V¢ gt TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING 300 news TIC TAc oouon canoc BURNETT Ano emenos POLKA oor noon 628 news 630 nac news uAav TYLER niooae snow cos news Asc news news RHOOA FABLES or THE GReen roaeST 655 wRiTe ONI 700 CANDID CAMERA LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIDIE PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH WHATEVER TURNS YOU ON STREET TALK PEOPLE AND PETS FAMILY FEUD IIAUDE 730 Mueee Ts snow mmp ri newivweo GAME CONLONS ONTARIO Joxens WILD suns on Ice Jano and Man Hannah Maureen QTWELV counmv MAGICSNAoows on r11 eoa newnART snow nAsn 800 snemre LOBOBJ AND THE BEAR aiesled tor stealing the r4l yogascasinoanchbo wrois topling they lLAmar nthe Vear is orewrcd lirch the award by trading the av unis HAPPY DAYS The gang alters eiei butmayIheFonzeanlilttheneedlor shaco gins when in burlesoue troupe per tymmg tor Howard pro show at the lodge gnome snowbound CALIeORNIA FEVER in odd mtovorne 10 um carmngarmo climatic Beach Cor or Ill vur COMO mlh hrl Gradmobile until on runs min trout now or CWou Mia 66 mmI HAPPY ons is me am vow robot he only no Iver on till rho 006 Ihnoolv 94s Iï¬er the rurMoim hour torncg tor Hrard show at the fo Mel snowboard ANGIE Altai 001 boyhood row in am Mnheg rlogr that he out to lgrrr Angie lar his very own TUTANKHAMUNS ecvpr wNAT WILL THEY THINK or NEXT MOVIe DRAMAI Com voy 11173 830 0° THE RAES Wlr bull Bobbi and yap1 to tprNynloc The Jamar Nboard for is Tï¬mfl Bun Vihostri Ag or hnyfrlï¬ï¬r return 10 tour and an very clear that he PM to turn Anarc Inr ht very own QUINCY THE REAL STORY Arman stirdentanrrirxrd or weptg the murirtiiuu1 gangland norm nmg In tight IIVFYIMIHIIno reformed gunqltor an running tor leilron 90 900 TNREESCOMPANY TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIE 1m virim 1979811 Bus Armstrong Mar 1an THREES COMPANY Jack term 111 Any secluded mountain lodge turns intoalcramolotnrhrds whonChrsayandJanet with crowd Philip Kent an illeg IimlIO Frenrh noblernAIi who has given up his birthrrght to min the colemals in their light for independencelromBrtttshtyranny continuesto nu hr tile in the cause or America 1699 re Part II VISTA 930 THE FIFTH ESTATE Adrrertna Cllrlson Eric Malling and Ian ab TAXI Ale and Louie compele in winner take all bet to see who can bring in the most receipls with date with Elaine as the We 1000 CANDID CAMERA AllenFunt We host tor fun filled look at how people behave spontaneously when they dont know they are med 60mins HART T0 HART Jonathan and Jenmler Hart become can at thd dangerous world 01 hardcore nightlife when they go under cover to burl killer who murders gorgeous feasrorial playgirls 60 mrns I5 cone cLoaAL news UPDATE news 10101 STARS Ano Huronma manor onatapopularyoungwrootlorclules groan WI lighting which rllulfs in Iripl at 11m 1030 on win Auve profile of Angie Priman VII and Archbishop Ted Scotl He iammonia1MWArIdthï¬tilOICIIIIGIDIMIIO tngvatunlr lmnrin Rhodesiafor humanitarian purrtIOl an EifliAIQIl asks him About Cl ti am not 04 pnnughandthatha sa moms lltopni JOYS or COLLECTING 1100 In news cac news crv news we REAL STORY QMOVIE COMEDYDRAMA Baby Blue Marine 1120 news 1125 news 1127 news 1130 THE TONIGHTSHOWHosI Johnny son Guest Sidney Goldsrmth 90 mm CBS LATE MOVIE BARNABY JONES Poisoned Pigeon Two charmmg con anisla commit murder when their victim unex pectedly interrupts their celebration of crime watt done Repeat LAS VEGAS LADY 1975 rs Stella Stevens Stuart Whitman MOVIE COMEDY rz arrla eGoRound1961 PAR YGAME ID QUESTION PERIOD SPORTS PROBE 1145 PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED 1200 MOVlEMYSTERYPA To mmlt Murder 1970 KOJAK MERv GRIFFIN Guests Robert Mer flII Grace Jones Clent Holmes and more 1215 ONEDIN LINE MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA la Man on Swing1974 100 TOMORROW In MEDICAL CENTER 130 news GONG snow historically speakingT today in history lly THE CANADIAN PRESS Nov 1979 US President Roosevelt pledged $1 billion worth of lendA lease aid to Russia 38 years ago today in 1941 the first of vast flood of supplies sent to as sist that country in its defence against Nazi Germany Roose velt whose country had not yet entered the war insisted that the defence of Russia was es sential to the defence of the United States 1867 The first federal Par liament assembled at Ottawa 18711 Thanksgiving Day was first celebrated in Canada 1917 Canadian forces cap tured Passchendaele in the First World War 1915 The French g0vem ment was taken over by the Constituent Assembly from Gen deGaulle 1968 The Vietnam peace talks begin in Pans barries story II 1970 Lionel Menezes Grade student at Maple Grove public school