commission company car expenses and It someone Work with me um USED FURNTURE 202 Dunlop Paul rit Sliirir undo jlic Pig 70p WWW 202 MtkotnigSdos Section groupinsurance provided m°rk°fin9 59 5°i° Dunlap St 7374774 7374774 Closed Mon will teach you all know about Closed Monday days N24 SPECIALISTS 30313anme Phone for mm 7261834 Room iis between 59 bum you mm my 7255055 pm Monday November 19 firm will pay you guaranteed weekly income plus generous commissions and bonuses ask for no capital investment but only honest intelligent effort If you are mature have the desire to succeed and genuine in terest in people you may be the one am looking for Full or parttime Use of car for short auto trips necessary Contact Division Manager Aldo SMNGO MATIC baby swing GM in loot carrier two walkers one baby rrylmw outrllerv roaditisn and yeti wayable 726 6634 770 HEARING AIDS tor sale one as rirIy the other in good condition Telephone 778 $031 VENMORE WASHER and dryer two 54 beds Call 776 I484 altercp NLsHED AND DRYER Inglis colour teerisron 89c livingroom suile beslot tor 431173713270 DANJON COLOURED TV excelleril oration Portable with 20 screen ansM basl1 Under warranty $675 Call after 726 7476 dictaphone skills Although not essential shorthand is preferred Excellent working conditions and fringe benefits Apply in writing to SUPERVISOR EMPLOYMENT CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO LTD BO Bradford St Dario Ontario LAM 4V1 DRUMS F09 mam M1 99 Raw Yams inrgt FloatNI sell 1414Iid TOTAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS N19 SHORT NOTICE AUCTION SALE THURS EVENING NOV 22nd PM SHARP For MRS ETHEL BAKER 76 PENETANG ST formerly of Cookstowii TENT HEATED ANNOUNCEMENTS ZENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR IUJ solid state 0th $590 Under $6 Ml Starting January ISO Ordei tonilo 7281202 St PMCl requires DIESEL MECHANIC get tree 12 black and to One Itour delivery PRAZY NELLY how rent door to The Highway 90 Mea Market at hindriieone hour delvrery 737 its TF N151617 SItrees and shrubs NURSERY STOCK TREES Did your own White Spruce SIO County Road 31 runs in sciioon Sell AVON You set your own ISI Iefl all Hi hwa 27 726 9295 IYIHAO tread173 coco CHESTERFIELD Set for sale in 1° Yd hours on flexible schedule Barrie ans operafion 3530 29 C°I° Road 30 Jrrr 21 qtmconariionsrs Telephonel781845 Servlcenn IEPBIIS 54serVIce an repairs E7374 67 Meeiweresimspeopie N3 SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Pl IF MINI and ninth ma nulomatlc white large size 3150 white Phone Oday and find 00 how am Iu Duuu rotiililmi Silt min lit ii 30 stove S60 Gilson chest freezer e0 is any it 01 rm whith ru It sits All good condition fl Stormd 3353011 BARRIE 75ade schools Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks 5600 77 76 es commsson N21 minimum 40 words additional words cents per word mm mm 50 suaed $600 TITANIC to PM 06 Colt 728 9652 Births gt In ii sr ma IHUELEBOAPDS Us 7161773 F$TF In Memoriamno verse $600 NMLS pm supmmrmmm Verse per count ineexiroi 23 cents 3739 Order torntg get tree 12 51 Damon Comm Events 53 43 er column inch portable Under S7 willy starting CAP or sale will tit tan truck Dodge mm 80 HIV Hs Chrrv or Ford Perfect condition 5175 dam to in 96 90 Meat Market at vpnon 778 4360 om Xperlenced and mature MOI Ir i7 IMPORTED DANISH wool rug Requires service °°Uple Wile apartment BIbirths 88coming events with underan nearly new Pad S5047 Askliigwsu Telephlinr 737 3795 in Barrie building salesperson preferably with G°°d Mondays Child istair of lace ESTUDY NM II ran ii solo Enroll NOW In our HOM Tuesday Scmldlsmnomram WWI ylrr IIIIIlgltVllfllléIstzv DOUBLE SNOWMOBLE TRALEP GM exPenence we offer ya benefits Ms Progmm wnh9u Wednesdays Child istull of woe in pm or Wm 775 LARRY PARKS ex°° remunerations Plus ll597°737 °° V° °°° °°°°° T°° °° NDAY Nov 18 NIIIIII11fillrri am my Pioneer hath saw new Chain $135 ban for complete training as Fridays Childislnving and qiqu Firnir Ii rrs walnut dininq mm rewhone 778 company ca group TF Saturdays Child works hard for its noon will rmi by 00 83 THREE