the examiner Wednesday Nov 177979 DWI RESERVE THE RIGHT Tag LIMIT QUANTI Dies at 85 Ladies Wear Dimitri tiomkin com poser oi I60 movie scores and winner of tour Oscars for his music died early Sun day at his London home his wife said Tuesday The Russian born composer naturalized American Citizen was 85 AP Photo LADIES POLYESTER TSHIRT cowl neck long sleeve sizes each LADIES SCARVES IOO°° acrylic I00°o satin acetate 27 x27 thIIIS checks solid colors each LADIES LONG SCARVES 100 acrylic tweedbulkyribknit coat MISSES ACRYLIC HATS cloche Or ltoppy styles sizes t4 each LADIES BULKY KNIT MITTS IOO°o acrylic iacquard solid colors Itir CHILDRENS SNOW MITTS SYLVANIA MAGICUBES Type Family Footwear HardwarePoint Christmas Supplies IQroshes 3cubes per pack pk umrs surmsms assorted colors sizes pair MALLORY BATTERIES top quality CHILDRENS INDIAN HEAD SLIP Pmsl Wipe lean uppers alkaline Duracell batteries perpack pk ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL acrylic cull tie lronts sizes io WW BOYS MOCCASIHSTYLESLIPPERS x5 or x7 print wipecleanuppers soitsole pair lromyournegatives IN premium orl litre TRACK CASSETTE TAPES Limitapercustomer for roll gift wrap pkg Deluxe patterns 36 I92 per pkg LADIES SLIPPERS assorted styles colors sizes pair blank 90 min track or SMW SCRAPER Squeegee 60min cassettetopes each Brush wrth sturdy wood Fabncs Noflons FA handle each CLEARANCE LP RECORDSK PRINTED COTTON FLANNELETTE assorted on pop SoapCleaning Supplies IlScrn Iully washable metre Pkgs CI OEOUn for BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS Mail yours early JScards per box box CHRISTMAS FLAT WRAP PAPER IO sheets per package PI CHRISTMAS BDWS PACKAGE Contains stick on bows per package oh CHRISTMAS TAGS Ii TAGS SEALS I00 tags per pk 206 tagls seals per pk PI9 CHRISTMAS RIBBON SPOOL IN metre 3colors per spool each TM ASSORTMENT hammers wire stripper58 more each WOOLCREST PAINT BRUSH SET nylon bristle In pack PL PET MOTOR OIL IOW30 GARDEN FLORALS SQD SUNBRITELIOUID BLEACHp PARC Po Mumo pylon vinyl trim cotton fleece potyesmr 500° com HS 2802 Szebome KITS Paper string Ined sizes 576 pair unvorlouscolors mere MR CLEAN LIQUID CLEANER 32 MOREle 10 DISH TOWELLING Win BATTERIES by unlon oz size bottle each es Mrs Campbell ACRYLIC MITTS on 99 wide 90° linen l0°° cotton green or gold color CNANTILLY LACE PRINT VINYL Corhrdelor LED8LCD watches each BOYS GIRLS WALLETS CLUTCH PURSES assorted colors each PC JEWELRY SETS In gold or to ISM MINI solid air or assorted bulbs set FT CHRISTMAS GARLAND x3 in ply Silver or gold color each 4873201 Iissis tiltnda and iayi IruianIy iii ollingwood spent SPtC AND SPAN CLEANER all purpose llitre each in SOAP PAns I2 pads3 per poly bag bags knit Iacquord design one srzetItsall lingerie BOXED lllt HtktIIII with IIltlI grantlr onsmscem Whle Sllve color rieckchain BOUNCE FABRIC sonmm mm an cu us mother Mrs Ewen aldwell thES 100 ACETATE metre brmelm MM of eomngs 20 sheets per bOx box Mr and Mrs lruniblvy cztmt BRIEFS color choice DRESSMAKER sums 44 to IIsIt on Sunday and Gaye lllttlllttl home with them but liltlltlil stayed WIIII Mrs aldtwll as sbt Is going to bt