MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 NEws TIC TAC DOUGH On an 60 MI ROADS To CONFLICT CHARLIES ANGELS CAROL BURNETT AND CAPTAINS AND KINGS PART FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEws 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow Acgg NEws NEws NEWS RHODA ID JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 CANDID CAMERA 24oROBERT PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH DIFFRENT STROKESReuarm pretendatobelheonly lwmgrelalwetotheboyu If ll STREET TALK ID BOTANIC MAN FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLVWED GAME PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED JOKERS WILD CIRCUS In OCEANS ALIVE MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHow as MASH 800 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Charles lngells and ms daughter Laura rush to the and of their old lrrend lsraha Edwardi when they learn that crippling ac wï¬aflstmfd his will to live 60 mrns lTE SHADOW Coach ReevosenllslslhesoryrcesolthetabledHarlem Globetrotters to teach hrs Carver High team ch needed lesson In humility 60 mm 240ROBEHTYrapsullsupforawee kendplaasure dwowrth Morganunawarafhata vengeful youth has spiked his dryinglanks with VIII Alaeued by the IMOIIIIIDOIII Damian pourbla caudldala for President of the R0 ChlIIOa IO OlItl Ihe QIIOII OI Itll Clerlpmver 83° MISS CANADA PAGEANT ltnrtyone beautiful young hopefuls from New foundland to Vancouver Island will V0 for the covatad title of Min Canada 1960 Hosted by Jim Perryand lormarMIsa Canada Barbara Kol 90mins THE REAL STORY 900 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES Heroea l9778iars Henrywlnitler yalb MASII South Korean womanmusntarprelaKlmgersmolweswhenha at Idnerdau hturlrnancrall lb MONDAY NIGer FOOT LL Houston Oilers vs Miami Dolphins EIGHT IS ENOUGH double honeymoon complete with feelye luau IS 11 store for Susan and Merle and Dun and Janet when Aunt Vman takes the entire Bradlordclan await hrs CRIME AND PUNISHMENT PART ONE CAGEDWOMENHelenMasterthe beauty expert teaches beauty to the other In males while she stays tall Lynns cse has been taken to press and the true story revealed 60 min 930 WKRP IN CINCINNATI mu Carlson wantslo Impress his mother by running for the Cincrnnatr City Owned and the WKRP Italllaunchas Inalloutpoliticalcampargnthal ure to et him elected Wk IN CINCINNATI ArthurCarl eon wants to Impress hrs mother by running for the ClflClflnflIl City Countrl and the WKRP stall launches an all out political campargn that to euro to get him elected 1000 NEWSMAGAZINE LOUGRANTLoubetrrandsadedicated racetrack loulwhourges himlobetheaVIlyona longshot horse that could mean fortune 60 THE BODY HUMAN ID BEHIND THE SHIELD GLOBAL NEws UPDATE 1001 FAMILY Buddylsdrsgustadtolearnthat her waiting best friend Larua has become teenage alcoholic 1030 THE WATSON REPORT rick Watson ROLE CALL 1100 ID ED NEWS CBC NEws CTV NEws THE REAL STORY 1120 NEws NEws NEws 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow Guest host DIVId Brenner Guests Sister Sledge 90 sCBSLATE MOVIE HARRVO Lester 1125 1127 AnattorneyhrreaHarry lohelphlmcleara young man suspected Ola VICIOUS crime Repeal MCMlLLANANDWlFE AnEIemenlaryCasaOf Murder Stars Rock Hudson Nancy Walker peat PARTY GAME OUESTION PERIOD MONEY TALKS 1145 THE TWO RONNIES NEWS 1200 MOVIE COMEDY mi even Year Itch I955 KOJAK MERV GRIFFIN Guests Glen Camp ballGloriaGaynorandVICkIGoldLevranAIan Clty nlslorlan NEws TIME TENTATIVE 1215 PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED MOVIE SCENCE FICTION 1h Skulldu or 1910 MOVIE ERN In Sabata 1970 100 TOMORRow MEDICAL cENTER 130 GONG SHOW 200 69 MOVIE ADVENTURE BengalTiger NEws 215 historically speaking today in history TODAY IN HISTORY Ry Illll DI PRESS Nov will lrillcc William of Orange landctl III England 291 years ago today in 1088 to as stlnic the English throne and displact the unpopular atholic King lalncs ll lhc 38yearold Dutch princc had valid claim rand with his wifc thc daughter of thc dcposcd King lamcs was lcrowncd in 1689 as joint mon arch William was tough in tternational diplomatist but he alienated the Irish and Scots through brutal rcprcssion of the proStuart uprisings 1872 Susan Anthony be came the first American woman to vote in presidential elcction lflll Britain declared war on Tilrkcv The Doctor says Circumstances call for xroys By PAUL DONOHLE MD Dear Dr Donahue Sin reading about the dangers of rays to pregnant women have been extremely worried and wonder if you could comment was xrayed in the seventh month of pregnancy can rule out birth defects except that my boy now young man in his 205 is possibly somewhat shorter than