Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1979, p. 6

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mp0 wv has fpsdp¢7 From designers who ave iJ theexeriiine Theswam Nov 1m Introducing spaceage tub IUIUJNIU The same people ho gaze us the Bodrig 747 have come up with the space age bathroom It an at ry Ilt tub and shower enclosure coriiplcti with walls and ceiling made by viltitli the Winnipeg Iliyioon of Itocing to of Seattle Wash the firrii that makes thr 737 The unit is being iiitiorliiHrl at the ttli annual International Interior Design Show which optnod Tuesday at Exhibition IIacc About 13000 architects dc signers and other trade people are expected to visit the three day show looking for trends in IHUT Acrylic unlike porcelain and enamel is so tough it resists scratching peeling flaking and chipping Ii is warm to the touch and its unique insulating properties help keep the heat in your bath water Its also slip resistant The unit is metres wide 35 centimetres deep and about metres high In normal bathtub you lose about eight centimetres because of the tile ledge In this unit the walls come straight down so you get the full 13 metres Unique gifts that say lot Without casting lot EAIREIELD PLACE MATS by IIiIioirifioIis 50 polyester 50 cotton Machine washable 365 MATCHING NAPKINS 198 FREE BAR OE SCENTED SOAP to ALL CUSTOMERS No purchase necessaryl BATH LINEN BOUTIQUE 140 Victoria 81 Barrie 7287i6i IHS SULPHUR The tub has contoured back rest so it conforms to your body shape sculptured arm rest and handy seat that is useful when shaving your legs or shampooing your hair It also features stainless steel grab bar for safety The tub and show er enclosure is available in colors of parch ment pale blue ermine alr mond autumn gold and costs about 59m As well the shows reflects the trend toward stained glass as windows doors paintings and skylights in the home Anything reminiscent of King hitankhamen also is the rage Theres an Egyptian lamp with black parchment shade and gold base copied from the origi nal step pyramid outside Cairo The show is not open to the public New risks found in rhythm method NEW YORK iAPi Women who use the ILI or rhythm methods of birth control seem to run slightly higher risk of having unhealthy babies when they do get pregnant new study concludes But in result the head of the study called puzzling prior use of the contraceptive pill seems to slightly decrease the risk of infant death The findings are part of fourycar study of factors at feeling the outcome of preg nancy directed by Dr George Tokuhata an epidemiologist at the University of Pittsburgh and head of Pennsylvanias state Bureau of Health Re search Tokuhata presented his pre liminary results at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association Tuesday More than 132tttio health professionals are at tending the fiveday meeting which ends Thursday But Dr Jean Pakter chief of maternity services for the Ncw York ity health department and chairman of the session at which Tokuhata appeared urged caution in interpreting the study SOMEAVOII PILL These are only associations not causes and effects she said For example she said women with high blood pres sure diabetes and other prob lems are routinely steered away from the pill because of possible cardiovascular corti plications The absence of such medical problems alone might account for the improved performance of pill users she said Tokuhata and his colleagues interviewed 13050 women who gave birth at five hospitals in the Harrisburg Pa area from 1974 to 1978 They collected hos pital records and birth and death certificates for the births The study examined whether any of 279 variables affected the outcome of pregnancy ranging from the mothers health history to her family income They found that women who had previously used the IUD or intrauterine device had about twopercent excess of sub sequent infant deaths pre mature babies and babies of low birth weight compared with women who used no con traceptives all other factors being equal Mothers who used the rhythm method favored by the Roman atholic hurch had similar excess of infants born dead or of low weight he said But pill users hart about onepercent lower chance of having an in fant born dead Tokuhata said it was possible the problems associated with the ID may be due to damage to the lining of the uterus which is in contact with the de vice The III is plastic lei vice placed in the uterus It seems to prevent the fertilized egg from implanting on the uterus wall The diaphragm prophylactics and other forms of contraception seemed to Iiavc no effect on pregnancy in the study he said TOTAL CEARANCE OF CARPETS Armstron Prices start at LOOPS LEVEL PLUS TWISTS SPECIAL Selected Colors and patterns to choose from ADAIR VOLUME SALES 21 MARY ST BARRIE BLOCKS WEST OF POINTS IN DOWNTOWN BARRIE 99 Sq Yd vinyl flooring Barbara MacLeod tries out Wascans warmto thetouch acrylic shower bath enclosure at the Interior Design Show which opened in Toronto Tuesday For $960 you get fivefoot wide bathing area complete with walls and ceiling handy seat and stainless backrest armrest steel grab bar CP Photo engagement wad WigginsPatton Mr and Mrs Austin Wiggins of Barrie are pleas ed to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Susan Fern to William Edgar Cleveland Patton son of Mr and Mrs Cleve Patton of Ivy The wedding will take place November 24 at pm in Trinity Anglican Church Barrie Photo by ProColor moment emeer Professional 8x 10 Colour Portrait only 88c Choose from our selection of +1 at scenic and colour tiaclqrour d9 See our new large Decorator Poriat Your complete satisfactirr guaranteed or your money ctieeriutt Itllll No obligation to buy additional portraits Portraits back in time for Christmax WED THURS FRI NOVEMBER IO DAIlY 108 SAT I0430 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE ONTARIO One sitting per subject$1 per subject for addi tional subjects