1P fluulerxaminor Thursday Nov 15 1919 NOW OPEN IN DUCKWORTH PLAZA OPLANTS OFLOWERS GFls Mr Big WATCH FOR THE GRAND and OPENING OF OUR Pi uss NEWEST OUTLET AT Mr Tall Green ST VINCENT BELL FARM RD Frth ntlmanwhois Peppers Hammian sir we IIIIIHIITItI TUIlIIIIllIT ï¬gf2iepoieiZfHMi Bi nd Mr II we as SIS and regSlarossizes oglNYROOF BAYHHD OPTICAL mmm FENDLEY ELOWERS OVE DUCKWORTH MIA THURS 33 Culllngford Motors BAYFIELD MALL 7374454 msmvim ilifli 725 5°91 91 Iiflin SL Hami 7373440 1374182 WIDE AWAKE SHOE REPAIR WE REPAIR SORCHARD ERESH PRODUCE BARRIES SNOWMOBILE HEADOUARTERS From suits of wool Ilannels and poly wool blends to tweed and wool check FREE sport iackets Thls ThurSdOy Frlday Wllh any Eastman Distinguished looking $200 purchase you get one 24 oz ior moms COMPLETE PARTS SERVICE 51 topcoots and tine of Rose Pickles or 12 01 jar of Rose or gmmonbm FOR KAWASAKI selection of dress and Dicks Relish sport shirts and more There is limited amount on hand SEE THE 80s AT OUR Come early while supplies last NEW EXPANDED FACILITIES IfIlhIIIIIIIIllIIVIIII It Shop soon for 3I2 Bayfield Street Telephone 7374 534 Boyfield St Barrie best selection MEL BRASS BRASS GLENN 3s MAPLE AVE 7265999 WAY MOTORS CLOTHING TuesSat 830 ILIII 530 prn RR SHAW BAY await oggtpssalsr Opposite Sears While You Wait Heel and Lift Service 7285693 WY 0050 Aley British airways spunish Hllnnvr Wm two weeks in Costa Brava Heres what youll receive as the LOCAL Grand Prize winner bReturn air fare for two people gt14 days hotel accommodation Contest Rules NO purchase necessary to enter Contest IS open to everyone except employees and their immediate families ol particrpating retailers this newspape Brit to Costa BravaISpaIn Via London In beautiful Costa Brava on Contest dgseZSamLSZZZEZW 1980 England on British aInIvays Winner will beannounced by MidJanuary1980 Grand Prize is as described and must be taken as award ed No cash equivalent or substitution Departure will be In March 1980 Decision of the judges is ï¬nal Grand Prize is subject to availability Prize wlue $1700 the magnificent Mediter TWO nights hotel accom ranean coast With meals modation in London with Piransters senice charges continental breakfast One airport taxes much more night stopover before and after Enter at any of the partICIpatIng THIS WEEKS WINNER of SI gift certificate courtesy of the examine fourteen days In COSLEI BIBVH GtallerS On page You accept these rules whenyouenter the contest SUE PIRIE sites If you have travel questlon ask an expert BARRIE OLLERSKATE 3rd ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Do ILYOURSELF AT THE ROUNDABOUT ADULT DOWNHILL Tues Wed Thurs Sun EVGHIII stle or Am nn Ski 14995 730 10 will T30 °°t=° 323 SKIING ST Fri Sat Evenings Double Sessions new almdmgs 1595 rm CLUB MED lOwned and operated as FRANCEI Icense tradesmen First Sesston 700 930 safe Straps 595 to gurcle you In all your problems Second Session 1000 midnight Ski Straps 100 INT ALKTD fl$glg13plrbntCouples Welcome I6 your of ago over Installation 200 MW Departures Throughout TIIo Season mp All youp pluflamc SGT SUIT MCTInee pm Reg FINISH EuchIc AIR CLEANERS 05 SUPPU Closed Mon HUMIDITIERS AIR CONDITIONERS THE PLUMBING SAVE 090 $22995 lol INAIR HEATING SUPPLY 73735 73737 PETERREINO SKI SHOP SEE JOHN BOUIUS AT BARRIE PAINT RECORDS IIO BELL FARM RD DYKSTRA BARRIE 7372266 SIMCOE CARPET WU PHOlSTERY ï¬lms Ml 27 WE BUY SELL TRADE ACCESTSI6IESIAIA90VICE 73 Barrie Shopping Plozo 165 Wellington St Barrie PHONE 72651 22 ADAM BOOKS 14 DUNLOP EAST Open MomFri 109 pm Sat 9530 pIn MUNCHIES HAS GOT IT TACOS GET YOUR SPANISH HOLIDAY BALLOTS TUES WED THURS SUN EVENINGS mixKEN COOKING TIPS TOSHIBA AUTOSOUND WCook the modern way with Available ll CALL YOUR mICrOWQYe oven Shortens Cooking time vrCuts Hydro costs BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE FRI ME 54 Ts TU ETIXTO but PUTS SALES SERVICE MENS FLARED réipnlismlmpim Mm JEANSQCORDS INSTALLATION ADVERTISING ii ï¬EPRESENTATIVIlE st TODAY WATCH FOR THIS WEEKS SPECIALS Modern Way to Cook at CRAIG STEREOS II CUNDLES RD 4m DUNLOP ST WEST UNIT BARRIE ONT 726 24 37 82 GARY AMEN1374313 Come see the