the examiner Thursday Nov 15 1979 19 Overhang People passing the home of Calvin Young in Hamilton Ont are treated to the strange sight of an aircraft tail sticking through his garage door The tail is part at the fuselage of 7966 Cessna which Young is attemp ting to get into flying condition PhotoI Party leaders praise evacuees officials lttltthltt In lillt lllldllllllll lrirlti iil lllllillltt pttlllitnl piitiis IIlltl itsirlinls iiiil nlliriiils nl Mississauga ttiil ltl létl Iltlpnlltl in iri tllltlgtttt tilllilllttllitlll1tklttl Mnlt Illitll 210nm Hiltlt Itll tlitit lluliits in Ittisiiiinii klltlllttllt iivii til thv lll at Ittiripulitiii liiiiintu iltti iiil ziis tttlllltl pin pilllt and llltlllllt iliiuilvil llltl tRpltKlttI lillt Sui iiirlu Iltmltl Villiiiiii liis told the lruisliitiiii liiisrlii lllill ptnplc tlt gviiiinll illtMtl that could l1lt in ttlIi linn HI ii cit iIli illiciinit lill it iiintnsiun illill rlittiiiil lpptillltttt Louder Sliiiiit Sinilli igiciil IllI lllt piiimvrs prilIM iiililing it lllltlllt tu Solicitor itlltlul Iii NItMinti III is llIl gmviiinwnts iniiii spiikisnmii iliiiing lllt Itiiw tll inisliup lll Iltll IItliiltl zissiily natal tliiit itlltllit sliiiiilrl lir given to II authorities lltt uigxinimil ginil ltIlllIIilltrl Illt evacuation and llIt liivtiulitvis iinil lllHs lin tltttllllll tlllllll lllt rlrttiiiiltiis RENOVATION SALE Clearance of all items in cluding clothing and lurr nituie These must be sold now to make room for extensive renovations Sole held at60Callrcr St Barrie Open9amto$pm HARPER TIRE RADIAL from aoonfirmn The 33 Air Wink Rama is the me that Gnome but to fake Ot tw iges wre tth 5101 wt throng SJTEW iltrns so no that we 33 if Crts lcc Rdcudi pcllcH SO OI Ociré The SEC8 coiuo rm st humqu we be on hoesg cvrcicttittxos kctr Silxl5 is Grammar Sixcl IM SKL II SL LIS riliqxit EXIJ IESE WHY iCx IS ih IS urt ocioomm licht11tgt aa 33 Ikgt sr 5113 ï¬ne 50903 uLier gitJW is gt gt lt Trii Yi hcï¬c cc71cfgt Cc n1r in Lkbc 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