12 the exeminer Thursday Moray 107D sttivestock tor sale HORSES BOLPDED largo new no stalls letd no daly turnouts sats Mean Smrutes wesotearre ltI at lozora $75 monthly 729 657 MI SEI aroe rntrr pony wailing ihmr siIcrEzstilly at Dorirm am sWi snows Owner iutorrum Unï¬t9 43 tiil or tea Irsnag HAN rm IIHUI BTWE FIW Lessor tor riivrv mmrrr rair with Jidll Orin lwtaist yriw iii auntw ran yifl rxirsrv L4qu my arrlrw at Jri Ail link 14 ii IQHVJitbi HOLT Mm ttl ft l5 Iay LN 91 hur isr Ill Fur Bit ti Tti Ir tinviirritiir Ft Ir74 it11 Oli iiiii Irir IErlrsyfrv Tavrrn tfrtri yitr HIJJL ii in I1ll rirqui 59 poultrychicks Vi Vi It tr lrty puili Fiirr Irrigt iiyiy yglylv lr illt cm nn In all lRll Iiitii 70 Mimi whim Fun Itll ir ii ir hymn hiyirir ir YldtI ti Trvliiw rt Urim tmii MED1 60V teedseedgrain 615 at tiny liir ulll riiiii Jllrr1ll 19 it 70 415 Iiii It It Salk Iryq rtl hilli rt trtt ITIIIIT ctron rm tt tit tJrtti minii TiiripttiniwtIi IIdi yll£ riinrirn unturrtry Call rii iimiiii iiiIiry 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llt llnIIlTIIEIl1Iti Itld ltlllhtll Ari ynii priiinvint amt iiirii Itiritiriiitit Ititly filrl 16¢ lliiyt lrtirgt ivl IIAIIII Ill Iitll IiItII it ANITNYMOU Hit MRI it tfttllh ttiiili your tiuinis It you wii tl TIIIITIIIII siiiir tall iiiy Ettht liitl lsyctiii Artist Friviilv on itIIillllll piylilli piirtiii Aura por ti lll 7M wil littliititi lelHiIt TION Iiiaririi IHITIT IIIIIH littiillltll Itiirriii IIVE minutes yviiirly iIIIIiIti II Iii 770 III Female Companion ill iilit IIIIIiHI erltt yltIIirIlIlrIl ti wiiitinii It Inti or stinrr iu iilllltlilillllll WI ll fitll musically tiliiiitit tit Iitstii punsitilii ATIII liiii llri turf rnriiiiiiii Ti Iiiititiiiii tiir lIhIItI smutis lIiiln ilitt lliuui ill 126 llll tm liiytltIIitii HIDI NI DE To Torrintii KttlI lilltl flltd itrivu tit leave Ii iii itIiii IIlVlIIU Teluptionc 7172116 Itlir riti III hotpwantod liilcl lIMI lMlLOYMI NI Trainitiil Mimi liliAlty ltIUIll iiiil ITI WtthttTlf IIIilllIl my itIIII siiiiroi Fairs Iii Llilitm IInIIiiwiiniiiury for tur Itiir iIIIOI iimt lIlT iiii IUIXLIJV iIItit Thurs IIy iiiix lllittilllIt lint Nit NNIAI Auto ltiiity roqiiiritsilor iiiii ltllT iit BODY VERNON lulu iIiiiiiv 730 Hill iLt HORTON Diinuts mu iIItiIILl Ip LII itiiiiis Int Mill TIIYH niutit stiitl tiiisti itiin IILIUIIII ll startir numt imily ppliiItiiii ILttlIl Iiiiilobli at IHITII HLitt Li ii III NCL It Miii tmriii Witltllit tiiiiit IHU iI iiiiiviiiiil InII Iitiitrnl Ari II tliv Sii ii untiv lll leytiilrt iil lIMl Pl RsON Ilr ltTUKlL IUTL iIl tr UM iiiinn iiii xlilliit sniiiv lttL lTIIi minis iviii iiiiiiiiis Caiitnit Al Mimi IltIIQLIH FIJIYTLI Oman i4tIti Ii Iv xwtit Mil iiiiNii lt ii lillILl tit mug uni winks slimi iliiisiil yyui plypllilut inst its tli ion tI minis iitisiin Wm riit Liihsiiii lit ttikl tth Ac OUNTING hiilp tar it to Ill itti put month Plimsi submit HM mm iiiiic IlfllliltlIllll to Tim Intf iIlYIIIIIT Tiiiriv AUTO BODY ixii nailIi KnuthI IILIDQ with itiiriitttuiii iit itttit v0 iutitrilltii diTLl but Iiirsn suitnliii iixpciiiinii Itit touts tliutsi Ill not tui my iiiii t4help wanted CONTROLLER Blue Mountain Pottery dlIISlOII of Heritage Craftsmen requires controller for its Jollingwood operation The in dividual will be prolessioriully qualified acc0untant RIA CGA Blue Mountain Pottery is medium sized Canadian company manufacturing ceramic giftware with branches in the United States and Great Britain The individual will have several years experience in related posnion and be completely familiar With accounting practices in manufacturing concern The person Will also have flair for administration and peOpl management Compensation will be cc mmensurote With experience Submit your resume In complete ionfidence to BLAIR VICEPRESIDENT and GENERAL MANAGER BLUE MOUNTAIN POTTERY MOUNTAIN ROAD COLLINGWOOD ONT L9Y 318 Ithelp wanted N13 INSIDE SALES Canada leading manufacturer of cosmetic containers requires an experienced Inside sales person Applicants must possess good typing skills ability to work well WlIh figures and good knowledge of order processing Pleasant