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km WE 0355 TIME Great Selection of Christmas Ribbon MARKET OUR SPECMLTY AT 700 MOVIE DRAMA Killing Provincial Large Supply of All Calico Prints Al OI SI Sea $32L£51E£ HULK ï¬ï¬io WHILE SHOPPING STOP IN swarm RESTAURANT NEWS uy ro meme FORONEOFOURDAIHSPECIAIS aii°°r mam °°UGH NEWS 0R JUST FOR TEA OR COEEEE DAILY SPSCIALS DETECTIVE SCHOOL 127 25 Tonga 5L flllflk Pk ggssggap NEWS 11 30 no Dunlap 7370599 Downtown Centre 7372431 FAUILy FEUD THE TONIGHT SHOW Hoot MAUOE BLiiféllgeéiilh$733M NORTHERN SURPLUS SALVAGE INC DANCE FEVER STALKER The Youth Killer Kolchak dia EwLwaD GAME covers an exclusive Binglee club that turne ite Edvard me PM DEVILS RAIN 1975 Stars Emeal Borgnin alee vieite Le Club JOKERS WILD GRAND OLD COUNTRY TIGER CAT FOOTBALL 79 Sflggï¬ï¬moo HIGHLIGHTS MAC MAGIC SHADOWS cu ol the ice NEWHART SHOW MAsH Dolls 1967 145 THE RETURN OF THE SAIN 800 gondolier in Venice when the tile at lriend SHIRLEY ARCHIE BUNKERS throughout Venice 60 minn PLACE Archie tinally begin work on the 1200 reataurant addition to his bar only to have MOVIE DRAMA Great coutmction halted by Shortage at building pecgations 19 materialaeepecially the lolding green MOVIE ADVENTURE elk INCREDIBLE HULK V0 1°69 rodeoetaralilelieainthe balencechtllzadeatll MERV GK IN ruptlera attempt to eliminate David Banner 80 2315 MOVIE DRAMA Her BATTLE OF THE NETWORK nmosn STARS 1245 CAROL BURNETT HOUR NICE SHOW LIKE YOU IN SEARCH OF The Swamp 100 in THE MIDNIGHT SPECIA THE LOVE BOAT Hosts KC and The Sunshlne Bend Guest EMOVIE ADVENTURE 1h Bonme Pomler Nick Lowe Maureen Pipe Dreams 1918 McGovern Deniece Wllllems 90 mine 830 130 FRONT PAGE NEWS CHALLENGE GONG SHOW PERSONAL SPACES MOVIE DRAMA TW 900 For the Money 1971 in THE ROCKFORD FILES 200 TOMMY HUNTER SHOW MEDICAL CENTER Tommys gueale tonight are Keith Hitchner MOVIE DRAMA Bl Ronnie Prophet Chrle NIeleen and Buck Max 1966 ens 80 ï¬lms 215 THE DUKES OF HAZZARD MOVE COMEDY eel2 FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE Carry on in the Legion 1970 MecArthur Stars Gregory Peck Art 2225 Ing WORLD OF CONFLICT POlIlIcs ADVENTUREDRAMA Me ï¬mflfï¬ï¬ï¬2332322£33322 or the Dragon ma Blll HAKE bar and grazing land 300 BATTLE OF THE NETWORK in MARCUS WELBY MD 2°22 RRIAlerST 1000 9MOVlEDRAMA Nolor EISCHIED Enoched euapeclslhat the ious Gentleman 194s ganglandatyle staying ol two herein dealers 400 may harm been ordered by muchdecorated Puerto Racen delectlve Obsessed With hellmg 8r 1965 drug trellicking In Spamah Harlem 60 Siva Favor yB ITCHED Our cover story Vernon Chapman plays George Bernard Shaw and Irena Mayeska plays Mrs Patrick Campbell in the Gryphon Theatre pro duction of Dear Liar opening Monday at the Gryphon Theatre Playwright Jerome Kilty has drawn on the famous correspondence between Show and Mrs Campbell to create his twoact play best selling albums In Through the Out Door Led Zeppelin The Long Run The Eagles Breakfast in America Supertramp Cornerstone Styx Get the Knack The Knock Eve Alan Parson Project Dream Police Cheap Trick CandyO The Cars Im the Man Joe Jackson IO IO Slow Train Coming Bob Dylan listings courtesy of Sam the Record Man Barrie FLAPPERS Mnloohomudo members into aged corpaee Repeat Lu me OVIE DRAMA Valley of The Saint hen the help at the moat gorgeous daughter to held out as bait to lure him into trap set by vicious killer The net is spread MOVIE MOVIE vCOMEDY $500 PROVINCIAL TICKET EACH WEEK PROVINCIAL LEAVITTS SALESSERVICE Iron and Metal Dealer Structural Steel Warranty Service Depot 3009 and Sold MONDAY SPLCIAL 0° ROYl 31 °°73Li° WE BUY SLLL USED CARS TRUCKS flow on 3095 Ports It you can find anyone who can A° Provincial match or better our prices 7372373 701 WEll DROP OUR PRICE 10 ESSA RD 438 Ounlop 7372600 SENIOR CIIIIENS 10 DISCOUNT ON ALL SERVICES rvm MON THIS WINE GRAPES Provincial COIITOTHIO Ontario RENTAWRECK 7261 Fromm My from $395 mile Weekly Monthly Rates 33 Nil Umhwe CONTINENIAl en With no mileage charge Or one ottege NAIR STYLING Beko St yN 32 inns 2655 Wm ay Ie I65 WELLINGTON WEST PS We Don Rent Wrecks The World Famous Kree Method of Electrolysis IRENES ELECT ROLYSIS STU DIO Unwanted Hair Removed Gentle Safe and Best of All Permanent 726368I 58 Collier St FREE CONSULTATION 36 MARY ST AT OUNLOP rum VISA TRANSMISSION CENTRES Dhams wtlh Ruffles Lace blngham and New Prlnls SERVICE LTD Electronic TuneUps Electronic Service SPECIAL $1 75 Agnew 33139323 353333 Visit Our NeW Sllep wheel hmmg CANADIANA Snack l°° SAVE 20 To 50 80 Free Estimates 205 Dunlop 7373940 l93 Blah 7267762 72885 Georgian Dr 7230393 Optical Ohmdreda designer homes available at low coat prices OcarItoct lenaee ooh and hard 73704 Provlnciol SPECIALIZING lN Slight lrregulars Provnoel MENS NAIRSTYLINO LAURIES 312 IAVIIILD 737441 cum INSTECNAIM STYLING mo 32 littin tra sue weal 1263733 7234323 am norm SMAll ENGINES 53 CeIer St 7266410