groups or individuals in the same family Persons under 18 must be accompanied by parent or guardian Literacy Mil Ann Landers Virginity variation Dear iiii Iaiiders IIII lycirrold girl and still irgiii hope you on consider my problcm too weird to bo with It means lot to mc name been going with this really wonderful fellow for quite hilc We have not had scuil relations as yet but dont see how can hold off much longer have year of high school left before could even consider getting marrayl My parents wouldnt hear of it am trying to be realistic My problem is that dont want my boyfriend to know am virgin Please dont tell inc that every man wants to be the first with the woman he IiIJIIItS Iiiic doesnt So made up little story to inikc Iiiiii feel com Iottablt ha heard of simplc prtxcdurc that can be pciformcd in doctors office It is called cutting the hymcn Is it cpcnsiyc Is it ptiintiil Will ll be kept confidential trom my parcnts Although live in another stitc am signing my self From Iary land Itear Iiry land Talk about cultural armtions lettcr wins first pric In Japan it is so important for some girls to go to the bridal chambcr purc and untouched that they pay good price to hayc sliccp tissiic scw ii in by it gynecologist to simulate the missing hy tiicii Ihc prikcdurc is called maku scisci which mcans membrane regeneration tor your questions Yes the hymcn can be cut surgi cally In most cases it is not cry paintiil The price and con fidcniiality must be established between you and your gynecologist your hear iiii Iaiidcrs My husband and have problem with his mother Its not the usual mother in law type intcr Icrmgt Its more serious than that and real heart brctikcr My mot hcr in law is in alcoholic She considers herself social drinker ind rcsciits any suggestion that Iicr drinking may not be out ot control Her husband is also an alcoholic but not solar gone is she is The problem rclatcs to my mothcriii laws warm at lcctiou for our two prc school cliildrcn Last summer she and her husband wanted to tiikc thc children on cross country auto trip They think when they drive and we simply couldnt allow it We gave cycry ccusc but thc real one Now thcy keep asking it they can tiikc thc children for weekend Wc are running out of ccuscs Meanwhile my husband and are the only members of the family who have bccn ablc to maintain relationship with thcsc two because of thcir drinking llicy have managed to gct into fights with cvery other mcmbcr of the family What shall do Please hpr us IlIItItItII1lI15 Iiiav i7ot bad initials undcr thc circumstanch lhc best solution is an honest controntation lcll thcm We know you love our childrcn and wc want them to IIIt Ilic benefit of your lovc and affection but we cannot lct you take them anywhere in car bccausc you drink when you drive Icts work out somc arrangements that dont involve your driving It would bc our pleasurc to see warm relationship ilcy clopbctwccn you and the children If they become angry well thats too bad childrens safety must be your mayor consideration Erma Bombeck Life with runners IIic IIy IIII IIIHIIIIKK have jtlSl aiiswcrcd fourpiigc rpicstionnairc on the stress and pressures endured by iionrruimcr who is married to person who sweats for plcasurc And say its about tiinc There are thousands of us who sit arouan like lumps waiting at the finish lincs bringing Debbie and Mike home with our applause basting blisters tying shoes without so much as thankyou heiesrarlshirt The runners get all the glory just Iiccausc they run 26 miles Bigdcal Do they know what had to go throuin to get seat at the Boston Marathon finiin linc Have they ever tried to get cab that will take you to the start of thc race and thcn lollow 10001 runners back to thc liniin linc in first gcar Donny of them appreciate what it is likc to go to formal dinner party with ii man wearing blue and white Adidas gym shoes You talk about hitting thc wall can tell you all about hitting the wall Its blowing $17 So on standing rib and having husband in training for marathon ho announces cant havc protein an you make inc stack of pan cakes Its having your spouse stand IttltIIt you after racc his facc ashen his legs beginning to cramp nausea creeping into his stomach the rock in his shoe now em bedded in his arch and telling him icrman shepherd dog officially entered in thc race beat his timc by five minutes And the pressure by intimilation tili runners dont come right out and say you should run but tlicy get their point across in thoiisand subtle ways To begin with runners never get up quietly in the mornings IIicir alarm clocks are amplified Ihcir showers sound like dam broke Ilicir warm up exercises are accompanied by grunts groans anrl squeaks But mostly its the loneliness of being on the outside of every conversation Its that awkward pause when your companion looks al you and gasps You dont run iltettcr toadmit voiircagainst clean air Personally hope the questionnaire will Ilttl some light on those forgotten people who despite running spouse keep children and home together As one woman wrote on her picstionnairc Itunning has kept our marriage together Id havc left him years ago but coiildnt catch him totcll him ltlllt it Home on Im rla titiIIII It to II in 1Illlit Noniiiibci to ti tit so Ill and Sunday Not inbii ll to Pr iicicstcll IIi teaching II FABRICS ltir Itairic Literacy toiiiicil RUiIIclititis it bold iLl to nthnil tirir training It Ifitll and Tll aim rcgisration fws SAT NOWSAVE UPITO 50 its PATTERNS PRICE SINGER SEWING CENTRE GEORGIAN MALL DRAPERIES CARPET llMIIED For shop at home call 728199 irjjtfltl at Slo per person woilzboolr costs railing Gladys tli Iiilliurst Iarcnts IM WalnutJ Interested tr mourning dance owinbci Hi from tc ylrrlonte Ski Iot in casual TTIUSIC ifti Mark Stafford lyyi lillllfl and lcV are $3 each liu 1t ialirrl II time to the person the riicaning all I9 Dunlap St Barrie Ontario

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