personality and telephone manner must We offer salary commensurate Ilh experience and excellent company benefits IIICIUdlIg OHIP extended medical pension and dental plans Please forward resume to NICHOLSON CANADYLET LIMITED I37 JOHN ST BARRIE ONTARIO L4N 2Lll ADMINISTRATION MANAGER Starting Salary to $20000 THE JOB To direct small staff and be responsible for credit processing data preparing reports and analyzing information THE PERSON Is high school graduate who has worked for several years with record of good performance He or she has experience in credit and In dealing with staff and customers If he or she has knowledge of ac counting this is bonus He or she has initiative and is willing to work hard and independently LOCATION Barrie Please reply in complete confidence to Box B92 The Examiner Barrie N9 TYPEWRITER TECHNICIAN Required for Barrie and area Experience on element machines an asset For interview send resume or phone BRIAN BAKER 17053267332 After hours I705325663I WHITFIELD OFFICE OUTFITTERS 52 COLBOURNE St ORILllA ONTARIO 13v MIDLAND INDUSTRIES requires GENERAL ACCOUNTANT Candidates should have experience in the various areas of Industrial General Accounting Exposure to EDP will be helpful Preference will be shown for persons who are progressing towards their Accounting Designation APPLY TO PERSONNEL OFFICE 320 ELIZABETH ST MIDLAND ONTARIO L4R 4L6 0ARE YOU an Opportunist HAVE YOU been in sales more than years ARE YOU now earning more than $20000 yrly 0ARE YOU career minded If yes please send resume to LINDA GREEN 920 Yonge St Ste 320 TORONTO Ont M4W 3C7 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 TORONTO HIGH ST DUNLOP Yes Carrier Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE BRADFORD ST TIFEIN ST NO 200 before 400 Bridge VEUGENIA AMELIA DUNLOP PERRY VEUGENIA DUNDONALD WSHANTY BAY SHOREVIEW would like more information about an Examiner AGE PHONE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie NM 4T6 7TThetp wanted gt TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 REQUIRES ROAD SUPERINTENOENI Applications will be received until l200 oclock new on November l9th I979 for the position of Township Rood Superintendent Responsibilities The successful applicant is to assume all responsibility for the con struction maintenance and related activities for ap proximately T96 miles of road Qualifications Applicant should have several years of municipal or related experience The ability to supervise and to communicate well with Council and ratepayers will be con sidered an asset Salary to commensurate with experience including the usual municipal fringe benefits Applicant to state full personal details and experience and date available to commence Neufeld Clerk Township of Oro RR Oro Station Ontario LOL 2E0 N8 l0 l3l5 CUSTODIAN Stationary Engineer 4th Class Position open at Barrie North Collegiate Applicants must have 4th Class Stationary Engineers Certificate Salary range $550 to $604 per hour plus Engineers Allowance Start date as soon as possible Please apply in writing on or beIOre Nov 1579 to Personnel Office The Simeoe County Board of Education 99 Ferris lane Barrie Ontario HM 2Y2 LITTLE EXTRAS COST LOT Earn extra money selling AVON Meet interesting people set your own hours be your own boss Phone today and find Out how easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 WThTF LOVE CANDLES Make money showing our candles accessories on the Home Party Plan or have candle party receive beautiful premiums Telephone Daytime 7057482500 Evening 705799 6916 RAINBOW CANDLES Box I234 PETERBOROUGH On tario K9J 7H5 WANTED Mature person to come into our name to care lor our month old dauuhlir Excellent reterences re quiroa Variable items For more in tormation and appointment call 778 6761 TOOL DESIGNER tor minimum at months Salary negotiable Telephone icEWNC and ASSOCIATES any time iiirdetnils 778 T309 XPERIENCED BABYSITTER re QUIer tor two are school children in own name painswmk area relcrences rr quireri own transportation 726 Allti EXPERIENCED CARPENTER equired cabinet making EXDfFICfICO Building with