THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING In NEWS TIC TAC DOUGH CAROL BURNETT FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS Ill NEWS In RHODA FABLES OF THE GREEN FOREST AND 655 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA CHIPS PM MAGAzINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH BENSON STREET TALK DR WHO FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 JOKER JOKER JOKER NEWLEYWED GAME LITTLE SPECIAL JOKERS WILD LITTLEST Hoao NASHVILLE SWING ID MAGIC SHADOWS ED BOB NEWHART SHOW MASH 800 BUCK ROGERSIN THE 25m CENTURY MUPPETSSHOWGqu wTHE WALTONSAbackwoodawornarI in mood and her unilant IHIMIMI 01m 00 ULAVERNE AND SHIRLEYLnnm andMyaruhoctedInonttwlmwthal Woldhaoiachoolclubhuturmmtoalough OI II ynIE INCREDIBLE HULK WILD ANIMALS OF THE WORLD LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY MOVIE DRAMAYI Com lng Home Ion 830 II KING OF KENSINGTON Larrys attempt at playing matchmaker uncle fucawhonhoandOwonaromostIionlyauurnad the blind date of the intended couple BENSON REAL STORY SOME MOTHERS 00 AVE EM Frank $9M mm can In Public Rota tiona at the Wllaon School of Iiiendahip but when he luv the school will never be the urn 900 OUINCY II LOU GRANT HAWAII FIVEo simmmu ontly ll tryingto conVIrIcv Joan Carter and nor yono Ihokmathal Ihoismntatlyiliandiaonly Irnagininglha frightening attack on her life 60 gBARNEY MILLER BARNEY MILLER DouctIva Harria bookaboutlhe I2thprecinctiafinaltygoingtobe publiahedbuthamayloanltolhislriondlIrItha ad room became of It LIVE IT UP look at cruatuceana Iloowatch put on the Post Onion and tag Dtl Iatnted SPEAKING OUT WINTARIO 930 CITIES Glasgow second City of the BIIIIH Empire In the 19m century home Ior noted paychoanalysl and paychialrrui ma Ho unthecilyasaplacaofatarkcluahmg COflIMIISOICOfl1mCVCIIDOUIITYJOINIMO and people at Violence tenderness and great anodnan 80min SOAP CE COLUMBO Ll Colombo pleases his palta With the finest gourmet dinnara while MVOIIIGIIIW IM OIIIUVIM MUUOM 00m too KATE LOVES MYSTERY Mounted at In cacaoMin atmophoro roundmg the arroal of young ntronorrm for ImelolueyingathlthntorrrfiodlhocnyKata am out to prove tho mens Innocence 60 THE ROCKFORD FILES DARNARY JONES simmm Belly Jon attend an Olympic PraiIminary Tryouts to Iuppofl pretty teenage gymnut Indturnble headlong lflIOl March for Ohoot mma 2020 GREAT DEBATE NEWS 1030 KAWALSKlLOEB REPORT 1100 ED NEWS ceC NEWS EYEWITNEss NEWS CTV NEWS REAL STORY MOVIE UNANNOUNCED 120 NEWS NEWS 127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOWHost Johnny Caraori Gueata MIchiIeI Dougtu Marilyn ï¬ne 90 mm CBS LATE MOVIE COLUMRO Try And Catch Ma Ruth Gordon Stars mystery writer who uses her Own plots to avenge the death olhnrnieca Repeal BANACEK AMII ban The Hard Way Stars George Peppard rgotKidder Regan MOVIE AMA Sins of chat Code 1961 PARTY GAME ID QUESTION PERIOD IN THE INTEREST OF ONTARIO TITLE 1125 historically speaking today in history lfil IIISIORY II THE II PRESS Not Illitl llitlers BeerHall lutsch began 30 years ago today in 192 III Munich when he and by the army on whose support the rebels had counted Hitler was found guilty of treason and sentenced to five years im prisonment at Landsberg fortress He served only 13 months of the term however during which time he wrote Mein Kampf 1791 The Louvre Palace in Paris was ripened by Napoleon as public museum 111111 Author Leo Tolstoy died at the age of 82 mix Armistice talks to end the First World War began 1931 Shah Mohammed Na dir Of Afghanistan was assassi nated limo John Kennedy was elected 351h president of the United States barries story his National Socialist sup piIrters attempted to seize control of Bavaria The plot was pill down the following day NOLX lftifi lirec downtown parking on ucekcnds was hit with people but most shoppers were still 11111 are that free parking was available Ily ouncil had adopted in October recom mendation to provide free park ing into downtown metered spaces Friday evenings and all day Saturdays The experimen tal program was to be assessed canadas story Benedict Arnold Attacked Quebec In the US Benedict Arnold ls remembered as traitor Yet he was brilliant military leader in the American Revolutionary war He defected in 1780 because his exploits had not been rewarded by promo tion After the war he lived in Saint John NB for number of years and was very active but an unpopular citizen One of Arnolds most notable achievements was to lead an