Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Nov 1979, p. 15

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TDtettders NOTICE or Si TBtenders LE BY TENDER Subdivision Lands Port Elgin Ontario I25 residential building lots industrial sized blocks and all designated roads on incompletely serviced lands on Plan M63 Port Elgin Ontario Under power of sale contained in certain mortgage this property will be altered for sale by tender by way of offer to purchase which property is more particularly described as follows In the Town of Port Elgin County of Bruce being all of Lots to 59 inclusive 70 to 83 inclusive 85 to 104 inclusive to I38 inclusive III to ISO inclusive Blocks and all streets shown on Plan M63 Port Elgin subject to right of way in favor of all persons for ingress and egress over lands being Part3 Plan 3R306 Tenders are invited for the purchase en bloc of the above property The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted All tender otters are to be received by the un dernamed no later than pm on the 22nd day of November I979 and must contain an acknowledgement that the tenderer has relied entirely upon his own inspection and investigation with quantity quality and value of the property Further particulars and copies of the form of offer may be ob tained from Messrs Strauss and Strauss Suite 800 347 Bay Street Toronto Ontario MSH 2R8 Attention Sidney Troister Telephone 4168691950 N5 SPECIAVLFNOTICTES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $600 minimum 40 words additional words ll cents per word Births $600 In Memoriam no verse $600 Verse per count line extra 23 cents ing Events $343 per column inch litbirths labcard at thanks Mondays Child is lair ol tare POT T5 For the kindness shown our Tuesdays Child islull ol grace Wednesdays Child is lull at war Thursdays tiild has tar to on Fridays mm is toying and giving Saturdays Child works hard lor its living And child that is horn on the San bath Day is lair and tht and good and gay ChlldCtT hearing this verse by Counter Cotton always want to know which day of the week was their birth falt Keep this and other important inlormation tor your childs luturr An Examinrr Birth Announcement wnll include lhc name at your child day at the wreck month and year at birth the WOIQIII and other vital information printed message can become pernianint record in Babys Book or Family Albums Thu RIP for an xoininrr Birth Notice is only $6 or PHONE IItt 74 GOOD HEW STtkv When you an nounct tho birth at your child in The Ex aminvr clippings of the notico are available tor Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your lricnds and relatives in those for away places Place an announciment alter birlh Call The Exantinvr ClasSilted 728 74 84marringes Mr and Mrs Donald Wallace are happy to announce the marriage at their daughter Caron Marc to Gerald An thnny son at Mr and Mrs William Wycrs Stroud Tho wvdrlina look plare on October 75th I979 in Bariii ITSdeaths CHITTICK Charles Leslie At tho Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio on Saturday November Im Les Chit licti dcarly beloved husband at Mary Harrison dear Iottmr at Robert Ooh and Iatticr in law at Nattc Granrllathor of John Peter and Kathryn all at loron to Brother of John Guthriv Chillick ol Barrio Prldocrasnd by two SISILTS Margaret and Lillian Mrs Clarincu Buck LII Buamswlto FTICITII at tho tamily may call at slrikloy Funeral NOTYII 30 Worsliy St Barrio attor in Monday Complrlc sorvuo in tho ltapvl in Tuesday NOVIIYVITLI Ii at 11 noon Inturrttonl Stonvy Crock Itltlulery Stoniy Criih Ont In lieu if llnwvrs niortmrial donations Io Royal Viloria Hospital Auiiiliary or IITt chair ty at your IITOHt would Ill ciriatIy ap pricinlort EVANS Earl Suddonly at his Month All ona teach on Sunday November ION Fart Fvans in his fifth yiuir LILVIG hiislianll at Joan vans liar talhit ot Gordon and lauultltt iii law Nancy and Gail MJNI and Terry Mrs Grn npiison Loviiiu iranctlatltir at Aaron Nadiun and tummy DIJ son at Mrs Llllv Evans and DIOINT ol Ronald Evans TVIIITIIS may all at Illl Sltcklty Funnral tlonti lll VertSliy st airii ittir pm Tuesday lunural ar IdITUllltITIS