EQLLeLamtdehempLQLparty Hot tubbing barrel of fun liy Ni Ilfll Nllt II The Examiner According to heroin Serif hot tubbing can do everything from curing the common cold to develop tngyour senseoi humor Hi should know He not orin spend goodly portion of his leisure tirrie in waterlogged bliss but spends ill of his work ing time building retailing and promoting these wooden Whirlpools Senf is the first to admit that hot tubbing is fad In the year and half that BoultonSenf Hot Tubs has been in opertion hes seen several other businesses start up and fail the result of diving in for the big bucks without proper researching or expertise While others have fioundered and drowned Boulton Senf Hot Tubs have flourished Senfs background is in carpentry Frank Boultons is in plumbing The oyMV Wï¬ï¬rs He is half of the team at lioiilton Sent Hot Tubs and Manufacturing tompany fledgling liarrie opera tion thats cashing in on new craze thats as oltl as thehills Outdoor tubbing especially at night and in the hot tub ex perience icicles form on your hair in winter and the moon and stars light your cold weather enhances way up the steps into the tub of Fred and people and places Naturalists llte itltti hy do litrds Sing will be shown lhiirsday November 13 it in at the Wye Marsh Wiltlife teiitie b3 the Midland lenetang liield Naturalists lhe lecturer Ill be Dr llriice Falls toriiier presidetit ot the Federation of Ontario Naturalists presently till the Ioology department of the Iniversity of Toronto Ratepayers lhe Asstwnitioii of Harrie Citizens Ratepayers ill ha booth at Hayfield lill on Thursday and Friday November 13 and iii from to to it in to accept petition signatures provide intorina ttoii iiid aeeept memberships and donations to help on their ettoits to protect netphborliotxls and to support their position to relocate the Seeder ltoieet it the iipeoni ingtHllthearinc Family Fun The Johnson Stieet lit ltltSltyl ltltllis MCllllttll will be holding tainiiy iitii and club night on Wednesday November at the school from Lilla 30 itt ltiee ot $160 includes chili roll and beverage Penny Sale The Barrie and ltistriet Assmiation for the lhysically Disabled are holding ti hobby night and penny sale on Wednesday November from 730 in at the Sunnidale Centre Anyone may ehibit or sell their crafts so long as they donate one article to the penny table For further information Ctlll 72h INN Naturalists ltr Rruu Falls of the Zoology Department at the of fortner president of the Federation of tintairo Naturalists will be the guest lecturer at screening of the film hy lto Birds Sing to be shown by the Midland lenetang Field Naturalists cltib oit lhursday November to it to at the Wye Marsh Wildlifeeiitre Ratepayers ihe ssoeiation of Barrie titiens Ratepayers will have booth at the Hayfield Mall oii lhitrsday November 15 and Friday November 16 from oil to ill to accept petition signatures provide informa tion and accept donations and meiiilwrsliips to help lll efforts to protect neighlmrhotxls attd support their position to relocate the seeder project at the upcoming OMB hearing Fall Fling The parents of the children at the Raggedy Ann Day tare tentie are sponsoring Fall Fling dance at the Royal ianadian Legion 410 St Vitir cent St starting at Fri day Noyember to Dress is casual no teans there Hll be cash bar door prie and Stiti dances Admission is $17 per person liiii Bazaar The autliary to the Royal icteiia Hospital ill be holding riiiiii sale of all items left at er front thristinas iii ite tober from ii iii to in on Saturday November 17 Holly Hobby Show See crafts eperts in action at the Holly Hobby Show and Sale put oti by the Burton Ayenue lnited thureh Women on Saturday November 17 front in at tlte church There ill be festive refreslnnettts and bake table Admission is $1 So for tilts children 12 and utider TS cents Rummage Sale There ill be rummage sale on Saturday November at St Giles Anglican Church 93 took Street from Mt in Good us ed clothing and assorted items ill be on sale perfect combination Their hot tubs are selling like ot cakes and rapidly becoming familiar sight to Harrie residents Theres mobile unit set up at Peter Reinos on Hayfield Street north and another in the show room Anna Sent in Cm Their son Gernot Serif facing right is the maker of the tub and coowner of BoultonSenf Tubs of Barrie Examiner Photo PI Day Some activities available for students during Thursday and Fridays professional develop ment days are roller skating