LARGE sectional hairs can Nj7212328 insurance plan Reservationlst living man AND Ms Inii silo r41 17 7m Ill together IIr grouping rust corduroy Apply service manager eTrave Dlrector And child that is born on the Sab rosl S150 carh three years ago at cury BRAND NEW PC BEDROOM SUITES Including double dresser and mirror door chest bookcase headboard foot board and rails In elegant satin walnut finish only $29999 No money down Free delivery In store financing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mondays N17 WOODFN IL INO ICAIIINE Urawrf plan Illltq rariinct 78 139 in goriucrtriditiriti ANTIQUE PIANO IIUIII by FFIVIIS and Co at Oshawa must DC soon asking S950 Pinasr till 716 86H after 1H7k IS SUMVIE f4 TIRESbrrllivrfon I972 Chiv irit rims Ior CIIIV 350 IfanntliSSIOtI CYIIV wariin rebiJIII IOIIOII rnillis Roll Chev TIItpIIOtIP 26 Mint atlrr tit COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER I0 ton 3phose water cooled wrth dual compressor $1500 Col IIM 7372431 TF flEtk Ollfid rlilititinit silo Artilirial tiriiplacri rPd brick wiioiiin mantel S95 Bird cage and stand S70 Girls ligurr skates silo alttld lliarh 778 0887 lIFD RESTAURANT Erwiptrient sirt lllfllfSIIIIy Strovzors lanUI not IIIIKOIIIII hilt tog mnihiniis har Oal hrriiliir pizza owns stainless slimI niilk iirilirs shopping arts and biiotlls LliIVf number 778 HJIII LARGE OAK Introduces MAGNAVOX TV 20 up 7372533 IBEuoRd TThSJ24 GERRARD HEINTZMAN studio Silt Piano oxi rillcttt condition good for apartttiint Jr home roioltlly tuned Call 728 3020 LADIES FIGURE SKATES Dan Jackson silo used one season selling halt piici Phone 716 5755 atliir 30 BRAND NEW SANYO COMPONENT STEREO SYSTEM floor model complete with AM FM tuner amplifier cassette deck speakers and stand regular price $1399 This week only $111999 One only No money down free delivery instare financing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Manda NI7 SALE No MlnLSlno Saturday November 17th and Sunday November GUN INDOOR VIIIJQE llllti iii in Salt all items in house and antiques BRAND NEW 4pc Iivmg room suites in assortment of colors in 100 Herculons and 100 nylons Includes sofa straight chair svvivel rocker and ot toman Only $329 99 No money down Free delivery in store financing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 ClosedManday N17 aIkE Raleigh Grand Im 10 speed us twice value 3535 asking SIS PIECE GOLK SET wlh one and call us icl one seasw value 5175 i5NlTg 5150 MENS FISHER CROSSLOUNTRY SKllSwith poles siresvina shoes used one season alue SISO asking SI5 LADIES CROSS COUNTRY SKIIS and poles size SHLIS used once Value SISLI asking Ss Phone 16 Walter Sp Itt SONY STEREO Sensational AM FM Itb7 tumtablo $343 Gal free speakers Undo S5 wkly starting Janung so NRAZY KELLYS now net door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Femdoi Outlaw delivery 73 Ila LUICM TF QUEEN SIZE BED includes box SDTIH and mattress 54L1 bird cage and stanu 317 alttiauechait Telepholtetjt 0918 1975 INGLlS portable washer spit 071 and dryer avmado green one lion S700 Telephone 48 301° after pm GLASS FIREPLACE DOORS brass fihish7o us overall sec 36 Woven 17195 SAVE ON FUEL For the best combination DualAwe Oll wood cool furnace OUONG HEATING SERVICES LTD 4368430 Strood Cd es nel no you ii tree 501 irI some will sell srit far 3150 Call Mary 778 8411 or717 2567 CHESTERFIELD CHAIR and Iriman block leatherette in excellent zorldiliun $1511 Telephonn 737 7099 alter an TWO GARAGE doors With glass 10 ll like new rompIitri scll reasonable 716 075 ACETYLENE WELDING outlit 75 loot husi 910 rctrnadod tire and tube cast iron cook slrlve complete truck seat new tor Dodge Telephone 737 1458 DINING ROOM SUITE pce table wIn extensions chairs buffet and rhina cabinet rLler style excellent condition Telephone 737 7765 or 728 ll 12 PAIR RADIAL snow tires mounted on Ford rims sup HR7814 776 8767 GM car love seat wanted 70 lbs and over 76 4060 MODERN MAID sovedishwasher range hood unit Four years old Like new Telephone 776 3645 4lboats and motors GULL YACHT BASIN tummy cuu ROCX MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Ora Book now for winter storage WE WILL TRAILER YOUR BOAT UP TO 22 FT FROM BARRIE TO 01M INSIDE STORAGE 14 to 16 $150 16 to 18 $175 18 to 22 2S CERTIFIED MECHANIC on pun Your authorized Mercury Outboard Mercriiiur Dealer Brokerage Boots for Solo 4072122 TF HP Viking outboard motor gas tank S750 Please call 776 8684 after BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE 42articles wanted 56camping equipment EUROPEAN TRAILER for sale 14 It With add room $7500 in excelleritcon dition Telephone 728 3926 S7livestock for sale HORSES BOARDED large new box stalls feeding daily turnouts stalls cleaned minutes westot Barrie Ilth ol Vespra $70 monthly 778 6574 WINDY BRAES FARM Lessons for beginners and advanced riders With qualified CA Gold Medalist Specializing in supervised care of your horse Large indoor arena 4th line of Ora 487 3333 GELDING year Gelding $700 or best offer Horses boarded Telephone 487 3794 or 437 2954 INTERESTED IN HORSES Forget those cold commerCial super stores and step back in time for an old fashioned Christmas at the Tack Barn Enioy cup at cider while browsmg through the largest selection of saddles tack Winter blankets riding apparel down vests books and horsey gift items ever assembled Oh yes theres lucky draws free gifts and Snacks tree decora tionsmusic100s at bargains and more much more Starts Thursday November 15 Open weekdays til Stoutvrllel mile west of Highway 48 on Stoutvrlle Road minutes from Metro 640 4198 br ing this adtoraspeciallree gilt 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 436 1811 ONE YEAR OLD hens for sale 5100 each Bring awn containers Leo Dykstras Poultry larm Hwy 27 mile north of Thornton Closed Sundays 458 9313 60feedseedgrain WANTED Grain corn wet or dry Call Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd 436 IBllStrOUd STRAW FOR sale clean square bales of both wheat straw and mixed gram straw Telephone 456 3845 litfruits vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Ora Closed Sundays 778 8489 GEORGIAN BAY MACINTOSH AP PLES SA 99 per bushel Bring your own containers Cancilla Fruit Market 17 Clappertonst tiiarises viénlej FINE QUALITY PAINTINGS WANTED Special interest in German Dutch French artists Immediate response We pay cash Please state Artists name subject size of canvas 92A SCOLLARD ST TORONTO MSR 162 TEL 416 9601211 19=tl1 Century 111 masters Oatlrrp 3111 WHEN IN TORONTO VISIT OUR GALLERY Retain this ad for future reference CANADIAN SILVER COINS before I967 American botare 1964 No collection too IaraP 0r small Canadian slamps 0ch watches postcards iowollerv 7261663 evenings 776 21161 CANADIANSILVER COINS before 196 American before 1961 Na collection too large or small Canadian stathpi uch natures postcards iewellery 726 3161 ASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pro 19s0iletts 778 Frit ALI ARTICLES NEEDED Appliances needing minor repairs Call The SALVA TION ARMY 728 3793 TOP PRICES PAID for good clean used Iurniluro appliances Barrio New and Used Furniture 737 4771 OLYMPIC COINS wanted will buy Sets nr separate 550 per set 30921 any time 48 3090 evenings or weekends LOGS WANTED Pine Spruce Hemlock of With large diameters BUIIdina Vtilh Loos Ltd 7161966 evenings 728 5800 WILL PICK UP unwanth appliances trieo nt charge Phone 76 5139 after DOT Waltcd tori MG woch 1160 parts 321 JllaalterSp 44dogs and pets DAFFON kENNELS SDeCIalizillo in Boarding for Big Dogs cumin 0n laria Telephme 705 I115 53i BARRIE POODLF Salon ShalttOOmnu andcllppillant allureeds 26 St Vincent St 26 iii DOODLE TRIMWNG professional QrOOlttilto all breeds pick up and de livery 26 898 PetSIude TROFICAL FISH Best selection town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evertnos and weekends Edae hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 726 0091 FREE TO good home Four month old par Shepherd tomale pup Call 418 THE DOODLE SALON Clipping all Weeds Call now tor vaur Dog Gone ab iinmentl 726 414i Sophia St PUREBRFD MINIATURE Schnauzers eight weeks old blaik and silver one male One female $100 each Phone 4491atter