Lasts Ltd Telephone 776 I966 EXPERIENCED SERVICE STATION attendant Must be able to do lubrica tiotls and change tires Apply In person FTP Statiort Stroud LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER to work in spiiior Citizcns tinnie Must be reliable and liki elderly people Call any time am 33 or 436 417 72sales helpagents GREAT JOB OPPORTUNITY for JUNIOR SALES TRAINEE WITH LARGE ESTABLISHED NATIONAL COMPANY WE OFFER 77 challenging position designing and selling oc counting and business systems rvr Extensive on the iob training for year period good basic salary plus commissmn and bonus during training WE WANT brIght energetic person in terested in being rewarded for iab well done TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW PLEASE CWTACT MR XOBER AT 7207321 THE McBEE COMPANY division of LITTON INDUSTRIES FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY Earn up to $500 weekly and more as our agent explaining government insulation program Management potential MR NORTH I4Tb63bT55I N24 OP SOMUISSON Sell anmhcri Dirt wit rim saii ni Calendars tvs pitis aoiris tapes rat Supp es Cu 37th iar ivii VA annular Al 803 ta FE HOURS Average an hour showno am tu v1 stas year trienos niiattbors For personal interview as about ricw phone MECP cASHlON TWO TWENTY irqenti niec Beauty Consultants in Bar are For intormation telephone viinu own 326 7ESéOrittia AN NEENLT NAL OIL CO otters mt mom plus cash bonuses at Ctk ma tar mature individual in Same area Regardless at viperme ir tiS Read Pres Tittany Asphalt moaliens Ban Dayton Ohio 74opportunity men women Job Hunting It so youll need good resume We will lay out resume that will present your qualifications in concise and professional manner to any prospective employer Reasonable rates Call Fulmer Management Services 7288916 N9 remptoyment wanted DAV CARE cen Grave 776 5623 EXPERIENCED TYPIST looking Phone 726 9136 In my Street name St Vin area Telephone BOOKKEEPER tor parttime mark NOTICE Deadl ne tat classmed word ads pm day previous noon Saturday 78tenders ilétandors 70tottders Ontario Government Tender GENERAL CONTRACTORS Ministry of Government Services Regional Office 24 James Street East Orillia Ontario Telephone 705 3257403 Ministry of Gavernment Services Public Tenders Office Room Ml43A Macdonald Block Telephone 4T6 965152 Ontario 10265 TFNDE Tenders are invited for redesigning conveyor shipping receiving facilities at the Adult Occupational Centre Edgar Ontario This work Involves electrical and general trades Tender documents may be obtained from Queens Park Toronto Ontario M7A 1N3 toot Performance Bond may be required Sealed tenders will be received unlil 00 pm November 27 I979 at which time they will be opened in public Tenders will be opened In Toronto NOTE For further information please contact Mrs Sidney Public Tenders Office Toronto or the Regional Office above Please quote Project No CM36907 The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted Ministry of Government Services Tuesday No8 RESTAURANT November QUANTITY wun tom EQUIPMENT Tenders may be submitted to the address listed below until 430 pm on the Ibth DESCRIPTION Garland Stove Moflot Grills day of I979 for the purchase of assets at Kellys Dining Lounge located in Stroud Ontario Tenders are to be submitted en bloc or per each item specified Sales tax to be paid by purchaser Assets consist of Stainless Steel Deep Fryers Hood with Exhaust Fan COJ Fire Extinguisher Charcoal Grill Steam Table Cutting Table with Steel Bins Freezers Viking Gen Electric Frigidaire Ice Making Machine Refrigerator Frigidaire Tub Stainless Sink Bar Unit Bar Sinks Cold Spot 36000 btu Air Conditioner Chairs Tables NCR Cash Register Steel Patio 32 24 with railings steps lights Assorted dishes glassware cooking utensils Financing is available to qualified purchaser and lease of premises may be obtained from the Landlord subiect to Landlords approval Sealed tenders with 10 cheque should be addressed to King PO Box 876 Barrie Ont to be designated will be returned without interest if the ten liquidated damages if the tender is highest or