Final fi ures not at known Threeday deer hunt ends By thlMRD THDNHS if The Examiner Officials with the ministry of natural resources are still processing the results of threcday leer hunt in Simcoe County Wednesday but will not have accurate statistics for at least month spokesman said Thursday Alex Smith fish and wildlife supervisor said 125 deer have been recordcd at the ministrys three voluntary check points but more are likely to come in later during the afternoon and on Friday The ministry has originally estimated the total number of dici shot would bi bctwtcn 250 and 300 and Smith said judg ing from the number passing through the check points the actual iiuiiibc of kills is probably on target Wc thought If 100 came through the check points we would lwdoiiigwcll he said SEND QUESTION IR ES The ministry will follow up other kills sending out question naires and making phone calls to hunters on the original ap plication list to determine more accurately just how many deer were shot he said The hunt which is the first in the county since 1973 was designed to reduce the deer population and provide the ministry with statistics on its general health and condition Smith said several of the animals front some areas have been in poor shape They have been small in size with poorly developed antlers which indicates lack of good diet and points to poor habitat conditions he said The ministry has expected 1500 hunters to turn out during thc three days with 75 per cent from within the county but the actual number may have been lower as some people Picket headlocked by officer It Hiltlt tilll Hf The Examiner itiiiiilicr of the United Sticlworkirs of America charged with causing distur bancc and obstructing police In connection with tlic strikc at Radio Shack testified Wednesday tic wcnt to retrieve film cartridge dropped by another pickct and was grabbv ttl and put into lltttlltttk by kiltccolliccts Alexander Musclius of Mississauga TSWA rcprcscii tativc said he walked out to the corridor where cars were cntcriiig Radio Shack property during break in thc traffic and was not obstructing ctth Musttins is charged along with tSWA icpicscntativc Lco Garrard ol Mississauga and lttanrlo liiris ol Mississauga tSWA local president in loroiito after incidents dtiring an early morning mass picket Aug 27 Health Hustle big kick at ale Gr fonst James jaincs ot the Barrie City police told the court he asked Musclius repeatedly to stay clear of the vehicles entering the property but Musclius persisted in go ing through the line of police officers trying to guide cars into the property and onst faincs eventually arrested him Tonst Robert Ens testified he was one of several officers trying to separate pickets when he saw man push another police officer head first into truck and police ar rcstcd ltitn He said he was then surrounded by about 30 people who pulled the man out of his arms Const Ens said Paris was among the group and was Screaming and yell ing and he was arrested The man who pushed the of ficer escaped the officer said laris testified he was carry Patti Faragher above kindergarten student watches the big fifth grader next to her Julie Priest are correct All to be sure that her own movements these students are demonstrating the new version of the Health ing loudspeaker and asking workers entering Radio Shack property to respect the picket line when he saw Musclius in headlock and screamed at police to let him go His hair was then pulled his speaker dropped to the ground and he was taken to police cruiser he said onst Alistair Glichrist testified he asked Gerrard repeatedly to stay away from vehicles entering the property and put his hands on his chest in attempt to push him back Gerrard pushed me aside and stormed past mec Const Gilchrist said and he was ar rested Const Ens said Gerrard was among the Fracas near him and was reaching yelling and screaming at him Gerrard told the court he saw commotion ncar Const Ens and went over asking ave Elementary What the hells going on when he was grabbed by at least two police officers flip ped over the hood of car and had hand placed on his throat by an officer He was then turned over and thrown across the grass before his ar rcst Garrard said Fortunato Lucky Rao union representative from Toronto testified he was tak ing films with his movie camera and talking to the workers when the police zoomed in from the opposite side of Bayfiew Drive He said he later saw Gerrard grabbed by police and thrown on to car He said Gerrards head smashed against the hood and the miners cap he was wear ing fclloff The trial continues Dec when provincial court Judge John Anjo will hear arguments from counsel Hustle dolly exercise routine at Maple Grove School The Health Hustle is series of exer cises to music and it is modelled from the original version which came from Toronto Ex aminer Photol cancelled because they could not bet timeoff Smith said hunt as group or could not The ministry checked about $30 hunters during surveillance of the hunt he said and 19 charges were laid over the three days The majority were for hunting without permit or for us ing ammunition larger than re two trespass charges were laid PPOSED HLNT gulation size be said and only The Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture which had opposed the hunt primarily because it anticipated problems with trespassers on farms is still not satisfied the hunt was necessary however and intends to look very carefully at all information released by the ministry one of its executives said Thursday Ron Jones vicepresident of the federation described the hunt as visibility exercise on the part of the ministry and said he was still not satisfied with some of the justifica tion given by the ministrv Jones said the federation had been led to believe that there had been lot of pressure on the ministry from the sporting community in favor of the hunt but the actual response had not been that enthusiastic Airport site review coming report on site selection for the proposed Barrie airport should be ready for committee review by the end of November Barrie Mayor Ross Archer said today Contents of the study done by Ron