op FREE TO GOOD HOME year old law Pomeranian female Call 474 too MALTESE FEMALE PUPPY 13 weeks women and teedles very small 326 2600 IAYS POODLE FARLOR Protes dual clipping and qrmruing Charge ameotic Phone 26 N61 KERSIAN AND HINIALAYAN kittets an ssana adults Colours itdqu Cream blue cream black and rare molars Pets ans Sealooin aria vnxotinld malaiatts Calil 43 7463 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies purebred eight weeks old SI ISSFAM EEAGLE male vtars 05 vs II no ait ls chainl pe S35 also month old sma hound and collie tree uma home Calloro 43 3148 N172123 bitpersonals SHAMPOOER POLISHER Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7203392 TELECARE Why right your problem alone Let lriend help Call Telecare 776 797 anytime AUTOS to Florida and all points in Western Canada gas allowance Toron lo Drrveaway Service 416 726 4616 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 30p and Thursdayo 30 10 737 4227 726 9300 Ext 236 BIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnant and distresed Birthrighl really cares 166 BayIield Street Barrie 737 3550 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 it you drink thats your business It you want to quit thats ours Call any time JAMES Psychic Artist Private con sullation psychic parties Aura por traits 726 9517 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes windy Haugh Farm 776 0197 DO YOU COMMUTE to Metro to work Please help lam part time university student doing research on the Barrie to Metro ommuter ll Interested in par tlcipatrna please call Mary LOU Gaukroger at 726 1141 l9 to St or 3221314 alter and weekends eowLE RS WANTED tor leagues form me now Men women singles couples teams Call Kempview Bowl 728 9761 7thetp wanted CENTENNIAL Auto Body requires or year experienced BODY PERSON Tele phone 776 0481 BARRIE COMPANY regurres ex perienced clerktypist vvith above average ability in mathematics Duties include inventory production control and payroll Please apply wlin reSumo to Box 8100 TheExaminer Barrie DO YOU RUN OUT of money before you tun out of month Turn the tables wth extra income from interesting part time work Local Amway distributor trains you for splendd ODDOrtunity Phone 779 4194 LIVE IN SUPERINTENDANT wanted to are for 77 Unl apartment building preference sea to person handy with small repairs Call 7815 after 30 REGISTERED NURSE GERIATRICS must have currelt Onario Registryan tas years experience 310 some super VISNV experience preterred Phone for appointment The villa Nursing Home Modlana S76 4738 Mrs Faulkner JAINfiftielpwanted immediate requirements on our future plans Please send resume in confidence Vonlrodegorn BARRIE are necessary Preference will be given to towards degree Ont L4M 4T6 Personnel Department 7285917 TORONTO HIGH ST DUNLOP Carrier Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE SYSTEMS ANALYST THE COMPANY located in Barrie turing division of major international corporation Were offering you responsibility and an attractive salary and benefits package KOLMAR OF CANADA lTD quiet SETUP MECHANIC Experience preferred Excellent salary and benefits Contact the EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 HAMILTON 3252221 N17 GOULD is an expanding manufac THE CHALLENGE will be to lead us in developing systems for our Honeywell 62 equipment and then design and install new systems for an IBM 34 in the near THE CANDIDATE will have at least years experience as systems analyst will be comfortable with the capabilities of Honeywell 62 system and be experienced in the use of Cobol Knowledge of RPG 11 would be an asset for our future EDP recognition for your abilities to Controller GOULD IMPERIALEASTMAN 75 Dyment Rood Ont CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Sales Representative An interesting and challenging position has become available in our classified department for an ambitious selfstarter Sales experience essential Knowledge of newspaper operations definite asset Successful applicant will be aggressive and self motivated The ability to meet the public and