Titauction solos 7719931 79IUCYIOI1 SIIOS THuctlon alas the oxmlnor Friday Nov ton 11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All claims against the Estate of ELSIE GEORGINA RAIKES late of the Township of Ora in the Gaunty of Simcoo who died an or ob0ut the 26th day of March 1979 must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of Navomber 1979 after which date the Estate will distribute the assets having regard only to the claims then filed DATED at Barrie Ontario this 12th day of October 1979 STEWART ESTEN Solicitors for the Executors INCollier Street BARRIE Ontario O2026N2 7Btenders as ALLEN HORNEH Auction Sewice BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY Farm OHousohoId Antiques °Approisals RR No2 BRADFORD ONT Phone 4167753659 or 7054584589 Fl EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 78tenaers Oqvaiaw SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Sealed bids will be received until 00 pm Friday November 9th 1979 on the form provided for the purchase of the following surplus equipment 1967 Chev tan with cu yd Brantford Sander 1973 Dodge ton with dump body 1973 Ford tan with dump body 1957 Vibrapack Roller Cement Mixer gas powered Tire 235 2516 ply Tagalong Sanders cu yd Vplow 19 Sailboat 30 Truck Cap for pickup box 197OGMC ton pick up 1973 Dodge Van Funk oneway Snowplows 1974 Jeep pick up with snowplow 1971 International tan with dump body TERMS AND CONDITIONS Items may be iispected at the City of Some Operations Centre 165 Ferndale Drive Barrie Ontario between the hours of 900 am and 41 Monday to Friday Further information and tender forms may be obtained from the Equipment Supervisor Mr Willy Pino deposit of $100 00 or full payment in the amount of the bid whichever is less must be submitted With the tender in cash certified cheque money order or bank draft made payable to the City of Barrie Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted Neil Fox CET Public Works Superintendent 1079 7taiiction sales OSIN2 Illauction sales Graham Allen SCL57 Prim it Jliiiir llIlffl All Pill AJC 7265055 Barrie Ontario 7372491 Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday November 10 am sharp FOR THE MUFFLER STOP SHOP 180 INNISFIL ST BARRIE According to the provisions of the LANDLORDS and TENANT ACT and the PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITY ACT have been instructed to sell the complete contents of The Muffler Stop Shop ramp style air hoist Blue Boy pipe bender Arc Welder DeVilbiss compressor office equipment sets of acetylene gauges and torches grinder vise hand tools related to service stations and garages large quantity of exhaust pipes tailpipes cross over pipes large quantity of shocks and mufflers large assortment of new brake drums and parts Many items too numerous to list Neither the auctioneer or the landlord will be responsible for accident or property loss day of sale Inclusion 1974 Dodge Duster 318 V8 air conditioning bucket seats etc TERMS OF SALE Cosh preferred Cheques will be accepted with proper identification We reserve the right to refuse your cheque Buyers coming from any distance kindly have letter of recommendation from your bank 02631 CHER COL Wm Qualified Recognized Authority AUCTION EER APPRAISER PIFHER AUCTION SERVICE LTD 7264841 KNOWN FOR SERVICE AND EXPERIENCE SATURDAY NOV 3rd at 1030 am for MRS WILFRED WARDEN 22 Wellington St Creemore Ont Sale of all house fur nishings modern antique electrical appliances bedding tools etc Partial list includes bedroom living room and kitchen suites RCA color console TV pictures frames beautiful Victorian love seat gate leg table brass fireplace utensils antique clock parlor table blanket box chrome chairs writing desk lamps china cabinet several plants Appliances new Kenmore automatic washer auto dryer new avocado 24 HD stove dishes china glassware Christmas decorations vacuum cleaner new TV antenna head 2000 lb scales power lawn mower garden hand tools plus many more articles too numerous to list Terms cash Lunch Home sold FARM MACHINERY AUCTION SALE MONDAY NOVEMBER 5th at pm sharp for the Toronto Dominion Bank Sale being held under section 88 of the Bank Act former property of Mr Bruce Kidd RR No Lisle Sale will be held at Somerville Farm Equipment Ltd Hwy 26 Stayner Ont Sale of all practically new corn equipment farm machinery and truck inc Behlen model No 380 corn dryer ser No 10070 John Deere tractor 2130 and loader only 900 hrs Int row corn planter No 57 plate type adiustable ser No 4871 Calsa corn sprayer ser No 802110 model No 6830F Turnco grain bin ser No 3955 model Na 225m277 Gilmore Tatge 51 auger ser No 77012 model No 8040854E Tote fertilizer spreader ton ser No 682 trail type Gilmore Tatge 846 auger ser No 10070 model No 380 with hp motor 20 stationary auger with electric motor Truck Dodge Fargo stake truck