American army through the State of Maine in 1775 and lay siege to tipebec Arnold had 1100 men and got them up the Kenne ec River to Lake Megantic and then down the Chaudlere River to the St Lawrence It was terrible march in late autumn weather and only about half his force arrived at Levis on November They had to cross the river in small boats which they took from the inhabitants and then climb the cliff to the Plains of Abraham as Wolfes men had done in 1759 at years end Barries North Collegiate midget girls team placed eighth at Ontario high school crosscountry championships at Brock University It was the best showing since Barrie teams entered the provincial finals Barrie Central Collegiate auditorium was filled to capaci ty as more than 1000 people at tended the first university con vocation held in Simcoe Coun ty More than 40 students received bachelor of arts degrees from Wilfrid Laurier University during the ceremony Jack Ramsay director of education for Sim coe County Board of Education received an honorary doctorate of laws About 15 inches of sno fell in Simcoe County causing slip pery road conditions in Barrie and area Mr Fox Public works superintendent said the city usually had one salting run late in October before any ma jor snow hit the area but they The Doctor Says Fibroid Tumors tissue growth By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donahue Please explain fibroid tumors of the uterus their cause and the pos sibility of cancer Can they in terfere with pregnancy or can the situation be corrected so woman with them can still have baby C0 Lets look at the uterus Its muscular organ with very special kind of lining fibroid is benign growth in this muscular organ The correct term actually is myoma which means growth of muscle tissue Fibroids are tumors in this sense that they are new ab normal growths They are not tumors in the sense most people think of tumors as cancer We dont know why myomas fibroids grow anymore than we know about why many other kinds of tumors benign or can cerous grow When women get fibroids there is apt to be enlargement of the uterus and symptoms re lated to the menstrual period such as excessive bleeding at that time Any uterus abnormality may interfere with pregnancies The fibroid problem is more com mon among older women so in selected cases the uterus is sim ply removed hysterectomy In some younger women it is possible to remove the fibroid and leave the rest of the uterus intact to allow future pregnancy It is rare event for fibroid to become cancerous Note the answer to BCM belowi Dear Dr Donohue Would you be so kind to let me know if there is such thing as calcium in the uterus My sister was told she had this BM Calcium can be deposited in many disorders of the uterus the commonest being fibroid tu mors These are usually harm less The calcium forms as the tumor degenerates Uterus cal cium deposits are found in about half of women in later life Dear Dr Donahue Can damp weather cause odorous nostrils have postsinus nasal drip also lot of yellow phlegm when blow my nose mostly in the mornings Do you have suggestion as to what would help Ive had this for couple of months Mrs AB Damp weather will not cause foulsmelling nasal drainage Infection will especially of the sinuses You should see your doctor Dear Dr Donohue My condition is called proptosis and it causes me lot of aaxiety Is there cure What is the cause and prognosis FLT Proptosis IprOTOEsisi is sign of an illness and not an illness itself It is bulging for ward of the eye it both eyes are involved problem with the thyroid gland is suspected If only one eye is affected prob lems in nearby structures are likely at fault Examples of the latter are sinus infection or problems with the lacrimal tear ducts or glands Growths arelooked for If local cause if found treatment of that will end the proptosis If the thyroid is in volved treatment is more diffi cult Even if the thyroid prob lem is brought under control th eye symptom may persist Your best bet is to consult an ophthalmologist if you have not done 50 Your doctor can refer you BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag OverIinessed hand tails NORTH 0K6 J752 9K6 OAQJQB EAST 0QJ1073 OAQ84 K53 SOUTH 0A5 AQIOQSI 1073 102 Vulnerable Both Dealer North West North East South 10 14 Pass Pass 1141 Opening leadz¢2 By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag lucky player would make all the tricks Only man