latir Notchiis Minlorrat donations to Ontario Hvat Foundation thI by dppllk iatod GISMONDI John FTclt At thi Royal Vrctnrra Hospital Bdllrt on Sun lay Noviviliir WW lohn mainondi ITT his Ilsl yiai bilnvclt husband at Maitivlini laquitti it Orin Station Diai Iatlioi ol totin hailis Gisrtmldi ol Havvkostittw tirnthit oi tiiilia Gisnmn ct at Toronto lrodmrutslil by my liraltioi and lIttii sistpis FrltleK may call at the tickliy tunoial Homo lo Woisliy airii attw pin Mon day tunotal niassat St Mary sl ITIITLT Barrio on iiliiositay Nmrmiinoi at It in IITIII fTTlf St Mm IlTTtl7 IMHOFF HtClUt Joseph At his rislctcmi in Stroiio on Fri Nov WW Hector Intholl in his Mint year balm on husband at varionlaw tntholt ol Stroud Lovuul lathir of Phyllis noauchonc oi Edmonton Alhorta Donna Soriiks oi Brvntwood lliailinc at it Allan Gary Stvwn Lynn anoctiristiiio allol Strouct Dldi urandlalhir ol Multail and Jason Dual hrothoi ot Grattmi at Tiiii miis Emory and mm both at Toronto Goiralit at New Brunswick and Cora Br idol of stroud Rustinu at the Jonnctt Funcral Honii l5 Bradford st Barrie Visitation lioitt Monday at Il Sirvrci in tho chapol on Tuesday Nov at ll iti fllll by riniatioii MAR Robmt Im ioson Gordon Hospital on Sunday NVtTVLt tow Warrant Ottiur Romil Martin at his llltl your Iiar husband at Reveile Hawkiislono 1mm tatltir of Diana TlT Stivclt lmtlt at Itotii li Stil So lm lli Mattln ir ll tauovIli iltJu Ivav biottm vt talllis tartrn It mumlmn Niiv fli unswi Nle twiotiri at ttll West it loltatiusilli Ont and Hayno Wcs at ctlll il Ristld lltllhl uni Homo ls haploid 1er titair up my rm lt Ill in set you at In my tiapp Cl Borden an limitai New Hm ii in lllqlll knns lrisltiw Cenwtiii Om lit lo ot tlmsvts aii lions to tho fillflcul JVclt 5sll would bi ttl Ilii MA irrabeth AI er Park Home Barrw on Thursday Nmpmbcr ION Elizabith Ferguson beloved vvrtu at tlw talc Davn chi tan in hit 91th year Dual mother at willoiii an at Barrio aria Matvlm lis swoon LI Bid Fay Pout aim hy Iati t5yi Mays Graiiainottui at ilppn II Rnbtttlt Swenc other it nm iim Barri Mass and tow moat dram Children Fimims may call it Simx Funeral Home 10 Hots slimt 9y tic alter Satuutav Conipr to wt vice in the impel on Monday prflubsl at in Intirittinl Barrio Union Ctmclx RIcHXRDSON SARAH JANE at the Rydl ITOTI Hospital Barrio on Fir do Novcmbcr NW Sarah Riuio son nor ilth yen bxlovco the late Matter Edward RtChflDSxt wav mothii ol Gershasii Fawn pavw dlfl Margaret both oi Toronto and Itu talc Anon near orannivvotncr at mam av iim hlldtl and meal urarmmmrcn om StSfl or Mrs rine Clark at hessick Mrs Eluahetti Thompson Tororto Olav or p3llwk Cyril ans altii both at Toronto Rostng at tho Jump Funeral Home l5 Glamor street 93 no Visitation trom Suitaa at at Sor ICI in the chapel on Mario Nyttcr at pm lnterniott Sartre Jtiolt Cemetery NOTICE Deadline lot laseth word acts pm day previous noon Saturday me my stay in at Royal Victoria Hospital My heartlell thanks to Dr Porter Dr Benton Dr Turnbull the nurses my wonrtcrlul neighbours and Iricnds MariuPotts 87in memoriams CASEY LEO JAMES ln lovmq memory of dear talhtr and grand lather Leo James Casey who passed away November I977 His memory is as drar toda As in the hour he passod away Ever remembered and sadly miss ed by Beverley Jim and family Bitcoming events KINETTE CLUB OF BARRIE PRESENTS FALL DANCE 79 AT STROUD ARENA ON nov 1019 FEATURING DJ SPOT PRIZES BAR MIDNIGHT MEAL TICKETS SID PER COUPLE PNONE lYNN BOLTON 7284318 BARB BRINGS 1373045 or any member of tlis Rinatto Club N57 AIR FORCE BINGO rvm TUESDAY Doors open 630 Early Birds 730 REGULAR GAMES PM JACKPOT $200 ery 90 25 klomtru WEST of CONTINENTAL INN MTF BEAVER REBEKAN LODGE CHRISTMAS BAZAAR TEA 00F Ital Ferrls lens Barrie WEDNESDAY NOV I979 TEA pnt 75 each Home baking fancywork etc OBI N235 ERGO St John Vianney Hall EVERY TUESDAY $200 Jackpot MTF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 728 2414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by in day preceding publication with the exception ol Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $600 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $6 00 Additional words It ch per