the examiner Wednesday Nov 141979 hon seaso Soloists featured at concert lll good piece at tltgtgtltil music there The Klqu mp calmed 50101513 MAIN and Reed Local pianist Desmond Male and ltJIllllsl Ittnmltl litmi itll IlNl 71 NV dlil mi mghig NHL and ownnnd mt the mmnun attired WIWSL lh WON SMHPhW lit HHWI NW mm ï¬lm iiieilit illll chtiberts ltosamunde Overture and exctmts réestir be held this Snnda eyeiiini in the itlil um pixie rifliiibiirï¬tiitlhlip tiziiiï¬taw Um Khlwhhmrmns Hawk Balm pmmlscj tabfla in Li Hit iineia iesvm piano at nine years old although he 55gt he oiil started iihtlL lhfi Ml WWW ll hlllL Wm 5W 1i ï¬i it seriously at l9 nlllllltil concert and the completion tho iiiontl Since then he has been htis 23 he IltillI ii iiltIiit history he latp to dtt ote inore lllt it ttiil hit in lrom the Royal onservatory of Mom in oionto tttt reintone teaches out of his home when he not playing ItIttitsttitgll tiiiila win Ill he coitdin ted it Arthti Morgan he and commutes weekly ItiIlIllrSll oi Ittllfllltllttslluh imam lit minim tot lit IIttltllttd 8iihoi tor ikl Iltntl oi hisother passion lianiiiip XItIIlHl ii High Selitil lthh IlttmlllitIl Ilt is itht in Sunday night he will play the Illl lllttlltlltl ot mt 111 tliiectot ot the IItiIItlliii otittittichestza tot li cl he with Khachaturians Piano oncerto and later lII lttIllItlltt lill tthlttk it ltitgt Ht 411mm WM 11 WWW Donald Reed on works by Brahms and Kreislir Iieeil who dHIHtL WW Illitltm ltlttlilttttt lithttttllltlt ARTHUR BURGIN Conductor studies music at University ol Western tiiitario Will ilti pla tnttttrs tlltti and gues DONALD REED Violin the first movement of laganiiiis iolin tonieito no 511 tttlllllnlthlit All n1llltltttt1=l gt tttttifl INTOIASSNAL hattt working IitiIIlIllI titoiip llio tozw ltoiii til one httii DESMOND MALEY Plano Malev says wtth smile that his Itntitilt immi hs it me punt oini ot llltlll Itillll iiiiwwi IV ltll in tragic restlessness IIIUIIHKIlZHIlltlllltttllItltttItt tlll tillh llIt Mum liurli lllllttlll holds limit iiitt tintt tot itllvl still GEORGIAN COLLEGE THEATRE the concert He admits he is so IIIIUCIQINSHJII tutti mp mt llitiiitt to tiwott so li Illlti and curry to lIlt sxiiiptioin iiiit SUNDAY NOV I8th 8I5 pm see any otherkind really but does not see it gisaii llllltitttllilltlt Lmtl til ttltlttlttitl lllitl1 tllm WW SEAGRAMS GUEST ARTIST CONCERT lttll0d cow Like rock or any other kind ot iniisit tor tl Willi lll Iitilllmllï¬ ll tttlti Ht ll Nit ll Single and Series Yicketl at tin door istiigtl itl lill tillll Ili iilltiontt ll ltLlllil tlttl tllt ioi oi orasmmehcwdmmHayï¬eumkeaaom Itlllilllltlttt lliioiiuhoiit the arm FOIk nighISI Scottish eye season opening helhms tt lHl iNlt ttl lxto Iltlt liotiiFtotlaiiilutiestatidiiiiiai lerlormance House has should he at the Itlllltl hwwwkupimHipcunhikim begun its second season of Folk Market it in lor inoie IHHWHHH HM Nights at the Farmers Market intorination contact sitto Milwulmlnl mm on Muleaster Street in Barrie Mosle at iLi tool or laiil liiii Mumm MM shim pm Last year the monthly Folk at 737 lltttt hump Nights which ran from Noveinlwr to May featured lolk singers poets and tau BURGER DINNER SPECIAL musicians