drivers licence For an interview appointment please telephone MRS CHAPELL Classified Supervisor 7282414 MANUFACTURING COMPANY IN DRILLIA requires Office Manager Experienced in general accounting and cost accounting applicants withor working APPLY IN CONFIDENCE to Box C1 The Examiner Barrie YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO STEELJOHNSON SANFORDJOHN 8RADFORD ST TFFIN ST NO 2005 EUGENIAAMELIA DUNLOP WPERRY EUGENIA DUNDONALD SHANTY BAYSHOREVIEW VlCTORlABRADFORD Yes would like more information about on Examiner AGE PHONE COOK FULLY EXPERIENCED GOOD SALARY POSITION Apply in person Nottawosaga Inn Highway 89 Alliston N21 WRITERWAITRESS experience preferred full and part time Apply in person at Nottawasaga Inn Highway 89 Alliston PARTS PERSON Required for AC Farm Equipment dealership Opportunity for advance merit Experienced only need apply to Rose Kell and Farm Equipment Ltd Hwy 27 Cookstown 705 4589237 LEAD AND BASS players heeded for forming M0R band Telephone 4346104 LIVE IN Housekeeper Companion re quired for lady in Midhurst area References 7786642 PART TIME HOUSEKEEPER days and night per week Must be able to cook Central location Telephone 73773930 Experienced GENERAL MACHINIST for expanding iobbing shop Top rate 8881 plus benefits Apply to Barrie Welding and Machine 39 Anne St South Telephone7761444 HAIRDRESSING ASSISTANT wanted MUST be experienced in perming and blow drying Starting pay $175 per week Applicant must bring model for dem onstration For interview phone 726 7655 Legal Secretary Required for Barrie law firm Phone 737 01712 or 7370113 MANAGEMENT POSITION available for competent hairstylist in Barrie If you are looking for challenge and want to grow in our business please ew DRIVERWAREHOUSE PERSON re quired by Industrial Distributor Grade 12 education or related experience and good driving record are requisite for employment Apply to Box C3 The Ex aminer Barrie Ontario misaleshslpigsns TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timefull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 77th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3777 Ottawa FLEXIBLE HOURS Average $600 $800 per hour showing our beautiful Christmas line to your friends and neighbors For personal interview call 705 372 1704 ask about new phone plan INTERNATIONAL OIL COMPANY of fers opportunity for high income plus regular cash and travel bonuses abun dant fringe benefits to mature individual in Barrie area Airmail President Dept CG PO Box 70 St Toronto Ontario M40 326 LOCAL INSULATION Company ambi lion and enthusiasm more important than experience Income limited only by lack of hard work 778 6703 FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY Earn up to $500 weekly and more as our agent explaining government insulation program Management potential MR NORTH 14166361551 N24 Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 OTicketing Agent °Group Sales Specialist Tour Manager 0Travel Agent Clip and mail this ad for full in formation or phone 4161 4812214 Dept T11 CANADIAN SCHOOL OF TRAVEL 2221 Yonge St Toronto M45 281 Name ax Address City Prov PC Phone fix N310l724 76employment wa nted DAY CARE in my home SI Vin centGrove Street area Telephone 726 5623 QUICK AND efficient house cleaner friend for the working women Phone 4361280 77Iegal In the matter of the bankruptcy of SIMCOE SALT SUPPLY LTD company duly incorporated under the lows of the Province of Ontario having its head office in the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe and Provinceof Ontario Notice is hereby given that Simcoe Salt Supply Ltd of the City of Barrie of the County of Simcoe in the Province of Ontario filed an assignment on the 6th day of November 1979 and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 23rd day of November 1979 at 12m oclock at the office of Mr MacRae the Official Receiver at the Broakdale Park Inn 150 Dunlop Street West in the City of Barrie in the Province of Ontario Dated at Toronto this 131h day of November 1979 Samuel Rose CA Trustee co Rose Rose Coutts Chartered Accountants 