presented Ross Stephens student campaign chairman with $50 contribu tion towards the 197071 United Appeal on behalf of 29 students in Grade and The students had participated in candy canadas story Canadians Ca tured Passchendaeie But Casua ties Were Terrible There are still veterans of World War some of them in military hospitals who remember the hell of Passchen daele It was captured by Canadians on November 1917 after 16000 casualties killed and wounded It was the end of battle that lasted four months in sea of mud British Australian and new Zealand troops did the fighting in August September and October They lost 500000 men to 270000 for the Germans the end of October the British and Anzacs were hal destroyed and worn out The Canadians had lost 11000 men at Vimy Ridge in April and suffered more heavy casualties at Hill 70 and in the third battle of Ypres but it was necessary to throw them into the mud of Paschendaele They had new Canadian commander Sir Arthur Currie It was the first time that the corps had Canadian commanding officer The fought for nearly month at Passchendaele and were nally successful but the victory only won about two miles of ground for the Allies British military historian Liddell Hart re orted that high officer from the General Staff visited battlefield and burst into tears as he said My God did we really send men to fight in this Canadian military historian Kim Beattie wrote TheI mud sea was awful beyond words Derelict guns bodies bloated horses and broken limbers were scattered wher ever they lookedcarrying stretchers is an arduous job at any time but Passchendaele where man could only move yard or so at time without sinking to his thighs and where the shells always fell about them It was work that deï¬es description OTHER EVENTS ON NOVEMBER 1662 French began settlement at Placentia New foundland 1764 No one could leave Canada without permission 1776 US force failed to capture Fort Cumberland NS 1837 Riots iii Montreal marked beginning of Lower Canada Rebellion 1860 Oil was produced at Petrolia Ont 1867 First Parliament opened following Confedera tion issued stroud by Mrs IN IN Campbell m1 084 The monthly pot luck dinner of Stroud Senior Citizens on Tuesday October 30 was followed by an interesting pro gram arranged by Jean Kell with Bert and Flo Mulholland on piano and violin and Margret McKenzie on accor dian Toc tapping music was played as costumed members paraded around the hall Judges Isabel Daley and Ann Muir made the decisions and all agreed the most appropriate costume for Halloween was Hamel McCailough as witch and Rodea Huddsek as hobo Ebcr and Myrtle Sawyers were the funniest couple while Reta lr win and Irene Reynolds and the 1919 Judicial report on Winnipeg general strike was funniest costumes Then ll girls of Surinybrae school love ly in red and white jackets with school crest took us on an en joyable usical tour of many countries led by music instrue for Mrs Burmaster and with Mr Stephens accompanying on Guitar For some numbers Their choice of songs were most enjoyable Mr Lamb prin cipal introduced the roupand they were thanked Presi dent Ruby Kell who ex presseed the wish of all for return visit iii the near future Irene Reynolds had donated 12 packages of potato chips for lucky spots 0n opening President Kell Edgar Guest poems on Weather She reported Helen and Jim Tyndale ac companied her and her husband to Georgian Collete Sr Citizens Conference in Barrie on Satur the meeting read one of apple sale the previous week Total contributions from students amounted to about $3073 $500 over the quota More than 500 members of Alcoholics Anonymous were ex pected to register for three day conference in Barrie The meetings held at the Continen tal Inn were scheduled to begin on Friday evening Mayor Les Cooke planned to extend an of ficial welcome to the group at Saturdays general meeting Business was steady at an open house sponsored by the regional assessment office to explain and answer questions about residential reassessment Most Barrie property owners had received their notice of reassessment The reassess ment had been done on the market value system Most ratepayers found that their assessment had risen an average of six times but the rise was compensated for by corresponding decrease in the tax rate Purchase of new tanker as replacement for vehicle at Shanty Bay fire hall was authorized by Oro township council and delivery was an ticipated to be soon Seven tenders were received for the new tanker and each was con sidered thoroughly before choice was made The King Edward Choir under the direction of Mrs Jean Dobson presented An Evening of Music at Barrie District