he should be What am really worried about is cancer am living with ter rible guilt complex because of this Mrs Exposure of the pregnant female to xray is always Of concern to everybody However there are cir cumstances that call for it Then whatever nsks there are have to be weighed against benefits to be gained It might be more injurious to the mother than baby for her to have un diagnosed pneumonia for example The risk from chest xray would be small in comparison to not making the diagnosis chest xray would permit You do not say what type of radiation you received The guideline for radiation ex posure in pregnancy states that the woman should not have more than 500 millirads during the entire nine months chest xray gives only one millirad So you see theres wide margin of safety Finally you had your xray in the seventh month While rays are seldom taken at any time during pregnancy doctors particularly avoid them during the first three months when much of the delicate fetal structures are being formed Your sons height should not be related to xrays you had His chances of developing can cer should be no greater than for anyone else his age Please dismiss your guilt feelings Twenty years of is quite enough Dear Dr Donohue lam 79 and have suffered from icth yosis since infancy Has there been any cure found for it GJII This skin problem occurs with variety of disorders The word icthyosis is Greek for fish The skin is dry and scaly Sometimes the condition is inherited in which case 75 per cent of the children of the ef fected parent may have it in others it is inherited only by male offspring In still other cases inheritance is not in vol edatall can readily see why in condition with such varying backgrounds an effective cure remains elusive know of no new treatments for this The idea is to keep the skin as soft as possible Bath oils help Lanolincontaining lotions are effective too The creams and lotions seem to do more good when applied after bath This helps keep water in the skin Drying lotions with alcohol should be avoided if an underlying disease asso ciated with icthyosis can be found then treatment of that usually relieves the skin prob Dear Dr Donohue read in magazine about this new drug called Amrinone for people with heart problems What does it do and is it available to the public SP Amrinone is still an ex perimental drug it increases the force of the heart muscle as it pumps blood This is the same effect that the more fa miliar drug digitalis has Am rinone is not available to the public More tests need to be done with it before that hap pens BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag I949 Slx leaders of the al BeSt Chance playing pays leged plot to overthrow the Czech government were hanged in Prague 1968 Richard Nixon won the US presidential election 1970 The Vatican issued detailed reform of the Roman Catholic mass allowing women greater role in the liturgy barries story Noviiillicrï¬tll 13157 liftord ailcy was presented with badge of honor marking his halfcentury as canadas story French Prayes Were Answered when British Attack Failed There was mighty religious wave in French Canada in 1711 and it got results It was known that powerful militarynaval force was on its way from the American colonies to capture Quebec 1t consisted of nine warships and 60 troop1 transports carrying about 12000 soldiers many of em highly trained veterans of Marlboroughs campaigns Another British force was gathered in the Lake Cham plain area ready to attack Montreal when uebec fell Altogether Britain mustered nearly 20000 troops for the attacks on Canada which then had population of about the same number There seemed to be no hope that Canada could escape being captured So there was great religious fervor in uebec Mon treal and the smaller communities People flocked to the churches praying for miracle Father Joseph Germain described the Situation in letter he wrote on November 1711 There were constant masses fasts and processions The ladies of Quebec put away their ornaments and became more modest in their dress Not to be outdone the ladies Of Montreal bound themselves by oath to wear neither ribbon nor lacc to keep their throats covered and to observe various practices for the space of year French Canada was saved The British admiral Walker lost some of his ships on the rocks of the north shore of the Gulf of St Lawrence He had no heart for fighting and neither did his army commander General Hill who was London playboy and only got the appoint ment because his sister was one of the ladies of the Queens bcdchambcr The could have continued to Quebec with powerful force at decided to rcturn