any tender shall not necessari is reserved deposit by way of certified orio LAM 4Y6 Deposits payee der is not accepted or forfeited as accepted and sale not completed by the purchaser The ly be accepted and the right to reiect any and all tenders Information or appointments for inspection may be obtained by calling 705 7286072 79auction sales 79auction sales Graham Allen Ram Jltiltr Illdlll jlii pit flop 7265055 Barrie Ontario 737249I Auctioneer SCL57 SHORT NOTICE AUCTION to settle the Estate of the Late JOHN LAMBIE of Elinvale SATURDAY NOV 17th at 100 an1 sharp wiles south of Elmvale on Hwy 27 at thiI corner of the 4th line of Flos Many household items and many antiques such as Chandler print depression glass clocks rom Scotland washstands dressers blanket boxes etc Watch for full list on November Nth No matter what weather plan to attend as the tent is heated sofpublic notices WHAT IZYEAROLD BUSINESS PERSON CANT LEND MONEY Answer Your Barrie Examiner Carrier on Collection Day TODAY IS COLLECTION DAY PLEASE PAY YOUR CARRIER PROMPTLY WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner ClassifiogSection PhoiieTzaziii CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 728v24l4 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by day preceding publication with the exception of ClmSIIied Display adyettisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE S6 00 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words 56 00 Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 56 00 Add tioriol words IT cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse Sb 0C With verse per count line 73 cents per line COMINGEVENTS $3 43 per Column inrh CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 74 word minimum Cash Discount Rates apply paid within days One or two insertions l0 per word insertion Three consecutive in semen 9i cents per word insetior tao S6 Bi 51 consecutive insetiors pet woa per insertion total 9291 Multipe mser tions may be ordered subwc to cave oior when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewet than 21 words court as words Each initial upbieaor set numbers etc Countas separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone inserion orders are acceped as convenience to the advert sets Theth the Classified Advertisirg Deporme quires advertisers to rdy re chec advertisement mmeciaiely otter test we tion in order that ary ercr oi omissicr rui be eported before cider Ino sore may be rectiliet to the folowing day publication The Examiner ingots ale only one incorrectly printed nsortic OI Orly advertisement and ther cirv to the enter at portion at ad that moies the WispIt Ev rors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not elig bio for coe= tions by make goods The hammer reserves thorigh to class ty revise ct reyecl ory ON ads PHONE 126 Ill BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liabilityin respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies hawever otherwise TF N68 examiner patterns Shirtdressing Printed Pattern 4656 102222 Job Interview7 Lunch ivitti liieriits7 Mowe date7 YlllliOUl moments lIESIldlIOII this is the dress to choose Crisp collar icon EST or same easy fit Printed Pattern 4656 Hall SIICSIOI1212l4216ï¬l8ï¬ 207 22 SIZE 1417 Ibust 37I 238 yas dSIn Bicyd conti $150 IOI each patterncash cheque or money We Ada 35¢ each pattern for lustclass mail and handling Print plainly Site Style Numbei your Home Ad dress Send to Anne Adams Pattern De Th El or I09 MM Id Scarborough Ontario MIR Clothing costs are going up up up Save SSS update you wardrobe Milt out NEH FALL WINTER PATTERN CATALOG Over 100 style plus liee SISO pattern caupon Catalog $1 lZ7Alghans Dollies S150 TZSFatchiiiorti Quilts $150 lZSOuickEasy Transfers $150 l30$nuters$izes 3856 $150 ISLAdd Block Quilts 3150 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 SPECIAL notices CASH was Death Notices Engagements Cards at Thanks $6 00 minimum 40 words additional words cents per word Births 56 00 In Memoriam no vars 56 00 Verse per count line extra 23 cents Coming Events $3 per column inclI stbirths 