with large water tank and portable pump Terms cash day of sale Nothing to be removed until settled for in full Also consigned to this sale will be Int Na 47 baler paper No 350 2row harvester and pickup IH 1raw corn picker Bowman forage box with roof farm hand forage box with root Continental 3PTH field sprayer New Holland 10 ft swather with conditioner Plus many other items too numerous to list WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 7th at 1230 noon sharp for the Estate of SUSANNA DERBY Lot 24 Can Sunnidale Twp in the Village of Brentwood Sale of all antique furnishings inc dressers washstands round oak dining table pictures frames antique Bell organ stool chairs beds oval glass china cabinet appliances inc chest freezer fridge Plus storeroom full of antiques furniture collectibles Terms cash ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10th at 1030 am sharp for the Estate of the late REG EGGINTON 146 32nd St Wasaga Beach Ont Turn off Mosley St and follow auction arrows Sale of all house furnishings full line of molar and small appliances large quantity of glassware china bedding linens large quantity of handymans carpenters electrical and garden tools and 1968 Chev Impala car Partial list includes McClary chest freezer new Kenmore white refrigerator 30 HD coppertone stove pce black oak dining room suite excellent large walnut stereo piece brocade Chesterfield suite full line of family room furnishings platform swivel rockers records including 78s several chests dressers washstands press back rocker excellent piece scatter rugs mats pictures frames TVs antique cast iron Franklin type stove Findlay wood burning stove kitchen suites floor table lamps coffee end lamp night tables sealers fur coats books parlor tables lawn furniture captains chair bureau writing desk bicycle Tools motors emery wheelbarrow pipe vise power lawnmower ladders alum wooden doors Garden shed approx 12 space heater Collectibles including oil lamps brass 1878 bell coca cola tray ironstone Pepsi clock coal scuttle Car 1968 Chev Impala door cyl automatic 60000 original miles in good condition to be sold as is Plus many more articles too numerous to list AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY NOV 14th at 12 noon for MRS BETTY CASKENETTE at Black Bank Ont 1z miles east of Honeywood or miles SW of Creemore Ont Sale of house furnishings antique modern including Renfrew cook stove box stove Quebec heater trunks decorative iron beds dressers chests washstands antique wooden beds sewing machine living room suites electrical appliances electrical supplies geese rabbit cages dishes china glassware bedding linens garden hand tools etc plus room full of antique furnishings and collectibles etc Terms cash property sold LARGE ESTATE CENTURY FARM AUCTION SALE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17th at 1030 am sharp for the Estate of CLARENCE COULTER ot Lot Can Essa Twp km east of Allistan on Hwy 89 and km north Sale of older farm machinery including 31ractars Ford 8N AC WD Farmall 706 diesel NH No 68 PTO baler full line of older cultivation haying equipment many collectibles including gas engine Imperial Oil antique gas pump etc Entire antique contents of farm home including large dinner bell pine cupboards harvest tables Findlay Oval cook stove captain pressback plank bottom rocking chairs gramophone brass iron beds washstands dressers sideboard cream cans dishes china cracks etc etc Feed Seed Large quantity of mixed clover seed 4500 bales choice mixed hay 1300 bales of wheat mixed straw 1960 GMC truck etc etc Terms cash Lunch Having an Auction Book your auction well in advance with the auctioneer who know the value and the buyers Noiv booking sales for spring and FARM slurs FURNITURE ESTATESANTIQUES 726404 REAL ESTATE SEILING SUCCESSFUL SALES SINCE 19S7 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10 at 12 noon for the Estate of the late MRS JOS MAW at 21 HURON ST in Minesmg REAL ESTATE Attractive bedroom brick veneer home living room kitchen dining room 4pc both full basement All in excellent repair Terms 10° of purchase price day of sale balance on closing or 60 days Home will sell subject to reserve bid Complete furniture cutlery tools etc electrical appliances all in excellent condition Watch for full inventory on November bedding dishes N2 ITOpublic notices 80public notices barsvalor or T001216 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF By law Nuinbei79153 of The Corporation of the City of Some to close Port of the ioad allowance known as Hort Diive situate upon Part of Lot 24 Concession in the Township of Vespra now in the City of Barrie in the County of Sinicoe designated as Part on Reference Plan Number 51R 9034 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Some will after the publication of this Notice at least once