walking under his own personal rain cloud would lose three finesses out at three and go down ought to give up bridge and take up backgam mon complained South What makes you think that you play bridge asked North sarcastically bridge player would have made the hand South had won the spade lead in dummy and promptly lost the trump finesse West had led back diamond East took two diamond tricks and waited to set the hand with his king of clubs South had thrown away game and rubber when he started by taking the trump finesse Instead South should have won the spade in his own hand and cashed the ace of hearts He would then be almost sure of his contract unless West held all three trumps and clubs and dia monds were both misplaced After cashing the trump ace South would take and lose the club finesse East could not take two dia mond tricks and South would get to discard two of his dia monds on good clubs As the late Ely Culbertson remarked You dont have to take every finesse November 91979 Friends will play key roles in your affairs this coming year This could be especially true of pals who now live distance from you SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Dont let your sound judgment desert you in financial matters today Should your discipline Weaken yOU could make some foolish expenditures SAGITTARIUS Nov 230 21 Unfortunately you may not fully TIEWITCHHASRJTATOLL 457 MICHHEL HRS 305T SEW MOI LWCOINIE Hes Rope END DISOBEDIENT FIND MEAN capiiiilz onWroibortunities today owing to tendency to take them for granted Dont miss the boat CAPRICORN Doc nJen 19 It isnt that youre afraid to make tough decisrons today The dan ger is that you may suddenly change what you decided to do for the sake OI expediency AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 You are able to manage situa tions competently for others today provided there is not too much Outside Interference It kaitzers get into the act its another story PISCES Fob 20March 20 Someone could make you some rather lavish promises today but its best you take them with grain of salt They may not be WHAT IS BOOTH ON THAT BRIDGE SHE ClIA IN NEXT TO OUR HOUSE FBUSES HIS W79 Univer Pun Syndicat WELL VOURE LO WN DIRTY DOGJ WHAT IN TH VING PONGS HAVE CAT HE uses ear LRNSIIHGE HE TOQS ImlNKI we Remy TRIED 009 BEST 35k to deliver when the chips are down ARIES March 21April 19 The spirit may be willing today but the flesh could be weak There Is possibility you might start proj ects in which you will lose inter est before finishing TAURUS April 20May 20 Overindulgence is something you may have to guard against today or youll regret It tomOr row Eat drink and be merry but do so sensmly GEMINI May 214nm 20 Be generous and giving towards Others today but be careful you dont go to extremes The ges ture 15 more important than 115 Size CANCER June 21July 22 Your friends like you for what you are In an is Pu l6 so the use of attectations today 15 completely unnecessary To thine own sell be true LEO July 23409 Financial ly conditions look rather inter esting for you today with the exception of where gamble are concerned Dont expect some thing tOr nothing as Ill VIRGO Aug 23391 22 Normally your practical Outlook enables you to see things IOr what they are Today however you could kid yourself into belIeVIng the Situation is better than it really Is LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Your Immense appeal to those of the Opposite sex could turn your head today InVOIVIng you in situation fraught with complica lions 115 ONLY TWENTY MILES AROUND THE LONG WAY IF blILDWRITETD MYCOWREEGMAN VOJ GUYSVIOLILDBE IN BIG IROLIBLE NEXT TIME WATCH WHERE YER JOGGIN CONTHAVE Accra T161 1011 COME 011K BECAIEEmeEEs NE In embassy crisis TEHRAN iCPi President Carter sent two special envoys to Iran today carrying letter to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and other Moslem leaders asking them to free 60 US hostages at the US embassy in Tehran the state de rtment said senior of icial of the Palestine Liberation Organimtion was also reported on his way to Tehran to help in freeing the hostages The US state department said in Washington that former attorIIengeneral Ramsay Clark who met with Khomeini during his French exile in January and William Miller senior staffer on the Senate in telligence committee left him day night after meeting with Carter State Secretary Cyrus Vance and other top adminis tration officials The letter