71W from iail Iranian student release BOULiQLQLlQLm 1°73 examiner weevgseavzeeygawze lt Ajftï¬m if 20 51vx5 R¢Sf lt tï¬wï¬Â®vc Ik CW Mel £45353 Muhammed Noori 34 spots his Iiveyearvold daughter as he left the Ramsey County Jail Tuesday Noori and three other Iranian students were released Irom jail after the county at torrieys oIIice derided not Gov AlQure AP Photo 46s WNWEWsï¬m to pursue any charges against them in connection with last Fri days alleged kidnap attempt against Minnesota TORONTO lCPi Ontario opposition leaders said Tuesday that Premier William Davis came home empty handed from federal provincial meeting because he went lotltlawa emptyhanded He was out before he even began NDP Leader Mike as sidy said because no one else was prepared to give credence lowhat Ontario said This is the first time Ive ever seen Ontario so weak so isolated tipposttion Leader Stuart Smith said If were premier wouldnt have gone ill with such doomed strategy Both opposition leaders Ilti rnitted outside the legislature that Dayts went to ttawa on Monday to face tough opr position as he battled to keep anadas oil prices below world levels The premier shottld have worked with other consttrtiing provmces to gaiti sortie support for Itis energy proposals as stdv said He should also have proven that Ontario is ustng energy to the best advantage and de serves future price breaks from the producing provinces WANTS REVENLE TO STAY In the legislature Casstdy said UaVlS must make sure we tra federal revenue earned through qu1ck oil price in creases will be kept iii intario lie said Ontario consumers will pay $182 million in 19801 increased federal revenue If this is Used as tax credit tor families earning less than $227 too and individuals earning less than 55000 eaclt faintly would receive $87 93 8o per certt oi the average increase in direct energy costs per faintly due to higher oil prices lit the house botlt Smith and asstdy asked Iais what his minority Progressive on servattvc govetntttettt plans to do about the inflation and high unemployment that could result if oil prices rise sharply There is sufficient strength in the ecottomv of this province Injuries killed 25foot whale MONTREAL lll foot whale found floating dead iti Montreal harbor Moitday probably was hit by ship after swimming from the Gulf of St Lawrence scientists concluded Tuesday Edward Mitchell federal government biologist said Oil price move costly WINNIPEG CPI doubl ing of anadasoil price to keep Biology Station in nearby 99 tremendous me Pleces SEIKO GENTS pace with anticipated world Pointe Claire said the whale to choose from each an CW083M Reg 00057497 levels would cost every $1111 smiled gyfdtai fr an incredible value and each SEIKO LADIES anadtan an additional 3500 fl mm OWN the perfect gift for someone on ZW84IM Reg 8950$5997 year for fuel says art offtctal of Dtt Pont Canada Inc For family of four this would mean the diversion of $200 of disposable income which today is being spent on other things said BL Berti whales are seldom seen iiie St Lawrence River within 450 kilometres of this city An autopsy showed the whale suffered broken and smashed ribs and bruised left lung as well as wide ragged gash be low its mouth But the body was not badly scarred Mitchell said leading scientists to believe the whale had not been dragged upriver by ship after being hit Mitchell specialist in North Atlantic whales at the Arctic The minke is part of family of whales that includes the blue fin arid sci species also found in the Gulf of St Lawrence the Davis Strait and off Nova Scotia arid Turvolgyi of Montreal the Newfoundland The minke ompanvs senior at generally travels alone or iii president small groups Turvolgyi irt an address to the Manitoba Institute of Man agement said Tuesday such dramatic bite into disposable irtcome would have severe efe feel on all businesses But there would be ati uneven impact across industries ttd across the country Mitchell said he is studying the body for parasites atid per forming other routine tests that might add to his knowledge The skeleton will probably go to the National Museum aitd the organs will likely be sent to the Ontario Science Centre he said that we will continue to make progress Darts replied But he said inlarto should not move alone and federal pro grants are needed to help the entire country your Christmas Shopping List Before question period Tues day DAVIS gate short account if the oneday first ministers meeting He said he felt the prerttters accepted the need for ariadtatt CIAattics 09 Scico llidk koala1h stat Murphy Jewellers in Barrie at the Bayfield Mall RODANIA GENTS 8206 Reg 15000 $7997 Opposition raps emptyhandedDavis energy selfsufficiency con stnallon and consumer