week for four successive weeks 11 The Eaininer at its regular meeting to be held at the Council Chambers at the City Hall Barrie Ontario at the hour of seven OCIOxk in the afternoon on the 26th day of November 1979 consider and if deemed expedient pass Bylaw Number 79 153 to close and stop up and convey Port of the road allowance known as Hart Di me being Part of Lot 24 Concession in the Township of espra now in the City of Some in the County of Simcoe more particularly designated as Part on Reference Plan Number 51R 9034 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claims that his land will be preludicially affected by the said byIaw and who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Cauncil of The CorpOration of the City of Barrie either in person Or by his Counsel Solicitor or Agent THIS NOTICE was first published on the 20th day of October 1979 THE CORPORAUON OF THE CIT OF BARRIE by its sclicvois 501$ SEAGRAV ROWE ISOvsetSieet Bane Ontauo ANY PERSON inteieSted may see Plan of that part of the road proposed to be closed in the office of the City Clerk City Hall 84 Collier Street Barrie Ontario dcivng regular office hours 026 N2 16 SUIllllet 1980 SCL No HOUSEHOLD ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE SAT NOV 1079 at 1100 am for the executors of the late MRS MAE HALBERT ESTATE Newton Robinson with inclusions Sale to be held at the Allene Farm Country Auction Centre west from Bradford on Hwy No 88 to sideroad north to sale Sale arrows on Hwy No88 27 day of sale Sale of home furnishings antique old furniture glass china articles etc Appliances includes pc walnut dining room Suite pc bedroom suite love seat pressed back chairs chest of drawers dressers washstands wicker armchair rocking chairs in clusicn of good electric lamps brass trimmed pc of brass copper hall trees large pine wardrobe Quebec heater good cond useful items for the homemaker or antique en thusiast with treasures from the storeroom We will offer at 10 am an inclusion from Western Tire Store of Bradford consisting of sports equipment motor vehicle accessories shocks rims etc Come browse Terms Cosh cheques with 10 Nothing to be removed until settled for ALLEN HORNER Auctioneer SCL No87054584589 N2MP BOY REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies hawever otherwise TE EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 NIMP WHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 SECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $600 minimum 40 words additional words 11 cents per word Births $600 In Meinoriam no verse $600 Verse per count line extra 23 cents Com is ing Events fitbirths nonES Trevor and Susan nee Roagmani are pleased to announce the sate arrval of their daughter Catherine Ruth born Tuesday October 73 1979 at Royal Victoria HosDital Barrie weighing lbs oz Proud grand parents are Mr and Mrs Roaaman Minesing and Mr and Mrs Lawn Norwich England Mondays Child is lair at face Tuesdays Child istuil of grace Wednesdays Child is full at woe Tnursaays Child has tar to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Cnila works tiara for its living And child that is born on the San oath Day 15 air and wise and good and gay Children nearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep tnis and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other Vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate tor an Examiner Birth Notice is only so 00 PHONE 728 7414 GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth at your child in The Ex amner clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those tar away places Place an announcement alter birth Call The Examiner Classified 728 7414 BJengagements LAWS NURMI Mr and Mrr Laws are pleased to announce the for tncoming marriage of their daughter JUthh Arm to Seppo Risto Nurmi son of Mrs Ania Nurmi and the latc Olaw Nur mi at Toronto The wedding will take place Saturday November at oclock at St GilesChurcn 85deaths CAMPBELL Robert Bob At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Wednesday October 31 1979 Robert Baal Campbell in his 67th year beloved husband of Florence McArthur Dear lather of Myrna Mrs Dan Juneau Sandra Mrs Murray St onge Gary and Wayne Grandfather of Murray Dean and Christopher Juneau Loving son of George Campbell and the late May Campbell brother at Grace Mrs Reg Reed Angus Campbell and Ruth Mrs Bob Howard predeceased by brothers Ernest and Gordon Friends may call at SteckIcy Funeral Home 30 Wgrsley St Barrie after Thurs day Service in the chapel on Saturday November at 30 interment at Guthrie Cemetery It so desired memorial donations may be made to the Raya Victoria Hospital Auxiliary Rememberance Fund or any favorite chairty CHANNEN Eleanor Victoria Nell at the Royal Victoria Hospital Rome on Thursday November Isl 1979 EleanOr Victoria Channen Nell