therexaminer Friday Nov2 1979 Educating themselves These girls were shopping with their mothers at Bayfield Mall when they decided to have look at some projects done by fellow students These booklets are just part of the display at Boyfield Mall which has been contributed by schools from Barrie and surrounding area The girls who are all students at Oakley Park School are Cindy Frith left I2 Michele Frith second from left Susan Gibbon second from right Jill Gibbon Examiner Photo US businessmen ignorant of Canadas capabilities EDMUNIUN ltli Sixty per cent ot lllhllitsstiitll are absolutely ignorant ot tanadas niaiiutactuimg tatialltllllts Nova Scotia economist said Ihursday Jack Arnold ol llalhousit tmversity told conterenee on business innovation that such ignorance is mayor obstacle tot anadian exporters seeking totrack the rich market He recalled that In Iiellnigliam Wash Iii kilometres tioiii the tanadian border businessman once loole at Canadian $2 bill and asked liosh where did you get this with Mrs Lincolns picture on it Michael owpland ot Mitel torp in tittawa said his elet ironies iiriii has tound great success in the market by playingdow its tanadiaii identity We attempt to appear as American as possible when were down there We dont tiiid any beiietit in trying to promote anadian image in the tnited Slates President Thomas lturns ot thetaiiadiaii lIVpoti Association agreed saying customers are not comtortable it they tee they are dealing with some crazy toriignei Speaking to about zoo businessmen on the closing day ot the Financial Post eotileteiice the tliiee described how innovatne anadian tirnis can overcome ignorance and customs barriers toeploit ilie large iiiarkei lhe tirst step towplaiid said is to realie that you have to be good extremely good Tllti TUSICI liver iatinu in the world is trying to sell into the Inited States tkct It is without doubt the world most competitive market lturns said companies have lound success by selecting specialty where quality or technology is more important than price considerations spending heavily on research geared to customer needs providing ecellent scryice and trceiiig cus toiiiers Irom customs paperwork Markets should be precisely detined he stressed The is not monolithic market its series ot regional markets tommumcations equipment tor example can best be di rected at the southern aIitoriiia and lioston areas towpiand added that taiiadian tiim with good product on the leading edge ot technology and good identitied markets has still ttol won the battle Speed is crucial Ito it last because tiierell be lot ot other companies tlttltiL the same thing Sl IISIItI IH IT The value ot setting tip an assemblyplant subsidiaty in the Iiiited States once export volume justilics it he said Such subsidiaries can speed response to orders by avoiding cus toms paperwork at that stage And taiiadian taritls can be major hindrance for Canadian eporters he said The taritts do not stop toieigii conipetiiion in aiiada since toreign interests can set up assembly plants here but they do hampertaiiadian exporters The reason he cplaiiied is that ICS components are otteii used tor the tanadian products and the wouldAbe tanadian porterlias topay duty on the con In theory owplaiid said thet are exported pioneiits tity is retunded hen the goods ltut the paperwork tor such rctunds for components is very annoy mg and very costly tor companies like Mitcl which has too coiiiponenis on single electronic circuit hoard $31 million extra will go to settle refugees in Canada till Itli The gov ernment plans to use Slit million that has not been spent on em ploynieiit programs to help ti nance its Slit simillion program to settle llltltKlllllll retugees lit taiiada Iiii migration Minister Itoii tkey said ibursday Ilis announcement prompted angry reaction trom opposition Ils who accused tkey ol helping the reltttlees at the nense oi aiiadas unemplowa mm mm ï¬x Its like this Focusing on health topics Timothy Christian School viceprincipal Richard Strikwerda gives some tips to students during weeklong talks on world hunger ot the school The series of lectures are altered to give youngsters better understanding of world problems Exominer Photo Atkey speaking at om moiis coiiitiiittee hearing on the ltlTittto spending estimates for the