wirknig III this area Mr and Mrs Iircoy aswvll and grandson irog Mrs Itllltlt Mrs Fraser and Mrs titorgv ainpbitl Joined IIlt Ittarigotd Senior Itirvns bus trip to the Royal Winter lauon Nov It assorted colors to thoosv irom Iballs per pks pkg MAKE IT SNOW decorate your windows trees em tins OUTDOOR LlGHTBULBSassorted colon sparkle glow bolbx2 per pack Pia POLYSILK POINSETTIAS Lovely decoration Ior CITIISIIATIQSW I° Housewares FOIL PANS OVEN TRAYS ro usable Iorl each FOIL BAKEWARE pie plates cake pans more for PINWHEEL CRYSTAL PLASTIC ASSORTMENT serving tray bowls cake plates otc each BOWLS MUGS stocking mugs Tulip pattern or white CERAMIC muss large mug barrel shape 30l0rs each CRYSTAL ASH TRAYS round triangle or square sllupos each ONION SOUP BOWLS COTIhQIYWOTEIYOIIdltgIleI each WOOLCREST SPRING CLOTHES PINS wooden SOper package pk YACHT MOP 0R MAGNETIC BROOM 801 mop washable brown each ALUMINUM BAKEWARE OithIIIrI cake pans etc each AMBER OVENWARE Oveltptiiol microwave use assurtrd pans bowls measure rup more each Phar acy Values mo 44 LADIES BIKINIS artists cotton nylon Sizes SML pr LADIES BRIEFS nylon Antron III acetate cotton gusset Sizes SML pair LADIES BRA polyester cotton white sizes 34 to 38 each LADIES SPORTS BRIEF nylon spandex thte or Mr and Mrs Karl iilchrist beigeSZQSMXL WI and Mr and Mrs Doug Iickcr ing Itll by motor tor lhuudir Itay llll Nov Later Mr and Mrs iart Burton Bill Graham Mr and Mrs Morris Miitliur travelled by air to thuiidor Hay They were all in IIHI to the ltlth Wtdding An Iiiwrsary of Dr and Mrs Itouglas Iathbonc Itho former Lyla tirahami The celebration muld III greatly saddened by lIlt news of tho death on Nov St oI Melville iItusI trantord In pIIt III tailing eyesight Mil Is Iluays IIimrtully gallant and IIII be sadly missed by his many friends Ittvpust SHIT pathy Is extended to his Wife lIleu lIIIIIINI The IN at Iht hoin ot Mrs Maidw Ik on Nov IIUIIIIous dessert and beverage Iiri gttltl and Mrs Morris Mrrthur mined the IIlttlllltl llIl In Itlandurs Fields lttlllttI by prayer The SirII ardship Iinwnur reported hi the goal of $495 tor MS had III0n awarded by $47 for totiilotSSIL this was the annual rumting all tonvuiiers ot torn nuttoos gave reports Ihich HIt most viicouaging Mrs ttuth Fraser Ilt has IKEII stainless steel blades plOsItt handles orange or green pair FELT SOUARES viscose rayon wool assorted colors Ior PHENTEX MACRAME CORD 100 Oleltn 600 It ossortedcolors for 01 PHENTEX YARN ply l00°o olefin phenspuri various colors each WOOLCREST HEATHER SPORTS YARN ioo° acrylic ply too each ARONELLE KNITTING YARN l00°o Kodel polyester ply IOO assorted colors 9°C linens Towels BATH TOWELS IOO°° cotton cotton terry assorted colors each FACE CLOTHS 100 cotton terry woven iacquard It TEA TOWELS 66 cotton 34 linen assorted stripes for PLACE MATS assorted patternsand colors for VINYL LINER Ior shower cur tains assorted colors each VINYL MATTRESS PILLOW COVERS twin or double size heavy vinyl each 44 com BAR SOAP reg CHAINS wmI INITIALS pearl or we 99 pm Ph drop ball gold or silver color ml 44 DOVE LIOUID SOAP 24 oz 2hr 44 Sizebottler Mail early beat the rush 