to Britain The other force at Laké Champlain abandoned its plans to attack Montreal when it learned about the disaster SO the prayers were answered and Canada remained French for another 50 years OTHER EVENTS ON NOVEMBER 1653 Iroquois signed peace treaty at uebec 1803 Weekly public markets were established at York Toronto 1814 Americans destroyed their own base at Fort Erie and retreated 1817 Chippewas surrendered nearly two million acres in Ontario member of the Scottish Rite Mr Carley owned and operated Carleys boathouse at the foot of Mulcaster Street The boathouse was built about two years after the railway went through in 1853 The Barrie Chamber 0r chestra consisting of 33 musi clans gave private concert to Mayor Willard Kenzie at Codr ington School The group had been formed in September and with only four rehearsals behind them they invited His Worship to attend small can ccrt to give his candid opinion on their progress The young or chestra was seeking public sup port to purchase music stands arid sheet music Jack Butler was elected president of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie for 1958 by acclamation Mr Butler moved up from the vicepresidency and succeeded Gcorgc Caldwell At at the ro Town Council liiccting motion was passed accepting the proposed route of Transtanada Pipe Line through the township and gran ting pcrmission to cross roads on this route in accordance with the rcgulationsof the Board of Transport Commissioners Approximately 225 paintings crc displayed at the Simcoc County Art Exhibit in the Ar moury in Orillia The exhibit was the only single county ex hibit ili Ontario and was opened by the Warden of Simcoc Coun ty Fisher Ganton spccial fcaturc of the display this year was an Auction Booth whcre ar tists could donate work to be put up for auction with 50 per cent of the money going to the Arts and Crafts Association The Barrio Flycrs camc withlu Inches of holding down first place iii the OHA Junior circuit but last period slide in St Catherincs made them set tlc withfour points DELAYED llc Iclconic Mr and Mrs Ronnlc Mclman and Adam to lhc village The havc movcd into the formcr school apart niciit The Sectional Mccllng of lhc Prmhytcrlan Church was held in Bradford tharlcs Marshall was the guest spcakcr Mr and Mrs Don chistcr Mr and Mrs Jack iIlflllIS al tcndcd school pal rcunlon Ill Utopia Hall good time was had by all ivy lollicns lristltulc liict at the horric of Ruth lloggarth on Sept 12 Shc had Mrs Kelly Citizen of the car as gucsl speaker Shc ikc on many organizations has been iri volvcd In chcral mcnibcrs voluntcclcd to attclId thc WI Arca Convention held in Staylicr Dorothy Reid Edith ilichriiIotl and Norma Ham mond attend thc Kcmpcnfclt Nltc hcld ili Gracc hurch Scpt 17 very inlcrcsting program was given by Mrs Stark and Mrs Tuck telling of their trip to the IVllC coiifcrcncc Ili Saskatoon Mrs Stark purchas ed tape of thc gucst speaker at tho confclcncc arid all on joycd his approach to the Year of the Child chcral nicnihcrs from England were entertained and gave short talks on thcir in stltutcs All enjoyed being togcthcr ovcr thc ten cups Essa Township Historical Soclcty held their September mocting on Sept 24 in ivy lnsbytcrian Church Many in tercsting displays wenx arrang ed for the evening One pioneer holnc reproduced to sacalc with modern landscap mg The lvy branch chose to work on ccmctcrics during the summer Norma Hammond outlined the lncthod of procur Ing the names from tho tomb stoncs III hotii cclnctcrlcs hcrc and has now startcd to tabulatc thc Information Lill Marshall road brief hIstory of thc Prcshytcrlan Church from 1865 to thc present The Ivy group scrvcd lunch whllc thc pcoplc ltlllllllSttti ovcr snow of thc ar ticles on display GRANTS REACH RECORD TORONTO ICPl Health re search and education grants from the Physicians Services lncorporatcd Foundation totalv led record 51276519 in 1978 Dr Rommclc foundation president announced recently The foundation established by Ontario doctors in 1970 sup ports variety of projects rang ing from improved xray meth ods to diabetes research and equipment funding for medical schools NORTH 115 0K1052 1098 OAQJS 98 EAST 0J9643 AQ Q72 0Q10763 OAJIZ SOUTH 0AQ7 KJ75 0K1096 0K5 Vulnerable Both Dealer East Welt North East South 10 lNT 3NT Pass Pass Opening leadsl Oswald The winning bridge player learns to give himself the best possible chance to bring home doubt ful contract Alan Here is good exam ple Against the ex cted spade lead South woul have no trouble making nine tricks and probably would bring in eleven Unfortunately for his general peace of mind West opened the six of clubs East took