lILLhelp uanted sales helpagents aopubtic notices ï¬n examiner Thundav Nov 15 1979 JhvSIE gang rgp Farm sw qurgrun r9 54 15 Wt AMNTASTK ommuum ah hererg am up to $500 weehly and so green modelled by Mrs rm 72 we as our age plommg by Nick Goedhart showed the 9°°° 5°° Intestinlmltdaywear If program Managemen mhgggaunter Everyone fell in love with the 900 456 bluepatterned hostess gown as MR NORTH highlight of the afternoons Mrs Hank Steyn showed how 636 entertainment It Bradford versatile the washandwear ilill rumor Womens Institute on garmentcanbe Lv1rof7ff233313 21 WM November with Churchill Other models were Mrs aw rvw Harvr ov no We branch as guest was fashion Howard Tizzurd Mrs Ada Wat My mm NW 11s show by Betty Hare of Lestend son and Mrs Wally MacMillan rafterer LZDJ°IL 859732 Fashions Mrs Douglas Carter and 9151 wttarm4ua Vimn Mrs Gordon Church model Mrs Reg Hang resdeni of ed twopiece gown in super the Bradford condominium Baffle Examiner suede burgandy shade Hte hostesses at the event held popularthis year in the recreation room of the Gamer on collecnon threepiece ensemble in Innldtnr ROYAL DOWNS GOLF COUNTRY CLUB IDDAYIS COLLECTION DAY Jar LirF Mm rn rpm PLEASE PAY YOUR smar CARRIER PROMPTLY Wm lIIIGIi senate Larzadlenl RtIrtuxrr Lxstralmr Thesues at or Ingmar mum Announcements CANADA MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION FOR SALE SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES DOUGLAS TOWERS EXCELLENT DATES Death Notices Engagements Cards at ORILLIA ONTARIO mm 3600 CANADA MORYGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORANON SEALED Irrammum words addmorvat words or TENDERS plainly marked as to content and addressed to the an we 56 oo UnderSIgned wrll be ECeiled up to 00 pm local time Dec l8 thoemno ms $600 I979 lar the purchase al on uncompleted 60 unit apartment °° 73 butdng knew as DOUQIOS Yowe SE Comer of Wes and Comingivems 53 Aflpercolumnmch Futlons Road Orillra Ontario Forms ol tender required can be obtained by prospective tenderers at the address shown below llbirthS The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted Any and all Mama Ch My my Booking doles for tournaments eGimmes regarding the proiect and requests lor oppomtments TIIPSGM I0 stuln Hmct to inspect the property are to be addressed to ï¬fggsaff weddng recepllons oher some UnClons Manager FrldnrsChIa slovnuamu vtnu salt mnrs Cnirl Jns rl lr Canada Mortgage and HOUSng Corporahon livirla in rt 650 Lawrence Avenue USE on Toronol Ontario Istairand WIseanrtuoodnndaar Cmtmon hearlrialns V0750bCTlUnIEY Cullen alwayswanltvxow WHICNGaVII the week was their birth dalrt Keen tins Nl4l5lbl7Dl0lll2 and other important ntnrmalwn tor Ur child lutUre Entrian Birth 79BUCT0n sales 79auction sates innnunrvmnnt Wlll ITIUOD the manu DIN rhtlzl the am Inr week month and rem rtt birth the wruzml and allmv vtnI lnYEITTRTIOT prlnlmt message al nvome Drrrrrnnoa record Vinny Bonk or Farml Albums Thi III tr an xammnr Birth NTTICD Our Popular Sunday Buffet Is Still DHONE IN MI 85 