20 CarryourFoods cards per box DELICIOUS DOUGHNUTS lresh baked daily choose lrorn your boxes Iavorites WARKWORTH CHEDDAR CHEESE delrcrous tasty treat ol mild or medium cheese I3 ol CRUSTY SLICED BREAD léozsizeloai Ior HAMBURGER OR NOT DOG BUNS8buns per pkg for CandlesCookies SOFTENER Helps prevent static cling leave clothes smelling fresh I28 02 bottle Limit per Customer HWEY STICK Loursvrlle laminated mode in Canada each SKATE LACES 90 cotton 84 nylon Ior HOCKEY TAPE black or white 36 mmxBSmor18rnm xISrn each SUPERBLADE OR SKATEGLIARD Blade lits any stick guard adlusts to any Stle skate ADIDAS SPORT socxs actiiresh treated In assorted colors pair SKI WAXES assorted colors Ior dillerentweatherconditions each Smoking Supplies CIGARETTE FILTERTUBES Embassy Players Filtromot Filterrte Century Premiere 600 tubes FISHER BUTANE FUEL with adapter to lit diIIerent 44 PLAYING cAIIos plastic coated assorted patterns for Floor Coverings VINYL RUNNER 27 wide protects heavy troIIic areas Green red aztec colors Zit VINYL RUNNER 40 gauge 27 wide lear or gold color 44 CAREFREE CARPET RUNNER 27 MENS TSHIRTS Ii VESTS 100° cotton seconds Sizes SMLXL for MENS STANFIELD BRIEFS 50° cotton 50°n polyester white Sizes SML XL ch MENS VINYL GLOVES cotton lined knitted Inserts Sizes SML pair BOYS 100 ACRYLIC TOOUES solid colorsone sizelits all each Childrens Wear CHILDS TURTLENECK TSHIRT acrylic solid or SITIpO Sizes 46X each CHILDS THERMAL UNDERWEAR cotton polyester solid or print Sizest 6X each TODDLERS TSHIRT In assorted EObTICS colors Sizes 3X¢ach BOYS GIRLS THERMAL UN DERWEAR cotton polyester SCOTCH TA white or print Sizes 23X Ch for 44 TODDLERS PLASTIC PANTSvmyl °°e 010 er 0d SBIESSM XL 200REFILLSHEETS narrow PP Plg 44 ruledsheets 80d mums 5131 10000 PAGE PHOTO ALBUM various cotton white to I8 Slylesawlors each All PURPOSE ASSORTMENT months for Ior home or school ROWNTREE AFTER EIGHT MINTS delicious mint treat anytime 2009 pk pk CENTENNIAL JUJUBES Your chance ol llovors 22m bag has BASSETT LICORICE ALLSORTS tasty trEIOIIOr everyone 600 gm pkg 3mm BAR PACKAGE Nutroll lbs PIC MIX Top quality in dividually wrapped candies Irz lbs unuvrns swm STORY aooxs IOassOrted rolls per book each ALLANS CANDY CANES large caries per pkg pk WOOLWORTH ASSORTED COOKIES sandwich creams waters bISCUIIS 2lb box box DARE COOKIES Your choice at your Iavorite lIavor 500g box Ior O4 BEAVER MIXED rm nurs 350 tinoi delicious treat each Toys Books CORGI HOT WHEEL CARS NAME BRAND PAPER TOWELS Absorbent two roll package at paper towels Limit pkgs per customer Woolworth Pharmacy operated by Jack Austin Drugs wrde rust brown green red ltd division at Dominion Citrus Drugs Ltd risponslblv tor ordering the elastic push plns HIM huwh WP WNW paper dips humb stiégiyl dye ca metal Orgald color It maul SINCE SNAMPOOI MO itbsirwr has been anardod mom GIRLS 3mm rocks tor oce mt ontoiner each badge and pm by that no 100 Iwruxluuil in recognition at IILI sum HOUSGhOId STOTIOnery ny on or Kroy tIItlItul sIrIui Mrs Marion WWI nylon colors Gnu IJIlIttsttll in charge at the or WOOLCREST mt Illp IKIItKI usId Peatv Is 195793 BAGS 75 ml PICS fry tiIrthuniv