Central Collegiate Selections ranged from Brahms to John Lennon and from Verdi to Gilbert and Sullivan capacity audience saw the per formance Fall cleanup for the city went mechanical with leaf vacuum which sucked up leaves from boulevards and packed them into truck One truckload from the machine was equivalent to four loaded by hand day Invitations were received to attend Euchre at Bradford Sr Citizens Hall on November 16 Following closing cards were enjoyed and best wishes were extended to those depar ting forthe sunny south Literacy The Barrie Literary Council will be holding workshops at St Marys Church in Barrie on Fri day November 17 to 10 pm Saturday November 10 am to 330 pm and Sunday November 11 12 to pm Per sons interested in teaching reading and writing to illiterate adults please plan to attend Basw training materials and registration fee included in $10 per person Approximate workbook costs for oneyear commitment are $15 Register by calling Gladys McCallum at 7371105 The Doctor Says Labyrinth gives balance By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donahue Quite sud denly came down with ter rible dizziness and keeping my eyes open was impossible Ev erything was spinning around The doctor said had labyrin thitis My balance still is not right and its been four weeks Does it take this long to get back to normal SA The original labyrinth series of confusing passage ways was designed by Daed alus the legendary Greek char acter who also came up with wings His labyrinth was de signed to cause anyone trying to escape from it horrible dizzi ness The labyrinth of the inner ear was designed by nature for the opposite reason to give us sense of balance This is done by maintaining precise levels of fluid in the passageways Any disturbance of the fluids causes as much dizziness as did Daedalus contrivance Our labyrinths are subject to inflammation especially by viv ruses which seem to be able to get just about anywhere they want to in the body The in flammation disturbs this bal ance organ causing dizziness A5 are most viral infections the ones causing labyrinthitis are usually selflimiting which means they wear them selves out eventually It may take months before the last traces of dizziness disappear Rest and use of the seasick ness medicines help in the meantime In fact seasickness may be another example of lab yrinthitis Besides being both ersome ailment labyrinthitis is difficult word to spell cor rectly Daedal DEEdal in cidentally as an adjective means intricate Dear Dr Donahue Exactly what causes the rupture in the gullet which think you refer to as hiatal hernia in your column have had it again ettirig treat ment successfully was too fat for beginners But does that bring it on the fatness Mrs Kw It can Doctors often cannot pinpoint the cause of this her nia which occurs in the gullet Just where it passes through the diaphragm on the way to the stomach It does tend to occur after the 405 in most people who have it Obesity certainly can interfere with the anatomy by creating new pressures on the gullet Dear Dr Donahue am female in my 205 have never been pregnant and have no known ailments would like to know if protein deficiency could be the reason behind my hair thinning This is causing me great deal of anxiety Would resumption of nor mal diet help me regain hair lost Mrs NIT Profound deficiency of protein may be encountered in very primitive cultures that are deprivedof food That affects hair growth For most in western cultures such profound protein deficiency does not occur Im intrigued by your state ment about resumption of normal diet Does this mean you have been on diet pro gram that sharply curtailed protein foods If so you might atttribute your hair problem to Dear Dr Donahue say we only inherit our genes from socalled direct line par ents grandparents great grandparents etc and not from our uncles aunts cousins etc Please comment AS YOU inherit YOUR genes only directly from your parents However they share their genes with their brothers and sisters Thus before many generations have passed large group of distantlyrelated persons actually share some of the same genes BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Operation Kill succeeds NORTH 116 WEST EAST 10 10 SOUTH 10 10 Vulnerable EastWest Dealer South West North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening leaszA By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag West got off to the best defense He led the ace and another trump South had lost one trick and surely had to lose spade and diamond Further study showed him that if spades would be kind enough to break 33 he would have no trouble with the