manpower and iitimigration department denied the charge He said the Sill million would come largely trom programs which had lapsed without all the money allocated being spent Some ol the money was gained by tightening programs such as Canada Works Atkey later told reporters the money would have beeii put back into general revenue it the goyeiiiment had not decided to lltll ll to the retugec pro gram He said the move does not re ilect iedtiction ot the govern ments commitment to job creation RII TIC lttltlf JOBS The new government will match the dollars the previous Liberal government spent on employment programs It hoped to create more iobs with the same amount ot money he said In his statement to the com mittee the minister said cutting the expenditure on aiiada Works accounts tor Sit million ot the Sill million turther Sit million resulted trom abandoning local economic assistance program planned by the previous Liberal goyeinment Margaret Mitchell ian coiiver East New Democratic immigration critic charged that tkey was contributing to the legitimate backlash among Canadians who are struggling tor tubs Dal4 before 69 iy Itllilt Hill It Ilil liaiiiiiicr lo lt tlty lvititied alto signing over cm of tlieiiues and MLan betaasc was wind in ms mortgaflc xiiiifs lttilit Ilatt seneni ivt men lllillstlo it aal ton years lit tar iii1ir liltlittll tiara Itlatkliit zit lutiiins tllatiilLrt oi iiii clliiigot llotl was sttltti to iiaiiflis ii cl til litti lilllutttl ttsl iT Iaiiiswick owner gratel operation to it moi lbs and two years probation relating to an incident ug in tail maobmg ilter ltichaidson li Attending convention Ies iniony rey ealeil Mclaxklin and ash went to Richardson home at 32 twlrington St between and l1 because Richardson was about three months in arrears in his second unit tllauc payments Iclocklin who arranged the sale ot the house said he was acting on behali ot Larry lcrthiii the iiiorigagee Richardson turned met cheque tor $17k ill post dated cheques tor SH ownership ot cat tctttgcrator and stoye and steieosysteiii tllIdIRICI llilit ll lllf Judge tlare told the men he believed Richardsons testimony that the men threatentd lock lttcltant son in his house and set tire to it and break his arm it he didnt do as he as told Iclocklin claimed he was uttered the merchandise and cheques as security and timer threatened Richard UI He must liaye been ter ntied it he signed oyer refrigei it or stoy and stereo toi two or three tntin ths payments Iudgc tlarc said Judge tlarc said Iclockliii and Nash were two birge md powertul lookinginen who went to the house ot much smaller man at lIitl iii eitieii is entitled to be Muriel Fitzgerald left and Andrea Porter both from Royal Victoria Hospital Auxiliary chat with Peggy Menzies right vicepresident of the Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto The women are among 700 delegates attending the annual HAAO convention this week The convention is to educate members in patient care and create better liason betWeen the provincial association and local auxiliaries Ac tivities include seminars workshops and lectures Photo from The Ex aminers Toronto Burea Steel company hires two IlIlllt itli Two women have become the tirst temale blue collar workers to be hired at The Steel to ot anada coinple in 13 years company spokesman said lhursday Their hiring comes tour days attcr tour other women tiled complaints with the llitlitllti Iluman Rights tommissioii charging discrimination and announced plans tor public campaign to torce Stelco to hire more temale production work ers Hill Wright assistant indus trial relations manager said the women were hired because they had the qualitications women needed for the job and not be cause ot the complaint tine woman with craneoper ating experience began work Ihursday and the other will start Nov in the utilities training program ec Taylor Local tom lnitcd Steelworkers ot Canada said he believes the hirings are directly linked to the womens complaints The local has pledged support to the four women who comv plained to the commission and has also filed complaint leanetie Abbot one of the tour women said she had es pected the company to begin hiring at ter the publicit An open and shut case for Considering the cost of oil of homeowners across North wood heating Its