deaths Imer mom At Simcte Mnnnr per PERSON Horton rtn IAritlntsttr vamnrr l1 I979 Laura Brawns clautllller at Ian DONT FORGET Graham Allenfsc°l°s° print Clint ttItll ï¬lly Piq Alrp swam Bavnrs and Hannah Iunstnnd Childe desFREE 300 pm800 pm Dredeceased sister Ethel vhlr 7265055 Barrie Ontario 737249 3133227f2éjg14325225it Royal Downs Golf Kurwvrri by nlrlly llK and nephews Jl nwwtr nrlrt Dr Itll llnrn Sames SHORT NOTICE AUCTION SA Mm Hum cum Countr Home rinxslnwn HTTP Thurs muns EVENING Nov 22nd 6PMSHARP $11723 $11Uf 71httizniicssimuesol IIllllltlt ForMRSLTHELBANLR76PENETANGST gimlssmémlrsn satirlzsuIIsTtIIInltItIIz tarmarly oi Coohstown BRYSON Pearl AllireRoyaIVrctnria Hospital Barrrn Tuesday November I979 Pearl Dunsmon in her 90th Nl5l6l7 year beloved write at the lï¬ll Edward Brvsan Donr mother at Stanley at ONTAIO non SA PUBLIC AUCTION OF USED CARS TRUCKS SNOWMOBILES TRACTOR LOADER GRADER SANDSPREADERS AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO BE HELD I000 AM THURSDAY NOVEMBER 22ND I979 AT THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS YARD HWY 13 SOUTH HUNTSVILLE ONTARIO Ilnvrxo Helenl Mrs Genrae ansm last ere was at rival Quebec Dear urandntothcr ot 2th Paul and Laurie ste ot vor Ion Dunsnmro and Irene Mrs WIIIIRIT IflrrrSHt Prortoceasect by three brothers incl two sisters Frtnds may all at Stockley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter DIN lliursaav Service in the chapel on Fri 3Llr£fÂ¥lll$£l7° are YOUr Taxes 90mg up CARDWELL Jesste Elizabeth At the Portal Victoria stpital Barrio Tuesday November I3 107 JISSIC Elirnlwh Lord beloved WIIK oi the one inrawell II Trr Rnnd your Dem mother at WIlIIrlll Cornwall nt Listrwet 16 I073 WM It I972 Swee er sell awored to ed tum pen or Hnwkastnnn and the mu 0mm Od ammonowowe Dr Robert Cardwell SLIMWOO Us In mnuhonoi ll9£7 Sultala Springlield sell nut crdyylnycn pm may all at 1975 Dodqo tan pickup wheel propelled ton double roller cyl Murry punnrm Hnmc 3w worsle duvu atyl gaslreqmresrepnnsl Irult Barrmntler20 mThurscInr Ser W77 Ilclwp wheel I062 King law bed Iloot Irallar 30 vtfl It the haprl on Frtnlw Novemupr dwt Girl longer Inun II ITSOIYrlTpBrTllSITIOVT on VVt New Dodge tort mug crew II 1070 to 19m snowmobileslAlouele Inns tie mvte VOL nudism Calm er nb alyr Moto 5k Ski Daa I074 to two Auioruohtlus door Weaver hydaulm shop press 70 run unturu Ll VI auto Chev mp Dodgi llymmnh lIWo LIHCOIT arr compressor N75 Its I073 GMC Suburban gas requiresrepairs WWW Dewlbrss IO gal paint tank Sm LOE lwlm Emu tak On Tues Mv Nnvevtllle IJItl ITv at tn Quelrtt Ellzlll tn Husuttn Want Oul lt Inzk we clearly loved husbalta mm 1n examiner you have the Wait Dune Buggy built on agitator damoged pm ti Vulhxwaqornhassu 4th JChaqullunrrs zt07tancap xlflifmc TV Qt OWBSHO IV Dodge ton stoke body 7Eertllt hyd OIOW Itos $00 cask wretk 700 gal luel storage tank King vg 00199 cl ton dump so hoist Seograve Swensor hyd sand new tab in has BIHUIL hyd uluw spreadars engine 5w yd 1111252ésfllivit341l answer to these questions HWte