185 Bloor Street East Suite 701 Toronto Ontario M4W 1C8 N17 ROBINSON LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Robinson Limited intends to dissolve pursuant to The Business Corporations Act DATED at Barrie Ontario this 13th day of November 1979 Lavell Robinson Secretary Jibtenders Canada Mortgage TENDERS and Housing Corporation bath Day Is lair and Wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information lor your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record III Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth NOIICO is only S6 00 PHONE 728 2414 BORNELL Through the WII and wisdom of the David PeacheyCharles Weatherslon team and the Royal Vic toria Hospital nurses Diann and Vic Bornell are proud to announce the birth at an lb 14 or little sort Adam DaVid Charles brought into our lives with great skill on the 14th at No vember 1979 Many thanks to all 85deaths STEEVES Jim At the Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton on Thursday November 15 1979 Jim at Brampton beloved husband of Dagmar Dear father of Eric Also survived by his many brothers and sisters Dear son at Frank and Bernice Sleeves at No Thornton Resting at the Ward uncral Home McClure Chapel Main Street South Highway 101 Brampton Funeral service in the chapel pm Monday It deswed donatiOns may be made to the Ontario Heart Foundation 86card of thanks POTTS For the kindness shown dur ing my stay in 3A at Royal Victoria Hospital My heartfelt thanks to Dr Porter Dr Beaten Dr Turnbull the nurses my wonderful neighbours and lrionds rMarie Potts IMHOFF The Imhofl family would like to thank Dr Armstrong police department emergency department relatives friends and neighbours and speCIal thanks to Merle Spring and Marie Ayres for sharing their kindness and generosity during our recent bereavement in the loss at dear nus bandandtather 87in memoriams TAIT GEORGE In loving memory at dear triend GCOTgl Tail who passed away November 17 1978 Ever remembered and sadly missed by Rachel and Gilbert Moore ELRICK In laying memory of dear husband and father Hugh Robert John Elrick who passed away suddenly November 18 1978 Sadly missed and alwys remembered by wife Marion MacDonald sons Robert John and Kenneth Edward and daughter Dawn Marie CURRIE In loving memory otadpar sister Donna Lila May on her birth day November 18 What would give il could say Hello 515 in the same old way To hear our voice See your smile To sit with you and that while So you who have sister Cherish her with care For youll never know the heartachri Til you see her vacant chair Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by sister Jane and brothers Dan and Albert CURRIE Donna ln laying memory on her birthday November 18 You bade no one last farewell Nor did you say goodbye You were gone before we knew it And only God knows why Please God take message To Donna in heaven above Tell her how much we miss her And give her all our love Always loved and sadly IYIISJO by son Bryan Mom and Squirrel lafleflllers Societe canadienne dhypothéques el de Iogement FOR SALE Tenders for Bulk Sale of Condominium Units plainly marked as to contents and addressed to Regional Office the General Manager Ontario 2255 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 222E VVIIlowdale Ontario M2J 1W0 will be received up to 200 pm local time November 30 1979 for Condominium Units located in the cities of Barrie and Orillia Forms of Tender required can be obtained by prospective tenderers at the address shown The highest or any proposal will The units have been certified poses TRAINOR Manager CMHC PO Box 578 70Collier Street Suite 701 Barrie Ontario LAM 4V1 7284811 Canada Mortgage and flowing Carporaliolz below not necessarily be accepted for capital cost allowance pur Sonele canadienne dliypollieques el de lugetrrem TENDER CANADA MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION FOR SALE DOUGLAS TOWERS ORILLIA ONTARIO CANADA MORTGAGE AND HO USING CORPORATION SEALED TENDERS plainly marked as to content and addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 200 