from Barrie and stir Price iii elicit Iron Hi to rounding area in on day OI specials While the accent has been on MONDAYS ONLY tolk music presented in collee Cheese Burger French Queens Hotel at Is now accepting bookings for small private dinner parties for the Christmas Season sé Contact Pearce at 7282424 for parties up to 30 people Reserved tables in The Club lor dancing house atmosphere the organizers say that they are open toa variety of talent folk poetry comedy jazz old time tiddlingr you name it This month Folk Night gets under way at 830 pm on Fri day Nov 23rd Feature per Pianist Desmond Maley who started playing piano at nine years ol age former ix quo Mme will be the leatured soloist in the Huronio Symphonys first concert ol the Ming lamgis repertom ITre5 ApPISL 10h CDFTIZLY SPECIAL season to be held Sunday evening in the Georgian College Theatre ranges from popularlaglittmt move PRICE Violinist Donald Reed is also on the card Photo by David Cavanagh tunes accompllShOd rlgmill Reg 260 compositions The Folk Night is open to dropin performers Tho Slide session an Egyptian findings TUESDAYS ONLY Beef Burger French Fries Apple at Cherry SPECIAL Turnover Small Drink PRICE Reg275 WEDNESDAYS ONLY Fish Chips Apple or Cheriy lurnover Small tiiwiis Hotel in illii it Hum1 gin photographer to the kIIIiLtILIl and adopt belief in one God Georgian College in Baum Drink Reg 260 mg hit1mm Mmminpt Expedition to Hg pt iii the 1979 He shut himself away in city where he has worked for 3578 Id St SPECIAL ll lllllldN In SEE You AT THE QUEENS it lily pin tiitmh Ititpltt titwm Ilt LLlll lll the desert along the years He is former reporter 7387V3I2931 ililllt lllt oi Ill =lllltllti ltllltttlttllltii Hill Pk imil Sim Al Alter hi5 dealh who was raised in New so 1m tlttllltll an even tilt 5M dNoHrlt t9T1htltg he had made 35 Brunswick He earned degrees in tight mm made it the site of the temple er in history at Acadia University ol Akhnateti heretic ruler of Will Explain Why and and Universitv of Net loltl ax iit IIIIlit liihlic the ILplldlgt nearly Sti who VIEWS 0f the dusk re Brunswick llltltt iti llwslsï¬llltl Street Lttlgttgtt mains being recovered from His favorite hobbv has toi at it in guest speaker Akhnalen as the first km 11 Sand always been photography and Ill in item Allah otticial lttrttttlIltltittlllttillalltlgiDYZ $112th teaiher Of thatshows in his colorful Hes the only one who can stop the killing He hears the silence Autumn Colors Cttf th display IIilS SUIIdCty 7269944 dgriï¬ggs Autumn tiIttlx Ill Itt lht mg thenn of iii girl display spon Three judge have been ap soiel the thittte ttl luli pointed by the duh and tr Jt llttNNlW Vitllt IItilStSth Valley has donated Mason Sam to he diyided among the the Work ot local tllll tltt inntngartists iMHttttitb at tllt Nil The paintings he on View poptilai paint it lltltlJI Ilit lit the resorts Alpine Room Ltth tmi ttstill tIillillll Us startingat ttip iiithiudg totiei iiiiztotollou at in leii tw oi lltt piilvfw is mil The Hll later he ptit on as iit tlill tiltll iioiiitl tlispla at the clubs art gallery to ll iii pc ittttib hillL 30 in the Itouiitottii entre on lllt iitt iiiil tittm the inL iinltipSltHl hlSiOl