Elna Odor Rthddr hot tht Wisconsin engine lELOndtllolled In ll INI Dent dump km Mad AGND 11 UM ho ills Itorcpotaw Mm Swanson sander parts hyd kw IRx hrth lm Jump hm pumps Lhaln assembly sprockets etc ORNI EIBI IT Rtl1V£I0T rr IIUISLRwI auto MP Frmhsnowwmgs Ngjsmgm NEQ ed klougsnczjiy man km vs lined bones Funlionevrav llnws FMed Wm Ncbflr ya is has hymnqu wag Wooden overhead garage doors p3 mg cm Of lay attainment ulod parnul hardware appro or any Darr am 350 AJavs qrmln um 330 l4 leI 0v no man or at ttxIII um Ortdoar 9mm Jungle Jdaable tUIlorvt ff rtfttï¬ltcnftel eac ay tuck M0 350 wheel drive us cauplen Mm eletniral tents LLHCM Hf Ws Hwm Rf rust um wue cable busth ondw lumps Mic inwsujv co 9m ql luhl Iiwe traitor Mod 50 en hnov Sttttrrttl NvlJIY UA ul in and two distmmmted Mm Hardware items conscious MV CC Jul titeu Ilquvllsltvavs 24 so steal post l5 do pme llirrx It so ttrSeIt llmard Etcm couplers truck seats IA exterior rr Dt latte to mmman Camry or the al ltra Huolm communities around Simcoe WIN WEEKS IN Mcard oI thanks 3315323535555325 County PLUS our regular COSTA BRAVA Porter Dr Beau DI Kennel nurses my wadetul llratlbc and world news city news nconimg events ThaAIandaleDistrict Guide Brownies ml comics classified ads and building wall lights Items may be inspected at the above location lrom 900 am to 400 on November 19th 20th 2Ist and Thursday November 22nd I979 until time oI sale Further nlormation may be obtained from District Supply SUPGTVISOF Field Revrew Disposal Section Huntsville Ontario Downsvrew Ontario 705789 23W I4I6l 2483725 in the examiner SPANISH HOLIDAY St Georges Anglicah Church rial HI As here bass sehtes eencrrales Mrs As ass LL be sad SAN sAsnmlS Cth anon at gunmen the AVlu 00 their ess us he ca all 91 tier we new screamed am toms remixed we mail In an we tresct trte Ice Genes ll awenrs en eo cheque Vanes may bunk watt me More the and or at cnuu em osca am no 1me wt fuel ence Dale molar an res once Ate ll over low Irsrcrte toms no Xena an as Asan Al on site Ministry at Transportation and Communications The Clue T0 Burton Ave at Granville I00toJ00ptn Adults ST Children 50 Baked goods books candy rolls lush pond and bobySIttin provtded N16 available at these ptrticipating businesses NARIS NOR NFARHOUSI NCNARD IRISH PRODUCE Niall €323 9SHOW oumnu omen rt av pm CCPA SatNov lTlA pm NTSHO 0mm mm GOODS Watch experts at their rolls 0m min Eglzecmr and can Items tor omnnmumimm lie Table Retreshments at mmwm ROIl In 80 Mon Avenue United Church IAIII DOITYDURSILT CINTRI mflï¬lvndums LIAIRNIATING I5 mt riuumc sumr DRTSTRA IROTNIIS ELECTRIC ¢u mm cnm untoumt tum moors sum rum HIATING WNCNILS ITALIAN SANDWICH IAR Rebekah Oddtullom Quinton morons no EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT wanlimo 50 no Telephone zen2mm GEORGIAN MALI hint SIOO ninthom booth uvmm ILL ThTE DOWNTOWN was FRUIT MARKET 05 TRAVEL TRIBUTE TO TUT ADAN DOORS hidy Nov 30 pm WI AWAKE SHOE RIPAIR the examiner For ticket resenation phone $323212 for home delivery n78914I5I62I722328N