asscwnssw 27 examiner Friday Nov 1929 mintr news Japanshps deeper into political chaos TOKYO tAIi Japan skidded deeper into political quagmire today as Premier Masayoshi Ohira and former premier Takco Fukuda competed for control of the govern ing Liberal Denirwratic party and the government scheduled session of the lower house of parliament was cancelled and Fukadas supporters boycotted party caucus aimed at resolving the dispute The standoff left the country without official leadership for the third day since Ohira and his 2Imcmber cabinet resrgned en masse in compliance Wllh the constitution followingelectionsOct Ohira and his cabinet remained in nominal charge as caretaker government but the Bayearold premier con tinued to ignore demands by other party leaders including Fukuda to accept resrxinsibilily for the party unexpected electoral setbacks and quit Quebec issue hitting dollar LONDON ilteuteri The anadian dollar fell or European foreign exchange markets today apparently reflecting market anxiety over possible Quebec political inderAndence dealers reported The Canadian currency went to 3126 cents from Thursdays London closing price of 8447 US cents The Quebec provincial government has announced blue print for political sovereignty and economic assoCiation with the rest of anada Judge makes legal history HIlLrASl llteuteri judge in Northern lrelaiid made Hritish legal history Thursday when he ruled that an unhorii child is person Judge ltoberl liabiiigton awarded damages of $8800 to child now three years old who was born with bullet fragments in her back The judge said am satisfied that in this jurisdiction an unborn child has the right to sue for damages when born tatlierine rIlIIt Gilmore was born by caesarcan section after her mother was taken to hospital with gunshot wounds to the abdomen Fragments of nbullet allegedly fired by an Irish guerrilla were found next to her spinal column and despite three oper at ions she still carries minute fragments Warned about civil war risk SAN SALVADOR IAli tul Salvadors new ruling junta hit by wave of political violence that has taken 72 lives since it came to power lit days ago appealed to the public to accept the new government or risk civil war There are to roads to resolve our problems junta leader ol Adolfo Arnoldo Majano said in television ad dress to tlic entral American nation lliuisday The road to violence and civil war that extreme rightand leftwing minorities want to force us into tori regime of par ticipatioii and true social change urged by the armed forr ces Zimbabwe blast injures I2 SALlSlilltY ilteiiteii An explosion ripped through wool shop Ill Zimbabwe lthodcsias castcrn border city of Initali today injuring l2 persons two of them severely military spokesman said film en of the victims were women The blast blew out the froiil of the shop in Main Street Witnesses believed II was caused by bomb OFL brief response guarded lOltt NIO itli Ontario government officials gave guarded response on Ihursday to the annual brief of the On lario Federation of Labor which calls for thc outlawing of tiikcbrcaking tlifl lilkey president of the Ontario Federation of Labor told reporters after the tcdcrations presentation of the brief that gov crmnciit oft icials promised to take serious look at the federatioiis iccommciidations without elaborating which ones would be considered Thousands applying for grants Olli itli Faced with threats of skyrocketing energy costs anadians by the tctis of thousands arc flocking to apply for federal insulation grants for older homes Elmer Mackay minister responsible for housing said lliursilay the ianadian liomc Insulation lrogiain started by the previous Liberal government had slow start btit now is attracting increasing interest The government expected to pay Sloo million in grants this year alone Stanfield travels cost $350000 TIAWA Pi price tag of 8350000 OI travels by Ambassadoratlargc Robert Stanfield that led to reversal of promise to move the aiiadian embassy to Jerusalem from Tel In written statement tabled in the Commons on Thur sday Prime Minister tlark said he estimates the cost of transportation commuiiications professional services and producing Staiificlds report will total $300000 On top of that Staiificlds salary for one year since July I2 ranges between $483th and 503500 the statement said Advises on gasoline prices TORONTO itPI tanadians shouldnt complain if they have to pay Iti per cent more for gasoline Finance Minister John tiosbic said Thursday But he said this will not necessarily happen Its just figure that has been discussed he told news conference Earlier the federal minister told an audience of 1200 at the Empire tlub the price of oil must be moved up to world levels as soon as possible and government energy subsidies arc already too high The government has put minimum Striking Quebec provincial civil servants try to force their way into the national assembly buildings in Quebec City Thursday after suc Advised aboutcar chases TORONTO ICPi ntarii SolicitorGeneral Roy Me Murtry says all provincial police forces have been told that public safety is more important than catching criminals McMurtry told the legislature he is satisfied with existing guidelines He was responding to questions about 21 Burlington Ont youth killed Wednesday when the car in which hc was passenger collided with police car McMurtry said provincial po lice commissions set general guidelines in1976 telling offi cers they should not engage in car chases unless they are con vinced serious offence has oc curcd and there is no danger to the public But Opposition Leader Stuart Smith expressed anger at what he said was lack of guidelines Paul Jewell to was killed ncar Smiths home Halton Regional police said cruiser was clocking car thought to be speeding but no chase was involved Another car came between the cruiser and the car it was following at an intersectinm The minister said outside the house police do not have blan ket immunity and charges can be laid if they speed disobey traffic lights or run stop signs He said he is satisfied all po licc forces have guidelines and he doubts the rules can be im proved The police commission monitors the situation