King Tut exhibit Worker rehired ltllll ll IL lililll South Jtta loitl Iotoi to returixl black worker lliiils dav whose resignation lllll led to mass valkoii bv other llit and shut down the Sliiiaialalc plant for two days About foo blacks wallml oil the iobuliiesdiy alter lhoxaiiiilc ltollla who leads black rights organisation resigned say mg coiiipanv official warned tum his cvic work was intcrteriiig vitli his lot THE BEST BOOTS COME FROM Fig Cut thc the toe isu the swouï¬txi glCd ear +Jt ccea tv 5xk niece wwww kalkel oes Pvt hut hut090 58 OUNlOP ST EAST 7182397 Security police examine one of the cars damaged by bullets following bomb explosion at Orlando Police Station Soweto Africa in the early hours Former Ontario premier John Robarts reaches to sample an Arabian delicacy served by Egyptian court servant Sally Eden at party Wednesday night in Toronto to celebrate the arrival of the For $200 guests were given Police officer dies in Soweto blast of this morning One policeman was killed in the incident and three others seriously injured AP Photo is Lees at Tut party preview of the exhibit lavish meal and gala ball attended by 600 people The display will be at the Art Gallery of Ontario until the end of December CP Photol Sooter Portrait Studios Christmas PORTRAIT games Sooter Studios would like to introduce you to our Christmas Portrait Special 25 CHRISTMAS CARDS 10 COLOR ENLARGEMRNT COLOR ENIRGIIETS No Sitting Fee All for only $3995 ltyou order before November lfth we will give you Free 10 Expires November 17th 1070 BOOK NOW Sooter Portrait Studios BAYFIELD MALL BARRlE0NTARlO PH 7373341 QLLwithholding of insurance payments Crombie rejects medicare proposal OTTAWA tCP Health Minister David Crombie rejected Liberals suggestion Thursday that he withhold health insurance payments in provinces where doctors or hospitals are charging more for services than medicare pays The minister was responding to flurrv of opposition oues tions in the Commons about how to stop erosion of medicare pending an extensive review by Emmett Hall Former labor minister John Munro ll HamiltonEast asked the Conservative gov crn ment to study whether prov inces charging extra for health and hospital service have con trovened the provisions of the federal Medical Care ct Munro said Crombie would probably learn from legal ad visers that the provinces are contravenmg their agrwment with the federal government and that montth payments should be ithheld If voure concerned about Radiooperator talks resume break down OTTAWA itli Contract talks resumed momentarily Thursday as striking radio op eratois shill down 70 per cent of Canadas airport radio stations Treasury board President Sinclair Stevens told the Commons the talks which broke down Iediiesday were under way again Later the union said talks had broken off again Accused by NDP Ml Ray Skelly of compromising air safety in the dispute Stevens said Cool heads in this House are required as opposed to any provtxative statements Transport department spokesmen said 70 per cent of the airports had no radio Seafarer declares peace tllT WA iiialewici the toughtalking head of the oncetroubled Seafarers International lnion Sltv says hes put the past behind with small but significant contract settlement guaranteeing labor peace for one ship company for three nears flanked by government business and utiion represeiitatives at news conference iralewicz said he is declaring peace in an effort to improve the chances of government and industry to develop Canadian deepsea merchant marine fleet The shades of 49 have haunted the hell out of us for the last 30 years Gralevvicr said Ive changed The Sll has changed We dont believe in beating people on the head for something thats not there it was in the llHtls that the Sll waged bitter war to re place the Communist dominated Canadian Seamens lnion and when the 600 vessels in the Canadian deepsea fleet were sold to foreign companies or registered in foreign countries by Canadian com panies The news conference was called to witness the signing of collective agreement covering 1th seamen aboard three deepsea vessels owned by the Maple Leaf Shipping Co Ltd of British Columbia The contract signed also by the Canadian Merchant Service tiuild provides salaries ranging trom 320004 to Station annually and contains cost of living formula guaranteeing an annual increase of at least 85 percent DELIVIIlt GOODS The three ships are to deliver goods from ltt to California Maple Leaf spokesman said the company would gister the ships in Canada innitdiater if the federal givernnient would exempt it from paying fee that would totalSlmillion Such an exemption is among the measures the government is considering tor promised package of financial incentives aimed at encouraging business men to develop Canadian owned and run merchant nia nnc fleet li Roman room movies occupancy Friday arrivals may stay Sunday for $24 50 per person dOuble operator service and that pilots heading for smaller airports were being told to fly only in the daytime under visual flight rules They were warned that navigational service normally provided by the operators was unreliable The West was most seriously htl Hall of the 1167 operators are designated during the strike to perform essential services Takeover Col Alberto Natusch top appeared Thursday at news conference in La Pas Bolivia at which he declared himself president Earlier predawn coup had ousted President Walter Guevara below Bolivias first democraticallyelected president in decade AP Photo The $4900 Sunshine okcn Here Weeken Package Winter is always warm and friendly at the luxurious Toronto Harbour Castle Hilton But especially from now until March 315t 1980 Because you can enjoy our special Sunshine Spoken Here weekend