and humanities at displayoffggypi EVERY BABYSITTERS NIGHTMARE BECOMES REAL mm LMEIttAtz 2699 aiormstioomoot AT7L9PM notebook wednesday tioiic oineiis lhritt Shop at Canadian Forces ltase portion is open train to it itt Location is Iltitlditig lliilil Itlt littueeii the chapels For ltirther tnlotniation mm mm mm tommnw ll MM THE FISH THAT SAVED PflTSBURGH mm Iitlltlil iie held every ediiesdi tor lttl lake till tutJULIUSWWNGMAIMANWtNlEflSKLDOWURKLIWWMCXKEKXMKLMAHUULJABQR MININNM MARGANI RV JAWSWUWMICWL OHIOFUR tSAClSIN NIWLAS PRVOflM DAMN WALSN Son an SIYDCMRO CWNING the WILSON DIwa Slml Rf umv hmttr satmm mnanrmmmoulu kLwuwsonstmnniwnsmtus tipthruhGAlVSlmWAOAWWV wmnwvstmmwmnownv ounï¬tllrttmsis hnvhltmnltiol levmï¬iifl MurryMun Mka llula1mvun Iiiillol Siiisihl non protit eiitlitwititcheis organta tioii he meetings are held at Goodtello Public School in lcoiii llixieli tor iiioic llllttllltttiltill call losie at tilt 779 CALLS Chuck Norris Jennifer ONeill Hi All WWW SWVl PNN militants outsmnrit teats swamm Illll1t rimiiu ll iv pnunls an iii Force of One Ron Neal Clu Gula er and IlltlIlllt£tltltlli ol liarlier Miop Quartet singing in Mun autumntaut Alluunkkttslt lntllitN tllvi staiiiiia James Whitmore Jr Eric Laneuville iiieiiti meets at in in Monsignor lair chool on tiiiidltu Itoml tli ot iiicciit leii interested in Joining the Iltl its ii denote to attend rtx iiit etuitts iic sold It ltarrie residents troiii to the at iner Market on ltilcistei Street gt SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFIOPS he ieiitlsliip liili ol llattie itiects Her tlllltlil FRMQIS We in it St lttltgttlllm Hit PRESENTS The screens most magniï¬cent entertainment ill II It iiiptiiti ti iptii thc lt lit li ilil in tllllllllll msflmedmthloy laughtetlove and life CHARLES URNINC CAROL KANI COLLEEN DEWIIURSI init tiilttttltii ant Bill Wallace itlct innit tioiii lti in tot iii it the tolliei lnited llll vii lcllotship IIJll llicte lII lie LI hakc tahle and ltlili iitii ct itt talilc dititssioii Si per person thursday Ha tiihlill lie School llii group lllttl tiotii to tie tookstottii Ionit Hall it the IIlitll mange llill thntsstott 73 cents tiled tit tohiiiiliiis hinpo ill itt iii lll the Legion lncent Stiut ind tiiiitlles lload ltatrie IIlllttllJ iiinistnatic tKllllOl meets at the ttiï¬ to halt itioi tentti tTji ltiiitteld St Itooix open at 7259944 and tire tllttllt1 gets iiiideii git at This lII iv is lllltlt meeting lllit June on mn SHOW EACH NIGIII PM ONLY tlt1V ORilliA THEATRES NEVA iowasa ST 326633 monomer flo Tiu1z30 Only no IHEMIRISDH PBODUCllUN COMPANY HM cm mm lltililtiitiilfl WWW span IWWEW tmwmm aim itiiiiMititANi iitiiiiiiii itiii stain PICUN PAUlMAtit thrillerOWN ttitttrtmtttititittaitmmtttmicmi wwwmmNOHMANJlWlSON iiismi5iiit engmssm iéIBllllIlElï¬EIl£ VANESSth Wtulttt tiEtlttt Ltgt tittiitittit iiiiiiisocit Siiiiiitiitiiiiiiiio cnanescnamatm FACHELRUBEHYS EHlClVEllllUliilllflllflllSltYlflt lltltlElilSS vltAlt0lllPRtlErl VIilllUiilFUB tvstnateslm tritiettuztiimmiittttittï¬tmftmmmmm JOHNWIttAtla ititritoftio gmmmmnwumuwmm l0Mi880tl tSAACStthi PAMltbitJN cunt vumiemtsis ill It Ill III= lil lil ï¬lï¬j Rocamwohdod OI ADULI INIIIYAINMINI hummeraun MIIIIPI