85deaths CALDER Jim aw am an Itt ilLfiAs ii wry WWII and hope tn s3 tri ttw fyAWOV up son Davr Iatttis naly iivvvl Nrivv Siinaay Ottmw LIl it Tho niiiw rm SDsiitIhnAsavtrn thpstyitt nii nu Ilpp Victoria Hiispitiil rspr Illt HONDUSI and iIl tn lr wtrg hairoit Thin ThLitQV mp titg Dnvrtslitii rr istzi Marina 5Ilill is Tlrrsrt1siriilivt Vliiitiwsrtiysiliirt nstw Yniirsrtriyltrriitartivt ir Frflï¬kalrlCI sloy Jll aurcliiy it Hi iriis tir iv Iiytni Ann ri lrt mm Th IlrlliDAy is lair amt wicn ITIff gr MI in guy iiilnrir riiiini ii ullrn ilwars wilc tow wti ttii wroh wits ttlri it flitl rind DTIIIV ii your rhilrt tiitiiri riiiiriiiyviiiiii ic ii lirII yitUt rtiitrt hrlly viii mum Err 4i yin it tgt ii in win and yrIv ii turn it vital nirip iii WNW NI Ilitt pivirp yn Harv Iliri nr at thi rai tiv on isiiiityy iii trunri HR 14 ii ii myriyii 000 NE WS TORY Whrir ririiirtir tni birth it ytij rt amino clippiiiriv at trir win Jilllrllll rir Iliitiy floor it Iy plIfiVls and to irinl ytiI tr Pf rIliI rtlittivvt in thrim tar itlvny iit Im sii lFIHHUfl tiltiil tItt tht al van Iisit irt 318 Ii 86 card ot thanks pm Is iiii iiiiin ginw ian my stI in poyial iyi Hosp lal lVy nirnrttrlt timiiii Pomr Di BtITDlT Dr Turttl ill IM nursrs tny WEIJtVlUl nr ialibi it trinnur Marin Putts 87In memoriams THOMPSON Eiigm in lnv iiu mommy at didl husband father aim ii Qrandlattirr who passirl avin Now I977 Those we lovo wi ties or Inc For always they Nll he anvct rimemhvett lYtiIhUTt Always in our memory Lovmaly remembered and satly miss ed by witc May rtauutiteis pain inii IJ Li rii tlt Edith rnlflhllffrIlTliIIPK It llit ii lttlyllt vts Isv WALLWIN Muriel in loving lTTLtYtlIy My my Of dear mother and grandmother who UN lm passed away Naveniucre lvts imiirt ii miir iiim ii II7 ii You Dado ncianii last farewiIl Dwuylw NI Noraid yousay QOODIIVL yiiiii vii my You WLFLOOITP bitorowokni it livi my hm ArmOttli Godkitowswtiy my pm Ploasv inct take niossauii ii To ITIOIIIIY in Heaven RIIUVI Tell ITIF how much we miss Itir il iiti isiiu tllmii iii It Kill ill liil amt rum tllcli ii Iiiri ii ii ir Itiytt And QIVCITIT all out IOVI inniii Ilililll kr TII tiii uti kii Always ITTIIHDTFEII amt sitrtly ttIisK IUIIUI ii EII It at Kt Iiiiiii ed by Carole Don Joyce Keitti Rmti iiiiiii ii liiiiriiii iiiii in tii antllhiiirtitmilirs IIIIIII iiii Iiiriiy ici min it Ii Intiitiiiwt Litrii Iti tt Iltvltly 88coming ovonys so I1IIII nit lllziliytl lIiitlititI iiii liii IIJIIi tiiOiitmiitti irt Lllttlitl iii tIOWHIIiHI Mititiii At IIIISII Manor Cullinqwuort on IiIiwtin NUVtlVllt I979 Minnii rilllitlli bilovorl mtv it littv EIIKIIIITCT 8i BAKE SALE FRIDAY NOV 9th pm pan Plowriatit in Ft 87th yliIt 111 lTHtlITtI nl Flilf Mrs IllltY Print It IIrIllt rmtitiiiiittiw at Dnvut at Utanm amt KtITIl at Carleton FliiiiI Orrat Iranrt ITInIItl of JtItlle and Jordan Fmtt of Utopia Survivrrt rIlSt by Four sistirrs i1an SATURDAY NOV 10th I0am3pm two tirrittiiis Fiipiiris ttyty mil at him klrty FUITITJI Itlitii Ill Wrirgtny Carlon Rand SIItt Bart ii rIIIII in Wttllllflily 0H Cundles near Baylield Siirvici iii ttiii thiva in Thin srtny Nnventtirr II at IIITIYnItn Minis Ina Union lnltIlly It so dill ntniiiiirial uiiimtiiiiis Ittfly mi itmrti Iii iiisinu Unilvrt tturi ti Signs posted BINGO 88COITIIII9 ivonts Rebekah Oddfollows rvm FRIDAY NIGHT 531mg 37 JUL aioo PM For ticket reservation phone 728653l after pm 5350 each n789ldl5l62l22232829 DANCE Sat Nov IO 830 pm EMBASSY HALL Tickets $500 per person Door Prize Spot Prizes Buffet Proceeds to Barrie and District Association for the Physically Disabled Personal Support Fund 73733I5 00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot Sl00 refreshment booth ThTF Read The Examiner To Buy Buy The Examiner To Read New series Bruce Hart TV producer with special sen sitivity toward kids and their problems and his wife Carole have come up with Hot Hero Sandwich new NBCTV weekend series that tries to demonstrate that kids are not alone in what they feel The series premieres Saturday at noon EST with Erik Estrada Bruce Jenner Olivia NewtonJohn and Donna Pescow as heroes AP Photo