dear sister ot the latr Harold Robert Channen Ed ward Charlis Channiin and Rev Albert rirrtnn Ctinnnrn Resting at lftf Jennett FUrtrral Home 157 Bradford St Barrie visitation ram Friday at Service in thr rhapol on Saturday November 3rd at 11 interment Barrie Union Cemetery FUNNELL Edith May At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday 0c taber 30 1979 Edith May Mowbray beloved wife of Charles Arthur Funnell in her 68th year Dear mother of Doug and Marlene grandmother at Lori Sister of Charles Mowbray at Barrie irene Sippel at Taverstock and Jean nette Hiles ol Strattord Friends may call at Stecktey Funeral Home 30 Worsiey st Barrie alter Thurs day Service in the chapel on Saturday November at 11 interment Barrie Union Cemetery HOWEV Harley At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Wednesday October 31 1979 Harley Howey in his 76m yriar beloved husband of Prairie Crawford Dear tatner aiLyall ot Len don Harold and Dick of Barrie Don at Oriliia Jack and Bruce ol Edmonton Sharron Mrs Handy at Barrie and Edith Mrs Ayottvi of Mississauga Stepfather oi Bernice Mrs Coliis oi Sudbury Reta Mrs Cripps at Barrie and Norman Clark of Oro Station Sur Vivea also by 30 grandchildren great grandchildren sisters Fern Gantan at and Nellie Gravolle of Scotland On tario Preaeccasedby one brother Jack Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after at Saturday SerVicc in the chapel an Monday November at Inter merit Barrie Union Cemetery Combined scrwcv with 100 Rebekah Ledge and cantons Will be held on Sunday at 30 It so dESllLd memorial dona tions may he made to Canadian Cancer Society MCGEE Frances irma Assistant Director at Nursing Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto At the Toronto General Hospital Wednesday October 31 1979 in her 56th year Frances McGee of 73 Balsam Avenue Toronto and 215 Crawford Street Barrie beloved sister of James McGee at Home Mrs Lusk Vi and Mrs Milks Ev of Zaprool Loving aunt of Sue Sherry Vicki Jerry Garry Marcia Brian and Eric Born and educated in Capreol graduated as from the East General Hospital Toronto in 1947 Life long career nursrnq Fran has donated her body to medical research The tami ly request memorial donations to the charity of your chaico PERRY Sarathne AttheRoyalVic toria Hospital Barrie on Thursday November 1969 Sarah Jane Perry in her 38th year beloved wife of the latc Russell Perry Loving mother of Gordan Perry Viola Perry James Perry and the late Clayton Perry Dear grand mother 01 Clayton Perry and Murray Perry Great grandmother of Craig Perry and Debbie Beatrice ASYthgf and the late Barbara Sampson katnerine Cruise Ella Williams Gladys Wilson Jack Kissock and Andrew Kissmk Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 15 Bradford Street Barrio Visitation ram Friday at pm Scrwce in the chapel on Saturday November at rn Interment Guthric United Church Cemetery 86card of thanks POTTS For the kindness shown dur ing my stay in 3A at Royal Victoria Hospital My heartfelt thanks to Dr Porter Dr Beaton Di Turnbull the nurses my wonderful neighbours and friends Marie Potts TAYLOR The family of the late Olive Taylor wish to thank Dr Vanvnlkin burgh Mrs Slesser the Helen Shannon wmg 6th floor nurses and 7th laor nurses tor their care and concern during her hospital stay Thefamily 87in memoriams LEIGH Edgar in loving memory or our dear husband father and grand father who passed away Nov 1978 Sadly missed along Iiies war Quietly rememoered every day No longer in our life to share But in our hearts hes always lhfTE Ever remembered by wile Mercy and family PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher Instruction in Piano and Theory Also tutoring in French Latin and other school subjects 91 Ross St Barrie ROSE ROSE Outer Accountant Samuel RoseCA Trustee in Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 7285775 JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Piano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto All grades and ARCT Studio 27 Bradford St 7284718 POWELL JONES C0 General Accountants 24 Dunlop St East Barrie Ontario Tele hone 7287461 43 per column inch 8110 Layouts Exhibits Sales Clinics Raffles IARRIE ARMOURY Sat Nov noonI pm Sun Nov noonS pm Admission at door ono LIONS ciiiii ANNUAL TURKEY SHOOT Date November 17 I979 Tiino10 am pm Place OBriens Sports and Marine Oro Line and Strong Bay Road Women Welcome O27N2391016 BEAVER REBERAH LODGE OIRISTMAS BAZAAR TEA 00F Noll Farris Lane Barrio WEDNESDAY NOV 1979 pm 75 each Home baking fancywork etc 031 N235 mm LASSES for UNWED MOTHERS To register please phone SIMCOE COUNTY DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT 7269300 Ext 236 WFTF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $600 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $600 Additional words 11 cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 56 00 Addh tional words 11 cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 With verse per count line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS $343 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word minimum Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions 10c per word insertion Three consecutive in sertions cents per word insertion total $684 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word per insertion total 51296 Multiple inser tions may be ordered sublect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first inser tian in order that any error or omission may be reported before in order that same may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to clusSIfy revise or elect any want PHONE 7282414 by Mrs Sawyer 7753666 Gilforrl Womens Institute met in Gilfrirrl iimmunitv Hull on Tuesday October lttlh with good attendance In recognition of the International Year of the Child the Giliiird Womens 1n slitute featured local young people at their meeting Reading the Lniled Nations Declaration of the flights 0f the Child were Hnvl Wrymun Lurla Thompson and Ruth Sawyer Showing their training and accomplishments in the fields of Music Puhlir Speak mg 411 luhs homemaking and agricultural were Terry Thompson Steven Kansa Iainor Brian Kell Karon Dunkloy Noreen Hughes Denise Hughes The Girl Guides Brownies Cubs and Boy Scout movements were desrrilwrl by Anne Drvhrough Maureen Dryhrriiigh Stephrn Kell and Robert Kcll Wood working and molzil craft items made by Leslie 00 Joe Dawes Bonnie Davis and Glen Atkins were displayed The spech guests at the meeting were members of TecWeGw ill Institute Gillords sister branch President Sandra Kell conducted thr liusiness part of the mtcllllï¬ Alex Davis gave Hall repiirl President Alex Davies lLLOlI it Federated Institute pin pinned on by the President Al the close of the meeting light lunch was serv ed by the committee and it sacral lime enjoyed The Gilfrird communitv gau Jo Anne Kcll it miscellaneous SITTIIALI in mi lhurch llnll ttll ltctulwr lrd will guild Lillfll danci Jrij Anni thanked frlnf frir lllt useful Ellis and llllltfl itll to attend it lriiusscziu ton on krl lillh when her nllllhtl xi us entertain ITTE for her pubic Aiding wounded comrade Comrades help young man wounded in the stomach leave plaza in La Paz Bolivia Thursday after soldiers opened fire on people opposing military coup The countrys first constitutional government in decade was toppled by the rebellionthe latest of nearly 200 coups in the last 154 years AP Photo guthrié by Mrs Campbell 4873201 Mr and Mrs M01 Jamiesor and Mr and Mrs Norman Campbell have returned from three week motor trip to Moose Jaw Sask Mr and Mrs Harold Caldwell enjoyed four week motor trip to Dawson City Enroute they visited Mrs Caldwells brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Art Philip chuk at Lymburn Alla and were guests at the wedding of their niece Jane Philipchuk Mr and Mrs Keith Sanderson spent last weekend visiting friends in Lindsay and Oshawa Mr and Mrs Percy Caswell formerly Mrs Eleanor Mort son who spent the summer in Wolsoley Sask are back to Ms aswells home here in Guthrie Welcome back to Eleanor and also to husband Percy am glad to report that Mor ris McArthur who was pa tient in Royal Victoria Hospital is home again Guthrie seems to be plagued with injuries Bob Campbell fell while picking apples last week and sustained extensive injuries Mrs Florence Stod dart lifelong resident of Guthrie and now resident of the ddfellows Home had the misfortune to fall and break her hip Deepest sympathy is extend ed to Mrs Laurence Fraser in the death of her sister Mrs Gordon Jory of Dalston Mrs Jory suffered severe corriniirv attack and although taken to hospital in Toronto on Oct 16 passes away on Oct 19 BAPTISMAISERVIE On Sunday October 14 Rev Etta Snow conducted 21 very special service in the United Church when four children INTERIOR EXTERIOR White Value Latex Paint lilllll valu INTERIOR IEXTERIOR Latex White were received into membership in the church by the sacrament of baptism The children were Emily Isabel Daughter of Mr and Mrs ftoliorl Campbell Robert Garry son of Mr and Mrs Garry Sanderson Kallio Elizabeth Jane and Bryn Eliza daughters of Dr and Mrs Gerald Honeywood Mrs arolyn nmphell had her membership transferred from St Andrews Presbyterian Church Hillsdzile to Guthrie Unin Rev Snows sermon Whats in Nanio was most appropriate The choir sang two selections The Hebrew Benediction and Jesus Son of Blessed Mary Each couple having children baptized were presented with red rose Miss Cathy Walker of Toronto spent the weekend with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Mason Al Board has sold his gift shop formerly Fergusons Treslm and has moved to rillizi ASSOCIATE STORE 7282496