rest of the tricks In Utopia spades always break 33 when you want them to In real life they only behave that way about 35 percent of the time How can stop the enemy from leading third trump South asked himself Then he found way He led diamond from his hand and played dummys jack East won with the king and could do nothing better thanlead spade Now South was ready for Operation Kill He won the trick led dia mond to dummys ace ruffed diamond cashed his ace of clubs ruffed club in dummy ruffed dummys last diamond with his own last trump ruffed his last club in dummy cashed the last trump to pull Wests last trump and made his 10th trick with his other high spade He lost spade at the finish but he could afford it If you dont understand why South opened one heart it is customary for many players with four good cards in each major to open one heart daily crossword ACROSS 49 Tyros Answer to Prewous Puzzle 52 Cloy Stable deVIce Chopped 53 Commerce cabbage dish 54 Western Long period shrub of time 55 Get as 12 Suffix deserved 13 Lacquered 56 Make an metalware edging 14 possess 57 Pairs contr 58 African tree 15 Bravado l6 River DOWN constellation 18 Pasted Billion prefix 20 Jewels You would 2i Belonging to com us Actress 22 Scrutinize playwright 24 First Gordon appearance Resembling 27 Ego bone 31 Osrris Wife Take 32 Counterpart direction 33 Moray British 34 Take meal nobleman 35 Tare Soninlaw of 36 High spirits Mohammed 37 Hover Unite 39 Billiard shot One Ger 40 Noun suffix 10 Egg cell 41 Boat gear 11 Promontory 42 Cheats st 17 Eras 45 Fit to eat 19 Dull routine agency abbr T1 22 NOVellSl 42 Manner of Bagnold walking 23 Hanker 43 Charitable or 24 Expires ganization 25 Son of lsaac ram BaY d315 44 International alas indebted eaty 28 Electric IISII 45 Theefore 46 Blase 29 Dregs 47 30 Lam ng er bait 32 Canvas home 48 Volcam 35 Skin tumor 36 Auto Shelters 50 Supefame 38 Varmint 50 39 interweave 51 Auto workers 41 Water holes union abbr Bernice Bode anl November 1m Friendships and associations will play majOr role this coming year in helping you realize your goals Many contacts youll make could be labeled sheer luck SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Dare to think in large and expen sive terms today Lady Luck wants to bring about big things and will find your shoulder to sit on if youll be bold and innova live Short Ribs For Better or Worse Blï¬ï¬Esr FEAR 15 THAT lF THEREB Anemia WinthrOp Bugs Bunny BC Irs ALLIED TUMPI N6 cllnthEA in log us For on IM 5ELIznaiTHRnI can COUNT To 100 CHN EVEN SPELL Hv NRHE enormian FlNi Know LOTS OF STUFF BAOITTARIUS Nov 230 21 DOnt be hesitant about domg little horsetrading today Youll find others to be very coopera live You could end up with the best of the bar ain CAPRICOIIN Doc 224m 19 Any agreements worked out today will benefit both you and the other parties involved Nego tiate with an eye toward mutual gain AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 You could have marvelous opportunity today to strengthen your posrtion In Situation that has an Influence on your work or career Be ready to produce PISCES Fob munch 20 You could luckout today and tomor row through triends and contacts WILL lN lTlATE Dr NEA Inc in Reg us hi on MOTIER lllSlSTS 11W YOU TAKE AklO THANK OU TASTE lF DU DONTCARE WHAT HEADACHE you know socraliy Accept any and all invitations ARIES March 214de 19 Solid foundations can be laid today in arm contributing to your well boing Your constructive affom will be amply rewarded TAURUS April 20May 10 Youll be lucky today In MIMI iions involving either verbal or written communication Now as the lime to express anything that you feel needs to be said GEMINI my 2140110 20 Keep all avenues for gain wide open today You stand good chance to profit materially and get something youve been wanting CANCER June 21July 22 Theres strong possibility that the phone call or good news youve been hoping to receive will arrive today Dont fear to leave the house You wont miss ling it 830 My 23May 22 Others will treat you with extra consider ation at this time making some very nice things happen for you Ask for lavor if you hood one VIRGO Aug 233091 22 This is not the time to daily with your smaller Interests Your best chance of success will come from major propocts keyed to the tutors LDRA Sept 23Oct 23 Have faith In yourself and what youre looking to attain Youre going to be getting few breaks that will make things easier POWIHAVEANIPSETSIUW cruv lt II 13 soaowcone Ru YOU soon 00 is mean EVERYONE llllNKS YOURE HOSTILITIE WONDERFUL Fuoosws BEEN PAKANOIP EVER SINCE HE HAD THOSE GOLAIZ PANELs lNSTALLEP TO CONï¬ERVE ENERGY ennuinu in In no us b1001 GE YSEL BACK ERE