LEVEL FOR HOME PLA COMPLETELYEQUIPPE Specifications on unit Il2 8V2 34 Shipping weight complete wit all boards books adapte playing pieces double dut shipping box lbs II geueneaeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeceeelllll msxivi INTRODUCING THE fl TWINCHALLENGER THE FIRST BACKGAMMON AND CHESS COM PUTER THAT COMBINES THE TWO MOST POPULAR GAMES INTO ONE HOME MODEL YOU PLAY DIRECTLY AGAINST THE TWINCHALLENGER MATCHING WITS YOU MAKE MOVE THEN ITS THE TWINCHALLENGERS TURN THE COMPUTER ANALYSES YOUR POSITION AND THEN FLASHES ITS RESPONSE ON ITS READOUT WINDOW THE TWINCHALLENGER OFFERS LEVELS OF PLAY FOR EITHER BACKGAMMON OR CHESS EACH PROGRESSIVELY HARDER RANGING FROM BEGINNER TO IN TERMEDIATE TO INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT PLAY DEFEAT THE TWINCHALLENGER ON ONE LEVEL AND YOURE READY TO MOVE UP THE COMPETITIVE SCALE TO HIGHER LEVEL THE TWIN CHALLENGER EVEN TALKS TO YOU OFFERING INSTRUCTIONS AND COMMENTS ON ITS MAIN LED READOUT SCREEN OVER 300 FLEXIBLY STRUCTURED COMMENTS CONCERNING ALL ASPECTS OF BOTH GAMES SO CHOOSE YOUR GAME AND YOUR LEVEL OF PLAY AND LET THE TWINCHALLENGER CHALLENGE YOU TO COUNTLESS HOURS OF ENTERTAINMENT CHESS FEATURES levels of play beginner tournament you can play either black or yellow LED readout screeéns VISIbIe in light change game level at any time during game add or take away pieces any time in game se god situations and play through digital time clock for tournament play comment and instruction readout screen au tone on off selection IO no illegal moves permitted II pawn promotion to queen or other piecedecision yours permits casting and En Passant I3 position verification memory recall i4 change board Side any time durirtg game it no illegal moves permitted I6 plays all famous opening defences Sicilian Queen Gambit Lopez etc compo elr analyzes over million possible moves betore responding I8 response time I2 seconds on level to 45 minutes on eve I9 manual overide key for additional variations and features too numerous to list here BACKGAMMON FEATURES play either Classical or Modern levels of play selection of either electronic dice and doubling cube or manual entry dice and doubling cube your choice cumulative scorekeeping even when turned off for tournament play set up any game situation and play through LED readouts visible in all lights LED comments instructions readout screen with on off selection audio tone on off selection position verification by memory recall by computer IO diversification and duplication features random computer response to vary every game I2 Manual Overide and Code Entry Keys to give player complete control of game lif rootiteeellne nanwaain 5Hflmw BBIIIUOHTH Twirl CH8 fl ISI geleeeeeee rtItlHl11lllllllllIIIIIEIEEI III meItllIIUIllIUDOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM to order Complete and tear out coupon and send to Danworth Electronics $250 shipping 1867 Yonge St Suite 600 Toronto Ontario Allow weeks delivery days from the day receive the TWINCHALLENGER to decide whether or not Ill keep it and even if decide to return mu CODE Cl Cheque Money om Please charge my order for the TWINCHALLENGER to my VISA Chargex Credit Card Number Explry date Signature FULL YEAR WARRANTY PARTS AND LABOR MONEY BACK 3o GUARANTEE UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Danworth Electronics does hereby warrant and unconditionally guarantee to refund to any and all customers that take advantage of and purchase through the Twinchallenger offering hereafter prompt and full refund of the purchasing price of $5995 plus $250 shipping and handling this prompt and full refund to be effected within l0 days of product being returned to Danworth Electronics and said refund to be in effect for period of 30 days commencing from the date of receipt of the Twinchallenger by the purchasing customer Customer may keep the books included as bonus and no fee or charge will be billed Danworth Electronics WHETHER YOURE JUST BEGINNER OR AN EXPERT AT EITHER BACKGAMMON OR AT CHESS THE TWINCHALLENGER WILL AMAZE AND DELIGHT YOU NOT ONLY IS THE TWINCHALLENGER THE ONLY MODEL ON THE MARKET THAT PLAYS BOTH BACKGAMMON AND CHESS THE PLAYING FEATURES OF EACH OF THE GAMES CONTAINED WITHIN THE UNIT WOULD MAKE THE TWINCHALLENGER BARGAIN EVEN IF IT ONLY PLAYED ONE OF THE GAMES YET IT IS AVAILABLE AT THE MOST AF FORDABLE PRICE OF ONLY $5995 SMALL PRICE INDEED FOR THE BEST ELECTRONIC UNIT YOU CAN OWN THE SOLID STATE MlCROCOMPUTERIZED TWINCHALLENGER COMES FULLY EQUIPPED READY FOR IMMEDIATE PLAY THE PLAYING BOARDS EACH l42 INCHES SQ GAME PIECES DICE CUPS AND DOUBLING CUBE AS WELL AS TWO INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR THE GAMES ARE INCLUDED WITHIN THE PURCHASE PRICE AS WELL THE LLOYDS ADAPTER WHICH IS ALSO INCLUDED PERMITS YOU TO PLAY WITHIN YOUR HOME AND FOR PORTABLE PLAY SIMPLY INSERT AA BATTERIES TAKE IT WITH YOU ANYWHERE ON YOUR NEXT PLANE TRIP YOUR NEXT DRIVE TO THE COUNTRY OR YOUR NEXT PARTY ANYWHERE YOU GO THE TWINCHALLENGER WILL PROVIDE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS WITH COUNTLESS HOURS OF ENTERTAINMENT and handling Total $6245 Im going to take you up on year unconditional 30 day Money Back Guarantee Please send me the complete CHALLENGER set for $5995 plus $250 shipping and handling and understand that if Im not 100 satisfied can the TWINCHALLENGER to you for full and prompt refund including my $250 shipping and handling charge hav TWINCHALLENGER to you can still keep the books Included these books being bonus to me for iust trying TWINCHALLENGER and all the boards pieces and adapter that come with it VISA CREDIT CARD HOLDERS CALL TOLL FREE 8002686362 OR ASK OPERATOR 677