in addition to dis Wolfe had powerful naval support Arnold had none had been called out on our salt da Governor Carleton was away trying to gefend Montreal sand runs ready ly crossword when Arnld arrived at Quebec His eputy Captain Auctioneer Archer Colwill Cramahc profited by the experiences Of General Mont wound things up for the Simcoe ACROSS Cgï¬egage Answe t° Pevms Fume calm and General Murray In 1759 and 1760 and kept his County Emergency Measure Ideal gas degree abbr troops Within the fortifications of the city Organization with an auction of common 47 Racket 5mg Arnold did not have any artillery to break through the END equipment good abbr material walls and had to wait for the arrival of another army led crowd attended the aUCthD Smile 48 Piggery by General Montgomery In the meantime Governor EMO was forced to disband Oftenpbilckled Billboards Carleton was able to get to Quebec and take command when the provmcial and federal 12 Eiggtzmeiear 57 22165 to after dramatic trip from Montreal He defended uebec governments decided there WES Blbhca mbe handIe successfully against heavy American attacks untl May no further need for New 60 Lumbermans 1776 when units of Royal Navy arrlved and the Americans organllamn The 0mg Island tool retreated to Lake Chem lain hglriggét gï¬thgco 15 Occupy 61 Woe IS the OTHER EVEN ON NOVEMBER Armur Walker and Judy th 62 Fencmg 1603 Klng Henry IV of France gave de Monts swerd McLean shared top honours at 19 sum 63 em monopoly Of the fur trade In Acadia ch 33 Id Easttiew Secondary 00 20 convent wueless emimne in 1631 England authorized Sir Robert Gordon to acquire commencement exercises Inmate sgna sufï¬x wonder Cape Breton and form €010 Of New Galloway Miss McLean received the Con 21 Compass 64 NUIsance 10 EQVDIIB 36 Part of stair 1873 Winnipeg was Incorporated as City tame Sheppard Memoria pomt 65 may disk 38 Hockey 1886 First meeting of Vancouver City Councrl gCholarship from he Univem 22 Dunderhead team of II Bare league am 1902 CPR from Calgary was extended to Edmonton Ev WomenS Club for achieving 24 EnVIronment 65 poweaul 17 Gross 40 Made We 1919 er Robert Borden left Ottawa to attend peace he on marks in Six agency abbr expioswe National 43 WM ls conference at Paris Gig 13 00st Walker 26 PepPIeSI abbr Produu 44 L930 1961John Roberts succeed Leslie rost as re rar 3° L°We5° mm recewed the Barrie Kiwanis 34 Be DOWN 19 Mrs Nam 45 Young man mier of Ontario Club Scholarship and the 35 ndehmte 23 pm 45 change 1965 General election result was Liberals 131 Conser Devilbm Schoiarshtp We Impudence 25 Wm 49 00mm vatlves 97 NDP 21 Social Credit others 11 35 In lower Ridicule 26 WIDES out 50 Chem pOSItIOn Folksmger 27 DeVaIeras 52 insh den 37 Tune Seeger land 54 yore 39 Oklahoma Benediction 28 Narrow 55 town Snakelike fish aparture ewe 93 41 possess Bard river 29 Feint 56 For fee contr Dance 31 Landed 58 Landing boat 42 SOn of Adam Sheep bleat 32 Roman deity 59 BIDY expanse cussing the hostages asks the Iranian authorities for gen eral review of USIranian relations the department said in Beirut informed sources said senior Palestine Liber ation Organization Official is on his way to Tehran to help so cure the release Of the bus tages HEADS FOR CAPITAL PLO official spokesman de clined either to confirm or deny there butthesouncessaid the of icial who was not named left Beirut for Damascus Tues day night and would arrive in Tehran today In New York Tuesday Hasan Abdel Rahman the PLOs dep uty observer at the United Nalt lions told reporters that PLO chief Yasser Arafat would send delegation to Tehran Clark and Miller the US en voys were scheduled to arrive inTehran at 631pm NBC television reported that the letter also asks assurances that the hostages be allowed to leave lran makes clear that the deposed shah was allowed to enter the United States strictly for medical treatment and that the United States will not give arms to Kurdish insur gents in northwestern Iran The Iranian demonstrators seized the hostages at the US embassy Sunday in bid to get the United States to extradite the shah now in hospital in New York OPPOSED TO ATTACKS Meanwhile Irans ruling Revolutionary Council warned its supporters today against at tacks on foreigners but gave no indica on of ending the captiv ity of hostages The Carter administration has ruled out military action to free the hostages and rejected the students demand in 03 01 on 10 Born Loser or notice THEBARMAI vuo Dw an