Winter and Associates will be kept confidential until the airport advisory commit tee has reviewed the report the mayor said The report and recommen dations for the proposed air port will hopefully be brought before city council before the end of the year the mayor said The report will recommend one site for the airport to be located either in Cm or Vespra townships The study takes into account such factors as environment and rough cost estimates mayor Archer said Ministry fishing but of season By STEPHEN NICHOLLS of The Examiner SUTTON Ministry of natural resources biologists here are fishing out of season Angling season is closed for take trout and whitefish but ministry biologists are netting the species in spawning areas Ron Desjardine biologist said today netting is done each fall to gather information about coldwater fish The ministry weighs and measures the fish and deter mines age Information is used in calculating fish populations in the lake said Desjardine EGGS COLLECTED Eggs are also collected for ministry fishrearing opera tions Lake trout are raised in government hatchcries and the young fingerlings are released into the take each year The ministry is experimen ting with whitefish raising said Dcsjardine Whitefish populations in Lake Simcoc have declined rapidly during the 1970s but the ministry has just recently started experimenting with whitefish hatchery operations hesaid Lake trout are unable to reproduce successfully in the take but for several years the ministry has maintained good trout populations by stocking fish into Lake Simcoc This years lake trout spawning run is over White fish should finish spawning in two or three weeks he said NDTIIING lNlSlAl Desjardine said the Simcoe Fisheries Assessment Unit has not noticed anything unusual in their catches this year There is higher percen tage of hatchery fish in the catches but thats the same as weve seen in the last couple of years said Desjardinc The high number of hatch crygrown fish Show the natural populations inability to repdoducc successfully He said it is too soon to coni mcnt on whitefish catches Whitefish spawning has just started WW Ministry staff have been netA ting Lakc Simcoc cold water fish every fall since the 1950s he said New trial granted for Orillia brothers Two Orillia brothers who were convicted year ago of various sexual offences and sentenced to long prison terms were granted new trial Wednesday by the Ontario Court of Appeal Claude Quesnel 32 and Gilbert Quesnel were con victed in July 1978 of sexual offences against young girls Claude Quesnel was sentenc ed to 27 years and 30 days in prison after his conviction on five charges involving sexual offences with juveniles Gilbert was sentenced to eight years on convictions of gross indecency and having sexual intercourse with female under the age of 14 Their day trial in 1978 was closed to the public Not easy the examiner Thursday Nov 197g 71 Kevin Bethune of Barrie finds that the weights on that military press get heavier and heavier near the end of his strenuous routine Kevin is regular member of the Barrie YMCA and practices daily Examiner Photo Snow says Barrie close enough Licence office refused By NANCYlIGLEROA of The Examiner BARCLAY request for motor vehicle licence issuing branch in lnnisfil Township was refused by James Snow minister of transportation and communications The refusal has sparked the ire of council note that the nearest issu ing agency is located in Bar rie some five miles away Snow said in letter to coun cil According to Snow opening new agency in such closc proximity would be dctri mental to business in the Bar ricoffice Grant Andradc deputy recve said however Snows figure of five miles is way off base suggest we send map to Mr Show with the number of people in lnnisfil and ask him from where is it only five miles to Barrie Innisfils highest concentra tion of population in the Alcona Beach area is about 12 miles from Barrie Weve got 16000 people with the majority of them liv ing along the lakeshorc said Coun Kathe Jaiis We should be entitled to give our people the same service ttaht is of fered in Barrict That five miles really bothers me Its further than five miles even from Stroud AMILII PARKING Snow also said that the Bar ric office which moved in Junc to an office at 110 Dunlop St from the Barrie Plaza is now in larger quarters with ample parking facilities Council however disagrees with him According to Andradc the French programs get $55000 grant The Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board expects to spend some 355000 this school year on Frenchasafirst language programs Ontarios ministry of educa tion makes the grants available to school boards ser vicing French population The county separate board receives $150 per student per year in the 197879 year the board concentrated on pro viding French learning materials spending 40 per cent 554000 budget on books For this year and 198081 the emphasis is on bolstering the quota of staff and con sultants available to or chestrate the program It represents shift from paper to people said Bill Bolger director of the board report presented Wednes day at special meeting of the board suggested $55000 be spent in the 198081 school year The ministry must approve the spending proposal passed during the Wednesday session Bolgcr said former location was larger and offered greater number of parking spaces think wed better just cor rect Mr Snow said Andradc think wed better tell Mr Snow to get with it dont want this township to be con The teachers union Employees Union is asking bcgin within two weeks 55 in year two BARCLAY killed by dogs wolves lhc dcst royed by in special education services Monsignor flair likely take their toll on tor township said Reid Wednesda town Er country Teacher strike vote on contract today Some 6300 community collcgc teachers across the pro vincc will vote today first on contract offer and then on strike action providing the contract is turned down the the contract and vote in favor of strike which could Ontarios council of regents the governing body within the ministry of colleges and universities of the 22 schools has offered the teachers