more economiculutcan tom these days its easy to see why hundreds otihousands hearing your home with wood gas and electric heat America hayetumed to president of See your room looks like new Theres no bad smell and its dry Vila mt The theyll be grad ts guaairfl havarxe Remarkable Low Lustre Latex spreads evenly cavers really wet and cleans up Crown says extortion must be deterred Security in homethreatened two men sentenced by Judge secure in his home said the judge Both Iclockliii and Nash hac criminal records Iclocklm tor common assault and assault causing bodily harm and ash tor series ot ottenses between 1938 and 1968 Judge tlaic said he disregarded Nash record in sentencing because ot aslts rehabilitation dur mg the past ten years Several character witnesses testited on belialt on both accused and Judge Iarc said he recognied that both had shown kindness and generosity in the past and had done good deeds OTTAWA ttli The word is out to all Liberal Mls lie in your places Iuesday tor vote ot IittlTLOtilltlttlLl in the Pro gressiye Conservative minority government possibly on the question of energy prices It will be the first chance or the Liberals to back up the tough talk earlier this week by party leader lierre Trudeau who suggested the Liberals should get to work to throw out the Iark government The decision to push ahead with the nonconfidence vote was made at meeting Wed nesday ot the Iaberals io member parliamentary adv 1my group the so called shadow cabinet key party critics in the tommons the crunch is coming ooner than expected said Liberal party whip Tom Ielebrc lttltlwre tlttlllltliitlllllillll Cansmaybe underï¬lled to allow for tinting Sec label for net contents NOW OPEN Under New Management DYCKS MEAT MARKET Complete facilities for the Choicest Quality Meat Specializing in Personal Attention Freezer Beef Pork at Competitive Prices Custom Cutting and Wrapping 150 COLLIER ST BARRIE Next to Geos Variety Phone Weldon Dares 7285339 or well 55 the game Ithl iisl litiIHt Iletcnce lawyer Hal Icyy asked toi temporary absence permits to allow the men txirticularly Nash tocoiiiinuc working IIis request was denied He told the court this case was not as set ions as tltt ttoii cascs llttltttL loan sliarkiiig with psychological buildup oi tear oyei tinic trowii ttoincy Iolio le inch said Illls was not communty with undcrwoild md latgi etoiion relatiyely raic ttlllll iii our community ttictypc ot crime that must be tlcltied Liberal MP call for nonconfidence is responsible tor musterng Liberal Mls the ominous anti he says tew ecuscs tor ib sence will be tolerated Leaves ot absence have been cancelled The Stilljttl oi the motion has yet to be decided although sev eral Liberals said Thursday they expect it will deal with the supply and price of energy They suggested it would prob ably be worded in such way as to ensure support trom the 26 New Democratic Party menr bers in the ommoiis It all Liberals turned up they would have tll votes toni bined with the MH it would be litt Homt Auto lilo Business arjeant insurance Bell Formildu Donia Ont $12 95 OR LESSGALLON 50 or more off your heating bill Wbod smells and sounds as good as it burns And its one form otencrgy thats still growing But what do you burn wood in to gft the most heat out of it Wed like to suggest Fisher Stew The Fishers unique twostep combustion chamber recirculates wood gascs back into the flames resulting in more heat and fewer ashes its patented spin draft controls and thually airtight construction mean you can regulate how much heat it puts out And because its made from carefully welded hcaiy plate steel it will got you years of remarkable heating efï¬ciency We ham Hand of Fisher Stoye model to choose from So come in soon and ï¬nd out what makes Fisher Fisher Case closed Nov Draw DONT WAIT GET YOUR LOTO CANADA POUCH TODAY YOU MAY BE MILLIOHAIRE OR AWIIIHER OF ONE OF THOUSANDS OF OTHER CASH PRIZES not Kem Low Lustre Latex WALL AND TRIM PAINT Sold at ShemWilliams stores and participating dealers All dealers listed may not be participants SherwinWilliams BARBIE Cardinal CashCarry Decorating Centre 3139 Fggffflï¬fgï¬imï¬ Highway 26 27 13 Clapperton Street Bradford Street COLLINGWOOD KMart Stocks Paint Highway 27 Wallpaper Centre Anideafanadn magma Baytield Avenue North 218 Hurontario Street