Additions laced atto of riorit list Board urged to Artists get rewards The winners at the Mikes Milk Halloween Coloring Contest were presented with their prizes last night by John James supervisor of the It TERRY HELD Hi The ILantiner Eroup ot lnrttsttl parents appeared once £12211 Wednes tti tront ot the count st hool board to ask hat home room and an tttr itttstéa arts room he hath ttt littorttelloxt luhltchchool Pullouttnu httr presentattott httlt was supported tt lnntsttl ttotttrt rustee stettar Ftsher report outltmng capital expenr dtvztts tor itth is presented ir ItlttlllI admtntstratton ltze Itmtlltllttv epanstott pimplete tlh classrrxtms and ti An slitttts as Ilsltfl tth Ih tttttttl protttpttna one iltt ii Lumps It expan trustee to ask tthether another trustee had an undo amouttt ot influence Im appalled at thts report Tottenhant trustee Frank lro thero satd some trustees tip parentl IslIHI the hoard ot ttee concerning thts repor which that or ma not hate result ed tn changes All the trustees should hate the same prtttltrifle tothettt satd ltlTltlZII HIRH ST Several otlter trUstees crtttctzed the capthtl totectst report tor assuming that prtortttes established tn recent eats should he LIttlttLttl Psychiatric treatment ordered for ltttrtte IITLIH ho struck ti ttttttlttttttt xorker across the stomach and shoulders tth tt ttre tron as gnen suspended sentence itt provtnctal court Wednesday and ordered to undergo psychtatric treatment llatrtet Wallwtn til was tound Lilith ot assault causing woman worker who as rttsmantltng lumber near her home shorth before it tit Sept 31 Defence lawyer Btll lieslte told the court the accused had heett assessed at Penetatr guishene Mental Health entre after her arrest and as sut fertng lront tnanic depressive tllness Kllltttlll deltheratton the hoard ltottewr the voted accept the report Uth some changes Ted lttell the hoards stttrrtrttendent ot pldtttllttï¬ satd the report anticipated tlte hoard needs tn tin ttttemp to tetermtne hat tacthtes tttlLItl he requtred itilll lten Based on enrolment ptrttec ttiitts the totecast ts suhtect to aleratton cttcumstances change or tt the hoard dectdes changes should he made he satd The report ts to he torr ttarded to the nttttzstty hltlt uses the tlocutnen along ttth stmtlar tortcasts other hoards to make dectstotts on need and tundtnt Included ttt the torecast re quest tor approval tor construe tton ot an elemetttar school it Iltlttt to he hutlt tn 1th tor 1983 opentng at cost ot 51 nttllton request tor approval tor neu elementar school ttt lttVerwixtd Farms Barrte at the same cost and additton to wtorta tlarhour luhttc School an addttton to l1lmale HS Hom Auto Lita Business sarieant insurance school Distrtct IItLlIl School the pur chase ot school sites deemed necessar the purchase tour school huses the tioodtellmt itddttton trtcltttttni shops cost ot Yttrium to he hutl tutti INII HI titlttit tlll thF The parens told the hoard the school has almost ttce ts tnin chtldrcn tts ts tntttall tntettded and that the shops mtuld pltt ttt ttttpotttttt part tttthetrdewlopttient ltmtstt tttlttttllttt Kathe latts aiso appeared tlI the Lltttlp She has cttatttptoned the parents cause tor setetxtl tears and through seertl hoard re tecttons ot the proposal hope its tlte lttst ttttte ht to come here she told trustees null tnt to rettre trom tltts WEIGHT WATCHERS The Authority YOURE THIS CLOSE TO lOSlNG WEIGHT FOR INFORMATION the examiner Thursday Nov 15 1979 Investment Certificates mï¬m 33333 igtnlloiqulir Clothbio Rogullr Cashbio tyr 13i4°° 723 Viémoo 2yr 123x 1177 it 35yr 712W Wtui 12 11° 6yr top 1054 to 10 720yr to to tom wglt Cashabte certtticates can be cashed at any time at reduced rates Mommy tnterest is available at semiannual rates tar 50 000 or more Under $10 000 the rate is reduced Pv rates SUbjCCI to Change wthout nottce Member Canada Germs insoame Cemration Canada Trust II Dunlop at Memorial Square CAll 7265505 ttodth hartn utter she struck six Barrie stores Accepting their prizes are Wendy Kelly l0 tar lett Diane Chandler ll and Chantel Zurcher All the winners were from Barrie Examiner