at Roundabout front pm at $2 per person all yoit can bowl in hree hours from 15 pm at Bowlerama for $1 25 for child dreri and under and $175 for adults free public skating front 130300 on Thursday at Ijastvicw and Orillia Twin Lakes arena arid Friday at Bar rie Arena films at the Barrie library frern 1330 Friday or lttzittl and 2300 at the Orilha library Penny Sale St Pauls Anglican Church lnnisfil is holding penny sale Thursday November 15 from 79 in The ticket draw is at it Thornton Bazaar The Thornton Horticultural Society will be holding bazaar tea craft and bake sle on Saturday November l7 from Kittie it at the Thornton Orange Hall Snow mobilers The Barrie Snowmobile tlub is holding Red Schoolhouse Rummage Sale on Saturday November 17 from to in The schoolhouse is at the corner of Sunnidale Rd and County Rd 33 items must be submitted by November to For further information call loyce at 7262597 or Bonnie at TINsail iuides and Brownies The mother and girls of the Allandale District Gurdes and Brownies will be holding their annual Christmas tea and bazaar at St Georges Anglican thureh on Burton Ayenue at Granville Street between and pm on Saturday November 17 liter will be crafts baked goods candy and fish pond No adriiission charge but tea is St for adults and 50 cents for children of the firm at 240 Bayview Street Many residents and visitors to the area who took in last years winter car nival will never forget the site of men and women in bathing suits walking around in 30 temperatures ask ing directions to Florida ANCIENT Although hot tubbing as communal or family ac tivity began thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt and China transporting it to North American climate has added new dimension Most hot tubbers agree winter is definitely the best season for tubbing and night time is the right time for the quintessential tub experience Senf recently installed tub at the farm home of his parents Anna and Fred Senf on the ninth line of Oro its set upjust dash away from the back door with wall of laps to break the north wind and left open to the sky full moon and stars creates almost mystical set ting to become submerged in the womblike waters of the tub in cold temperatures they say you dont even feel the icicles forming on your hair And gentle rain feels simply wonderful although Anna admits to sitting under an umbrella in the tub once when the rain really pelted down Originally from Germany Anna Senf says this sort of communal bathing using whirlpool and sauna has been part of her life since childhood But as she got older she found the sauna too exhausting Theres none of this trouble with the hot tub Although Gernot claims that 20 minutes in the hot tub is equal to half the time spent jogging in terms of the positive benefits to your cardiovascular system Anna says that the hot tub does not wear her out at ll dYou get the good effects without being left feeling worn out and theres none of the problem with short ness of breath that many pcopie experience in sauna Rather than tiring the hot tub is relaxing Perhaps the best description comes from fern Wood friend of Gernots and an equal enthusiast who savs that the hot tub is great substitute for valiumeheres nothing better after hard day at the affine or on the slopes It eases tense mind as well as tense body and Fred Serif says he no longer needs chiropractor since he got hot tub ECONOMICS if it all sounds too good to be true and youre all set to rush out and buy one hold on There are some catches Its fun for the whole family as can be easi ly seen on the face of young Krista Wood Her father Vern left says he has hard Its this simple reduces their $18950 suits you wont find better value sI49 Take the natural softness of fine wool worsted fabric Have it styled in both regular and ï¬tted models with falls newest fashion details and the result this superb JF vested suit You select from plain stripe tweed herringbone and subtte checks Sizes 36 to 46 reg short and tall Blues Browns Grey tones and others Outstanding value at $149 You bet Shop around and oorrpare Not all sizes in all patterns Some woolblends in the selection For one thing you probably cant have one if you live on the tenth floor of highrise The thing weighs couple of tons If it is installed indoors the floor must be heavily reinforced An accident in small tub tfour foot would spill 300 gallons of water 1200 gallons for an eight foot tub But lets not think about accidents Most people