Mrs MyrnaSandcr LAMS PN 26 x36 PIN srocxmc srurms Pels Supplies piastic toys bagged or carded for ASSORTMENT OF TROPICAL nocxmo srurm TOYS Super FIStt Choose from your selection to chooseirom ch 44 favorites SHMT Ii SASSY HAIR CWDITIONER 300 ml size BAN SUPER SOLID STICK DEODORANT 75 mos Shae be 99 SANDWIC JIGSAW Plums 48 Pleces WOOLCREST WILD BIRD mo 5M for 44 can road the scripture and Mrs WOOLC x21 750 places approx II lbboq be 44 lanuison had tun other most 35PM ms 955le BAGS tOObags per box Ior 20 ch inns SHAWN small BltltAbCAttI0UTHWASHASJ lppwprmm mhngx LN LADIES KNEEHI HOSE beige or wmlcufl All PURPOSE cups HAND PUPPETSWDIDSHeY ammo rn or IfxltlIOIII Ring and 1nI spice pr Per pack sizes 30 beer so onpurpose Characters each FACEllE POCKET PACK lhaiiktultor thislind II l1L per pkg pkg mm Dam on Anny BOYS mm pods tor are rInundtdthattip It SI IhANTYlI0554 Kumcnmms Mysiery ones hard bod purse lltlc mu Sun ice lct IOU mes gusset covers ch on II It It the regular scrvno colors tits too 200tbs PL 20 319 b095 pk gangs stilnm iriit Itu iiiiiiiit rurigrcgaiiiinal MENS monsoon SPORT socxs PEPOC mpunoswonmcs iti ll Oll r0 mm mm Iv NH nylon keno Ube reg lUNCIt BAGS 25 bags per tasty for lunches 25m bag has iféasgfltwnmon tItitIIIILC Iti heel 3135 IO i2 pair pkg pk anytime of the do SYLVANIA II witm llItllt Iim tllttttlttl 60 or we we TROPICAL PLANTS pot COTTONSWABS IIII IItllIlltlItlJllLt ivriniom mm on SSOEKSIWOO town cm Rm MP bulbs Per Dock Ph Your home Ch 300p KING ll Itro IImnslllp IIJII on sin °d9c°° 95 Pair 44 REFlll IOOteetper roll rolls 01 WOOLCREST BATTERIES RED CLAY HOW P01 Clot 000 SOAP II LIIIIIIIIt IITItIIIB IIISIIIIILI GIRUI OYARDS 106°C Srefch pApR SERVIEnES 00 SIZES pet Dkq PK holds morsturelanger IOCII Edividuolly wtopped4 IIIIII IItcrltItIttI Illt Idllt IttIIIIt SUPER Glu olrs In seconds LING SWAG 00 ars or 590 955 998 SQTVIEIYGS per pkg pk 99 iiIatIoini unit beautitul ur my 5119510 mg 44 super Wong ch omlque bmssor block or PEPSODENT TOOTNPASTE rangcmcnt ot tall donors at iipcu IIIqu and rod poppies tol nuug IIoss on Ihitc cloth The also sang Song ot IIIii Rm ITtta SnoII minister at tittlllltc and IIIIIIIII tnitid thurrhvs priuirhixl ui appropriati svr man on ItIIitiintIraiIcu or Forgot IIIl IIIIIL lhuig THE BEST BOOTS Lewhite teeth 75 mi 44 HOT TURKEY LB PACK SLICED BACON HOT DOG WIENERS Leon and delicious in lb GAME OF MONOPOLY By Parker Brothers Real estate trading game Ior to players ages yrs to LADIES HOSTESS GOWN Made in Canada of 85°o lADIES 100 POLYESTER SLACKS In attractive tall shades pull SMILES CHUCKLES TURTLES delicious milk chocolate pecan caramel candy treat in Idoz box SANDWIC Delicious sliced turkey on slices of bread wrth rir wuNJ altW Antonioth Land rat IN and on adult Limit game per acemle 350° POIYQSIeI In on styles sizes IOto 20 poultry gravy amber POCIOQQS Lm Pkgsr Per Ugomer assorted prints Sizes SML sauce customer 0W 44 44 in trlotootc rep at cvt LRta each4 Each Pa Com Mr pkgs2 44 ow this ha Lu on unto 33ll3fi 5676 BAYFIELD sr nowmown BARRIE moi UNDERGROUND SATURDAY 600 PM entrance oft Maple Avenue Pmmc Putwhothhï¬ou 58 DUHLOP ST EAST 7282397