including 200 at Georgian Col lege 65 per cent in the first year of two year deal and The union wants 10 per cent in year one eight per cent plus costofliving allowance in year two In an advertisement placed in most ntario newspapers Wednesday the union said the offer because it is liclow the inflation rate will put the teachers way behind in purr chasing power two years from now $2000 claimed in awards In recent months lnnisfil Township has paid almost $2000 to farmers whose On Oct two ewes valued at $190 and one lamb valued at $140 were torn apart and destroyed by dogs Sept 30 two animals valued at total of $200 were township for wolf kills but dog kills must be paid for from taxes said Grant Andradc deputy recvc dont think the average taxpayer is aware of what it is costing us in dog kills he said Wtdnesday Almost every month the township reimburses sliccp farmers for sheep killed by lose dogs If everyone was sheep farmer in this municipality wed have to close our doors We couldnt afford to be here Superintendent appointed The countys separate school board has appointed sumrintcndcnt of Schools to handle an expected Xptllllttll Vincent Monaghan who has been the principal at Mon signor flair Elementary School will join Dcs arroll who handles curriculum in the supcrintcndcnts office The decision came during special board meeting tedncsday at the Education cntrc Barric Teacher Ada Kallio has been named intcrim principal at Rates didnt stop project BARCLAY Todays interest rates of 16 per cent will Township said Doug Reid lnnisfils chief building inspic Steep interest rates howevcr havent dcterrcd onc man in the process of having magnificent homc built in the The home which will have ninehole golf course in the back yard will be worth about $500000 when completed sidcrcd second anyone else Council will be recommend ed to send Show detailed map and population analysis of the township in hopes ot showing him his mac curacics said Andradc fiddle to ntario Public Servici the members to turn down animals ha vc bccn province rcimburscs the said oun Don Koopiiiaiis home building in lnnisfil French proposal unrealistic TERRY FIELD of The Examiner Proposals made several weeks ago by an independent Frcncli school board determin ed to see the creation of pro vincially funded French secon dary school in Penetangui shcne are unrealistic and not acceptable says the areas MPP George Taylor lPSimcoc eiitrct said Wednesday that education minister Dr Bette Stcphensons solution to the issue announced early last month is fair and applicable to all parts of the province The French want some thing beyond what is available to others in the province he told The Examiner Ministry spokesmen have said the proposals submitted several weeks ago are being considered and meeting may be held though no date has been announced The portion of Penetang uishcncs French community which wants separate high school says the issue will only be resolved if the school is located in building physical separate from the existing smondary school They are concerned with the rate French children are being assimilated into the dominant English culture and maintain the rate will be slowed and culture and language prtserv ed only if French milieu tatmospheiet is created then encouraged they say Dr Stephensons proposal calling for the creation of French minischool within the existing school is not an answer spokesmen for thc cominunitvsav Taylor has since the debate heated up in the past two years supported the Simcoc County Board of Educations contention that separate school not be budt becausc it maintains there are not enough prospective students to justify the cost of budding new unit or support valid education program Taylor said Wednesday the independent school board should take its proposals to lht county board which makes the final dectsion on local matters and not the ministry Board director lrnng Har ris however said the board would not deal with the pro p0sals because it was the ministers decision to make The board will follow her in structions he said recently Following the minister tober announcement the board decided tentatively to work toward implementation of the minischool proposal despite extreme opposition to the plan Jan start ogtimistic voiced by the francophone community The independent boards proposals call for the construc raiscd locally In either case thc school board would staff and administrate the school as it does other schools in the county Basilc Dorion chairman of the independent board said Wednesday he has yet to hear from either the ministry or thc local board concerning the proposals tion of new building using provinctal funds or momv School may open late Simcoe County Board of Education study on the feasibility of establishing French eXisting Pene School is delayed because the provmce has yet to say exactly how much money it will provide to within the Secondary minischool tangutshcnc carry any plan through The board decided to go ahead with the study following the announcement early in of Education Minister Dr Stephensons plan to end the French high ctobcr chool dispute Board director Irving Harris said Wednes dy that knowing how much money will be made available is integral if the boards plan ist the realistic Ii deciding to tentatively work toward im plen cntation of the ministers proposal the board acknowledgcd that the Jan startup date chosen by her would be impossible to mCtl being While the board waits for the ministry thi ministry is waiting for the board Douglas Penny of the ministry said no money will be committed until the plan for the minischool is completed The ministry wants the school board to make decisions and Bette leave it to the province to fund according to those decisions be said Were asking the board to act on faith to certain extent Penny said Well foot the bill The money will beforthcoming Penny also said the Jan start date was an optimistic one portion of the French community in Penetanguishene wants school physically separate from the existing building which would provide distinctly French atmosphere and slow the rate French children are being assimilated into the dominant culture