would have their tub outdoors herethe tubs are solid as rock The only obstacle to most people owning tub is economics With the cost of installation includ ed basic five foot tub runs about $4000 Thats not deluxe model made of teak worth its weight in goldt or one equipped with super charger to turn the tub into bubbling cauldron of froth and foam if youre on tight budget its out of your range it can hardly be considered anything but luxury item But if you do have bit of money and youre trying to choose an economical way to treat yourself then the hot tub becomes sound investment Its initial cost and operating cost are chicken feed compared to that of pool IlUs it takes up very little space and can be enjoyed yearround With cottage and vacationing pricing themselves out of the budget of many middleincome families home im provements that can turn your house into cottage retreat are growing more appealing on canoeat the weekend ratrace and have fun in your own hacxyai Yes fun Tubs arent all therapy and cardio vascular stimulation Theyre barrel of fun too Tub parties take place regularly at the home of An no and Fred Serif an impulse in the middle of rain storm or at 100 in the morning with group returning from party Gernot Serif has discovered really special way to experience the tub He dons scuba gear and goes under the surface to feel and hear the massaging jets of water all around him There is only one definite disadvantage with the hot tub Aha you say here comes the catch Wrong The disadvantage is simply that excessive hot tubbing cart dry your hair Thats all And Gernot says he would be glad to recommend good conditioner The only other thing you might want to consider will seem negative feature to some and definite boon to others That is if you install hot tub you had bet ter be prepared for company Hot tubs like the 28 acre public baths of ancient Egypt are meant to be enjoyed by groups of people Finding the time for solitary selfish soak may be difficult once word gets out time getting her to come out of the tub of Gernot Senf right builder of the hot tubs Examiner Photo the exqurtlinelrjrVWedryesdav Nov14 1979 Regular s18950 JF JA®K FRASER tllARdeN ANI HASTIIR llARtilI AltIIlTHll The sauna designed by BouitonSenf Hot Tubs is esentially hot tub turned on its side Above the receptionist tries out the model in the showroom Examiner Photo Garden Notes Finishing lye touches By JEAN GARLIC This is the week to put the finishing touches on the garden We are lucky to have been able to work in it until mid November The lily pond is put to bed and the goldfish left in it have attached hoses or pieces of hose to trees beside it and put the other end into the water This allows air to get in all winter and it does not slagnatc The pool is covered with boards then sacks then straw and then leaves All flower beds have been lightly forked and are ready for mulch of compost The raspberries had the old canes cut out and the new growth cut back to two or three feet Strawberries were covered with good mulch of straw The compost box will all be emptied this week some put on the flower beds and some on the garden Once the compost is spread the garden will be dug roughly leaving it in big clumps for the winter to condition it Eaves should all be cleaned this week as most leaves are down now Some oaks hold their leaves well on into winter There should be props like brick or stone put under all the eavestroughing that runs out onto the lawn to make sure they dont plug It is good idea to make little drainage dit ches wherever water may accumulate All shrubs must be tied that have tendency to bend and break with heavy snowfalls or ice storms The climbing roses must be laid down and tied and covered and all others protected as have mentioned before in this column if the leaves have laid long time on your boulevard before the city collected them you will notice the grass yellow and stragglcy Mow it and that will remove most of the unsightly growth good scuffing will help bring it back Dont worry about it as it will comeback to normal in tithe SOCIETY NEWS Barrie Horticulturists took in the ice Tapades on Nov and the Winter Fair Nov Both events were super This usually ends the tour season but there are still three to go so call the hookers We got some new steps put in leading to the top of the RVH rockery this week They will make it easier to keep people from walking all over the daffodil beds and breaking the hillside down HATFIELD MALI