his ace and led back the deuce and South found himself without the time to develop any heart tricks He could count four diamonds three spades and one club and the only play for ninth trick would be to get fourth spade trick Oswald This didnt look easy East was marked with five spades and if they includ ed the jack nine and eight there was no way to get that fourth spade Alan Suppose West held one of those cards Could South get that fourth spade If West held one of them the odds were two to one that it was the eight or the nine With this in mind South led dia mond to dummy and returned the ten of spades East did the best he could He covered with the jack West had to dro the eight South went bac to dummy with second diamond led second spade finessed the seven and had the needed fourth spade trick daily crossword ACROSS 40 Cut down Answer to PreVIous Puzzle 41 Moray Animal 42 Coded on doctors br map Poultry 45 Nabob product wds Reject 49 Ah me 12 Shakespeares 50 Energy unIt river 51 Verdi Opera 13 Auto club 52 Myth 14 Assert 53 Short for 15 Far prefix hurrah 16 Bath 54 Snip 17 Motion 55 Australian picture birds 18 Scotfed 56 Noun suffix 20 Pack animals 57 Time periods 21 Buddhism type 22 Type of cross 23 Hit With leg Tanks DOWN joint Equal 26 ReSIdent of Lacquered Rangoon metalware 30 Sup Sign of 3p 31 Outlet preaching 32 For hearing cold 33 EnVIrOnment Swallowed agency abbr Finery 34 Contests Engage In 35 LysergIc acrd small talk diethylamlde Cleaning 36 Nicer implement 38 Groats Misfortune II 10 Sound quallty 38 Small barrel 11 Is Indebted to 39 French 19 Rosy province 20 Eggnge 41 Octave 22 Wine casks 42 500951655 23 Sharp Smith 24 Caliloéma 43 Biblical land Wine Istrlct 25 Same 44 Korean border 26 Pilsener 27 Electric fish 45 Kind of feed 28 Waistband 46 Hawaiian 29 Goddess of own 33st 47 Norse deity De 48 Bugle call 34 Essayed 37 Arguments 50 Before poet II HEI III III II III III EllHi II Bernice Bode Osol November 1979 This coming year you may be subjected to some anticipated changes in your basic lifestyle What occurs will turn out to be the very best for you in the long run SCORPlO Oct 24Nov 22 When it comes to managing things for Others today you are able to do so masterfully Where your own affairs are concerned you may not be as adept tuHï¬TCHFl DOIN For Better or Worse SAGITTARNS Nov23Dec21 mlngs will work out smoothly today if you make an extra effort to see things from the other fellows point of View Dont be onesided CAPRICORN Dec 224m 19 The only thing that could defeat you is your own lack Of will and determination Display courage and you can meet all chal AQUARIUS Jan allFeb 19 You may face problem today similar to one that confronted you in the past Apply the les sons learned from experience and youll come out the Victor PlSCEs Feb March 20 Where your goals are concerned today be content with slow but steady progress instead of trying to do everything in one fell goo llFNlN Boat DFlD IM some 70 SEE THE Winthrop Vllizard of Id Frank and Ernest PEMH he HATE PEACH Pie swoop Youll get there eventual ly ARIES March 21April 10 Jumping to conclusions today could cause you unnecessary grief Study all the facts from every angle before passing judg mentormaklng decisions TAURUS April 20May 20 If youre involved in any ï¬nancial is today make sure everything is Clearly spelled out in advance Nebulous deals could cost you GEMINI May 21Juna 20 Someone who is very fond of you may be bit more sensitive than usual today You could cause hurt feelings if this person thinks he or she is being taken for ranted ANCER June 21July 22 Although you may be trifle inconvenienced by favor asked of you today dont let this pet sondownifheorshewonttobat for you in the past LEO My 23May Friends will find more to admire in you today if you forego any type of pretense There is enough to like in you if youll just be yourself mac Aug 28Sept There are ample oppoflunitles to lur ther your ambltions today although you may have some dif fiCUlty in getting yourself to believe this is true LIBRA Sept 28Oct 28 Deal with llte realistically today instead of being wishful think er You can solve your problems if your approach is logical HOIDCOHE GROIDNUPS CFlNT HERR FINBTHINGDROUGH OilnayNu lrx in us Dal on BY sTRETcHIue stews WHAT BETWEEN TWO CANS PEoPLE You CAN coMMUNIcATE OVER Laue DIsTANcEs HAVENT SEEN You JINCE You LEFT IHE OPï¬MlsIS 6108 Wf DOlJTYOU EVER BAKBAH APPLE PIE 00 Know MY FAVORITE l9 Born Loser LAWG HMMIVE GOTAN Bugs Bunny Or an ran 04st mar PERCY ID PREFER 10 GO AN Andy Capp IDEAPA5 THE BUTTER CALL ll cirranmnrnc rum USIIO Itod Shh Mvaulauuo WEle READY TO OKPER NOW AN OLbiwrr N10 GOESOuT WITH AYOuhG TWIT