Photo t00 Soil Farm Rd Barrio Ont Strict bus safety rules riggmgraw begin across Ontario Use at 375000 Motovhnmc lot week at no charge Contest Rules on Ballot tzithholte hoard agreed The net ltLJtlttlttttt could make the drum more are ot the elttcle and little tnort sttlit tonsttotts ltt sitttl lStLLEttlttttL littt school htts opttutors ttt tttttttrto Ill he Itlltttl to ttmlltlll dad checks is part it ItltHlIltlitI Itll ttt speettott strateut the mttttstet ot transportation ttIlIlttlIttlI Ititttll lltete HII noe he it tepor llllL sstetn to ensure thtt all tIltIt are maintained on it and the toutiook iottlit ttttttttwt sztlit records httt tilrletl that ttnittiltttllll Ittttttl ts Ltwul Mel lto holds the same IIIl IItllltiltl into pits iItt iltt hosts laul Itltll pro ttl ttIltttl lIIl the ntttttstr sitil tdtttsrla He said the ltt reuttlzttton tnoled luskola 111 The ttlttteesl tttotlettttor itl With provides tor ilatl checks to he the lreslttttrtatt thureh in numerous tttttittllltll organ II IltngFHEEILI nu usual tztttadtt llt3t 37 and lttlttltt tlattotts tltttttttl ltls ztettu mtntstet ot attttdas largest career and as chosen tllllttt IIIIIIIltlsVHttt ttddttIhtltmtiltl Ittt lrtslmtrtatt tltutclt tn Ktt ot the ear tot KtltIltttttr am pm am pm am pm Waterloo ttt lttTtI cltetter HII he uttest speaker ot llts topte ot ltseusstott ttll he vettth com teltettsne ttts ttt the litte IttI1 rttits Acme tttttts already required Iltt gt hm Us mm 1N In it tht lotdt lttn Flt ill in ttllll Timid ntttu have heett tottntl sate IlIlm tickets may he ohtatned ettttsistettth ttt lte past and the regulattott ts ttot ttl attempt to cttrh ttttdo stitet tolattottx hut the next step ttt generallt tttt pnovmi htts Stiltl ItIlll told The lttttttter lotlit tit llorsesltoe tlle mtntster olltctttls are con dttcttnu tl semtnttt tor hits drtters drntng instructors and lttts lttteoperators lhesenttttat ts hemp sponsored the Sim eoe ttttttt litts Operators ssoctttttott lte rittltt ti Steuitrt lIttt rou 1h the lttle lttderttrtters now restdes at Lake ot las ssoctttttott PANASONIC MICROWAVE DEMONSTRAT ON 1980 Microwave SIII lt lttlt Senttttat topics tnetude the tie logbook repttlatton and general satet said lttthtrt Sutton secrettirt treasurer ot tttettsstXtattott pptottnttel 31 tttltl Stmcoe tountt seeottdat IlltI eletttett ttr school students more thtn halt the toltl student popttla ttott use stItool Illsts lhi toutttts septtite school hoard and the public hoard spend sltt tntlltott ttttttttll hetueen them otttransportation tiord ltlttlttetst transpot Litton co ordttmtor tor the tttt eoetoutth Hoard ot liilttiatton See the exciting new Ovens from Panasonic Brynn Ault from Panasonic will be on hand SATURDAY NOV 17 from noon to pm to demonstrate the out standing features of the 80s William Pickett Meet the President of American Motors Dr Blair Show speaks tonight ltr ltlatt shot an opponent ot the lttltttttt relttt tons program ill he speakmt tonight tt puhlte lltttlltLl ttt ltarrte Sponsored the Sttttcoe ltpters tlreantxatton lttstartlttttt lfdumttott the ttteetttte llI heum tt pm at llt it Pentecostal tlttttclt tttteht tt IIlLIHMH too New in Town Inspect our new service and repairfacilities One of the largest and best equipped AMC DeaIerships in Ontario and Large indoor showroom for your convenience Wide selection of quality cars at low prices itull ttnd trtend here ou Roman CJ Concord Wagoneor see this stgtt AMX Cherokee Microwave Oven with Coolt Around turntable and Auto spam Jeep Truck Sensor control 9000 Eagle HOUSE AMC JEEP 11 WITH EVERY PURCHASE YOU WILL RECEIVE FREE BROWNING DISH on Hwy taur miles north of Barrie SALES SERVICE MONARCH TV Where the life style and the prices are right for you Our Policy Our Aim Low lot more ttltttttdltttt tow Prices and To become the largest LJII High Volume AMC JEEP Dealer PttttRH 72356748 Fast friendly Service Fn Cï¬nada nstm 7251590 name ast AMC Jeep Renault Lottrotwe Rune divtsrri Best SGIGCIIOn Sales E1 SEIHCJ Pars Cedtjre 18 DIINlOP ST yss rossvw Your fullservice AMCJoooRanautt Dealer Vaur totalsarvice Contra Your manutacturodhome Buildeeroalor 7282059