pm local time Dec 18 1979 for the purchase of an uncompleted 60 unit apartment building known as Douglas Towers SE Corner of West St and Fittons Road Orillia Ontario Forms of tender required can be obtained by prospective tenderers at the address shown below The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted Any and all enquiries regarding the project to inspect the property are to be Manager and requests for appointments addressed to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 650 Lawrence Avenue Toronto Ontario M6A 182 N141516I7DIOIII2 Hwy 11 nortfi to Concession Oro Twp miles nortli on Concession N17 BINGO EVERY MONDAY 8pm CANADIAN LEGION Branch 147 St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION $100 STF CLASSIFIRI ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 728 2414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by day preceding publication wrth the exthIcr ol Classified Display advertisemenls which must be in by two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE SO 00 ENGAGEMENIS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $6 00 Additional words llcls per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $6 00 Addi tronol words ts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 With verse pei count line 23 cents per line COMING viNIs $3 43 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word minimum Cash Discount Rates apply it paid wilhm days One 0i two insertions 10lt per word insertion Three consecutive in sertions enls per word insertion total 56 84 Six consecutive inserlions 9c per word per insertion total 31296 Mulltplo inset trans may be ordered subject to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 74 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc tountas separate words muons AND commons All phone insertion orders are arcepled as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately alter firsl inset lion in order that any error or omission may be reported before in order that same may be rectified for the following day publication The hammer is responsible for only one Incorrerily printed Inserlion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprinl Er rats which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for coriec from by make goods The Examiner reserves therighi to classify revise or teel any want ads Ivy by Jean Jennett 4240238 Marg and John Watson and Kelly spent lh wrekcnrl with Mr and Mrs Jim McDormritt Sr Mr and Mrs Jack Arliiill Newmzirkil iorv recent din ner guests of Mr and Mrs John Hammond Sympathy Is oxlrndiI to Mrs Iliin Ellis and family In the surf IIII Illiiilli 0f lion on Saturday Your correspondent Jean Jennolt would like to thank neighbour and friends for all their kindness to her while hav ing her wrist broking raking leaves cloning out euvr troughs sending In hot meals etc etc Also to the many friends who I12lL enquired and prayed for Heather Lawsons recovery in Toronto lellrsley fipllill having suffered it slight brain hemmnridgr on Oct 30 If all tests prrivi UK on Monday Slll hopes to he hltmllNl li lhzitikslilsrilri liov undle llllrllltiirrl PHONE 728 2414 AGEOLD FOIIMLIA PORT ELIZABETH South Africa ICPI Jacqueline Flet cher who will soon be 107 says that the secret of ripe old age is to smoke few pipes at day The pipesmirking also should be supplemented by about Ill cigarettes day says Mrs Fletcher who has lived on farm all her life She says that she finds walking bit difficult but shr can still remember events dating back In the Boer War which ended in 1902 BMiliY JfIIIVS PIIILIAR NEW YOIIK lliPl Baggy jeans which fit snug at the hip and loose on the leg with pegged bottom are the biggest thing to hit jeans in the United States since designer logos say the buyers of several New York stores The jeans dislgncd In Europe are selling best In de nim corduroy and twill for fall Buyers say however that they expect the craze to heighten during the hristmas holiday season Wllh silk velvet and canvas being added to the ma terials

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