Surveying the damage Wreckage of chemical train lies across tracks in were preparing curved metal patch which will Mississauga Ont Tuesday afternoon Workmen be used to repair chlorine tanker CP Photo the examiner wpagegdgy Nov 1471979 13 East Germany has crime EAST BERLIN tReuter East German newspaper read ers could be forgiven for won dering it their quiet wellor dered country has succumbed to wave of murders rob beries assaults and drunken pillaging For years the statecontrolled media only reported enthusias tic declarations of loyalty from workers and dazzling economic successes limiting the bad news to foreign stories frotn the West But over the last tour months with no explanation from the Communist authorities the daily newspapers have started printing increasingly frequent and more detailed reports of East Germanys steadin in creasing crime problem omit ting only political cases such as opposition to government pol iCies or attempts to escape to the West Tucked away in the back pages the crime reports are usually brief and almost always written in sober and restrained tone which contrasts sharply with the more sensa tional approach of the Western press But they reveal that East Germanys lawbreakers can compete with the most enter prising bold and brutal of their Western counterparts LEAVE TO IIINTIO The Communist Party daily Neues Deutschland devoted only 20 lines to the arrest of two snopliiters in September leav ing largely to the readers imagination the scale of an op eration in which they netted goods worth 540000 Childrens 46X Tshtrts Polyester Lotion bio Lt placket nrylt Super Assortment of 46X T5 Children often best at descriptions Police artist Larry Wachs says children often make the best witnesses when it comes to providing an accurate description of criminal CP Photo Derailment suits possible TORONTO CPI Lawyers say liable suits arising irotn the derailment of train carrying potentially deadly chemicals will leave the courts grappling with only one legal issue Whos to blame WALL WIN ELECTRIC SERVICES LTD so INNISFIL $1 BARRIE PRESEASON SPECIAL Lawyers interviewed said number of suits could be laun cned from among the 2211000 residents in nearby Mississauga attd adjacent Oakville who were told to leave their homes after ltail 7261859 ROOF DEICING KITS train carrying the chemicals was derailed late Saturday number of lawyers said the tirsl logical target is Rail operator of tltc train Next is Dow Chemical Ltd owner of tanker containing chlorine gas ttw tiers of tanker cars carrying propane gas also could be sited Itesidents began leaving the area early Sunday after derail ul cars containing propane gas exploded caught fire and threatened to rupture the derailed chlorine tanker tltat was slowly leaking the dangerous gas Lawyers said there is also question of whether the chemical cargoes were stored in sutticiently safe containers Hosiery for Men Com tylow tCOca Fle etc rt v1 Lt nwaeltt tefls Fll t0 12 at quality OUrReg $1 09 $1 39 pt when there was foreseeable risk that the train might be derailed Assovted SHIPS trams and Our Reg S5 99 27 32 SALE SALE 46X Pants trustth wean FashionRight Overalls LEE took 00 tnmster oft comm 100 cotton grid Jhe to bow we EBOSOOw Reg Mohawk socks also available for boys vt sues 510 89 SALE ow Reg $7 AQSALE 53 or 0770 min Our Reg 99 $109 pr pr157 Womens ToastyWorm FleeceLined Leather Boots Leather upper ptfllUClfl mac vamp Selflacing on Side Teens womens Sizes to 10 Our Reg $3899 And whoever was responsible for maintenance of car that broke down and caused the derailment also cotild be sued It might be reaching for it but another consideration is whether theres nighgcncc on the part of government for allowing transportation through residential area of propane gas and chlorinc on the same train said Jeff Lyons consumer lawyer and class action specialist Womens Weatherproof Wedge Boots by Cariboots Crafted in Canada Worm fleeCy pile llfllflg TeensS LE and womens Sizes to 10 Our Reg 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