word CARD OF THANKS words 5600 Addi lional words It cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 With verse per count line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS $3 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTlSlNG 74 word minimum Cosh Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions l0lt per word insertion Three consecutive in sections cents per word insertion total 36 54 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word per insertion total 290 Multiple inser irons may be ordered sublect to cancellation when OHIOCTOIj results obtained Method at counting lower than words count as 24 words Each llYtTlGl abbreviation of numbers etc countos separate wards ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion ovdeis are accepted as cwnience to the advertisers Therefore the Clonitiod AdVOFTtEtfg Department re quires DdVCTTISOII to kindly recheck their WtOMOHT immediately after lirst insOr tron in order that any error or ornission may be reported before in order that some may be rectilied tor the following day publication The hammer is responsible for only One incorrecin printed insertion at any advertisemeni and than only to the extent at patron oI od thoi rmolas the imprint Er rots which do not lesson the value at the advertisement are not llgtbl for cariec ham by make goods The EIOmmr resumes the right to classlly revise or reiect any wont ah PHONE T28 24 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or darnch olledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise TF Off and running portion of the mass of 6473 runners which took part in the 4th annual Marine Corps Marathon leave the starting line Sunday in Washington to begin the 262 mile race The race was won by Phil Camp Navy flight in structor stationed in Pensacola Fla in two hours l9 minutes and 35 seconds AP Photo Private pension plans help HALIFAX CPi Pensions should replace between 60 and 80 per cent of prerclircmcnl in come if pensioners are to avoid dramatic drops in living stan dards US export told the an nual meeting Sunday of the Canadian Association on Gerontology James Schulz professor of welfare economics at Brandeis University in Wallham Mass said this was rule of thumb arrived at by calculations of broad social welfare programs Compared with this target Canadian worker who earns $10000 year before rclircmcnl would get only about 40 per cent front various government Assistance programs to the elderly In the US the figure waslttlper cent In both cases as pre rctircmcnl income levels rose the discrepancy between the target income replacement rate and what government pen sions actually provided was greater During thc fourday con ference which opened Thum day Dr Sylvia Oslry chair man of the Economic outtcil of Canada said other aspects of the Canadian social welfare system meant that US workers needed to replace more of their proretirement in come with pensions Shc cited Canadas broader medical in surance program as an exam ple Schulz said private pension plans provide part of the solu lion to the discrepancy but he and others cited several pro blems involving private schemes These included it lack of mobility when workcrs chang ed jobs the fact that not all workers are covered by private plans and the lack of inflation protection in many private plans Those not covered by private plans are mainly people work ing for smaller cmploycix he said The problems of women WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 excluded from many private plans because they are often parttime employees or short term employees was com mon theme of the conference Schulz said in the US In dividual Retirement Accounts the equivalent of the Canadian Registered Retirement Savings Plans were fostered to attempt to improve private pension coverage But experience had shown that those most in need took least advantage of these schemes Schulz said recent report showed that only half of 41 large Canadian corporations surveyed had pension schemes sufficient to maintain living standards when combined with government plans REDUCED VALVES He said an annual inflation rate of five per cent would reduce the