Ia 8A the examiner Friday Nov 1979M EVENING 600 ED NEWS TIC TAC DOUGH CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS RHODA FABLES OF THE GREEN FOREST 655 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH WHATEVER TURNS YOU ON STREET TALK PEOPLE AND PETS ea FAMILY FEUD t2 MAUDE 730 GIIéIUPPETs SHOW Guest woven NEWLYWED GAME CONLONS ONTARIO JOKERS WILD STARS 0N ICE Guests Perry Jewel Janet and Mark Hommuke Maureen Govern LIVELY COUNTRY El MAGIC SHADOWSMyFrienthckr Part II BOB NEWHART SHOW GE MASiI 800 In SHERIFF LOBOBJ AND THE BEAR BJ Is arrested tor stealing the receiplsolaLasVagascasmoandLobo whOIs CompetingtorthetuleotLawmanottheYear Is determined to clinch the award by linding the 51 loot hrs HAPPY DAYS The gang otters comicrellalbutonlytheFonzcantilltheneedtor shapely girls when the burlesque troupe per torming lor Howards big show at the lodge uncoma snowbound childrens channel Sunday Nov 1230 pm Sunday School Monday Nov 1030 Mr Dressup 1100 Sesame Street 100 pm Kids can ook 30 Kids and Chords 00 Stories from the Attic 30 irclc Square 00 ope 00 Hockey Instruction 30 Mister Rogers 00 Sesame Street 000 Polka Dot Door UlminwlilGI Tuesday Nov 1030 Mr Dressup 11 00 Sesame Street 100 pm Kids au ook 30 Kids and hords 00 Stories from the Attic Sunday Nov 200 pm St Andrews Presbyterian hurch Ser vice 300 Barrie IIyers vs Owen Sound ireys 500 St Andrews Presbyterian hurch Ser vice Monday Nov 100 pm Parliamentary Debates 200 Healthy Living for Seniors 30 Quilt and Rug Fair 30 Kidsra 00 Anglican hurch Special 00 hurch of hrist Presents 00 Barrie Flyeni vs Owen Sound ireys GUTï¬nals Tuesday Nov 200 pm Labours Vie 300 bloc and Carmella 330 Allousy 40 Rhapsody in Blue 400 Music Barrie Anne cable CALIFORNIA FEVER Ross is The odds onlavoriletowinacarniaqazme sUniQue Beach Car or the Year rrrinles with his Grossmuoile unti he runs mm mt 19 mm an crupulouscorh rentDr 60 mins HAPPY The gang otters comwi relief but 3nly the Fonz can fill 1hr need 10 shapely gels when the burlesQue troupe Der forming or Howard 019 Sth at the lodge worms snowbouno ANGIE Angie old Doyineim returns town and makes It very Clear that he vol to Iaim Angie for his very own TUTANKHAMUNS EGYPT WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT MOVIE DRAMA la Con voy 1978 830 93 THE RAES With hosts Robbie and Chernll Raa Jett Hystop The James beDaro ncers and the Tommy Banks Orchestra ANGIE Angie old boyfriend returns to town and makes It very clear that hes out to Iaim Angie for his very own if QUINCY THE REAL STORY MCCLOUDAmusmstudentisaccuseo of murdering the maestro but an old gangland murder coms to hem incriminating reformed gangster Wht Is running for election 90 mms 900 THREES COMPANY TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIE mm Victim 1979 Stars Bess Armstrong Max Gail THREES COMPANY Jacks wee kend at Larrys secluded mountain lodge turns IntoascramblelorbedswhenChrissyandJanet With crowd EB TPHE REBELS Philip Kent an Illegi tImate French nobleman who has given up his birthright to mm the colonials In than light tor IndependencelromBntIsntyrannycontinuesto risk his Idem the cause at American Indepen ce Part II VISTA 930 THE FIFTH ESTATE wiin Adrienne Clarkson Eric Malling and Ian TAXI Alex and Louie compete In winnerlake all bet to see who can bring in the most receipts with date with Elaine as the priz 1000 CANDID CAMERA Allen rum the host for lun tilled look at how people behave spontaneously when they dont know they are It med 60mins HART To HART Jonathan and Jennifer Hart become part of the dangerous world othardcorenightlile whentheygounoer cover to bait killer who murders gorgeous iessmnalplaygirls 60mins 3L3 COPE 230 ircle Square 300 ope 400 Hockey Instruction 430 Mister Rogers 500 Sesame Street 600 Polka Dot Door Wednesday 0v 1030 am Mr Dressup 1100 Sesame Street 100 pm Kids an ook 30 Kids and hords 00 Stories front the Attic 30 ircle Square 00 ope 00 Hockey Instruction 30 Mister Rogers 00 Sesame Street 200 Polka Dot Door UIiuulélsp Thursday Nov 1030 Mr Dressup Price 500 Parliamentary Debates 030 hurch of Christ Presents 700 At The Treehouse Wednesday Nov 200 pm Active Faith 300 Angela Hilhorst Inter views Littles Hill Players 330 Music Barrie los ariocas 400 hloe and armella 430 Rhapsody in blue 5200 Parliamentary Debates 600 Healthy Living for Seniors 630 hurch 01hrist Presents Iliursday Nov 300 pm Active Faith 100 Healthy Living For Seniors t30 Rhapsody in Blue 00 Parliamentary Debates 00 hurch of lirist Presents 00 Anglican hurch Special 800 Labours ievy 850101 Heritage ti tuesday tv E8 GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 STARSKYANDHUTCH Win 718 