far only $49 00 per person double occupancy with Friday or Saturday arrival And children of fly age share their parents room at no extra charge Theres so much to do that you ll want to spend as much time outside as inside Go crosscountry skiing on Toronto Island Park with ferry serwce at our door Or take our special shuttle bus to Ontario Place where y0u can skate take in live childrens theatre or watch full length feature movie in Cinesphere with its giant screen and stereo sound system Theres also heated change room and for bite handy snack bar and res taurant And inside the hotel treat your self to our heated pool and whirlpool squash courts steam and dry sauna baths our fine restaurants and 10unges our exciting new European disco theque 24hour room service and in For compere seats and reservations tsubiect to restoctec availability cart yOur Travel Agent any nor note HllOF Reservation Service Hilton international Hotel ranging from turning on runway lights at small airports to recording the movement of ships from coast guard st Ion Nordair suspended all flights to Northern Quebec and the ctic until assurances are given that airport navigational eqiiip ment is being manned Meanwhile government spokesmen continued to say that operators not providing full essential services are acting illegally violating the Public Service Staff Relations Act But there was no sign the government plans to prosecute Fined over advertising OTTAWA lCPI The Jayl Norris Corp of Canada andi Jean Claude lleroiix botli of Montreal were twice convicted of misleading advertisingaboul miracle keychain light the federal consumer and corporate affairs department said Thursday The department said in its quarterly report the company was fined $2500 and Heroux 3300 May 14 for claiming their product never needs batteries and contains microelectronic cell They had also said it was guaranteed to give years of sat isfaction Department officials established that both claims were false The Consumers Distributing Company Ltd of London nt was fined $5000 for advertising that gassaving device had demonstrated fuel savings of up to 25 per cent when the device could not actually produce that result The company is appeal ing the decision Other convictions and fines between April and June 1970 included latural Retreats of Nova Scotia Ltd doing business as Lakeland Retreats of Scotia Halifax $2000 on each of four charges of promoting twoAforone sale which pur ported lo give buyers at free choice of free building lots Lot prices were inflated to cover the cost of the free lots and buyers were not given free choice of property CCCL Canadian on sumer Company Ltd and Allan Diamond Montreal $3000 total on fotir charges of advertising gassaving Ramalet super charger purported to turn pollii lion into free energy for cars and give 50 extra miles to each tank of gas hen in fact it could not All FOR RENT New hall for weddings banquets receptions auction sales Christmas and New Years Parties and Meetings My Ital is set in the spacious woodlands of Willow Creek Enioy the warm and gracious atmosphere of an old fashioned fireplace and carpeted floors with dance area Only miles from Barrie PROM 7289902 7260317 Nova the examiner Friday Nov 1979 eroding medicare think thats the way to wipe it out Crombie said of the suggestion to withhold pay ments The act says provinces re cciving their share of iiioiiev from the federal government must ensure that inedicirc is available to all uninhibited by excessive user charges Doctors or hospitals or both in seven prov iiices now charge more for services than the health care system pay IIIZl IIIttllltl TIi Crombie said it would be in appropriate for the government to seek advice elsewhere while Hall former Supreme Court justice hose royal commission in the 1904 established the basic principles of the medicare pro grams is conducting his study New Democrat Bob Ogle Saskatoon Easti said the gov MEILUN 01 DENTIIRE THERAPIST erimient might be wise to con sider other measuns rather than wait for Hall to complete thcstudy Crombie also said the federal government is paying 00 per cent of lbertas health care cpenses lie was replying to Liberal health critic Monique Begin who wanted to know it the gov eriimeni was paying more than the required Stlrpmceiit share of health costs for province which allows docth to charge tip to 30 per cciil more for serv ices than health insurance pays Miss Begin also accused the Alberta government of diverting $73 million from health care extxnditures iiilo other areas Crombie would not comment on the nllegat ion Complete Denture Service Hours am pm Mon thru Fri 280 Dunlop St Barrie 7286810 Member Denturist Society 75 minutes of laughter music and fun YOURE 6000 MAN CHAKllE BROWN IN THE EASTVIEW SS CAFETORIUM vi wousiv PREAMINQ sour 3511th usw PLAYL yd lt4 Ln Youre Au sitsrwew PLAYERS PRESENTATION youn bright ambi ous active and ouve ust been by Welcome to the Club Unfortunately the membership is not all that exclusiveThe fact is there are some 35000 Canadians with MS If you had MS youd be paying your dues every day You see there is no known cause of MS nor is there known cure As it stands now 35000 Canadians are living with the prospect of impaired vision losing their speech or waking up one morning to ï¬nd themselves partially paralysed If we hope to put an end to what is often referred to as the numbcr one crippler since polio were going to have to get involved Now Contact your local chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society And find out how you can help Do it for thirtyfive thousand Canadians Do it because youre young bright ambitious Vlo What are we doing about it Contact your local Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Chapter and active