real value of private pension scheme by about half during the 15 years person might expect to live after retiring at age 65 If the inflation rate was 10 per cent the pension would be worth only 24 per cent of its original value when the person reached 80 Oslry hinted that the council after three year study will recommend later this month that individual contributions to the Canada and Quebec pension plans be increased gradually beginning soon common theme at the con ference concerned the increas ing proportion of retired per sons in the developed nations Governments in Canada and elsewhere are searching for ways to avoid taking more and more from proportionately smaller working population to support larger number of peo ple beyond working age great Christmas Gift for you or your relatives Law society to launch aid program TORONTO CP The Law Society of Upper Canada is to launch new legal aid program in Toronto today under which those accused of serious crimes will be given more help in selec ting lawyer The society will provide defendants with list of about 800 lawyers that describes the legal speciality of each lawyer George Finlayson law socie ty secretary said in state ment Sunday that until now defendants were given list of 1400 lawyers but it did not in dicate the speciality or ex perience of any of them The Ontario Legal Aid Plan is administered by the law society but financed by the federal and Ontario governments Each year about 200000 people are defended by legal aid lawyers in Ontario The proposal to reclassify lawyers on the criminal legal aid panel in the Toronto area was presented to the societys legal aid committee in October 1978 and was subsequently ap proved by the society and On tario AttorneyGeneral Roy McMurtry The taxpaying public will likely save money through this system as well Finlayson said because senior counsel can more effectively conduct defence or recognize those situations in which trial can and should be avoided and plea entered IMPROVE TRAINING He said the program has the potential to reduce the number of lengthy and costly trials and to improve the qualiv ty and training of defence counsel The program will operate on an experimental basis for one year and then be evaluated One group already excluded from taking advantage of it are those charged with minor criminal offences The societys special projects coordinator said Sunday he expects criticism because of that exclu sion expect lolof people who arent eligible will be complain ing about it Harold Levy said in an interview But at this point we wont be making any exceptions Its arguable that any form of criminal prosecution is sercous matter but in our minds the priority is with the most serious offences DONT BE CflUGHT SITTEN the examiner Monday Nov 1979 15 MOWS TNEORY DOWN EDMONTON lCPt Contrary to popular belief mowing the lawn does not keep dandelions under control says the Alberta agriculture department Even if Iht mowcrs cutting edge is lowered the leaves which hug the ground give the weed competitive edge TOTAL ABSTAINERS ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FOR HOUSE INSURANCE $76 YEARLY AISTAINERS BUYS All OF THIS INSURANCE t$45000 Home t$4500 Garage 522500 Contents 51250 Theft away from premises t$9000 Extra Expense tSIOOOOOLiability PLUS at no extra cost iCredil Card Endorsement eGlass Coverage them Shrubs 5500 Medical Payments ALSO REDUCED AUTOMOBILE RATES When your Insurance comes due stop in to see us or call Mallory Insurance Agency ltd 45 Collier St Barrie 7286100 Without your copy of the examiner Be sure and keep posted on all the latest happenings in your area Its all in the examiner TO START YOUR susécmrnou IUST cm 7266539 ASK FOR CIRCULATION We Wont Keep You Waitin CAN YOU AFFORD NOTTO JOIN Nows the time to take advantage of our special otter Your membership time wont begin until youre ready to start What kind of shape are you in OPEN DAYS WEEK FOR MEN AND WOMEN Barries only fully equipped Health Spa THE BARBIE FITNESS CLUB 65 Collier Street Barrie Phone 7372281 Member of IPFA Over 1000 affiliates across Canada master charge 74y 239

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