Successotapopuial youngwresler dusult greed In righting which results in incl murder 1030 EDI3 MAN ALIVE Au Primate of Canada Ar hotshop Tro 85 commentsanDrldLUiCIlotCariaoagiaulstO the Patriotn Front Ill Rhodesea tor Dunldfnldldl purposes Roy Bomsteoi asks him about CI tiCism he sno church enoughacdthathe Sn munst Repeal LE JOYS OF COLLECTING 1100 ED NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS ED THE REAL STORY EMOVIECOMEDYDRAMA2 Baby Blue Marine 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 OTHETONIGHTSHOWHosi John son Guest Sidney Goldsmith 90 mins CBS LATE MOVIE BARNABY JONES Peisoned Pigeon Two charming con artists commit murder when their Victim unexr pectedly Interrupts their celebration at crime well done Repeat LAS VEGAS LADY 1975 is Stella Stevens Stuart Whitman if MOVIE COMEDY arriageGoRound 1961 PAR YGAME QUESTION PERIOD SPORTS PROBE 1145 PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED 1200 MOVIE MYSTERY To mmit Murder1970 KOJAK MERV GRIFFIN Guests Robert Mer rill Grace Jones Clent Holmes and more 1215 ONEDIN LINE MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA 12 Man on Swing1974 100 TOMORROW ED MEDICAL CENTER 130 NEWS 89 GONG SHOW Liz Taylors bothtub The Old King Edward hotel is undergoing massive renovation over the next two years and selling off many old furnishings Garry Horrod considered himself lucky to buy this antique bathtub for 3125 Even luckier when told it was made by the hotel especially for actress Liz Taylor CP Photo Writer suggests pros needed for discipling the children 1100 Sesame Street 100 pm Kids Can Cook 130 Kids and Chords 200 Stories from the Attic 230 ircle Square 300 Cope 100 Hockey Instruction 430 Mister Rogers 500 Sesame Street 600 Polka Dot Door Friday Nov 1030 Mr Dressup 1100 Sesame Street 100 pm Miss Mew and Friends 130 Kids and hords 200 Stories from the Attic 230 ircle Square 300 ope 400 Hockey Instruction 500 Sesame Street 000 Polka Dot Door Saturday Nov 10 30 pm Sesame Street 530 Iables of the ireeii Forest 000 pm Polka Dot Door LONDON tCPl Douglas offender be caned by master Sutherland Speared at an early age by mother wielding diaper pin is firmly of the opi nion that the upbringing of young gentlemen is far better left to the professionals Such professionals range from nannies through masters at boarding school to the dons at university In his new book The English Gentlemans Child Suther land says gentleman seldom it ever chastiscs his children He is tar too busy disciplin iiig his dogs If the gentleman seems preoccupied with his Bedl iIigton terriers rather than his children Sutherland says he is not the sort of chap to kick up row if his son receives sixot the best for picking his nose in class At the average public private school not only can an 94 DUNLDP ST Gwen human and Di Luncheon Specials served daily from 30 om SPECIALIZING IN HOMEMADE COOKING Featuring our Homemade Soup SellAservice Solod Bar Fresh Sandwich Board 7374944 but also by those among his fellows who have risen to thc eminence of prefects There is greater prestige in being cath by master he says and it is more likely to be less painful than being beaten by the captain of games Daughters however are not iccordcd llllS privilege In stead they are sent to ovcn try 1llltlllllttlllS being given the silent treatment by llltll peers This says Sutherland lllt kind tll nasty girlish lltt Iiiiploycd during trade union tllllts IHlRli ltttth lhis lllll tlltllt lgt the third llIilti lllt iippcrciiisl pIii oi Siltliniildnd to be lilllilllttll ll 1115011 lIIidw on lllt lllill ltl iimiiiiIIs iiid llllltl itliiiillltllltll lliilli The good old English nanny in ruling the nursery relies on truth recognized since Adam and Eve invented children It you dont get your foot on the little darlings necks from the first moment you clap eyes on them and keep it there you are not Ill with any chance at It Sutherland reports tlizit llllt llillllllt go on insisting long alter their charges have ltll home and are about to have children ot llltll min tliit buliin IrI ioiind undor gixisIlwrry bushes lritlllllillll the mud ic lllllt ol lllt horses doc rind other itlllllltll Ill llltll £1 gIntlcnidii Iliildrcn nio nor iiizillj surrounded ili 11n sidIirId litll Ltll1li Ivtw tor tllltllllltll NOW OPEN FOR DOlTYOIIRSELFERS DIAMOND ALUMINUM AND VINYL CD 111 ONE STOP ALUMINUM VIII SHOP oALUMINUM VINYL SOFFIT SIDING SHUTTERS ALUMINUM AWNINGs FASCIA CONTINUOUS TROUGH STORM WINDOWS DOORS DOITYOURSELF on wru Do IT FOR You ll YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ION SEMKIN DIAMOND ALUMINUM VINYL CO LTD 36 ELLEN ST BARBIE 7264644 STROUD 4365645