protec tion front high energy costs But he said Ontario wants these issues settled before price agreement is reached Iranian student Muhammed Noori hugs five yearold daughter Masim after his release from the Ramsey County Jail Tuesdayt Noori and three other Iranian students were released after it was decided that charges would not be press ed in connection with an alleged plot to kidnap the Minnesota Gov AI Quie AP Photo ay Novem quantities last We reserve the right to limit quantities KM MS15O 2+2 POLYESTER FIBERGLASS BELTEO TIRES Dont get stuck this winter Ouali COMBINATION BRAKE SERVICE um Mclul LICEICID IECIAIICS Must have voice in hazards ty winter tires are guaranteed Price includes front disc agftinst defects in matenals and workmanship These tubeless itewalls are installed and covered by marts NAC Plan TREAD DESIGN NOT AS ILLUSTRATED ON ALL SIZES pads quality rear linings and installation IN ADDITION WE WILL INSPECT lines and hoses master cylinders wheel cylinders rotors and drums wheel bearings Parts and labour extra for replacement of these items Oversize brake shoes extra MINIIN NB Ilniott leaders who wattt to reduce health arid safety hazards on the job need tratnr mg to hel thetti sell their views to workers and managers says the director of health and safe Iv for the Quebec Federation of Labor Emile Boudreau told unit dian Labor ongress safety conferettce Tuesday that unions nittsl negotiate the right to have voice iti correcting hazards iii the workplace He said iii an tritervtc fol lowing his speech to 350 delcr gates that trained leaders are also needed to promote the need tor safely to rankrandfile members Itoudrcaii said that while he cannot condone cases of care lcssness by workers he believes workers have been blamed for too many accidents It may be trtte that care lcssttess is responsible iti some way for $5 per cent of acct dents but you have to extend tlt n3 mart Fm gate MOST CARS rice ea NAC PLAN N0 ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR lnutnllutlon Balanclng Valve Freight Insurance RESURFACE Single ter nurchuo 07035 IN DDITION Every 5000 mllu or 8000 tm tor thl lllu at your marl llru in ultl SPCI Plc runorm without charge Inuo mllntonunu twins Property rotnil mu Thoroughly on ntpmttm caulutrpiluuu Clint ulvulms Chockhulblllnu Rohalnnca llnuunry7 Chuclliontalignmunt SeasonalromoulIndlnxtlltltion ullmuttlmnlmdy urnulllnuuury mart Special Prlce RESIIIIFACE MOMS mart Special Price 250 our Iiinl II liuunry mount on film Punctun npulr HRRANTIES AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES HONOURED ACROSS CANADA IN ALL MlIl STORES WITH SERVICE BAVS HICII OUALITY STEEL NICKEL PLATED STEEL ORAY3 11 PIECE 11PIECE3 DRIVE 1l1f llff 31 fl WAY WHEEL WRENCH WAY WHEEL ENC OUALITY SOCKET SET wt owe METRIC SOCKET SET Fits nut sizes It vs Wrench Sizes are ilii 78 LIHNI 19 mm and FQIQGG Made DY rgctchiisrlfocspzlrl DiuQJSOC SSZfispgitiZ 155021 nickel plated mart Regular List Price 47 mart Spoclal Prlce 31 and 77 Gray mart Regular List Price 777 ea mart Special Prlce 497 metal DOA ket extenscn and sady mart Regular List Price 3177 not set 77 crr extension plus metal mart ular List Price 77 set BATTERY SALE unort SUPER K500 BATTERY Maintenace tree 12 volt bat tery should never need wa ter Guaranteed tor as long as you own the car Formost cars INSTALLATION IN CLUDED $200 Les With lraoein Regular Sale IS 01 14979 III 00 7779 ll 95 3297 1h 1579 00 2579 ll 50 2370 INNS 2170 to 35 1307 34 45 2679 95 4907 3150 2379 14 05 2070 Fifteen new exciting 10 kt yellow gold pieces make Christmas Shopping for that special lady so easyland up to one third savings makes It irresistible In lrtplc lriplc Bracelet Initial Pendant h1olttclcndanl Cross Pendant Cross Pendant Horn Pendant Sllt Anita Pendant 2370 Duglag Pendant 4579 ll Liners Pendant 5170 Lou inc lauin SAVE 28 Regular 2° 00 55 so 00 Si TE cAiiizEtt DRAWER CHEST Tote ray Dome socr MECHANICS SIX DRAWER CHEST Drop trci locus drama COMPACT TWO DRAWER CHEST Poiioes enlra storage to Stnglc b1oSingle l8 Single MN 254 nun III dividers Diortrot P91 an9 tray Rec are elisling large chews mhrtirt near minim Houlnrtm nmllrtin chuIIrLitt Aqulartixt nulartin grams ngi irisr ld M05517 Mun Pmle mmii Pin7m mm 77 l517 Prlcllsll Werner misc his or lull run run Kmrtflegular Kmaiia ular KmIIIR um there always LiutPriceIOSJ7 imp WP mart Special Price 7777 mart Special Price 6777 mart Soocial Price 3437 it WEIw Advertised Merchandise Policy iTmr Km PLAZA contLLiASQUARE Hwy 27 BYFIELD s1 NW BARRIE ONT HWY 11 Al WEST SI NORTH DRILLIA 1v 114 ft OPEN MON 10 FBIDAYI mo SATURDAYS 9210 room for one more wow 13 is ï¬ll IlnZTEtf tAIi illicit Murphy Jeweller in erie at the Bayï¬eld Mall Call your Welcome Wagon Hostess now Phone