but has found nothing to indicate changes are needed McMurtry said he will release statistics soon on the number of people injured and killed in police chases Smith suggested there be an inquest any time someone is killed during police pursuit Inspectors out on bail TORONTO CPI Ontarios two top liquor inspectors were released Thursday on $10000 bail each after preliminary hearing on charges of bribery within the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario Inspections chief Robert Lamb of Toronto is charged with three counts of breach of trust and two counts of accept ing benefits John Edward Lawrence 59 also of Toronto manager of LLBO regional inspectors is charged with breach of mist and accepting benefits The men will appear before Judge Thomas Mercer Dec it to set date for trial Provincial police conducted Iimontli investigation after an Ottawa tavern owner com plained about alleged payoff demands Too much information TORONTO itl tliiltl cl larc agcncics and treatment programs collect too much dc tailed personal information about children and their Lillll lics without questioning tlic need for II report by study group of thc Ontario ministry at communin and social scrviccs slits The report says igcncics also fail to ILllIOlttigt tlic spccii litic nature oi much material that is entered into the record by distinguishing botwceii fact clinical iudgincnt and con iccturc In making recoiiiiiicndations about gowriimg tlic collection uid disclosure ol sciisitin per sonal iiiIoriiiatioii the report says information rcstwcting iii iividuals should be kcpt to minimum and that ptlsoIHl llllllF sltoltlii bt Is Icvtssiltli to children and thcir Iiiil It suggests that personal in formation by anyone other litl the subictt should bc prohibitnt ccpt lich it can assist in ht treatment or protection of tlic indiv iduil or socicty cs ATTENTION VETERANS ExService Men and Women and Dependents The Royal Canadian Legion SERVICE BUREAU OFFICER MR GORDON ALGUIRE will be visiting Brunch No I47 Barrie 410 St Vincent St Barrie Ont NOV 1379 at 930 can Anyone wishing information advice or assistance regarding pensions etc is welcome to attend at the above address Chase ends at Orillia ORILLIA Ont iCPi Pro vincial police charged three Richmond Hill Ont men will possession of stolen property after carchase along High way 11 today Police said an officer saw vehicle reported stolen from the Richmond Hill area trav elling south of Orillia on High way It Police pursued the car to an area about 10 kilometres Now OPN The Frog Prince Store for Children 205 Dunlap Street East Barrie Telephone 7372001 north of Orillia where it was 14322 abandoned ï¬ne toys books records 16 Officers searched the area msuppï¬esstutionery Friday and arrested three men 109 Charged are Mark Dames 21 Wayne Long 18 and Paul Ken SAVE UP TO 130 OF YOUR HEATING COSTS BY REUSING THE HOT AIR TRAPPED AT THE CEILING Trying to force way into assembly cessfufly invading planned meeting on sovereigntyassociation Holding them back are provincial policemen CP Laserphpoto All Metal Construction Heavy Duty Motor BUY now Er SAVE Reg $17200 3vYear Guarantee STANLEY Garage Door INDUSTRIAL 56 CEILING FANS DELIVERY EXTRA SPECIAL EA AS WIS While Supplies Last FS¢T Included Extra Variable Speed Control Extra SL1 00 ALSO AVAILABLE 3640848Sizes Wood Metal Bladed Models Antique Bronze Copper Brass White Brown Easy Do It Yourself Installation FOR OFFICES FACTORIES WAREHOUSES COTTAGES CHALETS CHURCHES HOMES ETC SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION THE FAN FACTORY FANCO ENERGY CONTROL 7385 TORBRAM RD UNIT NO 13 MISSISSAUGA ONTARIO nouns MONTHURS95 FRIDAY95569 SATURDAY 103 Telephone Opener Radio controlled push button con venience Opens closes and locks your garage door and is equipped with automatic safety reverse mechanism and courtesy light Easy to install because its prewired Just plug it in Canadian made for Canadian climate Price includes 30 ft range dual radio hand control Reg 24750 ASSOCIATE STORE 48 ANNE ST BARRIE 7282496 VIAS NEW WESTERN SERVICE IS NOW IN EFFECT When youre the train take note of thcsc offscason changes Sioux Lookout Edmonton Saskatoon Caprcol Bus connections Vancouver Winnipeg Sudburi Montreal North Bay Ottawa Rcfcrcnce map ofscrvices described below VIA intermediate stops not shown Regina Thunder Bay Toronto car as it is switched to this train Coach and Dayniter passengers transfer from one train to the other All other passengers destined to points on the southern route via Regina and Calgary to Vancouver continue their journey on the same train sleeping car is switched ensuring through service for these passengers Westbound Transcontinental VIAs Transcontinental service is provided by two daily trains the Canadian and the Super Continental Each is fullyequipped with accom modations which include spacious bedrooms comfortable roomettes and economical berths lounges and living rooms dining cars and cafes The Canadian originates in Montreal the Super Continental in Toronto The two trains join at Sudbury and travel to Winnipeg via Thunder Bay In Winnipeg the Super Continen tal is made up again for passengers destined to points on the north route through Saskatoon and Edmonton Sleeping car passengers enjoy through service and remain in their Northern Ontario Service Fullservice trains provide 8dayaweek service fdaily except Tuesday between Capreol and Winnipeg in both directions Bus ser vice is provided between Capreol and Sudbury each way for passengers travelling to or from points east or south of Capreol Connections are Eastbound Transcontinental Two trains leave daily from Vancouvers CN station and follow their separate routes north and south made in Winnipeg for passengers to Winnipeg The through train to travelling to or from points further MontrealToronto travels via Banff west Calgary and Regina on the south line For full details of fares available Super Continental coach and accommodations and timely connec Dayniter passengers on the north tions to other VIA destinations across route destined to points east of Canada including the Maritimes Winnipeg change trains in this city call your Travel Agent or VIA Be good to yoursclf take thc train VIII